Let's get one thing straight about TNA and WWE (same post in the TNA forum)


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TNA is not going to put WWE out of business and WWE is not going to buy TNA anytime soon.

Can everyone please stop arguing and pulling out ridiculous rants and figures about the companies? How many of you said there is NO way EVER that Angle will go to TNA? Anything can happen. People used to move back and forth between promotions all the time and TNA does need some of the "WWE rejects" as people call them for the name recognition.

WWE is the superior product and the market leader. They have had a 20+ year jump on it. TNA has better wrestling and an aid to it is that WWE bans wrestlers from certain moves or styles. WWE has better storyling but often gets stale. One would imagine with 2 hour TNA will get better.

Stop comparing companies. Panda Energy is a part of the Panda Group, I don't know all the financials but I'm sure as a multinational utilities corporation they have money -- whether they throw it at TNA remains to be seen. TNA is an investment and the only other major competitor in the Wrestling business currently. WWE has deep pockets and will most likely continue to outperform TNA even if/when they get to a head to head competition level.

Why is everyone acting so personal about the 2? Understand that competition is good for both and will benefit us all. Ric Flair, LOD, Luger and others jumped back and forth back in the day and the same started happening in the late 90s.

Now let's all stop arguing and making up crazy statements with no facts to back them up and have intelligent conversations here.

Thank you.
You tell people to stop making crazy statements... Pssssh!
but whether you like it or not, its like you said...anything can happen. vince will buy the company. he did for WCW, he did for ECW, what says TNA isnt next? im not saying soon, but...down the line...
I just hope that wwe look at the angle situation and go "wow, any of our wrestlers can do that, we better step up and start kicking ass again"....but I will Still Watch both promotions, because I love wrestling and i appreciate what both companies are doing
jawn87 said:
but whether you like it or not, its like you said...anything can happen. vince will buy the company. he did for WCW, he did for ECW, what says TNA isnt next? im not saying soon, but...down the line...

SHUT-UP!!!!! Vince bought only the WCW, and only becoz nobody else wanted it. Vince NEVER and I mean NEVER ever ever ever bought ECW. He purchased its assets from the Supreme Court, but he never bought it from Paul E. ECW went bankrupt, its assets were seized by the state and sold to repay the debts of the company. I could have walked into the court (or relevant relative body) and bought what the WWE bought. The fact that Vince bought a video-library and some Intelectual Property earns nothing.

Vince also saw the XFL fail. Does this mean that the WWE will fail too? You see how stupid that comment was? Thats how stupid you sound.

Why am I even acknowledging what this moron posted?
attila said:
SHUT-UP!!!!! Vince bought only the WCW, and only becoz nobody else wanted it. Vince NEVER and I mean NEVER ever ever ever bought ECW. He purchased its assets from the Supreme Court, but he never bought it from Paul E. ECW went bankrupt, its assets were seized by the state and sold to repay the debts of the company. I could have walked into the court (or relevant relative body) and bought what the WWE bought. The fact that Vince bought a video-library and some Intelectual Property earns nothing.

Vince also saw the XFL fail. Does this mean that the WWE will fail too? You see how stupid that comment was? Thats how stupid you sound.

Why am I even acknowledging what this moron posted?

cause you know i am your hero. :lol2: it doesnt matter what video library or whatever, ECW is still in his name, he runs it, over sees everything that happens like he does in WWE, who cares if it went bankrupt, its still in his name, he brought the motherfucker back, and who cares about the XFL. no one watched that shit. simply because its a lot like TNA, a fucking barney re-run. im not saying WWE will fail, im saying that what happened to WCW and WWE is going to happen to TNA and WWE. it takes border line fuckin ******s like you to say that ECW wasnt bought by Vince, well shit for brains, if it wasnt, then why is it in his name? why did he bring it all back like twice or something...if he hadnt have bought it, someone else would have bought it. you have to buy it in order to run it and crap like that, it has to be in your name or the courts or whatever the fuck will sue you for all the fat dolla' you make. so he had to have bought the name and all, how else is he allowed to run this shit?

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