Let's say Bryan DOES win the Rumble


The hardcore casual fan
Okay, I'm going to throw out a hypothetical but serious question to all you Daniel Bryan marks. Let me start by saying that while I'm not a huge fan of Bryan, as I am about to demonstrate, there is something about him that people seem to gravitate to, and the storyline he was in last year with The Authority, while at times borderline ridiculous, was one of the best build-ups and payoffs in recent history.

Yes, we didn't get a whole lot of mileage out of his title run, which sucks. Yes, it would be nice to see him do it all over again. Yes, he's better qualified than most to get another title shot. No arguments here. The question I have is: Why, given his last reign was a bust and he's been out for so long, should he be able to bypass everyone else and get the title shot at WrestleMania again? And what would you say or do if he were to win and go out with yet another almost career-ending injury? Would you AGAIN try and argue that Bryan deserves another chance to headline another WrestleMania? If you were in WWE's place, would YOU give Bryan another shot so soon after coming back, not knowing if he would be able to carry the company the way you want him to? Not knowing if he would go out with another injury and force you into something like giving another reign to Cena or Orton, knowing that fans are burned out on them? Or give it to someone else who isn't ready, thus hurting your company even further?

Look, all I'm saying is while I'm glad Bryan's back, I don't see why he should be given another chance so soon after being gone for close to a year and leaving the WWE with an almost no-win situation, regardless of whether or not it was his fault. I've heard stories that he's been injured for a while prior to winning the title. So why didn't he take time off then? Look, again, I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just not sure I understand why he should get another chance. Ziggler was really hot coming off his World title win. He got a concussion, was only gone for a couple of months or so, and he hasn't been anywhere near a title shot since. So why do you guys think Bryan deserves that chance? Forget the argument of "Who else is it going to be?". Just answer, if you can, why it should be Bryan.
I'm not the guy to provide the right answer for you, as I'm not exactly pulling for a Bryan win, but one of your points put my views into a different perspective. When you brought up Ziggler's World Title reign when he was hot, and how the two concussions put him right at the back of the line, it reminded me how sorry I felt and still feel for him that the greatest moment in this guy's career was taken from him and never given back. I still hope that one day he's given a legitimate run with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and a lot of that is based on that injury taking away his best achievement in the WWE so far. Realizing that made me understand why Daniel Bryan fans want their guy to be given what he deserves in their eyes, and for that reason I know why they see it's probably worth the risk of injury and him bypassing others to have the spot.
I don't think DB should win and I don't want him to win. Winning for him would be a payoff to little build at this point.

That being said, wrestlers don't deserve anything unless they can draw. Whether they work 300 or three nights a year doesn't matter. Drawing is pretty much all that matters. If Bryan in the main event of Mania again is WWE's beat way of making the most money than he deserves the spot. If not, it should go to someone else.

Plain and simple.
From a purely business perspective, I think GSB is right. We always hear some posters say that this guy deserves this spot or that guy deserves a push, but the word "deserve" is a loaded word when it comes right down to the bottom line and that bottom line is money.

Right now, there's talk that CM Punk's MMA debut will come about the middle of 2015. The only reason why Dana White signed CM Punk to the UFC is because of money. Punk's been a hot topic of discussion for about a year now and he's counting on fans wanting to see Punk do well as a means of selling whatever ppv he first appears. He's also counting on fans who wanna see Punk get his ass handed to him as a means of selling whatever ppv he first appears. Does CM Punk deserve to co-main event a major UFC ppv? In the minds of MMA purists, absolutely not because CM Punk has zero MMA experience and hasn't paid any dues. In the minds of MMA fighters, insiders & promoters with a savvy business sense, yes he does because he's gonna help bring in a lot of money.

In WWE, it's really the same thing. WWE's a business and making money is the main objective of a business, or at least it should be. Daniel Bryan helped draw a good number of ppv buys and subscriptions to WWE Network for WrestleMania XXX, his segments and/or matches are usually the most watched portion of Raw or SmackDown!, he's been one of the top merchandise sellers in WWE for about 1.5 years now, he's getting his own DVD compilation from WWE set to be released later on this year. Bottom line is that Daniel Bryan makes a lot of money for WWE, he's frequently an interview subject for big newspapers like USA Today & The Miami Herald, Bryan's Yes chant has become something of a pop culture phenomenon that's sweeping through a broad range of legitimate sports.

As a fan, I'd personally like to see Bryan main event WrestleMania again. However, if he wasn't a draw for WWE, I'd completely understand if he wasn't. As of right now, Bryan's a better pro wrestler than Roman Reigns, he makes more money for WWE than Roman Reigns, his segments & matches are a bigger TV draw than Roman Reigns. Whether you look at it from a standpoint of a fan or from the standpoint of business, Bryan brings FAR more to the table than Roman Reigns currently does.
Okay, I'm going to throw out a hypothetical but serious question to all you Daniel Bryan marks. Let me start by saying that while I'm not a huge fan of Bryan, as I am about to demonstrate, there is something about him that people seem to gravitate to, and the storyline he was in last year with The Authority, while at times borderline ridiculous, was one of the best build-ups and payoffs in recent history.

Yes, we didn't get a whole lot of mileage out of his title run, which sucks. Yes, it would be nice to see him do it all over again. Yes, he's better qualified than most to get another title shot. No arguments here. The question I have is: Why, given his last reign was a bust and he's been out for so long, should he be able to bypass everyone else and get the title shot at WrestleMania again? And what would you say or do if he were to win and go out with yet another almost career-ending injury? Would you AGAIN try and argue that Bryan deserves another chance to headline another WrestleMania? If you were in WWE's place, would YOU give Bryan another shot so soon after coming back, not knowing if he would be able to carry the company the way you want him to? Not knowing if he would go out with another injury and force you into something like giving another reign to Cena or Orton, knowing that fans are burned out on them? Or give it to someone else who isn't ready, thus hurting your company even further?

Look, all I'm saying is while I'm glad Bryan's back, I don't see why he should be given another chance so soon after being gone for close to a year and leaving the WWE with an almost no-win situation, regardless of whether or not it was his fault. I've heard stories that he's been injured for a while prior to winning the title. So why didn't he take time off then? Look, again, I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just not sure I understand why he should get another chance. Ziggler was really hot coming off his World title win. He got a concussion, was only gone for a couple of months or so, and he hasn't been anywhere near a title shot since. So why do you guys think Bryan deserves that chance? Forget the argument of "Who else is it going to be?". Just answer, if you can, why it should be Bryan.

Well your entire argument seems to rely on the idea that someone who just came back from injury shouldn't win the rumble and "pick off right from where they left off". That's just how WWE works..... HHH did it on 02, Cena in 08, Edge in 10, Batista (sort of ) last year. All those stars went out with career threatening injuries and after months they came back and resumed their work on top of the mountain.

Apart from that, Bryan is the best wrestler in the company (at least top3?), is the most over person in the roster, his storyline is soooo easy that it writes itself ( one guys standing up against a beast / Authority keeping him down). No one is else is really ready to main event WM ( not reigns, not ziggler, not ambrose, not BNB although they are getting ready)

Finally, yes he had a very major injury but except a few in the history of the business...... Who hasn't? If you didnt let formerly injured wrestlers back on top after big injuries what? Stone cold is done after 97? HHH is done after 02? Ric Flair is done after he broke his back? John Cena is done after his many surgeries??

If you don't like Bryan or don't want him to win or want someone else to win thats fine. But if you don't want him to win the rumble because risk of injury that's just silly.
I think all your points are totally legit OP.
The main reason I think they HAVE to give Bryan this chance is basically BECAUSE of all the things people are nervous about. Re-injury? Squashing other guys? Etc.

Hypothetically say he does get re-injured shortly after a Rumble win (and tapping Lesnar out)? At least they milked ANOTHER epic Wrestlemania moment out of a guy who is clearly not gonna have a very long career. Two years straight headlining Mania will put him in the record books and he deserves it for pure hard work and being the only guy who has been able to get over with the fans since early John Cena.

Squashing other guys? You do that anyways by elevating someone over a superstar who the fans are clamoring for. Unless you're gonna turn Reigns heel or have a major heel win the Rumble and Cena take the belt then it makes no sense anyways. AKA it just doesn't make sense to push a young shield member or Bray or even Ziggler over Bryan without having them go THROUGH him. Which will eventually be the case I'm sure.

I'm hoping for the WWEs sake Daniel Bryan wins the WWE belt at Mania and is able to stay healthy for a full year to feud with and eventually put over Rollins/Reigns/Ambrose/Wyatt.
Why should he be able to bypass everyone else? Because there might not be anyone else WORTHY right now of winning the Rumble and main eventing Mania as the title challenger. And don't give me any nonsense about how "Oh he's been out too long". Triple H was out the same amount of time in 2001 and came back to win the 02 Rumble. Ok maybe Trips was a TAD more over at that time but still, Daniel Bryan is a work horse and is the most over guy to come around in WWE since John Cena. Let's also forget that for what its worth, Bryan has never won a Royal Rumble match so you can't even throw the whole "Let someone else get the win" factor in there either.

I think it would be a GREAT story but only if Bryan can stay healthy which of course is the biggest concern for everyone and its one that I understand. Him going down again would be an absolute catastrophe.

My bottom line is that Daniel Bryan SHOULD win this match for several reasons. Will he? We'll find out next Sunday.
I'd like to see Bryan win the Rumble and go to the main event at Wrestlemania against Lesnar because it makes the best sense compared to any other current scenario. The David/Goliath or Monster/Underdog storyline is a no-brainer, for one. There is also the matter of Bryan being the most over babyface right now.

My opinion is that Bryan doesn't even have to beat Lesnar. He won the big one at Mania last year and had his big career-defining moment. I think the sizzle is just having Bryan take Lesnar to the limit and enjoy an unbelievable comeback after Lesnar ragdolls him around for the first 10-15 minutes of the match. Keep that MITB case on ice for Rollins and let him run interference or distraction and curb stomp an exhausted Lesnar (or even Bryan) for the cash-in. That gives Rollins a ton of heat as he should/would be gloating that it was HE who was able to conquer the beast and "bring the title back." In turn, that heat would really help to sell a Bryan/Rollins title feud which would be fun and exciting to watch.

Not only does that give the fans what they want with Bryan in the main event, it also helps to cement Rollins as the top *active* heel. The WWE desperately needs to establish someone in that role if Lesnar is leaving again, and Rollins is simply the best candidate all-around right now.
Yes, we didn't get a whole lot of mileage out of his title run, which sucks. Yes, it would be nice to see him do it all over again. Yes, he's better qualified than most to get another title shot. No arguments here.
Okay. All of that is true. No arguments with you either.
The question I have is: Why, given his last reign was a bust and he's been out for so long, should he be able to bypass everyone else and get the title shot at WrestleMania again?
His title reign wasn't a bust, he just got injured. He didn't fail, he got hurt. This is wrestling and those things happen.

He is in a position to bypass everyone else because the last time he was working he was the man, main eventing PPVs, winning the belt at Mania. Its like in sports, the only time a guy loses his spot to injury is when the guy who comes in behind him sets the world on fire and puts himself in position to be an even bigger deal than the guy he replaced. Had anyone stepped up and assumed that role it could be a different story, but they haven't. Bryan left with injury as the biggest star(save Cena obviously), and the guy the fans wanted to see shine, and he has returned as the biggest star and the guy fans want to see shine. So he has returned to claim the spot that no one stood up and took from him.

As for why he's deserving a chance at the title, maybe the best answer is: Because he never lost the title to begin with.

And what would you say or do if he were to win and go out with yet another almost career-ending injury? Would you AGAIN try and argue that Bryan deserves another chance to headline another WrestleMania? If you were in WWE's place, would YOU give Bryan another shot so soon after coming back, not knowing if he would be able to carry the company the way you want him to? Not knowing if he would go out with another injury and force you into something like giving another reign to Cena or Orton, knowing that fans are burned out on them? Or give it to someone else who isn't ready, thus hurting your company even further?
So let me get this straight...
You are seemingly against the idea of Bryan getting the belt back because IF he were to suffer another injury, than the only options for the belt would be for it to have to go on either Cena or Orton again(which you have determined that the crowd would not embrace) or a younger guy who isn't yet ready.

So they shouldn't put the belt on Bryan due to that risk. Instead they should put the belt on, drumroll, Cena, Orton, or a younger guy who isn't yet ready, because if we buy your assessment, those are the only non-Bryan options.

You do see how that is circularly illogical, correct?

Forget the argument of "Who else is it going to be?". Just answer, if you can, why it should be Bryan.
Okay, because he's the biggest star not named Cena. He is proven to get reactions and sell tickets and merchandise. He has already showed he can deliver in the Mania main event. Because the belt he would be challenging for is the belt he won in the best story the WWE has told in the last couple years, and that story still has legs because the Authority is still in power and because Bryan was never beaten for the belt.

And that's all not even taking the fact that he'd be facing Lesnar into the equation, which makes things even more perfect. You have two guys who match up perfectly ability-wise to put on a spectacle like nothing that has been seen in American wrestling(maybe ever), you have the ultimate David and Goliath story(aided by the fact that Bryan's track record affords him more legitimacy as a threatening David), and most of all you have last year's Mania to feed the story- the added element of both men laying claim to having experienced the ultimate defining moment at last year's event.

This shit all writes itself, and Bryan and Lesnar are spectacular performers almost incapable of not delivering when the lights are turned up. To go any other direction is overthinking it.
Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble and getting to WM again in the title match is WAAAY too obvious for me. I think a match between Brock and DB would Hurt both characters and would also take a moment away from another fitting wrestler. That being Roman Reigns who needs to "look strong" HAHA!

Daniel Bryan needs to almost win the Rumble, then get screwed over again by the Authority or someone worth feuding with at least.
Reigns needs to win the rumble and take Brock down....making him the NEXT BIG THING.

I don't know how much garbage RAW and PPV's I am going to be able to take before I just stop watching and just stick to NXT anyway.
Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble and getting to WM again in the title match is WAAAY too obvious for me. I think a match between Brock and DB would Hurt both characters and would also take a moment away from another fitting wrestler. That being Roman Reigns who needs to "look strong" HAHA!

Daniel Bryan needs to almost win the Rumble, then get screwed over again by the Authority or someone worth feuding with at least.
Reigns needs to win the rumble and take Brock down....making him the NEXT BIG THING.

I don't know how much garbage RAW and PPV's I am going to be able to take before I just stop watching and just stick to NXT anyway.

1) how would it hurt both guys to compete a Mania? Bryan (the most over man and best wrestler in the roster gets to compete with the beast incarnate). We saw brock vs punk and size was NOT an issue. And how is Roman Reigns more fitting? he is big and strong and...... what? he isn't as good on the mic as he should be if he is going to main event mania, there is no story or momentum for reigns, no feuds or big solo victories to give him legitimacy against Brock.....

2) Brock Lesnar is more than a fitting opponent for Bryan..... Technically Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are members of the Authority so you still have that authority vs bryan angle. Reigns can be the next big thing NEXT YEAR when he is ready....

3) RAW and PPVS might not be the best but WM season is gonna start on sunday..... so have fun on NXT i guess?
Blame the way WWE brought Bryan back. A heroic Bryan return and an announcement that he will take part in the Royal Rumble which the authority kept him out of last year so he can win a chance to win back the title the authority took from him. There is nothing small about this build, in fact, its bigger and makes more sense than the one from last years. If they brought Bryan back for Fast Lane or WM he could have had a smaller feud to get back on the map and someone else could have had a WM moment.

As far as Ziggler, Wyatt, Cesaro, Ambrose, Regins... yes they could one day hold the title, but they haven't shown any interest towards holding the title or confronting the champion.
Part of it is that you shouldn't lose your spot to injury. A somewhat unwritten rule in a lot of sports is that if a starter gets injured, he should be a starter when he comes back. Once they come back, you get to see if they deserve to keep it. If Bryan went out with an injury as Champion, he should be put in to the title picture to prove whether or not he deserves that spot back. If he becomes champ and fails, move on. But if you give him the belt and he succeeds, then that'll be good for everyone. If you get outperformed, that's one thing. But if you lose your spot to injury, you should be given the opportunity to see if you still deserve it. And then it just comes down to money as others have said before. I believe WWE has a lot of money to still make with Daniel Bryan as WWE Champion.
Okay, I'm going to throw out a hypothetical but serious question to all you Daniel Bryan marks. Let me start by saying that while I'm not a huge fan of Bryan, as I am about to demonstrate, there is something about him that people seem to gravitate to, and the storyline he was in last year with The Authority, while at times borderline ridiculous, was one of the best build-ups and payoffs in recent history.

Yes, we didn't get a whole lot of mileage out of his title run, which sucks. Yes, it would be nice to see him do it all over again. Yes, he's better qualified than most to get another title shot. No arguments here. The question I have is: Why, given his last reign was a bust and he's been out for so long, should he be able to bypass everyone else and get the title shot at WrestleMania again? And what would you say or do if he were to win and go out with yet another almost career-ending injury? Would you AGAIN try and argue that Bryan deserves another chance to headline another WrestleMania? If you were in WWE's place, would YOU give Bryan another shot so soon after coming back, not knowing if he would be able to carry the company the way you want him to? Not knowing if he would go out with another injury and force you into something like giving another reign to Cena or Orton, knowing that fans are burned out on them? Or give it to someone else who isn't ready, thus hurting your company even further?

Look, all I'm saying is while I'm glad Bryan's back, I don't see why he should be given another chance so soon after being gone for close to a year and leaving the WWE with an almost no-win situation, regardless of whether or not it was his fault. I've heard stories that he's been injured for a while prior to winning the title. So why didn't he take time off then? Look, again, I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just not sure I understand why he should get another chance. Ziggler was really hot coming off his World title win. He got a concussion, was only gone for a couple of months or so, and he hasn't been anywhere near a title shot since. So why do you guys think Bryan deserves that chance? Forget the argument of "Who else is it going to be?". Just answer, if you can, why it should be Bryan.

Honestly it's what the WWE have always done, a feel good story. Look at 2002, HHH returned after his injury in 2001 and won the Royal Rumble match. Cena returned from injury and won the RR match in 2008.

It would suck if Bryan got hurt again. I could imagine they'd try to resolve the title situation more quickly instead of dragging out a PPV like they did last year.

I would give him another chance. It's not like Bryan didn't return 100%, he was cleared.
Well let's be honest here, this year there is a handful of people that could win the rumble. An absolute handful. You can boil it down simply to 2. Reigns and Bryan. Out of the two, Bryan needs to win. Reigns...he has years ahead of him. He needs to sort out his mic work.

As said before, the build up is perfect. Bryan, was forced to give up his title by the authority. He's now back, in the match he couldn't enter last year, due to the authority, with the chance to win his title back. There's a likely twist though; John Cena.

Cena is anti authority and shouldn't be champ heading into mania, but I can see them putting the title on him. I can honestly see Cena vs Bryan whilst Rollins faces Lesnar.

I'd rather have Ziggler win the rumble, do a shock win from #1. Have HHH announce Ziggler as the first entry next week as punishment, and have Ziggler go the whole distance. Ziggler vs Cena or Lesnar works better in my mind. But hey, it likely will be Bryan, due to how big of a thing his spot in the Rumble has become in the past 2 shows.
Here is the best case scenario

If Bryan wins the rumble, Rollins will win the WWE strap against Cena and Lesnar. Rollins will have the Authority backing him to the hilt at WM31 against the B+ Player at the Main Event. Lesnar is leaving shortly after WM31, so to let him have the belt then is pointless, as it will telegraph that he will drop it. Who the hell will buy the Network or plunk down $55 knowing what the outcome will be? Cena holding the belt into WM31 would be a fiscal catastrophe, because it will basically bury the roster. It will also confirm that VKM cannot create new stars. Again, who is going to buy the Network knowing that Cena is still the top man, and that nobody knows who will replace him. Reigns winning the Rumble would add a nice feeling, but only if Rollins wins the strap. Problem is that nobody really wants to see a Rollins vs. Reigns ME at WM31. Why? Roman Reigns has superhero looks and NOTHING else.

Now, a Bryan vs. Rollins matchup will have a lot of cards on the table. And, it will bring a hell of a lot of interest. It will show off the future of the WWE. It will close the Authority storyline, and it will line VKM's pockets with a shipload of cash not seen in years. Fans happy, shareholders happy, VKM is happy. Everybody wins.
Why, given his last reign was a bust and he's been out for so long, should he be able to bypass everyone else and get the title shot at WrestleMania again? And what would you say or do if he were to win and go out with yet another almost career-ending injury? Would you AGAIN try and argue that Bryan deserves another chance to headline another WrestleMania?
Yes I would. Its simple, you dont count the guy out if he is maybe no1 face on the roster by reaction just because he had one injury. By your logic Cena shouldnt ever be in title picture and win anything after his injury in 2007. He comed back, won the Rumble, then was feuding for title but not getting it, then injured with that Summerslam with Batista and then comed back and won title immidiatly. :)

Not saying Bryan should win Rumble(was convinced that he would get Brock on Mania but after tonight and seeing Brocks reaction think that Bryan would be stucked at Mania with someone like Rusev or heel Sheamus or even Kane) and title, just that your logic is flawed. :)
What I want and what I see in this business are generally two different things.

With Brock leaving, I really want him to hold onto the belt until Mania, if he is going to put someone over, that's where he should do it. I think Reigns wins the rumble, goes on to face Brock, wins and then Rollins cashes in immediately and wins the belt.

Reigns gets a shot at the main event to see if he can carry the weight, and doesn't have to sit on the belt for months as an unpopular champion if he fails to get the crowd up.

Cena vs Rollins in the undercard, they can put on a hell of a match anyway so neither loses on this and with the way the authority is playing the stip-game at the moment they could put someone on it to have it matter.

Bryan vs Rusev, Bryan wins and becomes the first man to get Rusev to submit, crowd will go apeshit for that. Bryan catapults back to prominence for the next year and giving a midcard belt some prestige.

When I say "a midcard belt" I really feel the IC title holder should be right up with the main event, in the absence of a clear number one contender, that falls to the IC champion. Used to be it was a clear stepping stone for wrestlers(Macho, HBK, Warrior, Bret Hart), now it's just a forgotten belt that has changed hands so much in the past 4 months the poor thing needs a trip to the clinic for a shot of penicillin.
Just answer, if you can, why it should be Bryan.

Because WWE wants to strike while the iron is still hot. Amazingly, the company has managed to keep the flame alive by virtue of that stupid chant and, to my way of thinking, WWE management might have been taken by (pleasant) surprise a year or so ago when Daniel Bryan caught on the way he did. (when "No!" turned to "Yes!")

During his absence, they had everyone from Brie Bella to Stephanie McMahon leading the audience in the damn chant.....and it's carried over. It's made fans keep in mind what Daniel had accomplished all those months before being forced out. In a marvel of sports entertainment promotion, a condition had been created in which the fans were actually waiting for Bryan to come back.

It's amazing.....but also time-stamped. He's doing the exact same stuff he did before the injury, because that's what fans want to see him doing. Because of it, he's bypassing a lot of deserving people on his way back to the title.

He'll win it.....or not win it.....depending on how high his fan-standing is at the time (plus, what other contenders are doing)........and in time, the Daniel Bryan Phenomena will end.

Anyone who thinks the WWE Creative team is ineffective should look at Daniel and realize they can come up with some great stuff. Do you remember when Daniel was jobbing to people like Sin Cara? He wasn't so irresistible then, was he?

He was an excellent worker in the ring....and some day, he'll go back to being just that.
Even if Bryan does win the Rumble which I doubt at this point but even if he does who is to say Bryan will even win back the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 31? And even if he were to end up doing that, Rollins is still Mr. Money in the Bank and all he would have to do is cash in his briefcase on Bryan ending his title reign before it even starts so why bother even going to the trouble to make Bryan the Royal Rumble Match winner
Even if Bryan does win the Rumble which I doubt at this point but even if he does who is to say Bryan will even win back the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 31?

Yes, that's a good question. WWE management might have him win the Rumble as a nod to the many fans who would enjoy watching everyone in the arena standing and doing the "Yes!" chant along with a jubilant Daniel Bryan. But whether he'll parlay that victory into a world title win at WM31 is another matter.

What does WWE really have planned for Daniel this time around? Or, to put it another way, had he not been seriously injured and subsequently sidelined while holding the belt last year, how long would that title reign have lasted? As long as the chant remained popular? Or would he have lost it quickly, leaving the fans (hopefully) satisfied that he had been the champion at all?

One curious factor since his return is giving me pause: that pinfall loss to Bray Wyatt this past week.

What was that about? It surprised the hell out of me.....how about you? Whether a clean win or not (it wasn't) I wouldn't have believed WWE was going to let Daniel lose to anyone so soon after coming back. It makes me wonder what they truly have in mind for Bryan. Yes, they've been making Bray look strong lately, but it was amazing to think they'd sacrifice Daniel Bryan to do it.

So yes, he can win the Rumble and let everyone enjoy the snuggly comfort of rejoicing....but with this development in the match with Bray, I wonder what's in Daniel's immediate future.

Remember, he can win the Rumble and still be screwed out of a title match at WM31.......it would be just like the Authority to find a way to do that, right?
Or instead Bryan wins the Royal Rumble Match and at the same time he ends up having to put up his Royal Rumble Match contendership at Fast Lane by facing whoever The Authority decides to throw at him and Bryan manages to beat said superstar with Bryan going on to Mania to face the WWE World Heavyweight Champion in that case who I would have it be Lesnar and Bryan beats Lesnar just barely but then cue The Authority's music at WrestleMania hitting with Bryan being screwed ultimately by The Authority with Rollins cashing in on Bryan at WrestleMania 31 to ultimately end up leaving Mania as champion
The timing is right for it. Those who watched the rumble last year know how big of a mistake it was not to put him in it. The fans booed without mercy when they realized he for sure wasn't going to be in the rumble. Yes chants were heard as the number 30 spot was about to enter, when it wasn't Bryan the boos came cascading in.

The only thing that is as important as good writing is good timing. The time is right for Daniel to beat John Cena at Wrestlemania for the title. But of course Cena would have to win at RR. It is time for an official torch Passing match. WWE loves doing that. They love it when they have a face that is seemingly surpassing the current "the guy" ad they can match them up at WrestleMania. The timing is right because Bryan's popularity is soaring and he may not have a lot of time left to be on top due to his injury.
Stingray makes a lot of sense. Bryan V Rollins for the title and Cena V Lesnar in the (finally) last match of their "epic" feud would be fine with me.

Bryan V Lesnar for the title; and Cena V Rollins would be fine with me.

I think we may see the obligatory six man tag match with Orton/Ziggler/Reigns V Big Show/Kane/???

I still think Rusev is a wild card. I'd certainly pay to see Brock V Rusev.

Wyatt is a long shot, unless Undertaker isn't ready to go.

Reigns? Put it this way - I can only see him winning if Cena wins, and Reigns eliminates Bryan to make him turn heel. And I just don't see that happening. Cena V Reigns would not only be booed out of the building, it leaves Brock with nothing to do.

Ambrose? Maybe next year. Same goes for Harper too.

I'm cheering for Rollins V Bryan (Title) and Cena V Brock (Grudge Match) at WM.
I can see Daniel winning and I think it will happen, but will it be against Brock I do not know. Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins would be a great match for WM31, but Daniel and Brock writes itself. What probably will happen will be is Daniel wins the Rumble and during the Championship match Randy comes out to make sure Seth does not win so Brock wins. At WM31 you have Daniel vs. Brock for the Title Daniel wins, than Seth comes out and cashes in and beats a tired Daniel. Also at WM31 you can have Cena vs. Rusev Seth would have to have a match as well he could have Randy Orton and Roman is the question mark who can he fight if he is not ready to win the Rumble I might say Big Show but hasn't that happened enough what about Kane or maybe let Roman beat Rusev to get him over more. I also can see Daniel and one other wrestler win like Dolph, Dean, or Roman that would really make it interesting.

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