Let's Go, Cena!


Occasional Pre-Show
So this past Monday night I attended my first wrestling event in over 13 years. Since I last attended the cost of tickets have risen and I’ve never been in the Baltimore Arena before. There were a few things I realized from section 110, seat 1 in section 10; one thing I learned is that we need to keep an eye on this Neville guy.
The biggest thing I realized is how serious John Cena is about this business. After the final match, which damn near killed Seth Rollins (literally) and as everyone filed out to leave, Cena came out to give the crowd an extra match. During the 6 man tag, with Show and Henry against the Wyatts, Cena gave his attention to crowd. He gave eye contact and acknowledged people at ring side as well those in the nose bleeds. I could only compare it to the night I swore Michael Hayes pointed at me in the crowd. I compare it to the picture I have where it looks like the Undertaker is looking directly into my camera. While the crowd cheered for him to eventually enter the ring Cena instructed the crowd to cheer for Mark Henry who was in the ring getting his butt handed to him.
Going to this event I didn’t go with crowd’s persuasion I cheered for whoever was working the hardest. I cheered for both Orton and Reigns when I always thought I was a RR fan. The match was great and I gave credit where it was due. When the time came, to either cheer or jeer Cena, I found my “too cool for school” self shouting “LET’S GO CENA”. I know it’s fashionable to boo Cena. I know he’s a Hogan throwback. I also know that this man works his butt off to be loved, cheered and boo’ed. So boo him because he dresses like an 11 year old. Do it because he stays in the nice guy character (if it’s a character) but I don’t think you can ever boo him for his commitment to his job. He has the opportunity to marry and knock up one of the hottest chics in the game but he won’t have kids of his own because he doesn't want to be a neglectful father while loving his job.
  • I don't think there's anybody who discounts Cena's work ethic and passion. That's not why he's being booed.
  • Neville is up and coming, yes. I concur.

Did it take being in attendance to figure all of this out?
  • I don't think there's anybody who discounts Cena's work ethic and passion. That's not why he's being booed.
  • Neville is up and coming, yes. I concur.

Did it take being in attendance to figure all of this out?

I'm not talking about the ethic he says he has. I'm talking about the specifics I witnessed and judged for myself. Yes, I have to have my own experiences in order to form an authentic opinion.
I had this realization after watching the Connor the Crusher video, although Cena isn't featured. It actually brought a tear to my eye. Seeing Connor react to Daniel Bryan and the WWE experience and then seeing Cena come out and throw that Never Give Up towel up was a eureka moment. It felt like I could feel him speaking out to every kid with cancer or leukemia or a single parent or abusive parents or other crazy diseases or circumstances. We always think of Cena as "The Top Guy", which he is, but he is also filling an incredibly important and significant real life role for 100s of 1000s of kids. He basically said as muh in his promo, which was amazing. I think that he will continue to fill this role as he is phased out, practically completely, from the title picture. And since creative has changed up his booking, a bit, and he's made an attempt to use new and different moves and be aggressive on the mic, I too made the change from Cena sucks to Let's Go Cena last time I was at a lie event.
Said it before and I'll say it again: Just because you're content with him portraying the same character for a nearly a decade, doesn't mean you should feel the need to defend him from the people who think otherwise.

People can boo Cena for whatever reason they want. Maybe they think they've heard enough backstage stories about his real-life self and didn't take a liking to them. Maybe they don't like the character he portrays. Maybe they boo because they're fed up with the writing behind his character. Maybe they boo because it's fun. All I see when I read comments like yours is a person who's offended that people dislike someone that you admire. You don't have to get over it but I can assure you that no one cares about your admiration for him and will continue to do as they please.
Said it before and I'll say it again: Just because you're content with him portraying the same character for a nearly a decade, doesn't mean you should feel the need to defend him from the people who think otherwise.

People can boo Cena for whatever reason they want. Maybe they think they've heard enough backstage stories about his real-life self and didn't take a liking to them. Maybe they don't like the character he portrays. Maybe they boo because they're fed up with the writing behind his character. Maybe they boo because it's fun. All I see when I read comments like yours is a person who's offended that people dislike someone that you admire. You don't have to get over it but I can assure you that no one cares about your admiration for him and will continue to do as they please.
Sure, they can boo Cena for whatever reason, much like they can cheer Bray for whatever reason they like. But doing so makes them a shitty fan. It makes them a part of the problem, and professional wrestling would do just fine without them.
Sure, they can boo Cena for whatever reason, much like they can cheer Bray for whatever reason they like. But doing so makes them a shitty fan. It makes them a part of the problem, and professional wrestling would do just fine without them.

So you have to cheer for whoever the creative team/booker presents as the babyface, while booing whoever they present as a heel, or otherwise you're a "shitty fan" who is part of the problem?

That is the stupidest thing I have ever fucking heard.

You cheer who you think deserves your cheers and you boo whoever you enjoy booing. If you're actually reacting to the characters and action that is happening in the ring then you are playing your part as a fan, how you react to them is your own business.

The OP found a reason to support Cena on this show. Good. More power to them. Had they found a reason to boo him, that's great too. Atleast they showed up, enjoyed the show, and participated where and how they saw fit. That's what makes a good fan.

Your viewpoint is what is "shitty" and part of the problem, and professional wrestling would do just fine without you.
Sure, they can boo Cena for whatever reason, much like they can cheer Bray for whatever reason they like. But doing so makes them a shitty fan. It makes them a part of the problem, and professional wrestling would do just fine without them.

No... claiming that someone cheering for someone you don't like or booing someone you like is the problem and that the wrestling world doesn't need them... THAT'S a shitty fan. Because they have to believe that everyone needs to think like they do.
When you go to a movie theater, and you boo James Bond when he's on screen, and you cheer for the villain, you're a fucking idiot. If you think that the performances were bad performances, you merely do not pay for the ticket. The same rules apply for pro-wrestling, and being a piece of shit in the stands isn't going to change that.

Faces get cheered, heels get booed, and guys who are bad at their roles get the silent treatment. As John Cena says, even if you're chanting "MICHAEL COOLLEE!" *clap! clap! clap-clap-cap!, you're still sitting there, paying money to watch John Cena wrestle. Getting up and getting a beer. Sitting there silently. That's the way to chose a wrestler you don't like their performance.

It's not about telling you what to do with your ticket. It's about telling you not to be a piece of shit for everyone around you that isn't an angsty turd.
When you go to a movie theater, and you boo James Bond when he's on screen, and you cheer for the villain, you're a fucking idiot. If you think that the performances were bad performances, you merely do not pay for the ticket. The same rules apply for pro-wrestling, and being a piece of shit in the stands isn't going to change that.

Faces get cheered, heels get booed, and guys who are bad at their roles get the silent treatment. As John Cena says, even if you're chanting "MICHAEL COOLLEE!" *clap! clap! clap-clap-cap!, you're still sitting there, paying money to watch John Cena wrestle. Getting up and getting a beer. Sitting there silently. That's the way to chose a wrestler you don't like their performance.

It's not about telling you what to do with your ticket. It's about telling you not to be a piece of shit for everyone around you that isn't an angsty turd.

Um... if you cheer OR boo at anything in a movie theater... don't you get kicked out for being too loud?
I've been a wrestling fan for more years than I really want to tell you. I was asked to write a blog for another wrestling site. I've always said "when Taker leaves, I leave." and here I am running home from the gym to be in front of the tv half watching. As I said, it's been a long time since I've been to an event. This time my point of view was not that of an cheering/booing fan. I was more mature and more aware of my surroundings. My favorite part of the entire night was listening to the little girl sitting behind me cheer for the Bellas.

The extra match at the end of the night was a nice touch but seeing Cena be a class act was a different experience. I paid over 50 bucks for my seat and his acknowledgement that everyone was there meant something to me.
Sure, they can boo Cena for whatever reason, much like they can cheer Bray for whatever reason they like. But doing so makes them a shitty fan. It makes them a part of the problem, and professional wrestling would do just fine without them.

Jesus Christ, seriously. Please tell me how does someone cheering for someone they like, and booing someone they don't like makes them a shitty fan?

If they are cheering someone you don't like, and booing someone you do, and it bothers you, then you my friend have the problem not them. Quite honestly there is nothing worse that watching a match either in person, or at home and the crowd is dead. It sucks all the air out of the room, and you just want to shake the crap out of each and every one of them.

A lively crowd can make a mediocre match a good match, because when the crowd is into it, the announcers get into it, and the wrestlers feed off it. When the crowd are sitting there like fucking department store dummies, there is nothing anyone can do to make it work. I've seen what could have been some blockbuster matches, but the crowd just couldn't or wouldn't play and that's when they suck not at any other time.
There has been some critique of the WWE Universe members who jeer Cena. They state that you do not go to the movies and boo the good guy; you abstain from purchasing a ticket.

The truth is, I can see the point the writer is making but think this needs more consideration.

WWE is a live event show; where the audience interaction is a big part of the show; if it was not then Heyman's promo on Monday would not have mentioned the chants. WWE fans can go to the arena and cheer or boo whoever they want. The only exception for me is watching the Bray Wyatt debut when the crowd chanted "Husky Harris" and I'd bet a dime or ten that those fans regret their behaviour now Bray Wyatt is WAY over with the WWE universe.

But when the fans who have supported WWE over the past 25 years are sick of seeing Super Cena the ultimate good guy being pushed down their throats; they are entitled to complain and however so they wish to.

The thing is; if a Cena turn was done PROPERLY; my god how good would it be? Those fans that boo Cena would instantly love him.
But when the fans who have supported WWE over the past 25 years are sick of seeing Super Cena the ultimate good guy being pushed down their throats; they are entitled to complain and however so they wish to.

The thing is; if a Cena turn was done PROPERLY; my god how good would it be? Those fans that boo Cena would instantly love him.

I can definately see how fans could be pretty sick of the Cena character. It hasn't necessarily evolved. HOWEVER, he's the exact character as Hogan but Hogan is cheered for his longevity in the business. The difference between Hogan and Cena is their business ethic. I remember going to the area where Hogan was advertised to show up only to realize that there was a disclaimer that the card was subject to change. In all of my years of going to shows where Hogan was advertised he NEVER showed up. Now that I think about it I recall the Ultimate Warrior's wife just made a comment saying the Hogan won't do anything unless camera's were around.

There's a lot to lose with a Cena turn. I agree that it has to be done right. In the time of the PG rating Cena is PG-13. He's the only kid-friendly-ish character on tv today. I suggest a Cena "adjustment" once Daniel Brian returns and they get caught up in the Bella's drama. This way Cena can be seen as chivalrous and it wouldn't turn off his fans.
There has been some critique of the WWE Universe members who jeer Cena. They state that you do not go to the movies and boo the good guy; you abstain from purchasing a ticket.

The truth is, I can see the point the writer is making but think this needs more consideration.

WWE is a live event show; where the audience interaction is a big part of the show; if it was not then Heyman's promo on Monday would not have mentioned the chants. WWE fans can go to the arena and cheer or boo whoever they want. The only exception for me is watching the Bray Wyatt debut when the crowd chanted "Husky Harris" and I'd bet a dime or ten that those fans regret their behaviour now Bray Wyatt is WAY over with the WWE universe.

But when the fans who have supported WWE over the past 25 years are sick of seeing Super Cena the ultimate good guy being pushed down their throats; they are entitled to complain and however so they wish to.

The thing is; if a Cena turn was done PROPERLY; my god how good would it be? Those fans that boo Cena would instantly love him.

People who say you shouldn't go to a movie to boo the good guy, quite frankly are fucking idiots and should carry around a potted plant to make up for all the oxygen they are wasting.

You don't go to a movie to cheer or boo anyone, you go there to sit and watch. Obviously they have never been to a movie theatre before and if that's how they would act, then they should never be anywhere near one to begin with.

Most movies have good and bad guys, so is it a surprise to anyone that you might actually sit down and watch a movie only to find them there. Jesus Christ, this whole line of reasoning makes my head hurt.

Yes the WWE is a live show, and the fans should be getting into it. I just hate watching or being there and the crowd is sitting on their hands, or looking around for UFO's to pass by. My God I want to punch someone when that happens. It's like going to watch a comedian perform and just sitting there not laughing at his jokes. Can anyone say awkward. Fans who are going to go and sit and say nothing, please do the rest of us a favour and stay the hell home and make your family miserable instead. If you are going to come and really get into the experience, then by all means by a ticket, if not, fuck off ---------> way.
People who say you shouldn't go to a movie to boo the good guy, quite frankly are fucking idiots and should carry around a potted plant to make up for all the oxygen they are wasting.

You don't go to a movie to cheer or boo anyone, you go there to sit and watch. Obviously they have never been to a movie theatre before and if that's how they would act, then they should never be anywhere near one to begin with.

Most movies have good and bad guys, so is it a surprise to anyone that you might actually sit down and watch a movie only to find them there. Jesus Christ, this whole line of reasoning makes my head hurt.

Yes the WWE is a live show, and the fans should be getting into it. I just hate watching or being there and the crowd is sitting on their hands, or looking around for UFO's to pass by. My God I want to punch someone when that happens. It's like going to watch a comedian perform and just sitting there not laughing at his jokes. Can anyone say awkward. Fans who are going to go and sit and say nothing, please do the rest of us a favour and stay the hell home and make your family miserable instead. If you are going to come and really get into the experience, then by all means by a ticket, if not, fuck off ---------> way.

So if it bothers you that much when people are quiet, how do you think a child (the demographic WWE's programming is geared towards) or parent feels when they hear and see obnoxious adults rooting against a guy who works hard, loves his job, tries to fight fair, and is very successful?

On topic, Cena seems like a good guy who works hard and loves his job and genuinely appreciates the fans. If he is so revolting to some people they probably would get further by not showing up or not reacting at all. But I think a lot of Cena's detractors are either too stupid to figure this out or don't feel nearly as strong as they think they do.
So if it bothers you that much when people are quiet, how do you think a child (the demographic WWE's programming is geared towards) or parent feels when they hear and see obnoxious adults rooting against a guy who works hard, loves his job, tries to fight fair, and is very successful?

On topic, Cena seems like a good guy who works hard and loves his job and genuinely appreciates the fans. If he is so revolting to some people they probably would get further by not showing up or not reacting at all. But I think a lot of Cena's detractors are either too stupid to figure this out or don't feel nearly as strong as they think they do.

First of all let me make myself clear here, I'm not or have ever been a Cena detractor, and have always had the utmost respect for all the good things he does. You can't police a crowd of people who have in most cases paid a lot of their hard earned cash to go see these events.

Every wrestler out there has their fans and others who don't think much of them, Cena included. And quite honestly I don't see anything wrong with someone booing someone they don't care for. If it bothers the person sitting down the row then that's not my problem, as they might be sitting there booing someone I like. We as fans are all entitled to boo and cheer for whomever we want, well we used to be.

What I don't understand is Cena is the only one who seems to get people upset when others boo him. No one seems to care when other wrestlers get boo'd, even though they all work hard and I'm sure they are nice guys as well. It's only Cena invokes that reaction from people, and it's a mystery to me.
What is going on with all the Cena threads lately? Wow.... Admins should delete most of the for spam, create a Cena loving thread and keep it all there.

But since I took time to read the thread anyway, I will say this. No one boos Cena for his commitment to the job. He works his ass off doing things inside and outside the WWE and always puts WWE in front of everything and does everything he can to help the business go forward. Now, he might have a different mindset than most fans regarding if what he does is the correct way or not, and that is why people are booing him.

No one denies that he loves this business, but the way of showing it and with the backstage power he might have, he isn't doing a lot of great things to improve the product. He, himself, is stale as a character and I believe he could change it up if he spoke up.

Too many things to say about this whole Cena situation, but they have already been said so many times before. Cena loving thread at its finest. It's ok. You love him and that's understandable. I respect his COMMITMENT, but I don't like the guy and don't find him enjoyable and don't respect his in-ring performance/work and no one should be asking anyone about respecting him. Everyone has their opinion... The only thing you can do is point out the strong points of Cena is and let the people decide. Sadly for you, most people have decided to boo Cena.
I was reading this thread when something occurred to me. I know I may get a lot of hate about this but I ask everyone to just read this through before you turn that hate towards me. John Cena's gimmick is the good guy that "never gives up" no matter what. Cena is also a huge supporter of the Make-a-wish Foundation fulfilling hundreds of wishes to children who are either terminally ill or fighting a horrendous disease.

This is what my epiphany was: Cena can never turn heel because he is the inspiration for all those sick kids fighting for their lives. He is telling THEM to "Never Give Up". If Cena turns heel he doesn't turn on us he turns on every single one of those poor children that believe in this mantra that keeps them living and fighting. How selfish are the fans who need him to turn because they are tired of his shtick. He's not out there doing this for you or me. He is the character he is because of these kids that he wants to see fighting and winning this battle for their lives.

The same can be said for the soldiers. These are people on the front lines fighting and dying for this country and it's freedom. He tells them to "Never Give Up" the fight no matter what.

So how can you say screw the dying kids and screw the men and women fighting for America's freedom just because you want him to turn heel so that in your eyes he can be cool again. For Cena it's not about you, it's about them. So I for one will continue to say, "Let's go Cena!"
I think there's something a ton of people are forgetting, especially the ones who are starting these borderline spam threads. Putting down Cena as a wrestler is NOT the same thing as insulting Cena as a person. Just because people like me are unhappy with Cena's in-ring performances, the Cena apologists constantly complain that we hate him as a person, and we're wrong for that because he does Make-A-Wish stuff.

Mother Theresa was an amazing woman and a saint, but I'm willing to wager she'd have made a pretty shitty wrestler.

To say that someone hates Cena and all the charity work that he does just because they don't like how he wrestles is fallacy, and it's insulting to people's intelligence.
Even worse, how anyone could like or dislike a person based on the cartoon character they play on a Monday Night Soap Opera blows my mind.

John Cena the man has proven to be quite an incredible human. His cartoon image of John Cena the wrestler is mostly out of his control.
Even worse, how anyone could like or dislike a person based on the cartoon character they play on a Monday Night Soap Opera blows my mind.

John Cena the man has proven to be quite an incredible human. His cartoon image of John Cena the wrestler is mostly out of his control.

I really don't think you aren't reading what people write, or failing to understand it.

There hasn't been a lot of people saying here that they dislike John Cena the person. What they are saying is they dislike his wrestling style, and that's okay. We can differentiate between the real life John Cena, who does amazing work, and the wrestler John Cena, who is stale in the ring. His wrestling style and mantra are geared towards the younger crowd and that what makes up most of his fan base.

Fans who have been around for a long time, like myself, want fresh people, new ideas, and a break from the ordinary. And I think that why the Shield, Wyatts, Cesaro's of this world got over as fast as they did. When you see the same thing over and over again, it does become boring. In time they will become boring and we'll want new stuff.

There is nothing wrong with Cena, it's just some want something new, what's wrong with that?
So this past Monday night I attended my first wrestling event in over 13 years. Since I last attended the cost of tickets have risen and I’ve never been in the Baltimore Arena before. There were a few things I realized from section 110, seat 1 in section 10; one thing I learned is that we need to keep an eye on this Neville guy.
The biggest thing I realized is how serious John Cena is about this business. After the final match, which damn near killed Seth Rollins (literally) and as everyone filed out to leave, Cena came out to give the crowd an extra match. During the 6 man tag, with Show and Henry against the Wyatts, Cena gave his attention to crowd. He gave eye contact and acknowledged people at ring side as well those in the nose bleeds. I could only compare it to the night I swore Michael Hayes pointed at me in the crowd. I compare it to the picture I have where it looks like the Undertaker is looking directly into my camera. While the crowd cheered for him to eventually enter the ring Cena instructed the crowd to cheer for Mark Henry who was in the ring getting his butt handed to him.
Going to this event I didn’t go with crowd’s persuasion I cheered for whoever was working the hardest. I cheered for both Orton and Reigns when I always thought I was a RR fan. The match was great and I gave credit where it was due. When the time came, to either cheer or jeer Cena, I found my “too cool for school” self shouting “LET’S GO CENA”. I know it’s fashionable to boo Cena. I know he’s a Hogan throwback. I also know that this man works his butt off to be loved, cheered and boo’ed. So boo him because he dresses like an 11 year old. Do it because he stays in the nice guy character (if it’s a character) but I don’t think you can ever boo him for his commitment to his job. He has the opportunity to marry and knock up one of the hottest chics in the game but he won’t have kids of his own because he doesn't want to be a neglectful father while loving his job.

Cena's heart is without question in my household. I love the guy. Win, lose, or draw I know he gives his best effort. Take that in a shoot or character sense, either way. I'm glad you enjoyed him. The last time I saw Cena live was 2009 Survivor Series in Washington DC at the Verizon Center. He defended the WWE Title against HBK and HHH and tore the flippin' house down.

The fans that boo him in my opinion, do it for all the wrong reasons. Yes, he should've been turned a long time ago. But does Cena book the show? No. He does what he's told, and he does it with a smile on his face. If people want wrestlers with passion and dedication, nobody in that company has more of either than John Cena. He bleeds WWE. John Cena is this guy that will never get the proper respect he deserves from the fans, for reasons far beyond my understanding. Sadly if he does, it will be too late when he's gone.

Lastly on his wrestling... it's just fine. He does everything he can with the tools he has. The dude can go, and he wrestles the way his character should wrestle. High impact moves, nothing too flashy. His comeback is constant motion, as it should be. No wasted movement. He throws new stuff in here and there, but to me it's not his moveset that needs tweaking. It's his character.

Back to my previous point though ... "Don't know what you've got... 'til it's goooone!"
I'm going to agree that Cena's character is out of his hands. His character serves a lot of purpose for the company. This whole PG rating is due to Linda McMahon's political career. The WWE is a publicly traded company and their image effects more than just a few signs in a crowd. There will always be a need for the clean cut image that Cena possesses. I also agree that his reputation seems like both a blessing and a curse. You can't tell dying kids that it's okay to give up. People actually pay money to come in and shout out "Cena sucks".

For the few who have accused me of posting spam; I beg to differ. After nearly 13 years and 1 Business Degree since I'd last attended an event I simply saw something different than I had before. Now, we don't have to cheer the same people but as long as we're in the same arena I kindly as you to not wear your hat while sitting in front of me; you're obstructing my point of view.
It confounds me that guys will pay upwards of $500 to sit in the front row and verbally crap on John Cena. First off, you're contributing to his paycheck a lot more than most other folks in the house that evening. Secondly, Cena doesn't care. It's a work. So why does it matter if the socially awkward guy in the front wants to boo him. Cena is getting paid regardless, so go right ahead. It's your right to boo him, but it's a silly and antisocial way to express yourself.

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