Legend vs Current


Pre-Show Stalwart
Wrestlemania is coming close. If you had one choice, which legend would you have face a current WWE superstar?

Any two.

So, my choice would be either:

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs John Morrison
Just because if we had JoMo win, we would have another Legend in the build, just what WWE need.


The Rock vs The Miz
Same as above, it would create another Legend.

So, which Legend and Superstar would you have face of at The Grandest Stage of Them All?
I think one match that no one has ever thought of, that might not be so bad would be Undertaker vs. fake Undertaker. Undertaker is both a WWE Legend and a Current WWE SuperStar. Think about it. Streak vs. Streak, he can’t lose.
Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-pac, and Bryan Danielson vs. The Corre Elimation tag match. Just cuz it would be AWESOME, i chose Danielson to team with them so he could get revenge on Wade for kicking him out of the orginal Nexus. I wish they would have gone more in dept with it when Danielson returned but they just threw him in a match at SummerSlam then nothing.

I think this could be such a fantastic match. The technical abilities of both, the quickness and uniqueness of Punk, Bret's chemistry and storytelling in the ring. Man this would be wonderful.

(obviously talking about a young Bret Hart that could wrestle)

A Match that could still happen:


Could you imagine? I mean this would be a match for the ages. Obviously Kurt is in TNA but he may make one or two more appearances in WWE before it's all said and done. I got giddy thinking about this.
I think one match that no one has ever thought of, that might not be so bad would be Undertaker vs. fake Undertaker. Undertaker is both a WWE Legend and a Current WWE SuperStar. Think about it. Streak vs. Streak, he can’t lose.

Would be funny if they could trick us by having the real undertaker be the fake undertaker and have the fake taker win only to have him show he was the real one all along.

If I could choose any legend vs Current, it would be Mr perfect vs the Miz. it could be a great match but the promo's would be epic, Mr perfect's clips about doing everything perfectly and the miz trying to one up him, it would of been interesting to say the least.
There's three matches I would like to see and they are.

The Rock vs John Cena:
What can I say that hasn't been said already, two of the biggest draws the company's ever had facing off in the middle of the ring would be epic. Were already seing the setup to a possible match sometime in the future lets just hope it happens sooner rather then later.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Randy Orton:

The Texas Rattle Snake vs the Viper Randy Orton how sweet would it be if these two where to face off. They both have finishers that can be hit out of nowhere and thier wrestling styles match each other if Austin were healthy this would be a sick match.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk:

This shit writes itself the beer drinking redneck vs the Straight Edge messiah these two could have an epic match/feud just based on their gimmicks alone plus the promos between these two would tare the house down.

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