Lesnar vs. Cena

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
When Lesnar was in the WWE he was "the next big thing". He was basically the temporary face of the company, until he left to go fail in the NFL. My question is, if Lesnar remained in the WWE, who would be the face of the company, he or Cena?
Cena would still be the face of the company. better personality, better face(even though he needs a heel turn). Lesnar would most likely be top heel in the company present day.
They would never in a million years turn Cena. It would make no sense to do it. Not when his mer. is making them millions. 1/3 people own something of Cenas. Aslong as hes the most popular hes staying a face.

Lesnar would be in my opinion. His matches with Angle (yes Kurt carried them), he would be how Orton is right now. Still a face of the company just kinda evil. Cena would have run into Lesnar when he started out anyway. They both would have been on Smackdown.
While I already posted a thread similar to this, i think that both Lesnar and Cena would be the faces of WWE. Cena wouldn't have been pushed so quickly though.
Cena was supposed to be the anti-lesnar meaning that he was supposed to be The Rock to Lesnar's Austin. So without Lesnar leaving I would hazard to postulate that Cena and Brock would be the faces of the company with Randy Orton and Edge still being midcarders and CM Punk not getting a sidewards glance. Think about it like that wrestlers that we know and love for what they are now would be in a different position. I think Cena would have made the change over to face regardless of the fact that he was a Heel at the time of their initial feud, because personally I think Brock makes a better Heel. We also wouldn't of had the title reign of Jiggly Boobs Layfield .
Lesnar- Better Moveset, Physical Speciman
Cena- Better Drive, Charisma, Mic Work

Lesnar was destined to be a monsterous heel, a role I believe Batista should embrace.
Cena was destined to thwart monsters, a role he fullfilled through feuds with Khali, Umaga, Big Show, etc. I would have to say Cena is also more talented, simply because I believe Cena/HHH at mania, Cena/HBK at mania, Cena/Batista (surprisingly), and Cena/Lashley were legitimately great matches, better than any of the matches Lesnar had in his short career that I have seen, the best being probably his first title win from the Rock, or his mania match with angle, which ofcourse finished with a botch. The F-5 is still, however, the most amazing move ever debuted in the wwe (someone tell vince burning hammers are awesome!!)
Like shadow said, Cena was meant to be Lesnar's long term rival, the one he'd end up having more than 1 wrestlemania match with. Cena's first WWE title push was against Lesnar, and Lesnar made him look great. Lesnar let Cena destroy him on the mic (as if he'd be able to do anything about it...) and Cena more than held his own in the match they had, it wasn't a squash. Right from the start WWE were serious about pushing the hell out of Cena. And the fact that they let him (as a solid midcarder less than 2 years in the WWE) hold his own against Lesnar (The biggest young star at his time, coming into his prime) showed this.

Cena and Lesnar would be long term rivals, but unlike Trips and Orton, we wouldn't be seeing alot of their matches. With stars that big, they would've been kept for the big PPVS (namely Wrestlemania) with possibly a rematch at Backlash.
Actually, if Lesnar hadn't left, we'd be seeing Lesnar vs Triple H 247 rather than Orton vs Triple H 247.
Cena, easily. And I'm a MUCH bigger Lesnar fan than Cena. I absolutely loved Lesnar when he wrestled. but Cena's crowd reaction and merchandise sales definitely show he would be the face of the company. I'd absolutely love a big feud for the 2; Lesnar as heel. But of course, I doubt it'd never work. Cena is an amazing wrestler. McMahon found what he needed in him. Lesnar wouldn't be bad as face of the company, but he wouldn't have the same pull as Cena.
I am going to agree with Whisper on this one. Brock Lesnar, in the ring, is superior to John Cena. That is a fact that can be seen if you review Brock's matches. But in ring work is not at the top of the list for McMahon which is evident in some of the wrestlers he has placed in the top spot of his company (ie. Hogan, Warrior, Diesel, Sid, Big Show, Batista).

Cena just has IT. The same thing that made Hogan a star, that intangible charisma that just had him connect with the audience and make them BELIEVE in him. Cena is a bit different as he just draws out such incredible positive and negative reactions from people, but he makes you react which is the point.

Lesnar had great matches and was a believable monster. But Cena is the guy that brings out his emotion in his matches and the emotion out of the crowd. He is huge on the entertainment end of the business and I think McMahon values that a little bit more.
Cena would certainly still be the top face, by nature of what Cena does. Lesnar is designed to be the Evil Heel. Everything about him screams of heel, while Cena is everything that McMahon wants in a face.

It's really hard to say how both would have ended upt hoguh, because John Cena really didn't start to hit his stride until his fifth year into the company, what's to say that if Lesnar wasn't around for five years that he wouldn't have had the same learning curve as a Cena?

There are a lot of what if's, but my opinion still remains that these two would have been the faces of the company, and this was meant to be this decades big Feud.
I'll tell you this, had Lesnar not bailed when he did, Batista wouldn't have had nearly the career he's had. That's who Lesnar would have affected more.

Cena would have still been a face of the company, but Lesnar was basically Vince's dream man. Lesnar had the skill and all the intangibles. He is the guy you build around.

But Lesnar probably made the right call for him. The NFL thing was a long shot, since Brock hadn't played since he was a junior in HIGH SCHOOL. And he still almost made an NFL team. That's how much of a beast that man really is. In the UFC, he basically just trains like he would have anyway, and he fights about twice a year. The money is probably better, and he gets more personal time. He's viewed as a legitimate athlete (not that WWE Superstars are not, just public perception), and is already on pace to be the UFC's top draw of all-time.

There is always going to be that what-if with Brock. I just really wish they hadn't jobbed him at WM XX. That still bothers me.
Cena would still be the face only because he appeals more to the current PG rating and audience of the WWE

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