Let's have someone different as World Champion, please!


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Right now Smackdown's two main guys are either injured {Edge} or on a little vacation {Jeff Hardy}. So right now there only guys feuding for the title are Batista, the #1 contender .... and The Undertaker, the champion. After a while people are going to get tired of seeing Batista and Undertaker feuding.

What would you like to see?

I would like to see Batista win the title at TLC and his next challenger could be John Morrison. John Morrison is a great face and he is really over with the fans. He has great mic skills and awesome in-ring skills and a unique in-ring style as well. If you don't think that John Morrison should be the next challenger than who do you think she be the next challenger and why?
Right now Smackdown's twp main guys are either injured {Edge} or on a little vacation {Jeff Hardy}. So right now there only guys fueding for the title are Batista the #1 contender and The Undertaker the champion. After a while people are going to get tired of seeing Batista and Undertaker fueding. What would you like to see. I would like to see Batista win the title at TLC and his next challenger could be John Morrison. John Morrison is a great face and he is really over with the fans. He has great mic skills and awesome in-ring skills and a unique in-ring style as well. If you don't think that John Morrison should be the next challenger than who do you think she be the next challenger and why?

I would want to see Morrison in the title scene as well, even thought he could win the Rumble and then go on to get his first world title at Wrestlemania. Some people disagreed when I mentioned this in another thread, but I think it would make for a great moment and a good start for a new main eventer. The only part I disagree with you on was having him beat Batista, I'm not the only one who is sick of Batista world title reigns because they tend to get boring. His only good one was the one that lasted from Wrestlemania 21 until his injury. All for Morrison getting into the world title picture through because he is ready in my opinion.
Id love for Matt Hardy to get some love from creative and get a push

He can put on a decent match with just about anybody, heck have Batista beat Taker and have Matt come out saying he wants to face Batista again this time for the title, it could work. Another person is John Morrison, the guy just screams main-event have him drop the IC belt and start a main event program with CM Punk to elevate to main event status to then allow him to challenge for the WHC
Dagger I didn't say that John would beat him just that he would be the next contneder, because the WWE is complaning how they have nobody to take over after all their main eventers have gone and John is ready. As for you alex-awesome yes Matt does deserve a shot his shot is long overdo but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Id love for Matt Hardy to get some love from creative and get a push

Matt Hardy is an interesting idea.... but I think that he is not over enough with fans to get a push for the World title right now. Morrison is a much better candidate because he is so over with the fans, is better on the mic, and better in the ring than Matt. Morrison is better than Matt in every way. Some people may think Matt may deserve it more than Morrison, but I just do not see him ever getting a world title shot anytime soon because he is not over enough and will probably just be stuck in the midcard forever.
Matt Hardy is an interesting idea.... but I think that he is not over enough with fans to get a push for the World title right now. Morrison is a much better candidate because he is so over with the fans, for reasons I already put in my previous post.

I think people where gagging for Matt to take on Punk in revenge for Jeff (I was) It would be cool in having Punk's straight edge group of him, the wrestler formerly known as Festus and some other people against Matt Hardy's carefree group which would include John Morrison and R-Truth. Doing this would mean everyone would showcase their talent more allowing them to go onto better things
Matt Hardy is an interesting idea.... but I think that he is not over enough with fans to get a push for the World title right now. Morrison is a much better candidate because he is so over with the fans, for reasons I already put in my previous post.

Matt is over with the crowd but he has always been overshadowed by his brother and he always will be. Matt is a company man and he should have gotten his push a long time ago but he didn't. John Morrison will more likley get the push a probley will he is already a wonderful IC champion.
Matt Hardy is not a main eventer. He's solid on the mic, but not great. He's good in the ring, but not great. He's an upper mid carder at best and that's all he is ever going to be. He just doesn't have the "it" factor that Jeff does.

John Morrison in the future will be a main eventer, but I still don't think he's ready yet. In the ring he's great, but on the mic he still has a lot of work to do. I also think he would do much better as a heel. He's good as a face, but I always enjoyed his heel role better.

The fact is that right now with Edge injured, Smackdown only has a handful of guys that are credible main eventers. You've got Taker, Batista, Punk, Jericho, and I guess Rey Mysterio. Other then that there isn't much else.
Matt is over with the crowd but he has always been overshadowed by his brother and he always will be. Matt is a company man and he should have gotten his push a long time ago but he didn't. John Morrison will more likley get the push a probley will he is already a wonderful IC champion.

Yeah, you quoted that before I editted it. I accidentally posted in the wrong thread, ended up having to edit that post a lot. It's fixed now. Anyways.... yes, Matt will always be overshadowed by his brother, but now that Jeff is gone Matt still hasn't gotten that huge "get revenge for Jeff" push that a lot of people wanted him to get. If he was not destined to be stuck in the midcard forever, then he would have gotten that push. He'd be better forming a party stable to feud with Punk's straight-edge stable if he forms one. Getting way too off topic though.

Ok, to get back on topic with the original post.... Smackdown does need to try something new. Batista VS Taker was great at Wrestlemania 23, but that was 3 years ago. They will never top that match with each other and I do not want to see that feud again. I mentioned that Morrison should get the next push, and that would be great for reasons such as his mic skill, charisma, in ring ability, he's young, and he is ready for that big push he would need to reach the main event.
You know, I'm not entirely opposed to Batista feuding with The Undertaker this time around. Sure, we've seen it beofre, multiple times, but every time it's been the oh so stale face v.s face format. Seeing Batista as the heel in the program could add a much needed spark. I really wouldn't wanna see Matt or John take on Taker because well, look at where it got CM Punk. Neither of them really have anything he doesn't. Batista is at least a believable challenger, and I'd much rather see Morrison take on Batista in a David v.s Goliath situation then see him do the same with Taker.
Well, only one WWE show can try something new at any one time. Right now, Raw is trying something new with Sheamus and, to a lesser extent, Kofi Kingston. So unless you want WWE's PPV's to be a flop, you need a match that will be a draw. Right now, Undertaker vs Batista is still a draw.

But while we're watching Undertaker vs Batista, stars are being made in the form of John Morrison and R-Truth. Morrison is one of the best IC champions in ages, and is using the belt as a stepping stone, like it's meant to be used. R-Truth is feuding with CM Punk which is elevating past midcard status, and bringing him to upper midcard. So we'll just have to see what happens in future months.
Both brands definately need some fresh faces with titles on their shoulder. The same guys over and over again is getting old.
Morrison would make a good champ. And even though he's been champ before, i'd like to see Jericho hold the strap again. He really is one of the best guys they got right now and has the ability to have a great fued with just about anybody
In the second shot in my war against the Smackdown section, I am going to answer the question quite simply:

Should we have someone else as World Champion outside of the usual brass?

In essence, what you have to realise is that Smackdown is in a real struggle period. They lost their top face and heel respectively over the summer, and now they really don't have a choice. It's a down period for the WWE right now, as it always is this time of year, and it is only when the Royal Rumble rolls around do things start to really pick up. Until then, I think what we're finding is creative just relying on Taker and Batista, the veterans, to pull them through these few months. These two work well together, and I must say I really enjoyed their feud in 2007. Now with a heel Batista, we should see a slightly tweaked, yet entertaining nonetheless battle.

In terms of who they could have gone with, and who should be champion, it's tough to gauge. I didn't like that fact that they took the belt off CM Punk and put it on Taker, especially with health concerns looming, but what must be realised is: Taker is the top face in the company, barring Cena. That's just how it is. The only other way to go with it would have been someone along the lines of Jericho and Big Show, well into their own tag team. No one else has been built up sufficiently. Morrison is great, but he really needed this Intercontinental title reign to solidify his position, and before this, he was simply not ready.

Rey Mysterio has his own problems, both health wise and management wise, so he wasn't the right choice, thus really leaving you with what we have, a safe, reliable feud to get us through the fall/winter months.

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