Lesnar - Mir III


Championship Contender

One more time?

Why not?

Let's face it, Lesnar has no other competition. Mir is the only other heavyweight that actually has a slim chance against Lesnar. Even then, it's slim. Even so, they're 1 - 1 now. Bragging rights basically, if this fight happened. Give Mir some time to come back, maybe a few more fights and he may stand a better chance. But seriously, Lesnar has no-one else. Fuck it, let 'em at it again. Thoughts?
Lesnar's proved everything he needs to. Mir got lucky in the first fight, he didn't in the second and he got annihilated because of it. One ineffective flying knee is the only piece of impressive offence that he got in between getting smothered and beaten like a government mule.

Mir would lose again - I have no doubt. He'd get battered once more. The only purpose for this fight would be to humiliate him further; something which he doesn't really deserve.
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Last night was a huge indication of what Brock can do. He absolutely dominated Frank through-out the majority of the fight and looked the superior fighter. Mir has gotta be pissed off massively. I'm sure he's gunna wanna get his hands on Brock again. So whilst Lesnar v.s Mir III is something I'd love to see, it's actually realistic and in my view could happen.
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All true. However, Lesnar has NO-ONE who he could face, that would be a fairer fight. I mean, Lashley isn't even good enough to beat Mir, so what does that tell you?

Let's be honest, moving forward Lesnar could just dominate this division with ease. He'll keep making over $400,000 a fight, and he'll just relax in between the fights. No biggi. I don't see anyone else out there that can stand a chance.
One man I reckon could give Lesnar a run for his money... and I know it's been said 1000 times already, but that man is Bobby Lashley. Both men are around the same height, weight, size and both have absolutely awesome physical strength. And whilst the two of them both have a history in the WWE and were successful there, both have proven to be very accomplished MMA fighters.
Again, you seem to imply that Mir would stand a chance. Last night, Lesnar faced a Mir that by his own admission was at his mental and physical peak. He made him out to be a joke. He took him down with ease and kept him down with ease. Mir looked absolutely pathetic in comparison with the leviathan that is Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar had closer fights with Heath Herring and Randy Couture. Why not have a rematch with those guys?

As it is, Dana needs to start offering Fedor ridiculous amount of money and oral sex in order to get him to sign to the UFC. He's the Sting of the MMA world, doncha know?
Honestly, Lesnar would tonk out Lashley within the first round. Lashley has beaten decent MMA fighters, while Lesnar has beaten the best there is at this present time.

Lashley has quick reactions from what I've seen, but Lesnar is so much better technically that I believe his game plan would out-do Lashley. One big hit from Lesnar and you're gone. Look at Mir, his face was battered. After that one huge hit, his head fell down, his arms went limp and Lesnar went to town on his head, winning the fight.

Maybe Lesnar wouldn't be able to keep Lashley on the floor as much, but even so, Lesnar would win it. I'd bet on it.
Lesnar had closer fights with Heath Herring and Randy Couture. Why not have a rematch with those guys?

As it is, Dana needs to start offering Fedor ridiculous amount of money and oral sex in order to get him to sign to the UFC. He's the Sting of the MMA world, doncha know?

Give a re-match to either of them then, but what's the motivation behind it? Revenge for Couture, doubt it. He knows he can't beat Lesnar. Herring? Not a chance in hell.

I google'd him. He looks like a gimp. Even so, Lesnar could beat anyone in his way. He's proved that with ease over his fights. Lesnar would beat anyone. Even that goon Kimbo Slice, and he's a right goon.
Last night, Mir looked impressive... before the match. He was as fit as I have ever seen him, and as toned as I have ever seen him. He looked incredible sharp and as confident in his ability as I have ever seen him.

And he was decimated.

The man just does not have the ability to beat Lesnar. Lesnar's only match where he lost was to Mir, and for all those who have seen the match, you know why. Lesnar made a mistake, and the match was over. That was rookie Lesnar. Throw a couple more matches behind Lesnar, and some more of his incredible technique training to go with his already impressive size, and the man is unstoppable.

Mir does not have an answer to Lesnar, and to throw him back in the octagon with Lesnar would perhaps be career suicide. Mir must step aside and let someone else try to matador the bull names Lesnar.
Give a re-match to either of them then, but what's the motivation behind it? Revenge for Couture, doubt it.

Maybe not now, but when that fight took place he had a decent chance. He wasn't losing that match by any stretch of the imagination. If that one punch hadn't connected, who knows what would have happened.

There's also the option of Nog. He seemed distant and off form when he fought Mir. At his best, the guy is a fucking machine that can take absolutely ridiculous amounts of punishment.

I'm sure there are some comparitively obscure up-and-comers that the real MMA-heads will come in and point out too.

I google'd him. He looks like a gimp. Even so, Lesnar could beat anyone in his way. He's proved that with ease over his fights. Lesnar would beat anyone. Even that goon Kimbo Slice, and he's a right goon.

Tell that to the people that consider Fedor Emelianenko the world's greatest heavyweight mixed martial artist. I hear this Josh Barnett character he's due to fight is rather good as well. Watching his matches, I can see why people are impressed. The guy is a monster. Personally, I think he could take Lesnar.

Oh, and Kimbo Slice is shit. Absolute shit. All you have to do is wrestle with the fucker and he starts gassing within one or two minutes. If he does anything of note in the Ultimate Fighter, I will shit my pants out of sheer surprise.
I watched a fight from Fedor. It seems his submission and strength and speed are his main attributes.

He looks like he'd have a better chance than Mir, or Couture, but I'd still say Lesnar could take him. All Lesnar needs to do is learn how to counter the moves, and work out a game plan to avoid the submissions. I'd give Lesnar every chance of doing that. Don't forget, Lesnar moves damn quick for a big motherfucker, and I could easily see him catching Fedor with a big hit, and then just tonking him on the ground. Why won't he come to the UFC then? Pussy?
I forget his reasons. I don't think he likes Dana White that much and he criticises how the UFC does business. I sincerely doubt that he's frightened to fight Lesnar. And what is this "tonk" word? I understand it as an adjective, but as a verb? Are you crazy!?
Maybe he should quit being a pussy, come in, do his business and leave. If he's AS GOOD as everyone is saying he is. I highly doubt it. All hype, no action. Well, if he doesn't want to join the big boys then why play? Goldberg didn't like Vince, but he still came and had a run. Why can't Fedor? I realise this isn't WWE by the way, but I highly doubt Mir thought that busted face was pre-determined either.

Tonked - To be soundly beaten, especially in sports.

Fedor is defiantly the man that would make Lesnar look weak. I have a feeling Fedor doesn't actually feel pain, he just pretends to either build his opponents confidence or to make the matches seem less one sided.

Though Fedor is quite happy in Affliction, he probably could comes over to the UFC if the right build up happens. Maybe Lesnar versus Fedor at UFC 111 or something like that, build up the hype around it, and make them both rich.

Of course, the money drawn from the match would have to be large for Dana to even want to see his top guy get slayed by an outsider. For Dana, that would be a horrible booking. He would have to get Fedor signed for at least 5 match.
Maybe he should quit being a pussy, come in, do his business and leave.

You think Dana's going to allow that? Fedor comes in, tonks the top guy in the UFC and then leaves him to pick up the pieces? Aw hellz nah! He's in the UFC for the long term or not at all.
I don't see Fedor making Lesnar look weak at all. He looks like he can take people down, and keep them down. But, can you seriously see him taking Lesnar down, and keeping him down? Not a chance. Lesnar would do his homework, and he'd know what to do. Lesnar's takedowns alone would be enough, providing he doesn't get caught in a submission. But the strength of Lesnar would be enough to smash Fedor's face, and knock that fucker out.
I honestly liked the fight they had last night and was fairly entertained by it. But it’s not a fight I want to see happen again.

Last night, Lesnar proved that he has learned from his past mistakes in their first encounter and completely dominated Mir. Dare I say he humiliated him in that fight. Not even a knee to the chin could get Lesnar down or even make him stumble a little. I just wouldn’t see what the point in them fighting again would be, if we know that Lesnar is more than likely going to dominate the fight and win again. The only thing that the fight would do is further humiliate Mir and give bragging rights to Lesnar.

Like I said, last night they had a good and entertaining fight, but it isn’t a fight I would like to see again.
You think Fedor can't take out someone like Lesnar?


That man is 6'11, and Fedor makes him look like a bitch. Fedor could and would use the same technique to take out Lesnar.
I watched that fight. But look at that guy's technical ability? He's like the Great Khali of MMA. He's big, but he's not all with it when he's in the ring. Lesnar could make him his bitch within the first round, with ease. Same technique? Lesnar's speed would make Fedor's technique useless.
Lesnar would do what he has done for his first five matches. He would charge at his opponent, and instead of his opponent reacting in fear, Fedor would calmly let Lesnar come, and take Lesnar to the ground. Fedor matches LEsnar's speed and strength with his great mind and his great flex.
Look at Lesnar's fight last night, he was much more calm. He took his time, and waited for the right moment to pull the trigger. Look at his punches, I think he may have missed one on the ground. He knows what he's doing. Who's to ay Fedor wouldn't charge at Lesnar? Brock would just take him down, and rip his face to shreds.
I really think you downplay Fedor's ability. There is a reason why the man has the record that he has. Sure his opponents are not always top notch opponents, but his 30+ matches make any match in the future against Lesnar in his favour.

In any match in close quarters, Fedor has the advantage to get around Lesnar's power. In a wide open match, Lesnar can land blows, but he is bound to miss a big one.
I respect Fedor's ability, obviously he has a lot of talent. However, I don't think his ability would be enough to beat Lesnar. Of course, both fighters can miss big blows, but it's about what they do after. Lesnar could follow that miss with a huge takedown, as could Fedor. However, Lesnar, in my opinion, would be able to resist a Fedor takedown and counter/block it.

Don't forget the training coming in. Lesnar would train like an animal to keep his belt. He knows he's the best, and you can bet he'd be training everyday to ensure he's in the best shape.
I really can't see Lesnar defending at all in close quarters, though I am still pretty numbed. Fedor is a Judo fighter, a discipline that trains in their takedowns.

And Fedor missing a blow is nothing, he makes immediate recoveries. Lesnar does not. He just hasn't fought someone that was able to capitalize on this yet. Lesnar has holes, they just have to be exploited.
Lesnar defends close quarters by taking people down. He can't dodge much, but he can take A LOT of hits, and usually blocks, moves, and takes down people.

Everyone has holes in their game. Lesnar can exploit that, as can Fedor on Lesnar.

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