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Lesnar, Heyman, and Cobana Not A Coincidence?


DAMN My Ex-Gf just got implants!!!
It's being reported that Cm Punk mentioning Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman, and Colt Cabana during his promo has to due with all three of those stars coming back to the wwe. It's being said that Lesnar and Heyman are in serious discussions with wwe or they might have even already reached an agreement. While Colt Cabana coming back to the wwe and being added to the main roster may be a focal point in Cm Punk signing a new deal with the company. Obviously Lesnar would have a non wrestling related role similar to Kevin Nash's contract but who knows Heyman could be revealed as the anonymous gm? In a dream world a these men would be in a kickass stable but that's not gonna happen. What do you think of these new developments? Or possibly just rumors. Would you like to see Heyman as the raw gm and would you like to see Scotty Goldman back in a wwe ring?

I want to follow this up because usually a lot of sites like


and even wrestlezone pick up on Observer News Letter stuff real quick or at least have their own information about this type of stuff. It isn't anywhere and that report has been out for a while.

Honestly how can Brock Lesner, a contracted UFC fighter, be talking to anyone about a non UFC project that will not only make him money, but a different company money? Anything this man does has to be approved by Dana White because he is representing him outside of the company. This is just like last year and the Lesner/WWE Wrestlemania talks. Until he is gone from UFC, which most likely won't happen for a long time, he will not be allowed to be associated with a fake sport.

I believe the Observer broke this same report around this time last year about him fighting the Undertaker at WM.

Yeah I've seen it on www.lordsofpain.net, it's usually a better source than WZ just saying.

and it was reported that Brock and Heyman wont have a tv deal or something like that, so I don't think Heyman will be revealed as the anonymous GM.

Although I would love to see Brock back in the ring the guy was really athletic, though hes top busy with his MMA career, so it's very unlikely that he's gonna return even for one more match.
As much as I'd love that to happen, no. Lesnar is busy with MMA and recurring intestinal illnesses, and Heyman is doing his own thing. Colt Cabana is probably much too loved by the IWC to be given a shot by WWE, and even if he was brought in he wouldn't be a main event player, likely not even midcard. I think he'd be treated similar to how Low-Ki (Kaval) was.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

According to backstage WWE sources, CM Punk mentioning Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar, and Colt Cabana during his promo on RAW may not have been a coincidence. There are rumors that all three could be returning to WWE.

CM Punk recently asked WWE to hire his good friend Colt Cabana. He also requested that Colt be placed on the main roster. This was a sticking point as to whether Punk would re-sign with the company. As far as CM Punk's future is concerned, WWE's creative team has been told that he's finishing up with the company at the Money in the Bank PPV. Of course, that could change depending on what Punk decides to do. Most backstage feel he's leaving come July 17th. WWE has an offer on the table right now for him to stay.

As of last week, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar had either made a deal or were at the very least in serious negotiations for a business relationship with WWE. As far as Lesnar is concerned, word is that he will not be returning to TV as a character. Heyman's deal would be similar to Lesnar's. No word on what the busines deal is just yet.

More as we get it.

Then a follow up..

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Just to reiterate something from an earlier report, the Lesnar/Heyman WWE talks do not involve a TV return for either man. It's been described as a "business deal". That probally means another DVD project or something behind the scenes.

As for Colt Cabana possibly returning to WWE, if CM Punk doesn't re-sign, Cabana likely doesn't return.

Just wanted to clear that up before any crazy rumors start.

More as we get it.

That's where I heard this info at. Seems like Brock and Heyman being brought in for DVD project wouldn't be too out far out of the realm of possibility. Maybe even possibly a pre-recorded segment with Punk outside of the WWE arena in a different everyday setting.

If they brought Colt in I would MARK! Bring him in, as Colt Cabana, friend of CM Punk. He'd have a helluva better chance to succeed then being Scotty Goldman, jew jobber.
I want to follow this up because usually a lot of sites like


and even wrestlezone pick up on Observer News Letter stuff real quick or at least have their own information about this type of stuff. It isn't anywhere and that report has been out for a while.

Honestly how can Brock Lesner, a contracted UFC fighter, be talking to anyone about a non UFC project that will not only make him money, but a different company money? Anything this man does has to be approved by Dana White because he is representing him outside of the company. This is just like last year and the Lesner/WWE Wrestlemania talks. Until he is gone from UFC, which most likely won't happen for a long time, he will not be allowed to be associated with a fake sport.

I believe the Observer broke this same report around this time last year about him fighting the Undertaker at WM.
What a load of complete and utter Bull. I'd love it to happen but it just won't for the following reasons
1. Although Lesner and Heyman may make a DVD with WWE Lesner is UNDER CONTRACT with UFC so even this would seem unlikley. A actual return to the company as a wrestler is never going to happen as long as he has a contract with UFC
2. After the way Paul Heyman went last time its unlikely he would want to work for WWE again
3. Colt Cabana is Punks friend end of story. They gave him a bit of freedom on the mike he gave his mate a shout out and demonstrated his respect for him. Would WWE allow a upper mid card (he should be main event regulary but isn't for some reason) to dictate who they hire hell no.
Finally and I think most importantly no one has posted a link as far as the ones I have followed are concerned that actually leads to this story anyway. Untill then its just a theroy of a couple of guys from this group. A dream scenario I'll admit and one I'd love to see happen but simply not true
The only one of these guys I can see returning to WWE TV is Cabana. Lesnar won't be coming back in the near future, he still has his MMA career and Heyman is definitely not a favourite of Steph, so its unlikely he will come back.

I would love all of them back though. Cabana is talented and could be aligned with CM Punk, but I hope he doesnt come back as Scotty Goldman. Lesnar? Well thats self-explanatory, it would great to have a talent like Brock back, everyone knows that. Heyman is a creative genius, WWE could do alot worse than hiring this man to work on storylines/gimmicks and also be an on-screen manager, looking for his "Next Big Thing" to lead to the title.

Cant see them coming back though, the talks are supposed to be related to a DVD project or something similar. Colt Cabana is the only one likely to return.
It does seem unlikely that Lesnar could have anything to do with WWE considering his UFC contract. However, I doubt very much that any of us are all that knowledgable concerning contract law. There might be some sort of legal loop hole in which Lesnar could have a business arrangement with WWE concerning the release of a DVD. After all, this is concerning footage of Brock Lesnar that's outside the control of UFC.

Lesnar returning to WWE would be a big deal but I have a feeling that Lenar's competitive career is pretty much over. His continuous intestinal problems are not only possibly life threatening, as he damn near died a while back, but they're probably gonna plague him for the rest of his life. He couldn't handle the wear and tear of the road back when he was younger and healthier so that hasn't changed. Also, as far as being a wrestler or an MMA fighter goes, who knows what kind of damage might be done if Lesnar takes a stiff shot to the gut? He recently had a 12 inch part of his intestine surgically removed.

Paul Heyman coming to WWE would certainly get the IWC buzzing but I don't see it happening either, apart from potentially some sort of off tv business deal like these links are talking about. If Heyman were to return to WWE, he wouldn't be making nearly the demands from Vince he did from Dixie Carter. Vince McMahon would laugh his ass off before pecker slapping Heyman in the face and we all know it.

As far as Colt Cabana goes, if it'll help keep Punk in WWE, then sign the guy. Punk is the most talked about guy in all of wrestling right now and last Monday was Punk's Austin 3:16 moment.
Colt Cabana will only return when he feels his time in the Indy scene is up and he can use his mic skills and charisma to entertain within the WWE. He is a great competitor and maybe in 5 years when his body feels the price for competing in the indy scenes he may want to sign. But he is a smart guy, he’s only join if they can guarantee him success. He is good friends with CM Punk and I can see both of them joining the WWE in the future, Punk sooner than Colt. CM Punk will definitely warn Colt about the fact that WWE may drop the ball on him and bury him. But I think when Colt’s body pays the price of competing and when he knows he will retire soon he will join the WWE, enjoy their 6 figure salary and retire into the sunset.
It is totally feasible that Heyman and Lesnar come into WWE under legends deals. They are less restrictive than WWE contracts are and are very lucrative. UFC doesn't OWN Brock Lesnar and his likeness, they lease it. WWE DOES own "The Next Big Thing" character and could strike a deal to lease that character and create toys and place it in video games. That would not breach Lesnar's UFC contract. It's similar to athletes having shoe deals while playing their respective sports. The NBA doesn't own the image of Michael Jordan but Nike does. UFC is similar, they don't own their fighters.

Heyman could certainly come in and consult creative as well as provide commentary to ECW footage. Heyman has an authenticity for ECW fans that is worth a lot of money to WWE if they are going to release ECW dvd's or have an ECW TV show on the new WWE network. Both Lesnar and Heyman can do this without appearing on WWE TV in a fighting or wrestling capacity. Also Heyman and Lesnar have been in contact with WWE a lot so far this year so its possible fences have been adequately mended for all parties to work together again.
Brock Lesnar is not going to be in a WWE ring, he just had surgery on his colon. Not to mention he is still working with UFC. Dana White will not allow him to wrestle while with his promotion. There is no deal that is going to happen with Lesnar and WWE. Heyman and Cobana maybe, Lesnar, no. All Brock Lesnar wants is his UFC HW Belt back.
I dont think Punk's mentioning of those guys was to fufill a specific agenda. As far as I know WWE told Punk to air out his feelings and they would cut him off when he went too far. With the way Colt Cabana has spoken about the CM Punk situation, I dont think that is going to be involved in the WWE anytime soon. As far as Lesnar goes, his hands are tied as long as hes under a UFC contract. Oh and I dont think Paul Heyman is too fond of the WWE right now, although its always never say never since he does have a book to promote.
It does seem unlikely that Lesnar could have anything to do with WWE considering his UFC contract. However, I doubt very much that any of us are all that knowledgable concerning contract law. There might be some sort of legal loop hole in which Lesnar could have a business arrangement with WWE concerning the release of a DVD. After all, this is concerning footage of Brock Lesnar that's outside the control of UFC.

Lesnar returning to WWE would be a big deal but I have a feeling that Lenar's competitive career is pretty much over. His continuous intestinal problems are not only possibly life threatening, as he damn near died a while back, but they're probably gonna plague him for the rest of his life. He couldn't handle the wear and tear of the road back when he was younger and healthier so that hasn't changed. Also, as far as being a wrestler or an MMA fighter goes, who knows what kind of damage might be done if Lesnar takes a stiff shot to the gut? He recently had a 12 inch part of his intestine surgically removed.

Paul Heyman coming to WWE would certainly get the IWC buzzing but I don't see it happening either, apart from potentially some sort of off tv business deal like these links are talking about. If Heyman were to return to WWE, he wouldn't be making nearly the demands from Vince he did from Dixie Carter. Vince McMahon would laugh his ass off before pecker slapping Heyman in the face and we all know it.

As far as Colt Cabana goes, if it'll help keep Punk in WWE, then sign the guy. Punk is the most talked about guy in all of wrestling right now and last Monday was Punk's Austin 3:16 moment.

Punk is the most talked about man in all of wrestling right now. But saying that was Punk's 3:16 moment is a bit ridiculous to say the least. It's not even been a week after the fact. You've yet to see where this goes at all. Austin's 3:16 moment was like a freaking cannon, however if you would have said "This guy is going to break every merchandising record ever set" the week he had his 3:16 moment then you were either A) The supreme being himself or B) a lunatic.

It wasn't until weeks/months following when crowds of people were bringing Austin 3:16 signs, chanting his name, and ratings skyrocketed that people realized something special was happening. For all you know, Punk could flop next week trying to recreate what he did last week.

That was a great great great moment that he will be remembered for, but it's way too soon to be calling it an "Austin 3:16" moment as that is one of the 3 most defining moments in Wrestling history.
As much as I'd like to see Colt Cabana in WWE again, he won't ever get anywhere higher than the mid card. If he's brought in under his own name, he'll forever be seen as CM Punk's friend and The WWE would just use him that way because they think it's a good idea but they already have Punk as the Face of the Indies in the WWE. They'll never let anyone else get that big. However, if he's called anything else, he loses valuable recognition value. This wouldn't be like them advertising the signing of Mistico and then the subsequent renaming to Sin Cara. There seems to be a different level of thinking when it comes to the differences between Lucha Libre and Indy feds. This would cost him and he'd eventually be future endeavored.

As for Lesnar and Heyman... I wouldn't actually care either way if Lesnar made a return. He was a very good performer and made for interesting storylines for two years but his face turns were stale and his subsequent heel characters lacked the impact that he had on his debut. In my view he'd run his course. It's very surprising that a lot of people seem to want an unstoppable, superman-like character to return when it seems the same people are sick of John Cena being the exact same thing. Heyman on the other hand would be a welcome return as manager, commentator, GM or anything that they could possibly give him. Could I be so bold as to dream he'd be back involved with the writers again? Ahh, Blessed Fantasies!
Could CM Punks rant have been a buildup for the return of Paul Heyman and a new faction within the WWE including Punk, Lesnar, and other "Heyman Guys"?? CM Punks contract is up and the Montreal Screw Job is on. a MOnths hiatus, the old and new Nexxus members are called to the ring by CM Punk who came through the crowd actually in legit street clothes. After they are in the ring 'Heymans Monsters" attack the entire faction and destroy them. At the very end Heyman himself works his way down to the ring and shoots a promo. Then they all exit through the crowd.

What do you think? Rant for real or rant to set something else up?

Already a thread on this but I'll go over it again anyway. Paul Heyman isn't coming back to the wwe in a wrestling related role. It's being said the deal he signed or was working on has to do with some business marketing I believe although I'd love to see Heyman return as the anonymous gm the chances of that happening I'd say are under 10%.
I posted the following as a response to a near-identical thread (http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?p=3233035&posted=1#post3233035) and thought I'd also post it here too:

Er, In a word, No. Firstly, if a faction were to come about to re-introduce Paul Heyman as a character (which I will address in a moment as incredibly unlikely), it would not feature Brock Lesnar.
Not least due to the fact that Brock is currently recovering from serious surgery following a second bout with diverticulitus and would be in no shape to wrestle right now, but more so due to the fact that he is a UFC fighter. Period. People need to get over the fact that Brock is 100% committed to his fighting career, and wants nothing more than to reclaim the UFC title at the earliest opportunity. I have no doubt that Brock may return at some point years in the future to do a one-off Mania match for a large payday, but he doesn't want to be a pro wrestler anymore.
Now, the thought of Paul Heyman returning to WWE as an on-air character is almost as ludicrous, because it simply wouldn't make sense storyline wise. Think about it: CM Punk cuts awesome promo ripping on every aspect of higher management, making reference to how Paul Heyman believed in him and saw something in him, and WWE management hire Paul Heyman as a result? There is simply no way to explain the stupidity of such a move within the context of this storyline without getting into TNA-like levels of convoluted bullshit regarding power-plays and takeovers etc. It simply wouldn't make sense either from a kayfabe/shoot perspective for Paul Heyman to suddenly be employed by WWE.
Yes, I know this is wrestling, and we are often exposed to all manner of weak explanations for angles that don't make a great deal of sense, but for an angle that is trying to represent a heavy dose of true citiscisms of the company (all sanctioned by Vince by the way, don't kid yourself otherwise ) this move would completely kill the vibe that Punk achieved with that promo.
The only thing Punk's promo was setting up was a Montreal Screwjob scenario. It's the best and most creative way they've gone about beating this particular dead horse since it happened for real, but that's it nonetheless.

As other posters have said, a Heyman/Lesnar return is a most unlikely happening.
as interesting as it could be, nope. it is unlikely he will ever return to wresting let alone wwe. i don't even see him goint to TNA anymore. I hitnk if he does go back to wrestling, it will he an ROH type company that he can mold and shape.
Why do people have hopeless hopes? Paul Heyman is not coming back to wrestling. He's just not. Please get this out of your heads for those who either want him to or believe someday he will. I know, never say never, but in this instance, the never is very high & so I feel comfortable in saying never. Paul Heyman doesn't need wrestling like some other folks do (i.e. Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Sting, to a certain degree---I mention Sting because he's apart of that 50+ club who still wants to go out & perform instead of just falling back & completely retiring). The WWE is not the place for Heyman at this moment anyway, and it may never be anymore. I don't know Paul personally, but I can pretty much figure that he's enjoying what he has going on for him in his life right now, as does Brock Lesner and they really have no use for the business right now, if ever again.

A faction, while entertaining, would not work since Vince McMahon would ultimately have control of it in some way or another. Also, it'd be interesting for a while, but over the long haul, it'd die out more than likely, and Heyman along with Brock or whomever else joins up, would end up walking away after a few months. Sure, it'd be a quick paycheck, but they're no Flair or Hogan in need of the limelight or money, they're fine where they're at. Not gonna happen. There's no need for it to happen either.
I could also see Heyman being brought in to help promote the new Brock book...and also maybe Heyman does an article for WWE.com? Heyman has his Heyman Hustle website which is very good...maybe he does one for WWE.com where he speaks his mind. Also remember that Joey Styles
runs WWE.com.

I don't think you'll see Heyman on TV (unless it's an interview to promote the book and maybe interact with a few people backstage similar to the DDP cameo)

Brock...maybe in the crowd and maybe seconding Paul in those backstage skits.

I don't see Colt coming back because once ROH gets on Sinclair, I believe he'll be a focal point because of his comedic timing and his skills in the ring.

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