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Less than 20 minutes of wrestling


Pre-Show Stalwart
TNA has been bashed in the past for shows that had similar amounts.
Yet I don't see much on the boards, or dirt sheets bashing WWE for having hardly any wrestling on their show.

Why is this?
TNA has been bashed in the past for shows that had similar amounts.
Yet I don't see much on the boards, or dirt sheets bashing WWE for having hardly any wrestling on their show.

Why is this?
''Diary of a tna junkie''

Really. It was a 900th episode celibration. So of course theirs going to be alot flashbacks, promos, and other dashing events. And it may not have been the best raw, or acomplished that much, but it was a fun raw for it being done once every year or whatever.
And finally i would like to say fuck it if people don't want bash wwe. I don't care if anyone bashes it, but being pissed because people won't bash it is fucking ******ed.

Now its sleep time. yawn!!!
The fact that there was only 1 match on nXt, and yet you choose to bash RAW for it's lack of ring time? Even though this was supposed to be some historic event, and it came up a little short, the promo's were what held it together! are you saying you would have rather not had the CM Punk promo in favor of another match without a clear finish? No thanks.
''Diary of a tna junkie''

Really. It was a 900th episode celibration. So of course theirs going to be alot flashbacks, promos, and other dashing events. And it may not have been the best raw, or acomplished that much, but it was a fun raw for it being done once every year or whatever.
And finally i would like to say fuck it if people don't want bash wwe. I don't care if anyone bashes it, but being pissed because people won't bash it is fucking ******ed.

Now its sleep time. yawn!!!
Really....I'm pretty sure there was No Austin or Rock there? There was twice as much talking than wrestling almost! it's ridiculous.

where was the "celebration" didn't see much of one......maybe it happened during that 60 second no.1 contender tag team title match?
''Diary of a tna junkie''

Really. It was a 900th episode celibration. So of course theirs going to be alot flashbacks, promos, and other dashing events. And it may not have been the best raw, or acomplished that much, but it was a fun raw for it being done once every year or whatever.
And finally i would like to say fuck it if people don't want bash wwe. I don't care if anyone bashes it, but being pissed because people won't bash it is fucking ******ed.

Now its sleep time. yawn!!!

"diary of a WWE junkie"

excuses excuses excuses. You use the excuse of a special event yet I only remember hearing the complaint about the lack of wrestling in TNA on shows like the Monday Night Debut, which was a big night. some people need to learn to judge without bias
"diary of a WWE junkie"

excuses excuses excuses. You use the excuse of a special event yet I only remember hearing the complaint about the lack of wrestling in TNA on shows like the Monday Night Debut, which was a big night. some people need to learn to judge without bias

So did you bash tna that night. No, I didn't think so. You can say i'm biased but i didn't once critisize tna for their lack of wrestling that night, as i understood that it was their special night, but you didn't either and you want to bash wwe for something that you won't bash tna for. Well well well, whos biased now.
"diary of a WWE junkie"

excuses excuses excuses. You use the excuse of a special event yet I only remember hearing the complaint about the lack of wrestling in TNA on shows like the Monday Night Debut, which was a big night. some people need to learn to judge without bias

Well I consider myself a "WWE Junkie" as you put it, and I had no issue with the lack of matches tonight. The quality of matches is another story.. But would rather watch CM Punk cut a promo the likes of the one tonight for half an hour, and then hae maybe 2 shows, then watch those EV 2.0 guys on TNA. When half the locker room doesn't want them there, that has to be saying something.

I have no hate for TNA. I enjoy it sometimes. But you can not compare TNA to WWE. Can't be done. If TNA has a show make it 900 episodes, do you really think the whole show would be matches? or flashbacks and promo's with a few matches in it?
Well there is a huge difference between Raw's 900th episode, which I will agree didnt have alot of wrestling, and the TNA Impact debut on Monday Night. The fact that Impact didnt have a lot wrestling and there were complaints because with TNA trying to do Mondays they needed a big show with lots of there talent really showcased instead of Hogan on the mic all night. That is where the difference is and there is no bias. TNA claimed that the move to Monday was gonna be huge and rehash the Monday Night Wars when in reality it just showed that they werent ready to compete head to head with Raw. With the 900th episode, it is a big deal but, WWE didnt make it seem like it was going to be the wresting show to end all. It was just a television feat that no other show had done. Thats the difference. Dont try and say that there is bias when TNA has a lot of its own problems that they need to deal with and you need to not be bias and acknowledge that.
This 900 episode was not about Austin or the Rock. It was about pushing the young talent. And in a way it did. Punk cut a steller promo, Nexus took out Undertaker, Slater pinned the WWE Champion, Gabirel pinned the face of the WWE and Barrett beat Orton. Sure it wasn't the best RAW but there was a reason they didn't do a 3 hour RAW.

Despite not having much wrestling it was still better than every Impact show that is overhyped every week. I'd rather see Nexus put down Undertaker than see a couple of washed up hasbeens who think they are stars taking out the likes of AJ Styles.
i thought the 900th espisode was exactly what i said it would be. Nothing spectaculer but a great show. Who knew kane could such a "long" a really good promo?? The Punk promo was excellent as expected..It had very few faults..the tag match could have been done right. I see prolly a 3 waytag match coming at NoC.
I would of prefered this to have been a 3 hour special RAW and maybe added a ppv quality match, from what I saw of RAW it seemed like the main event was rushed, but Punk cut one hell of a promo, that guy is money in the bank no pun intended, give him to time to mature out as a heel and allow SES time to mature and not breaking them up WWE will be onto a winner and I'd possibly bring Punk back to RAW next Draft he suits the Live show feel.
How should I put this so eloquently that people won’t get upset?


If you don’t want to watch the show, then by all mean change the fucking channel! Seriously, you come on here and bitch at the WWE because their show focused on cutting promos and not the wrestling work. Well I, for one, don’t give a shit about how much wrestling was on the show. In fact, I generally like when people use their mic skills to build feuds and enhance the experience for the viewer.

Go ahead and try to argue that CM Punk’s promo on Raw was not the best thing since sliced bread. I would have rather seen him cut that promo than watch Mark Henry get crushed by Wade Barrett any day of the week. Yes! There was very little wrestling work on Raw last night but all of the major feuds were developed and that is all we can ask from an episode of Raw.

Get over yourself.
Look at the Live Discussion. WWE fans, myself included, were less than thrilled with last nights show, and very vocal about it.

Last night's show was crap, absolute crap. The one shining moment was CM Punk's promo, which was really just a lame excuse to shovel more RAW clips down our throats. Now I liked the RAW flashbacks, but they could have cut out that CM Punk promo and given us a wrestling match in it's place, and shown those clips in place of ones like Bob Barker's Price is RAW. Even the main event was pretty lame, as Edge and Jericho left the ring, and then the bad guys won.

It wasn't a crowd pleasing RAW, but they have 99 shows between episode 800 and episode 900 to do all the story building they want. Let the good guys and the fans win on episode 900.
The 900th episode should have been more like the whole F'n Show, great matches on free TV showing you why they have been on for so many years.. That said, they shouldn't have charged the fans admission to listen to a bunch of promo's. I personally would be pissed to be shelling out at least 50 bucks a ticket to hear a bunch of people talk all night and watch videos. They could have just logged onto youtube and did that, and since people were likely bored to death I bet they did just that, I know I would have. On the upside this is the WWE we're talking about so I'm sure it'll be seen as cutting edge and the way Raw always needs to be going forward, great episode!
Simple reason..it was a celebration...if it was 3 hours, there may have been just 30 mins...Like someone said, this happens in TNA constantly...This was one night for Raw..of course they going to show past videos, wrestlers talking about their past on Raw...old footage that defined Raw.. etc...

Next week expect to see 1less than an hour...
I felt that Raw last night should have been a 3 hour show. I don't understand why it wasn't especially when the 800th episode was. The entire show just felt very rushed to me. The matches were not all that great. I was excited to see the elimination match when I first found out about it, but I was disappointed in how short it was. I give the whol show a 3 out of 5 stars. Vince can do better then this & should have. Also I would have liked to of seen some former Raw superstars return for this special occasion.
First of all, let me start off by saying that I too am a "WWE junkie," yet I really would not come on here and defend last night's show. While it wasn't terrible, it was pretty lacklustre, especially after all of the hype for weeks about the 900th episode. It was basically a pretty typical episode of RAW, no better, no worse, with a steady diet of SD! guys thrown in there for good measure. Overall I was disappointed in it.

The reason people are not complaining about the lack or wrestling time (less than 20 minutes according to the OP which seems to be accurate), is that it was an isolated example of this due to the nature of it being a flashback, retrospective style of show, you know, celebration of a milestone event. I'm sure if WWE RAW or WWE SD were to all of a sudden follow this example with regularity, all of the people who criticize TNA for a lack of wrestling on a typical episode of iMPACT would be equally critical of WWE (I know I would be).

The problem is that this is a bone of contention pretty much every week on iMPACT; too much nonsense, not enough in-ring wrestling time, whereas this was a one-time flaw for WWE. Look for RAW to be right back to normal next week, featuring plenty of in-ring action. Unfortunately as well, though, look for iMPACT to remain normal as well: 3-5 minute matches sandwiched around promos, backstage segments, and nonsense featuring a steady dose of old guys.
The show was good, not great. I was actually expecting to see some of the former RAW talent/personalities that we did not get, but was kinda pleasantly surprised the the aforementioned push of younger guys. I don't know, I thought they started a hell of a lot stronger than they finished.
It's no secret that a lot of people in the creative department of WWE hate wrestling. Vince Russo used to brag openly about the high ratings achieved on less than 20 minutes of wrestling per show. Hell, I think Vince even hates wrestling, the way he takes people who are ALREADY over and tries to repackage them. I mean, come on, Husky Harris and Mike Migillicudy already had some recognizable names with history behind them.

As Dusty Rhodes used to say: "The sign outside the area says RASSLING'".
Last night definitely had less wrestling on it that any other episode of Raw for a very long time. However, I'm not exactly surprised about that. I knew that there'd be a lot of nostalgic feel for last night's episode of Raw. Whether you love WWE or hate it, 900 episodes of a television show is an impressive feat, so I'm not surprised by the use of past episodes in small vinyettes and a lot of promos. I was a little disappointed in the overall wrestling content, but I do think the various promo segments and overall display and usage of young talent on the show made up for it.
They weren't given another three hour timeslot so they had to fit as much as possible into two hours. I don't have a problem with them having only 20 minutes of wrestling because TV shows are about building up to the matches on PPV's. Personally, I don't dislike TNA when they have a lack of wrestling on Impact, I dislike them when their writing is poor, which if often is.
Last night was pure crap - it felt like a 2 hour Mick Foley promo there was that much namedropping without any payoff!

Bret Hart vs Undertaker (featuring Kane and Nexus):wtf: Bret Hart is not allowed to wrestle - stop booking him in bloody matches! Used to promote a SD feud!

Swagger and then Alberto kick the crap outta Evan Bourne - 2 SD guys put over on a Raw guy on a Raw celebration?

CM Punk promo - it was okay, but seriously look back to Rock or SCSA promos and tell me it was REALLY that good, and once again promoted a SD feud for a PPV 3 weeks away!

JoMo/Truth vs Cody/Drew. Add the entrances with the ad break and the 'match' was what? A quarter of that time with a nonfinish?

Three way NxT tag match - actually my favorite part of the show and it progressed a Raw feud:thumbsup:

Divas match - one member didn't even enter the match and her team won over the more experienced team/ coholders (but at least they're gonna amalgamate the belts).

Main event - Y2J and Edge screw their team (how heelish), it was good that Sheamus stayed but WWe champ didn't even take out one rookie? Cena takes out two and then gets 'surprised' by Gabriel, no probs - made sense. Orton though:wtf:, the guy who hasn't been involved in any in-ring action comes in and RKO's two Nexus guys before gettin beat with one offensive move that looks very weakassed (seriously, how many HHH spinebusters has Randy kicked out of?).

Worst of all, not one big appearance - not even on the big screen. I sat up to 415am and honestly felt cheated - I waited and waited, sure that something momentous was bound to happen AND... nothing, Barrett standing over Orton after IMO a crap end to the main event. Oi Vince:2up:
For Fuck sake thread on this?, really?, it's a free fucking show it's primary purpose is to advance feuds and storylines that lead to matches at PPVs, this is done through promo's, backstage segments, run ins, etc..., if they did nothing but just give away two hours of nothing but free wrestling then why the fuck would anyone go out and buy PPVs?!?, you know the shows people PAY TO VIEW, not to mention WWE has what is now 6 hours. of free programming a week compared to TNA's whopping 2 hrs?, seriously this should be common fucking sense by now

and for the record there are just as fucking many dumbasses that bitch about the lack of wrestling on WWE programming as there are for TNA
I had a few problems with RAW last night, not counting the camera angles (maybe someone didn't tell them where to be).

Last nights RAW was a lackluster show at most. For it being "history making" it felt like just another RAW, not to mention that ending was pure crap. I thought we'd at least see SuperCena again, but 1 move from Barrett on Orton and he goes down after he gave out 2 RKOs and was the last surviving man? I get he's injured but c'mon. It would only make sense for Orton to lose that way by a beat down by Nexus or if he was in the match for as long as Shameus.

The promos were good and I LOVED the clips and incidents Punk brought up, but the couldn't we have at least had Undertaker cut a promo about RAW? The matches (what little there were) were terrible. We also dont get any stars from the past and most of the clips from the past were to setup backstage segments. We have seen RAW in the last year, we know what happened. Refresh our memories from clips from 94 or 97. I understand Vince was probably trying not to show clips with guys from TNA, which would cancel out most of the last decade, but really?

Most of RAW was spent doing RAWvsSMACKDOWN matches, a match pushing NXT, pushing Nexus, and pushing Smackdown storylines. For as much hype I expected better. Epic fail on WWE.

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