Let's Get This Straight - AJ Styles IS a Good Promo Man

I am not going to go that far, obviously there are different levels of ability. On that matter, I'd have to say that A.J. Styles is at the bottom of the bunch when you look at all the others in TNA and WWE.

That is fair.

Confident, ok. Competent, that's questionable.

Not as a heel, not as a face, not as a comedic character, not at all.

No. None of it man. What did he do to warrant such accolades from a tough critic such as yourself? Explain this shit, because I am really really missing the bandwagon on this one. You and others want to say he has this, that, and the other thing but no one offers to back it up with examples of when or where he displayed this great fabled ability.

And I for one thought it was shit.

well it's going to be one hard bed to lie in

Thank you.

It was awkward to me and not natural, certainly not excellent. ESPECIALLY when

Watch, you are going to hear a lot more of this.

Indeed it was.

Another fair statement.

Is he bad on the stick? No, not at all. He's no Jericho, though.

Agreed, don't need another Flair. One is enough and some times too much.

I'm not for any of it, nor do I want to see A.J. Styles do much of anything.

See the trend?

I feel you there. What an honest and accurate statement.

“ How is that so when you and half the other members here coo at the whim of his every move and word. I think it's ridiculous. What is so great about A.J. Styles? I don't get it. What is so special about this particular guy? What does he do that anyone else couldn't do? Or better what yet, what is it that he does so much better than anyone else that makes his so great? You could name a ton of other guys who are every bit as athletic, every bit as good of wrestlers, and if not as good as him than better.

Are you serious? I see this “Competence” being mentioned too, how so? What was so “Competent” about their promo? What showed “Competence” to you? Was it how horribly A.J. Fumbled with his words or how he just tried to rip off a Flair promo or something? Or was it the part where Hogan came in and saved the promo? What was it ? Besides, this isn't about TNA and WWEs writing. It's about the ability or lack thereof to deliver a good promo from A.J. Styles.

Say what you will about WWE, they've got their shit way more together than TNA. If the DX segments don't appeal to you than maybe you aren't the target audience for that segment, ever though of that? Besides, if was horribly obvious how out confused Styles was, and how much he was trying to play a role, completely manufactured and unbelievable. It was like he was trying to convince himself for God sake that he was all the shit Flair was saying about him. The character was and felt completely unnatural to him, and he looked uncomfortable in his own skin trying to act like Ric Flair or something. What is B.S. Is how people want to either dis-acknowledge this guys incapabilities and weaknesses, or try to say something bad about the WWE to atone for his shortcomings like that even matters.

I honstly feel that you are wrong.

Improving a little bit? Maybe. Good, no not yet. The funny thing is, that this deal with Flair will amount to a hill of beans in the long run and A.J, Styles will be no further along, but most of you will still be singing his praises just to spite. Maybe that's not even funny, more like pathetic. It's being blind to the obvious for unexplained reasons. No one has yet to give a good reason for this fandom based on anything but fragile opinions.

Based on what? Once again, what is it he does so well that he is “One of the best workers you've ever seen” and where is some proof. I agree that he is perfect for TNA since they are still a “B” company, but what is he going to do once they are past that? He has to evolve and he has not done so. This is not a step towards evolving the character, it is another chance for Flair to get paid, and for this guy to look like someones flunky again. At least Dark Angel tries to explain why he likes the guy, if you like him that is all fine and dandy to me, thank you for telling me why. I just disagree on your points. I appreciate your efforts nonetheless.

And the Lord touched this boy and he was saved. Enlightenment came his way, and he lived out the rest of his days in harmony and bliss, So said the Lord. In other words, I couldn't agree more.

I just want you to know, I'm adopting you! That's it, I am adopting you! Most accurate statement made so far from the crowd.

Sam! Sam! Your slippin' bro c'mon !!! I can't let you go out like that, you can't be serious about this shit, really. Flair has been cutting good promos since before A.J. Styles or even myself was even born. It was a good old school eccentric Flair promo. And you can't be serious about Sting, seriously? He's been great on the mic for years dude.

While I can agree with you on your comments about Christian to a degree, I have a small objection about Jericho. Now I'm not going to go on about “How great Chris Jericho is on the mic” I don't need to. Everyone else has made that case already. Where I disagree is you saying he stumbles over words. I think it's fair to say that he wouldn't be revered so highly for his mic skills if he stumbled over his words as you put it. I'd also have to say that contrary to your statements Jericho himself is more of a sophisticated speaker which is why he does so well with the character he is playing now, it's much closer to the way he really talks than the old Y2J stuff he did.

Ahhhh, don't you love the sound of the truth. I know I sure do.

I'm getting a mixed signal here. If you didn't like him on the mic, than how would you be impressed? Which is it, it can't be both?

Joy to the world the truth has come, let Earth receive a decent promo!

My definition of good and others seem to have some really big discrepancies with each other.

There's that “Forced” feeling haunting A.J.'s case again. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Didn't I say something about that earlier? Hmmm, I must be crazy or something because I thought I heard this guy say the promo sounded “Forced”. Not that story again. These are my sentiments exactly. It was forced, fake, out of place, trying too hard to act like Flair.

Well, It kind of is relevant, and I think you are right on point that his southern accent does make him come off as unintelligent. It's not so much a stereotype as it is just the way it sounds. If he sounds like a backwoods country bumpkin what do you expect. It doesn't sound intelligent. Remember when they did the whole storyline with him and Karen Angle when he took her do to the bayou or whatever and he was just this total idiot? Or what about when he was supposed to be torn between siding with Kurt Angle or Christian, he just looked like a natural idiot, like that character was just him, and unfortunately it was the only thing that really fit. I'll say it to the end, the biggest mistake they ever made with A.J. Styles was letting him talk.

Did you make a point somewhere in that long and rambling post because I certainly couldn't find it? AJ Styles may not be #1 in terms of promos but he has always been a solid promo guy. His southern accent may seem as a detriment but he can still pull off great promos. He was great as a heel and his promos come off naturally kind of like CM Punk. His mic work is just fine and it's ridiculous to think otherwise.
i have to disagree on a few things here. let me first say im a huge aj fan. period. i think he's the best in the industy..in ring skill wise. but i dont think he cuts good promos. first off...a true aj fan probably hated prince aj. he was christian and kurts bitch for awhile...he didn't know who's ass he wanted to kiss....it was pathetic compared to what he had been accomplishing before kurt angle arrived. and thats the truth. he was goofy as shit and not to be takin seriously at all imo. his promo this past week was odd to me. everyone praises aj and says he's the face of this company. but he gets on the mic and gives the whole "what about aj" hooplaa. dude you're the face of TNA and you're also the world champion with ric flair (arguably the greatest ever) at your side.....wat the fuck is aj talking about?? aside from all this, he stumbles up on his words frequently, screams too much and overall isn't convincing to me. and i dont hold anyone to the rock's standard. he was in his own league.
aj styles is my favorite wrestler and honestly i wish he would just shut up...whoop ass...and let flair do the talking.
i have to disagree on a few things here. let me first say im a huge aj fan. period. i think he's the best in the industy..in ring skill wise. but i dont think he cuts good promos. first off...a true aj fan probably hated prince aj. he was christian and kurts bitch for awhile...he didn't know who's ass he wanted to kiss....it was pathetic compared to what he had been accomplishing before kurt angle arrived. and thats the truth. he was goofy as shit and not to be takin seriously at all imo. his promo this past week was odd to me. everyone praises aj and says he's the face of this company. but he gets on the mic and gives the whole "what about aj" hooplaa. dude you're the face of TNA and you're also the world champion with ric flair (arguably the greatest ever) at your side.....wat the fuck is aj talking about?? aside from all this, he stumbles up on his words frequently, screams too much and overall isn't convincing to me. and i dont hold anyone to the rock's standard. he was in his own league.
aj styles is my favorite wrestler and honestly i wish he would just shut up...whoop ass...and let flair do the talking.

The struggle of allegiance between Kurt and Christian was supposed to be the whole angle and AJ played that gimmick perfectly which shows you how great he is. A heel is supposed to act the way he just acted. He wants the respect that he feels he isn't getting which is what 95% of the heels do so it isn't anything new.
Did you make a point somewhere in that long and rambling post because I certainly couldn't find it? AJ Styles may not be #1 in terms of promos but he has always been a solid promo guy. His southern accent may seem as a detriment but he can still pull off great promos. He was great as a heel and his promos come off naturally kind of like CM Punk. His mic work is just fine and it's ridiculous to think otherwise.

If you'd have actually read my post you would have found many points. That is unless you have a problem with reading comprehension and in that case I will spell it out for you. A.J. Styles is over rated, period. He is not good on the mic, and any illusions of otherwise are preposterous. Now I am not going to say he is the worst in the business or anything, but there are a number of guys in TNA alone who are much better. No one ever gives any explanation as to what makes him great, they just say he is or make comments that do no justice to the cause. It's always opinion with no backing. His promo with Flair was horrible, and the arguments have been made for me to validate that response. He has a long way to go before he is even considered good. Right now I would say he is in the stage of trying to find what works for him. Unfortunately if you just aren't a good speaker nothing will work which is why you have seen him used so many different ways. As for his ability in the ring, nothing special. There are plenty of guys in TNA and WWE who are as good or better, so I don't get all this hype for A.J. Styles. I can't make it any clearer than that.
I'm getting a mixed signal here. If you didn't like him on the mic, than how would you be impressed? Which is it, it can't be both?

Yes and no. Haha.

I didn't say I didn't like him on the mic; I said he didn't excite me. I don't see any AJ Styles segments and go, "Gee, I should order Genesis now". I don't get worked up by it, and I certainly have no cause to mark out over it.

I then followed that I have been impressed by him. Since you asked for us to cite examples, the easiest I can think of is the buildup to Styles/Joe/Daniels. Not amazing, but better than I expected (especially with Daniels in the mix on the mic....ouch!). To be honest, it was likely because I set my expectations low. Kinda like hating XMen 3 and then walking into Wolverine expecting it to be rancid dog shit, and leaving pleasantly surprised and even impressed by what turned out to be a speck of birdshit on your car.
I have been a TNA fan for along time and I am sick of Aj Styles being over hyped. He is an average ring worker who hits a couple of high spots in his matches. He is not a legend like HBk who can make anyone look good. He is just average and as far as him carrying TNA as champion that is a joke. He is not a good promo guys thats why they put flair with him to make him half way interesting. Hell the Disco Inferno was more entertaining than AJ Styles..lol That match with Tomko should never have been a main event of Impact. Oh yeah and with TNA gaining a more national attention I am sure anyone watching from New York are thinking what the hell is this southern redneck talking about? yes his accent hurts him with a broad audience.

Dusty Rhodes? Lets not even put Aj's name in the same thread as Dusty Rhodes. Dusty Rhodes is pure gold on the mic. He is funny. He entertains.
I will say that I've been an avid fan of Mr. Styles for quite some time now. Watching him on tv is nothing like watching him in person. TV is so limited to what you see at a live event. I happen to mark big time for the country bumpkin type like him whether he's heel or face. I LOVED him in the Christian Coalition group when he was crushing on Karen Angle, :laugh: some of those were priceless!! Then even better as face, and then seeing him from a front row seat and then getting to meet him backstage at a live event. He is a very hard worker. I think he IS WORTH ALL THE HYPE. Don't like it? Better deal with ol' NAYTCH.... :flair: WOOOOO!!! LOL
I remember Aj back in the day on wensday nights and yeah Aj is probably one of the best in tna as of now when it comes down to promos. I can already see it down the road being Desmond Wolfe and Aj Styles having 1 of the best promos over the tna championship, and thatd be awesome.
AJ Styles is not very good on the mic IMO. In fact, I think Earl Hebner is better on the mic (his promo last night was pretty good). Styles is a bit of a throwback, does his talking in the ring. His quick little promos backstage are passable, and do the job; however, he cannot carry himself in the ring for a long promo.

And to the OP, I am new here so the culture of this board is different than some others I have been to. But to say "Let's get this straight, AJ Styles is a Good Promo Man," like your opinion is more important than anybody elses.
please! aj could not cut a heel promo if his life depended on it, sorry sam, it is true, he comes across as a little kid trying to be like his father(flair in this case), and it is not working, he needs to be himself and more relaxed, not rush himself.
I agree with you, Sam. The only problem I could think of that people might have with him is his accent. He can't help how he talks though, and it doesn't bother me. Styles is good at promos because as a face was determined to win, loyal to his allies, and angry at his opponents. What more could someone want for a face who does good promos? Even the current version of Styles is good because to me he's a mix of Flair and his former self. He still entertains me on the mic and in the ring, at the end of the day that's what matters.
I always hated it when people would say that he was bad on the mic. He's by no means an all-time great, but he gets his point across as either a good guy or a bad guy, and he never goes out of character. He has a very basic format, and it works. I've always liked his promos.

Look back at his stuff during the fued with Angle over his supposed affair with Karen, and there's some really good stuff there. He was always great against Daniels too.
AJ Styles doesn't work as a heel for me. I think Hogan and Bischoff know this and that the heel turn was suggested as a way to make it "look" like they were trying to help AJ when what they're really doing is make him look bad so that they can take the belt off him and put it on someone who they feel is more deserving.
I prefer AJ as a face, to be honest with you, he just seems a wholesome kind of man. However, that is not to disagree that he isn't good on the mic as a heel. I think AJ is pretty much the most emotive promo man in the business. He's not all flashy catchphrases and one liners, but he consistently gets his point across whatever that might be in that instance. There is more variety in his work than just about anyone. People confuse being funny with being good on the mic, which is why we get ******ed IWC viewpoints like "AJ is bad on the mic, Abe Washington is good" which is evidently not the case.
AJ Styles doesn't work as a heel for me. I think Hogan and Bischoff know this and that the heel turn was suggested as a way to make it "look" like they were trying to help AJ when what they're really doing is make him look bad so that they can take the belt off him and put it on someone who they feel is more deserving.

Interesting idea. I do not know if it is so much a conspiracy as poor planning. They pretty much have the final word no matter what, so if they wanted to take the title off him they could. It would be a pretty stupid way to convince people to watch their product by purposefully making the champion look bad.
They had to come up with something compelling for Flair and this does work. Problem is AJ was the top babyface and Angle top heel until recently. Now they are trying a random flip flop. But there is no babyface to help AJ get over as a heel. He is not bad on the mic but he will not be able to get over that way. Screwy finishes do not get heat on the heel in TNA as much as the booker.

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