Lethal Lottery: Garth Black vs. Johnny Scumm (No DQ) [#1 Contender - Eurasian Title]

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Johnny Scumm recently returned to WZCW after a long hiatus from the company and immediately looked to put himself back on the map once more by brutally assaulting Garth Black - another man who has returned for one final run to become the best competitor in WZCW - on multiple occasions. These two have been tearing each other apart through their matches and the backstage area all across the United Kingdom. Even once these two settled the score in a match where Garth Black picked up the victory, these two still continued to fight. In an effort to finish this rivalry once and for all, the General Managers came to an agreement to pit these two competitors against each other in a No Disqualification match where the winner will challenge for the Eurasian championship.

Both men have the opportunity they have been seeking since their returns to the company and rise to the ranks of the elite but only one man can walk away with a championship bout. Will it be Scumm or will it be Black?

Deadline is Tuesday, August 25th at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
A prepared statement from the desk of Garth Black.

People doubt my motivations,
It's just about exotic locations.
And so its quite funny,
That I came here for the money.
I always just wanted to achieve,
but everything I did was make believe.
I was the second coming until we fell out,
But it was secretly I who was the sell out.
I left home looking for honours and belts,
Or to get away from the savages and celts.
I'm aiming to take the match to Scumm,
Or whatever really, as long as I get paid for Kingdom Come
To prove that it is I who is the best returner
Or at least that I will be the biggest earner.
To prove that good can be a winner,
Or to be a more clandestine sinner,
And after I have ended Scumm's shot at glory
(Ignoring our similar stories)
I'll head to the main event to pit myself against many foes and friends,
The latter will be the former when it all ends
For I believe that I'm the best,
I've been here long enough to stand the test
And unlike all the big hopes of the past
I'll stick around long enough for the story to last
I won't shirk at the challenge ahead,
Unless I get a better offer instead
Beating thirty men won't come easy
Especially in a place so sleazy
But I have the skills and the power to succeed
I've written messages to the management so they better take heed
As WZCW is a meritocracy for the best
At moaning and whining to Banks and the rest
And I intend to win for the fans that keep me in their heart,
Until someone more popular comes and I escape as a fart
But also for myself stuck in this dichotomy
Between working for them, and working for me.
And I hope come next week it will be my star that shines,
Else you should start to read between the lines.
Have you ever lost somebody you loved? I have. Have you ever experienced the torment, the pain that comes along with losing a person that was always close to you, spent every second growing up with you? Yes, I’ve experienced it. So has Johnny Scumm. The sadist that beats people down for a living, lost his little brother. At the age of 15, the only family member that ever stayed close to him was no more. When little Johnny was out finding any old house that he could stop in, the 13 year old Christopher was out there, looking to find where his brother had got to. Now edging 30, Scumm visits the grave of his brother without fail, on his birthday.

“Hey Chris, what a year it’s been.”

See, while Chris was a kid who was happy in his family, he still had to find his big brother. After all, Chris seemed to be the only person (To this day, that isn’t his partner) that Scumm ever got on with. If he was sleeping in a cardboard box, you could guarantee that at least once, Chris would come on down with someone to make his brother smile. Smiling wasn’t one of his strong points, but if you’re given a bottle of water, something to eat or even a book…it’s bound to buck you up a little.

“So, I’m back. Happy birthday bro. It’s been difficult this year and I didn’t think I’d make it, but here I am.”

The fall came one night, when Johnny had taken refuge at the side of the motorway, one winter evening. You should know that visibility in snow is a bastard at the best of times, but when you’re a 13 year old boy running around at the speed of light (Well, Chris always thought he could run fast), those crisp, cold white flakes start hitting you in the eyes worse than you could imagine.

“I still think of that day you know. I remember your voice, in the distance. It pains me Chris, but you’re always in my mind. There isn’t a day that goes by where I wish it could be different and you could be here, watching me take reign over WZCW. You know, you’re the reason I do this today. I take people down, I hurt people because they hurt you.”

That 15 year old boy could hear his younger brother calling his name, 4 lanes across from where he’d made his home that night. Peering above the piece of sheet metal, he saw the tiny figure, being lit up by the headlights of cars speeding on by.

“I told you to go home. I’ll never know to this day whether you chose to ignore me or not.”

Have you ever shouted at somebody and they’ve chosen to take no notice of it? This was one of those moments, but with the worst possible outcome. Shouting out over & over “Go home, Chris! I’ll be fine!” seemed to have no effect on an eager kid. His mind took over his actions and before anybody could stop him, the 13 year old Chris was sprinting over to give his brother the bread roll he’d been holding in his pocket. It was still slightly warm which surprised Chris, seeing as he’d been running around in the snow.

“You made the wrong decision. I regret ever taking myself over there. You never would have followed otherwise!”

This was the kind of torture that Scumm put himself through, year in and year out. See, before he could reach the final lane, Chris was taken down. A careless driver mixed with blurred vision on both parties led to a fatal accident that ended up taking a young boys life. When he heard the noise, Johnny ran out to see what had happened. He saw his brother, laying there. It’s hard enough to come to terms with the loss of life just from somebody passing on the news, but when you’re witnessing it firsthand then it’s an entirely different ballgame. Tears came streaming down the boy’s face, as he put his arm over his brother, who was turning colder by the second. Eventually, he spotted his brothers arm held in the pocket. In the pocket, a single bread roll.

“It was still warm. I won’t ever forget the moment that I realized why you were coming over to see me. I stayed with you, laid with you until the ambulance turned up. But as soon as the medics jumped out of the truck I was gone from the scene. Finding out where they’d laid you to rest was the hardest part, but I’ve not missed a year coming to see you since.”

See, Chris would have loved to see Johnny wrestle. It was Chris that started to call his brother Johnny first, at the age of 11.

“This is all for you bro. What I’m doing now, I do it because I want my brother watching down on me, winning the gold. All my hate, it all stems from that one night. Not a single person will ever be on my good side, not that I have one.”

Touching his forehead down to the ground, Scumm speaks to the grave.

“Brother, there are only two people in the world that I can say these words to.”

He kisses the ground before looking up, towards the gravestone.

“I love you Chris.”


“Tonight, I set my own future.”

He was right. It was the night of the Lethal Lottery and Scumm, sat cross-legged on a bench in the locker room, was able to turn WZCW on its head in just a few hours. First, he would face Garth Black in a No Disqualification match to see who would move on to challenge Chris K.O for the EurAsian Title. After that, he was set to be one of thirty men that would enter the Lethal Lottery, to compete for a WZCW World Heavyweight Title shot. To call his night important would be an understatement.

“You’re not alone though, Johnny.”

A hand taps him briefly on the shoulder, as if to attempt to relieve his stress. His other half, Claire had been seemingly stuck to his side like a Siamese twin.

“I know that. Now…onto tonight. Let’s look to the Lethal Lottery match itself. Twenty nine other men will take me on to be adorned with the glory of going on to face the WZCW Heavyweight Champion at Kingdom Come.”

“Now THAT sounds good!”

The wrestler lets out a small chuckle, before turning to his partner and shaking his head slowly.

“You see, I know what I can do out there. I fight, I break bones and I bloody noses. When someone tries to take me down, I fight back and make sure that I’m the one that’s left standing. This will be the biggest fight, the biggest match of my career. That in itself is saying something. But nobody else deserves it, nobody needs it as much as this man right here.”

Deluded? He could well be, but this man has never held a title, never pulled his finger out far enough to get the victory in any big match. Slapping his hand on his leg, Scumm turns back to face the floor.

“I’m not doing this for anyone, but myself. Nobody wants to see me win the Lottery and when I do, I won’t care what they think about me. My life hasn’t been built on pleasing people after all. You see though, before I get to the Lottery, I need to take out the main target…Garth Black.”

When Scumm returned to WZCW, he defeated Garth Black in his first match. Ever since, Black seems to have been the target that Scumm wanted to hit. The bullseye that he always needed to reach, Garth had taken multiple beatings but only the other week, managed to get one over on Scumm and beat him, bringing them level in their victories.

“Black proved to me the other week that no matter what I do to him, there’s always a slight chance that I’ll end up being the one that doesn’t come out on top. However, this time it’s different.”

Chris K.O was without a competitor. It was because of this that he wasn’t going to defend his title at Lethal Lottery. Instead, two men were going to fight to be given the honour of fighting him…at a later date.

“It’s pathetic. You know, put K.O straight into the Lottery, and don’t make him defend his title. Make me pull double duty, but give the champion a chance at the big prize without having to put any work in beforehand? Fuck you WZCW. I don’t even need to fight Black for the right to face K.O really, we all know that when it comes down to it that Johnny Scumm is the right choice for somebody to take down Chris K.O”

He takes a quick pause, enough to give him the time to stand back up.

“You see, life has taken from me. It’s only ever taken. But for once, it’s going to give. I’m not going to give back, because with everything that I’ve lost there isn’t anything that I have to give it. So when I take the opportunity of gold away from Garth Black, I then go into the Lethal Lottery match itself. There, I become the Number One contender to the WZCW Heavyweight Championship.”

The almost silent Claire begins to clap quietly, over in the corner.

“After that, I’ve got the opportunity to become a double champion. I’m going to do it. But that’s the future. Tonight, it is officially the time for me to start gaining back what I’ve lost in the past. Everything that’s been taken from me. Lives, opportunities, chances at becoming something. These are all things that I’m going to start taking back. You see, when Garth steps into a match with no disqualifications, he’s stepping into a world of pain. When I strike him with a chair, or whip him in the chest with a kendo stick, he will feel it. When I rake his face unprotected against the ropes…or I choose to smash it into those steel steps surrounding the ring and make him see red, he’ll know the pain that I’m putting him through is real.”

“YES! YES! YES! Oh Johnny, you really have a way with words.”

“Just you wait when I put those words into reality Claire. Garth isn’t getting into this with me just so I can take my title match against K.O. He’s going into this so I can take his life. If I fail at that, well at least he won’t be able to walk when I’ve had my way with him. After that, twenty nine men will drop before me, leaving me the last standing. The future is set. My future is set.”

The raging superstar begins to slip his foot into one of his wrestling boots, starting to lace up ready to face the action.

“Tonight is the night that I take back. I don’t care to feel pain, as no pain matches that of what I’ve felt previously. If they want to face scum…come and find Johnny.”
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