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Lethal Lottery: Constantine vs. Theron Daggershield [World Heavyweight Title]

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Constantine finally captured the World Heavyweight Championship after running the Elite X championship gauntlet and earning himself a title shot in the midst of an epic feud between Live Mas & The Elite. As the stage was set for the final battle between both groups, the Elite turned their back on Constantine and was unable to defend his championship. Constantine came back with a vengeance and took out his former Elite partner before moving onto the then-World champion Dorian Slaughter. After Theron Daggershield picked up the win against the unstoppable Slaughter, Constantine looked to pick up the pieces and finish Slaughter once and for all. However, Theron couldn't let this stand and intervened between the former Elite brethren, saving Slaughter from any further harm.

With Constantine's warpath ending as the rightful World Champion & Theron standing in his way as the only other successor to the throne, the two have been placed at opposite ends of the ring and will do battle to see who will become the next World Heavyweight Champion.

Deadline is Tuesday, August 25th at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Constantine wakes to the sound of singing birds outside of his window. He rubs his eyes in attempt to shake the tiredness from them and squints through the beautiful window to his far right. The blue of the sky is not disturbed by any clouds whatsoever as the former Heavyweight Champion pulls himself out of his bed and towards the warm glow of the morning sun. In the air, Constantine smells the faint aroma of breakfast; the unmistakable smell of suburban normality. Peering out of the window, Constantine spies the newspaper delivery boy making his way down the road, tossing papers left and right until he reaches the end and disappears around the corner. Constantine lets out a contented sigh as he turns on his heels and retrieves his dressing robe from it's hanger and throws it around his shoulders. On the night-stand, a glass of orange juice waits for him as it normally does. Picking it up, he sips at the citrus liquid that stings at his inner lethargy. Constantine leaves his room and begins down the hall as the sound of Mia and Casey in the kitchen echoes cheerfully through the house. Constantine smiles as he continues down the hall before slowly peering around the kitchen door and spying his own slice of perfection.

His daughter smiles widely at him, the mess of her breakfast spread across her fat little cheeks and the chair that she sits in. Mia turns as the high-pitched giggling of her child, again, fills the kitchen. Constantine sticks out his tongue as he moves inside the kitchen and meets his fiancé with a warm embrace.

Mia: Uh-oh! You woke up, Daddy!

Constantine gives Mia a smile before moving towards his daughter at the table. In recent weeks, she has begun to look more and more like Mia, Constantine had thought. The way her small brown locks fell to one side of her face and the way her eyes light up a room were things that Constantine had always loved about Mia. He kisses Casey's forehead and pulls up a chair directly beside her. After a moment or two, Constantine picks up the newspaper and flicks through it. It isn't too long before Mia ambles towards Constantine and places down his breakfast. Folding up the newspaper once more, Constantine picks up his cutlery and looks down at his serving. He is soon joined at the table by his beautiful partner and another wave of calm pleasure rushes over Constantine.

Constantine: It's funny...

Mia looks up at John, momentarily breaking her gaze from the gossip magazine that rests before her. Constantine's train of thought is derailed somewhat as he looks at her stunning face, underpinned by the glowing sunlight pouring in from directly behind her; she almost looks angelic in some ways.

Mia: What is?

Constantine lets out a sigh before shaking his head and smiling. He waves his hand nonchalantly; almost wishing that he hadn't said anything aloud.

Mia: Come on, out with it...

Mia smiles at John as she presses him for the end of his thought. Feeling a swelling of love and emotion in his chest, Constantine can barely look into the deep blue eyes of his fiancé. He steadies himself once again before looking back at Mia.

Constantine: After everything that has gone on in the past few months and years, I never thought that we would ever have this again.

Mia gives Constantine a reassuring smile as she reaches out for his hand in the middle of the small dining table.

Constantine: Everything that happened before Gold Rush and everything that happened after... I thought for sure that I had blown it; that everything that I really loved were gone for good and all that would be left would be a memory. Matt Tastic, Dorian Slaughter, Ty Burna; they all tried to make this go away.

Constantine shuffles uncomfortably in his seat as he gazes down at his plate, trying anything to not look at the woman who he had so unashamedly broke her heart. She grasps at his hand tightly as he continues to talk.

Constantine: I made such a mistake, Mia. Choosing wrestling and Championships over you was the biggest mistake of my life. I'm so glad that you gave me another shot, Mia. Waking up to this every morning just makes me the happiest man on the planet. Everything I ever worked for was material and it always left a void. But since you and Casey came along, I've been so happy. You don't know how much you mea-

Constantine looks up from the table as he looks to punctuate his words with a loving gaze. But nothing remains. Where Mia and Casey once sat, only empty chairs remain. The softness of her hand grasping his is no more, and the calm of peace and love, replaced by fear and loathing. Outside, the beautiful sunshine is replaced by horrific thunder and lightning and the interior of the kitchen begins to wash away. After a moment, the haze of the illusion lifts, leaving Constantine sitting alone in a wooden chair; rocking back and forth.

Constantine opens his eyes to reveal the cold and dark interior of the hut he come to dwell in. The warmth of Mia's love was al but a forgotten memory as Constantine turned his head to the left and spied the old man who greeted him on his first night in this horrible place. Getting to his feet silently, Constantine moves towards the old stone fireplace and tosses a few more logs into the fire. A plume of orange embers fly from the fireplace as the heavy log comes crashing down. Constantine stares into the fire for a moment before turning on his heels and silently moving back to his chair.

Bill: You can't ever go back to that...

Constantine sits back down in his chair as he stares into the fire; expressionless.

Bill: You do understand that as soon as you made your choice to come here instead of going back to that fancy old mansion of yours, they were as good as gone. You get that, right?

Constantine lets out a hateful grunt as Bill meets it with a gleeful yelp.

Bill: Heck, I knew you were dreaming about that dough-eyed little piece of skirt. The sobbing, the tears, the heartache. It means nothing, boy. She's gone... Forever probably.

Constantine remains quiet as Bill gets to his feet and struts around the cabin, his body casting shadows on the wall as he does. Opening the small wooden door, Bill looks out into the night, the rain falling mere inches from his face. Constantine watches him as he turns back into the cabin with a smug grin on his face.

Bill: You better get used to, Constantine. That fancy life of yours is nothing but a memory. You think that she would welcome you back with open arms after being missing from her life for the last four months? The same four months where your beloved daughter has grown up without a daddy in a mansion that is far too big for just two people?

The shadowy figure moves back inside the small cabin and continues to walk towards John until he is mere inches from his face; the smell of smoke and alcohol filling the lungs of the Power Trip. Constantine remains relaxed, however; showing no emotion as Bill examines him. After a moment or two, Bill lets out another gleeful laugh before heading back to his chair. As he seats himself, the sound of creaking wood fills the cabin. Rocking back and forth, Bill continues to look at Constantine.

Bill: You made your choice, son. Now you're going to have to pay the price for that. Love, family, hope... It's all gone. Replaced by danger, a life without mercy, and unending hopelessness. Great choice.

Constantine finally turns his head towards Bill, giving him a horrible stare under his furrowed brows.

Constantine: I don't care about any of that!

Bill: Oh no? I can see it in your eyes, son. You miss everything that you had, there's no doubt about it. But the path you've walked doesn't allow for you to go back. Push on, push forward; that's the only way out of this mess that you've found yourself in. The day that you made the decision to come here, the next chapter of your life was paved for you. You just need to keep walking down that winding road, if you catch my drift.

The former World Champion gives Bill a confused look but surrenders to the manic ravings of, what he was sure was his inner mind rambling through his crooked and twisted thoughts. Somewhere, deep down, Constantine must believe these musings; why else would Bill be able to zero in on them?

Bill: Since Gold Rush, you have become the most iconic and dangerous man in the history of WZCW. How many people have wanted to put Ty Burna on the shelf? Showtime Cougar, Titus, vengeance, Chris KO... The list goes on and on. But here you are, John Constantine; the man who finally retired the greatest superstar to ever grace a WZCW ring. Tell me honestly, son, would that have been possible if you were back at home?

Constantine turns his head away from Bill now, refusing to accept the cold hard truth of the matter. Embarrassed by his choices and his actions, Constantine looks towards the fire again, the heat rising in his cheeks as Bill presses on.

Bill: Taking Dorian Slaughter out of the game, too... That was special!

Bill lets out another gleeful laugh before picking up his bottle of whiskey from the small wooden table to his immediate right. Bill sips on the moonshine before cuddling it to his breast as a mother would her child.

Bill: And here we are, one step away from reclaiming what was always yours; the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. Truth be told, I thought they would have found someone better for you to face off against than Dreamer Daggershield... What a joke!

Constantine shoots off of the chair and makes his way towards the door. Bill remains quiet as the Power Trip pulls the wooden handle and turns back towards his companion.

Bill: Was it something I said?

Constantine gives Bill a shake of his head and moves outside into the rain. Deep into the woods he goes, trying to find some purpose; some clarity. Truth be told, in the weeks that he had shared the cabin in the woods with Bill, he had lost a piece of himself. Whatever now remained of the former politician, it wasn't John Constantine; that was for sure. Casey, Mia, civility; they were lost. Constantine was always a man who lived by his principals but in recent weeks, he had felt those shift inside of him. Years ago would he have stopped short of putting Ty and Dorian out of the business and risking their careers? Probably. Something had snapped inside of Constantine and he knew it.

So, into the woods he ran; the rain lashing from the skies and hitting with force. In his mind, Constantine thought about what waited for him at the Lethal Lottery. Constantine didn't know much any more, his brain had been warped and twisted by his own demented ravings, but what he did know was how much of a dangerous opponent Theron Daggershield could be. Sure, he had never been to the lofty heights of this position before but Constantine always had a feeling that it was only a matter of time before he found the key to unlock that door and walked through it. Little did he think that it would transpire that Constantine would have been the one to unlock the door for him. Constantine's actions towards Dorian, and the disrespect he showed Theron was all the fuel that Theron needed to find another level and challenge for the Heavyweight Championship. Bill could say all he wanted but Constantine knew how much of a challenge Theron would be.

Voice: He'll choke!

From the darkness, the voice booms towards Constantine like a tornado, distracting the Power Trip enough to lose his footing and tumble through the trees and down a small hill. Constantine lies on his back, looking towards the skies. The stars shine back at him as he feels the pain of his fall on every inch of his body. Slowly getting back to his feet, Constantine scans the area for the source of the booming vice but nothing can be seen in the deep darkness. Constantine takes a deep breath and begins hobbing through the trees once more. Could it be right that Theron would choke in the main event; Constantine began to think. Theron had been gifted many opportunities in the past and had failed to take almost every one of them. Constantine was correct in his knowledge that Theron was a great superstar. But even he couldn't find a reason for Theron's failings when it mattered most. Title shot after title shot were giving to Theron; a mighty reward for his promising displays. But no one could argue that he lived up to the billing on each of those occasions.

Constantine: God damn it!

Looking down at his leg, Constantine spies a dagger of wood piercing his skin and drawing blood. Grabbing the piece of wood, Constantine pulls it from his limb and tosses it into the woods. Grimacing from the pain, Constantine begins moving again. He must have run for miles before the fall, he thought. He didn't recognise this part of the woods but it didn't really matter; he just wanted to be as far away from Bill and the cabin as he could. He needed to find answers... Find himself.

Voice: We believe in you, John...

Again, the voice startles Constantine. Constantine spins around on the spot, looking for the source. But nothing can be seen. That is until a glistening light moves around a far away tree. Constantine squints his eyes through the rain looking at what could be mistaken for a woman walking towards him. He feels a shot of fright travel through his spine as the woman approaches.

Constantine: It can't be...

Constantine moves towards the woman, trying to focus his eyes through the pouring rain and make sense of what he is seeing. Closer and closer, the figure draws; brightening the woods with every step.

Constantine: Mia?!

The Power Trip's jaw falls in utter shock as Mia continues to walk towards him. Finally, she reaches him; smiling widely. Constantine is lost for words and staggers backwards slightly.

Constantine: How... H-

Mia: It's okay, John. Everything is okay.

Constantine struggles to deal with what he is seeing and hearing, even as it speaks to him. His chest heaves up and down as he breathes.

Mia: You've come so far... So far away from me.

Constantine: Mia, I am so sorry!

Mia raises her hand to Constantine's face, placing one finger over his lips. He closes his eyes as her skin finally makes contact with his. With the rain continuing to pour down his face, the tears from hiss eyes can barely be seen.

Mia: Don't be sorry. Finish this, John. Finish this for everyone. For me, for Casey and for yourself. Theron Daggershield is the only man who stands between you and us being together again. Put him down once and for all and we can be together again. Everything that has gone before doesn't mean anything now. The mistakes that you've made can be forgiven. Just don't make this count for nothing. Go to the Lethal Lottery and break Theron Daggershield. Make him suffer for keeping us apart and when all of that is said and done, come back to me.

Constantine keeps his eyes shut as Mia's finger loses touch with his lips. To his surprise, Mia is gone once more, replaced by the all too familiar sight of Bill in his red-neck get-up. Constantine lowers his head and swallows hard, trying to rid himself of the pain of losing Mia once again. Bill raises his arm and points beyond Constantine. The Power Trip has a feeling he knows what lies there. With a heavy heart and much sadness, Constantine turns around to find The Cabin only 10 feet away from him. All of his running, all of the distance gained... It was for nothing.

Bill: She isn't gone, Constantine. As long as you remember why you made this choice, then she can never really be gone. But she is right! You must finish this. You must fulfil the potential that we, and that she, has seen in you from day one. Theron Daggershield stands in the way of progress and must be destroyed. Perhaps, when all of this is over, you may be able to win her back. But do you honestly think that she is going to welcome you back if all of this is for nothing? Go back to her a loser, with nothing crowning the time you have spent away and watch her shun you...

Constantine feels the anger building in his bones.

Bill: I can show you how, I can give you the tools to beat Theron. Do this for us and perhaps everything can be like it was... Fail, and she will never want you again!

Constantine turns his back to Bill and begins to walk towards the Cabin that dimly sits upon the nearby hill. As he reaches the door of the Cabin, he peers inside to where only Bill's rocking chair would sit. Upon it, the burlap sack that has become too familiar for everyone in WZCW sits. Constantine moves inside the Cabin and collects it.

Constantine: I'll do it... But not for you and certainly not for myself.

The former World Champion pulls the sack over his head and moves towards the door of the Cabin once again.

Constantine: I'll do it for her.

The Power Trip slams the door behind him.

Constantine: Theron Daggershield... Lethal Lottery... EXPECT ME!
Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits



Scene opens to a view of a beautiful outdoor sanctuary in the woods. A large lake with crystal clear water stretches out for many miles in all directions as far as the eye can see. Tall trees surround the walking path leading up to the lake, one of which has a cocoon hanging from one of its branches, the caterpillar is still inside it. A small stairway leads down into the lake, for people to climb down into the water. There is a sign ten feet away from the stairway. Theron Daggershield walks up to the sign. He stops to read the sign, its text can be seen.

"In regards to your former way of life, you must remove your old self, corrupted by darkness; to be made new in the eyes of The Triad of Torm, Ilmater, and Tyr; Now put on the new self, created to fight for true righteousness and holiness to protect the users of magic for our Mother of Magic, Mystra. ~ Evocation 4: 22-24"

Theron contemplates on the verse written on the sign as his girlfriend Kirilah the Paladin of Mystra and his most trusted ally, Kaleesta "The Healer" follow him over to the sign.

Kirilah: Evocation is such a powerful book in The Tome of Mystra.

The Paladin walks over by Theron, as The Healer follows behind her. Kirilah notices the cocoon hanging from a nearby tree.

Kirilah: Hey, look! A cocoon! How appropriate. They say that butterflies emerging from their cocoon is a symbol for rebirth.

She looks back over at Theron after admiring the cocoon for a brief moment.

Kirilah: Anyway, the time has come. Are you ready for your rebirth and rededication?

Theron turns to face Kirilah.

Theron: Yep.... How do we start this then?

Kirilah: Well, the first thing you need to do is wait on a word from Mystra. Take out your Tome of Mystra then Kaleesta and I will both pray for you.

The Warblade scratches his head, knowing full well that he does not have his Tome with him at the moment, hoping Kirilah will not be angered when she finds out.

Theron: Sorry, I forgot it.... Can we use yours?

Kirilah: Theron!!!! This is important! How can you forget to bring your Tome of Mystra to a site blessed by the Mother of Magic!? My Tome is still at the Inn. This is your rededication, not mine.

Kaleesta points over to a nearby picnic table.

Kaleesta: It appears we are in luck. Look over there. The lot who had been here before us must have left their Tome of Mystra on that table there.

Kirilah walks over to the wooden picnic table. She grabs a Tome of Mystra that was sitting on the table and opens it up and reads to herself for a couple of seconds before walking back to face Theron.

Kirilah: I am sorry for getting upset just now, Theron. I just wish you took spending time in the holy book more seriously. Like you did during your Crusade against The Garmr Dogs. You were winning more matches back then, perhaps it is not a coincidence that you also spent time daily with Mystra reading her word at that time.

Theron: Yeah. You're right. I do need to spend more time doing my scripture readings. I'm sorry, Kirilah. Thanks for pointing that out. So, how does this work?

The Paladin flips to the 2nd book of Conjuration and reads to herself, then looks at Theron.

Kirilah: This lake is blessed by four deities. Mystra, who you and I follow, as well as The Triad.

Kaleesta: The Triad consist of Torm, Ilmater, and Tyr. The last of those three, Tyr, is who I follow. Answer Kirilah's questions with honesty, as a fixed point in time is rapidly approaching on the eve of The Risky Raffle.

Holy music begins playing and continues to play through the rest of the following scenes.


Kirilah: Theron Daggershield, have you accepted Mystra as your deity?

Theron: Yeah. I did so more than a year ago and I choose to remain a believer.

Kirilah: Will you follow her teachings and fight for our Mother of Magic every single day so long as you shall live?

Theron: Yeah. I have ever since accepting Mystra as my deity, and I plan on continuing to fight bravely in her honor, but I want this day to mark a new beginning. I can't defeat Kaiser if I am still haunted by the fears of repeating the failures of my past. I want to overcome this once and for all, then begin on a new clean slate.

Kirilah: Then go now and enter The Lake of Revival. You must fully submerge yourself, then re-emerge in order for the rebirth to be complete. I pray Mystra blesses this holy water as you make this crucial step.

The Warblade takes off his armor as Kirilah places the Tome of Mystra back on the picnic table she had found it on, still open to the 2nd book of Conjuration. The two girls close their eyes to begin praying. Once he finishes taking off the armor, he begins walking toward the lake. He is now clad in the swimming gear he had been wearing under the armor that morning and is barefoot. Theron takes a few steps forward and makes it to the stairway that leads down into the lake. He looks back at the girls. They are both locked in prayer. He takes a deep breath and steps down into the water. His thoughts can be heard.

Theron: (Voice-over) Mystra give me strength.... Forgive my failures.

He is now in the water's shallow portion. The water, which feels cold but refreshing in the bright warm summer day, is up to Theron's knees.

Theron: (Voice-over) I want to be a champion that you can be proud of, Mystra. My recent failures on the battlefield and my many previous losses make me feel I have been unworthy.

Scene transitions with a mosaic animation to the match at Burnup 100 between Theron and Marrmell. Theron's thoughts continue to be heard and the music keeps playing.

Theron: (Voice-over) The loss to Marrmell still haunts me. It was my first chance to be a hero and I failed.

The scene then transitions to footage of the Expert F Championship match between Theron and Kaiser at 2014's Risky Raffle.

Theron: (Voice-over) Another night I wish I could redeem was what happened exactly one year ago. I went out there seeking to end Kaiser's path to victory on the 7 Trials of the Expert F Championship Gauntlet. I failed and Kaiser went on to become World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion.

Scene shifts to the Global Championship Match at Treasure Hunt 2015 between Theron and Ella Teague. It freeze-frames on the moment the guard hands Theron the Global Championship.

Theron: (Voice-over) I've been able to capture a title belt before. I can get the big win when it matters. I took out the entire Garmr Dogs triumvirate one by one in consecutive matches, after having also defeated former World Gladiatorial Champion, Beardacus.

The next clip of footage to be seen is from the Global Championship match between Theron and Clovis at Uncalled For 2015. Clovis hits a Critical Hit on Theron, defeating him with his own move.

Theron: (Voice-over) My reign was cut short when Clovis rolled a Natural 20 that night. I feel like I let the fans down with yet another failure to add to the list.

Footage of the Weapons Store Brawl between Theron and Michelangelo Tempest at Elevation 95 begins playing now.

Theron: (Voice-over) Then I failed once more, when I was put into a match with Michelangelo Tempest where if I won I potentially got a title shot. I had an entire store full of weapons and I still missed my opportunity.

Now the scene shifts to footage of the match between Theron and Kain Nectarslice on Elevation 97

Theron: My recent desire to avenge an old loss to Sealamin Glimmergaunt from 2 years ago failed, as I was unable to defeat his new protege Kain Nectarslice. I was fighting that battle for the wrong reasons. I should not have focused on the past, but instead looked for a victory to gain momentum for what was to come after.

Scene shifts back to Theron in the present with a mosaic animation. He is in deeper water but he can still stand up, the water is up to his chest.

Theron: Yet after these failures, you still favor me, Mystra. Out of all his gladiators.... Emperor Cash chose to put ME in the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship match at this year's Risky Raffle. Thank you for this opportunity to make a redeeming victory. It is only fitting that my first one on one match for the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship be against Kaiser, the very same gladiator who I faced at last year's Risky Raffle for the Expert F Championship. Now we battle for the most prestigious prize in the world, a shiny belt covered in scales of a mighty Prismatic Dragon. This is a perfect chance for avenging all my losses, especially the one to Kaiser himself from a year ago.... but I need to not focus on failures of the past. I instead must keep my eyes on the prize that awaits me at the end.

Scene shifts into the past again with another mosaic animation. We see Theron speaking at Kirilah's graduation. Theron's thoughts are heard again.

Theron: (Voice-over) When I spoke to those students and their families I spoke of having a calling, to be the light in a world of darkness. Those people and all my fans need a hero. Leonaros Moonshadow was that hero last year, but then along came the Dread Necromancer Deangelo Genocide to usher in an era of darkness.

The Scene then transitions into to footage of the match against Deangelo Genocide at Burnup 120 as his thoughts continue to be heard.

Theron: (Voice-over) I avenged Leonaros that day. Now it is my turn to be the hero. Just like Leonaros Moonshadow before me, Daniel "The Main Event" Jaguar before him, and Tidarthian before him. I was ready to be the light that overcame Deangelo's darkness, but then Kaiser came to take back his place at the top of his empire.

The footage continues playing. We see Kaiser attacking Deangelo.

Theron: (Voice-over) Then Kaiser tried to eliminate Deangelo. I could not let that happen. Mystra and The Triad care deeply for all their children in this world, even those who have hearts filled with darkness. So, I stood up to Kaiser during his disrespectful attack on Deangelo Genocide. For too long have villains ruled the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation. Sealamin Glimmergaunt, Tiberius Scorch, Beardacus, Steven Sprint, Deangelo Genocide, and now Kaiser seeks a second reign. It was my fault that Kaiser won the belt the first time, as I failed to end his 7 Trials Gauntlet. I will NOT be the one who fails to stop him from winning it a second time!

Scene shifts back to the present using a mosaic animation. Theron is now in deep enough water to where he can swim. He treads some water and speaks.

Theron: Mystra! This is me making a promise to fight in your honor, to protect the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation as a Champion of Mystra. May all evil gladiators be vanquished not by my hands alone, but by the strength that you grant me on the battlefield! Mother of Magic, may there be an era of light be ushered in by me but through you and for your glory. I was unable to follow in the footsteps of your most legendary champion, The Knight of Golden Dragons. I ask to now be reborn. That my failures of the past be washed away in this holy water, and that a new Theron will emerge from the water, free of any darkness.

He closes his eyes and with a deep breath he allows himself to sink down into the water until he is completely submerged. Theron remains underwater as the scene shifts to Kirilah and Kaleesta who are still praying with their eyes closed and hands raised, back at the entrance.

Kirilah: Yes Mystra, please continue to watch over Theron. Keep him focused on seeking you as he fights in your honor against Kaiser. I ask that you remove all fears, all reminders of past failures, and all doubt from his mind right now. Remind him instead of the prize that awaits him upon defeating Kaiser, let him no longer dwell on past mistakes. Theron's past is not what makes him who he is today. Wash it all away, my Mother of Magic, so that a true hero will emerge at the Risky Raffle.

Kaleesta: Tyr, I come before you asking for retribution to be placed on Kaiser. That Theron will have a renewed sense of what is right and just, so that he can battle Kaiser and deliver justice in the name of each deity in The Triad as well as for his own deity. The fixed point in time approaches tonight, but unlike at Uncalled For, I believe in the Word you gave me that this fixed point in time is not one of defeat but one of victory. A victory that can NEVER be altered, not even by a Chaos Mage in a Time Space Continuum Tent. I ask for what is honorable and right in the laws written in your Tome, that the outcome of Theron's match will be what is right for all. An era of justice, bathed in holy light, across all time and space.

Neither girl speaks for a moment.

Kirilah: And out of the water, a hero will emerge, not a single hint of darkness or evil will there be, in his heart most pure.

Scene shifts back to the deep end of the Lake, where Theron emerges out of the water. He opens his eyes and swims over to the shallow end of the lake. Rays of sunlight shine down on the Lake of Revival through the trees. Birds can be heard chirping in the trees as Theron climbs up the stairs to return to the entrance where the two girls are. They open their eyes when he has reached them.

Kirilah: It is done. You are now born again in the eyes of Mystra.

Kaleesta: The Triad of Torm, Ilmater, and Tyr acknowledge also that you are reborn.

The Warblade dries himself off with a red towel that Kirilah hands him from their bag of holding.

Kirilah: How do you feel?

Theron: I feel incredible. I'm fully confident that I will defeat Kaiser now. My past failures have no control over my mind. All was washed away by Mystra's never-ending love for those fight in her honor.

He begins putting his armor back on.

Kirilah: In life we always enter new seasons. This is a new season for your life. Just like your friend Clovis when we watched him get married, he too has entered a new season of life. Now, with you potentially becoming World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion if you win tonight, the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation itself will also enter a new season....

The Warblade takes a 20 sided ruby gemstone out from his bag of holding. He rolls it on a large rock with a flat surface near the sign at the entrance to the lake. The gemstone rolls and slowly stops. It lands on its 20th side.

Theron: A new season will indeed begin. I can overcome all things through Mystra who strengthens me, and now all evil gladiators will be vanquished. Starting tonight with Kaiser. He is lawfully evil, manipulating the law to get what he wants. I, on the other hand, will defeat him to spare the fans of another tyrannical reign by a villain.

He puts the 20 sided gemstone away in his bag of holding.

Kaleesta: Remember when I advised you that losing your Global Championship was a fixed point in time where nothing could have altered that moment in this plane of reality? There is another fixed point in time approaching for you at the Risky Raffle, one of victory.

Kirilah: I still remember the Word that Mystra gave me while you were in the Chaos Mage's tent. It was.... "Change is coming. Good changes. Better opportunities. Win once more and then become a real hero at the Risky Raffle". Mystra was speaking of the Risky Raffle match you have with Kaiser, I am sure of it.

Theron takes out his Falchion.

Theron: Everything I have ever worked for my entire life has been for this match. I always wanted to be a hero to the fans, and now the federation needs one. This is the most important match I have ever had, and losing is not an option.

Kaleesta: Use the Indignation you felt upon viewing what Kaiser did to Deangelo, to channel the energy to deliver justice. That is what The Triad would have you do.

Theron: I can win all battles through Mystra who strengthens me.... Come on girls, I am one Critical Hit away from winning the biggest prize in the world. Lately Kaiser's been walking around trying to scare people with that "Expect me!" stuff. You know what HE needs to expect!? To be DEFEATED at the Risky Raffle by a REAL hero!!!!

He jumps up on the rock with the flat surface he had rolled his gemstone on, striking an impressive pose.

Theron: And that hero is Theron Daggershield, the next World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion!!!!

Scene fades out as Theron and the two girls leave the outdoor sanctuary. The music stops playing. Everything is silent for a moment. It then fades back in after about 4 seconds to a view of the cocoon, which is still hanging from the tree. A Monarch Butterfly is seen emerging from the cocoon. Roughly one hour passes, as the Monarch Butterfly lets its wings dry and inflate, then it takes flight, as the most exciting stage of its life cycle has finally begun. It flies and lands on the open Tome of Mystra sitting on the wooden picnic table. Angle zooms in on the Butterfly sitting on a page of the open Tome, which is on the 2nd book of Conjuration's 5th chapter. The verse right next to the Butterfly can be seen.

The Tome Of Mystra said:
"Therefore, if anyone is in Mystra, they are a new creation in the eyes of The Triad; the old has gone and the new has arrived!" ~ 2 Conjuration 5:17

The Butterfly takes flight again, flying offscreen. Angle remains on the open Tome of Mystra as the scene fades to black.
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