Legacy Breakup?


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-- In recent weeks, WWE has been airing backstage segments with Ted DiBiase criticizing Randy Orton behind his back with Cody Rhodes seemingly siding with Orton. The idea behind this is to eventually turn DiBiase and make him a top babyface. Company officials want the third generation wrestler to be a strong babyface by the time The Marine 2 is released on DVD and Blu-ray.

His father (Ted DiBiase, Sr.) said during a speaking engagement two weeks ago that WWE plans on making his son a good guy by the fall season as a result of the release of the movie.

Is this really the end of Legacy? What if DiBiase really does turn face, and leaves Legacy? Will they replace him with someone else, or just disband the faction all together?

This is way too soon to end a faction like Orton has assembled. I want to see them carry on for at least another year. If it ends soon, it's a bad decision for the WWE. I like the sound of DiBiase face, but hopefully they can do this without killing the whole gimmick of Legacy.
I think they can do it easily without killing Legacy. Orton decides that DiBiase isn't right for the group, turns on him, and introduces his new guy to team with Cody: i have no idea who at this time and i'm not gonna guess, but anybody who fits correctly would be good.

If they really want Ted to be a top face by fall, they need to have Ted do a big feud with MVP over the US Title. Although it seems like Priceless is going to feud with the Colon's right now. Then, if we have another set of Scramble matches at Unforgiven, Ted can qualify himself into there. Ted has a great showing and somehow costs Orton the title (whether he is still champion or not by then, idk). This can lead to Orton turning on Ted just as The Marine 2 is released.

I have doubts though that Ted DiBiase as a good guy can succeed on a show that has John Cena, Triple H, Batista, and MVP (assuming he starts his Raw tenure really strong) as babyfaces.
Not sure.

WWE could just be trying to swerve us. They like to do that.

If DiBiase were to turn on Legacy and disband the group it would be pretty sad considering they're still a long way off being a decent stable. Yeah Orton has smashed the shit out of the McMahon's but Ted and Cody havn't done anything yet. The group definatly needs to progress more and grow as a powerful group. They shouldnt have even put Ted in the group if that is what WWE was planning all along.

I hope they don't turn him anytime this year but WWE could do anything really.
Nah. I don't see it happening. They just got the spiffy t-shirts. It's far too early for a break up of any type even if it's just replacing one member.
Nah. I don't see it happening. They just got the spiffy t-shirts. It's far too early for a break up of any type even if it's just replacing one member.

You say I'm an idiot and your reasoning for not breaking up Legacy is new T-shirts. Awesome.

They won't break them up because the most basic function of a stable is to protect the champion, and they finally get that opportunity. The Horsemen were at their best protecting Flair. They would run in when it looked like he was going to lose and get him DQ'd. They would sneak him weapons, interfere behind the ref's back, cause a distraction to set up a low blow. These are truly heelish tactics that need to return. This is not cheap heat.
I would like to think not just yet....as a group Legacy have so much more to do imo...I always pictured Dibiase more as a heel and I'm not sure how he would fare as a babyface, but who knows? Only thing is, I heard that WWE may want to turn him face in order to promote their new film Marine 2 with him in it, so I'm not sure how that will affect things. But I would hope the group sticks together a while longer because I think the 3 work quite well together and that needs to be given a chance to develop further imo...
They still have time if Priceless takes the Unified Straps from The Colons now, and they dominate the Summer running over everybody, turn Dibiase Jr at SummerSlam, id have his Dad involved, have Ted Sr. come out and speak against what there doing, and try to sway him over, then Have Orton attack Ted Sr, with Ted Jr/Rhodes, then Randy goes into snap mode and sets up Dibiase Sr for the punt kick, and Ted Jr takes him out...Crowd would pop crazy for it, you would have a way over solid face with great mic work, and in ring skillz to feud with Orton, Cena (if he turns) etc
it will happen, because wwe is not going to bank their fledgling WWE Studios on a "bad guy".
I would like to see Dibiase replaced with either his brother Mike Dibiase or Joe Hennig.
The release of this movie is going to result in a main event push for Ted and probably a world title reign.
This wont be the end of Legacy but it will be the end of Teddys involvent in it.
does anyone know the role ted is playing in the movie? just gunna throw it out there but just cuz he is in it doesnt mean hes the good guy. just like kane in see no evil. either way it prob gunna suck...
First off I think legacy needs another member, I wuz really hoping for dh smith but doesn't look thats going to happen. Maybe bring up brett Dibiase and have him join legacy.I think that they should do the triple h and randy orton storyline again, where Dibiase wins the wwe title upsetting some big name star like cena, batista, or triple h and have orton get jealous and turn on Dibiase like triple h and evolution did orton. I think this would make for a great fued.It would add insult to injury with ted's little brother turning on him. This would give rhodes and brett dibiase a main event push like evolution did batista (who for the record is highly overrated) and orton.
Why do all of you expect a group like Evolution. Sure they have qualities of Evolution, but they will NEVER BE evolution. This group could just be used to push Ted Dibiase the way they pushed Batista. Batista used to always get into fights with Triple H because Batista thought that Triple H didnt always make the right desicions. If they really want Ted to be Main-Event quality by Fall, he has gotta win King of the Ring, or a lil Battle Royal Match for the Number One Contender for Randy Orton's championship. But if they do end of turning up like Evolution, then they dont really need to push Ted right now. They can release the film next year with no problem. Believe me, no one will really care about it anyway.

The reason they cant just do a Mr. Kennedy approach with it and just release it without being in the Main-Event is because Mr. Kennedy was not the lead character in the movie. He can get away with that. Ted wont have any chance, especially with him being a hated heel. Pushing him right now is a risk in itself, but if it works, new storylines with him will work wonders because he has decent Mic skills that can be improved, and the man can wrestle. But waiting a little while to push him wont hurt if they push the movie back, because as it stands, all the little kids, and non-smark fans dont even know about the movie unless they Wiki-ed it. So nobody is exactly expecting it. So a push right now isnt necessary, but really, it wont hurt. But waiting for him to get better is probably the best option in my opinion.
I would hate to see Dibiase as face. Why is it that wwe always needs to turn people face when they have a movie out? If you are real fans of Dibiase, you would support him no matter what. All I can say is, if they do turn him face, it better not be the end of Legacy or you will see the ratings drop big time.
I would hate to see Dibiase as face. Why is it that wwe always needs to turn people face when they have a movie out? If you are real fans of Dibiase, you would support him no matter what. All I can say is, if they do turn him face, it better not be the end of Legacy or you will see the ratings drop big time.

I see wat ur sayin, but lets face facts. How many people would go see The Marine 2...Staring Edge. Now Ted is by no means as over as Edge, but at the same time I think more people would by The Marine 2 Starring Edge, than The Marine 2 Staring Ted Dibiase Jr. Ted doesnt have a strong enough fan base yet to release the film, and it would be hard to push him to the Main-Event in Legacy when his leader is Currently the WWE Champ. If Triple H nearly destroyed Randy Orton for winning the World Heavyweight Title from Benoit(R.I.P), imagine wat Randy would do if Ted beat him, or anybody for the title. Maybe a punt or two. My point is, keeping him a heel wouldnt work because 1. Not a strong enough fan base, 2. Not really a way to push into the main-event. I can only see Ted as a face when that movie comes out.
Originally posted by nthomas504:

"Now Ted is by no means as over as Edge, but at the same time I think more people would by The Marine 2 Starring Edge, than The Marine 2 Staring Ted Dibiase Jr. Ted doesnt have a strong enough fan base yet to release the film, and it would be hard to push him to the Main-Event in Legacy when his leader is Currently the WWE Champ."

You make a good point. It just bugs the hell out of me that people go and see a movie of a wrestler they like, just because he's a face. I mean look at it this way, Cena is supposidly the biggest face in the wwe. Yet his movie flopped big time. So is there any point in breaking up a stable, just to try and get more fans to see a movie? It probably wouldnt be any worse then how many went to see Cena's movie. But another reason why I wouldnt want to see Dibiase as face, is when Cena's movie came out, wwe forced it down us day in and out. And that played a huge factor in it. So if wwe wouldn't force something on someone as much then Dibiase's movie wouldn't lose steam and henceforth make a good profit. Why is it that wwe has to tell people about the movie when the wrestler can't do it himself? It just bogals my mind.
I think Ted will eventually leave Legacy - but it might not be for awhile - depends on how much they can build it now that Orton has the belts. I wouldn't put too much hope on other wrestlers joining them just because they are 2nd or 3rd generation wrestlers. It took awhile for them to kick out Sim and Manu - they couldn't act their way out of a box. It is pretty obvious that Ted will be a star in the company - but he is still very, very green - you can count the number of singles matches he has had on one hand. They would be putting a lot of pressure on him just because of some movie no one will want to see - if he is one of the faces of the future they won't ruin his push just because of that.
If Ted left they'd still be pushing Legacy. If they plan a face turn for him there's no better way to get him over than to turn on a heel stable.

I'd just expect Legacy to add another member or two, to be honest. It would have been a huge waste building them up to this point and just now giving Orton the title to destroy it completely right now.
For the love of God, WHY???

This to me is the problem with wrestling today: there is absolutely no patience at all. Legacy was the best idea to come down the pike in awhile, so what do we do? Break them up before they can truly hit their stride of course. You have the two best rookies in a long time as a team so of course we need to have them feud, because it's not like we can wait two years, build them both into superstars and then have them steal the fucking show on PPV in a match that everyone would be drooling over or anything like that now could we? NO! We need to break them up now before they hit it big. That's the logical move if I've ever seen one. WWE, once again, is going to damage the actual wrestling to promote a film that is going to bomb huge. Why does he have to be a face for this? Can someone explain tath to me? Is it so hard to shill a movie as a heel? Let DiBiase do what he does best: be a cocky heel that can grow with another to eventually become a top of the roster heel, THEN turn him like it needs to be done. This is why I get sick of WWE, right here.
Ted doesn't have to be face to sell a damn movie... Exposure is exposure period... specially in wrestling. Whether your an awesome Face or the biggest Heel. Your in the spot light! Am I right... staying in legacy he will have the biggest EXPOSURE for sure. They don't need Ted to cut promos for the damn movie. But by having him in legacy and using him alot in actual matches and backstage heel antics will get people to be involved. I mean they are trying to have orton be the heel... But alot of the fan base is likeing ortons character. Thats why wrestling isn't like it was back in the day where a Face was liked and a heel was hated. People have the opinion to have mixed reactions to all characters.

Anyways Legacy doesn't need to break up for the movie... WWE NEEDs to PROMOTE the whole group during the time specially giving some good spots to TED to give him star points.
Ted Dibiase will leave legacy and Orton will bring in DH Smith and Tyson Kidd. Therefore we have 4 people in legacy (just like evolution) Orton-WWE champ, Rhodes-US Champ, DH/KIDD tag champs, you coudl even throw in natalya and make her divas champ...
You say I'm an idiot and your reasoning for not breaking up Legacy is new T-shirts. Awesome.

No, I was saying that the group is still fairly new and not firmly established so thus it's too early to rock the boat. In a perfect world, they'd have at least a solid year under their belt before any lineup changes were made in order to create another breakout star.

The t-shirt line was just a silly, offhanded joke that obviously didn't appeal to you (fair enough.) Please read for context next time instead of just looking for a way to insult me. Thanks.
Ted Dibiase will leave legacy and Orton will bring in DH Smith and Tyson Kidd. Therefore we have 4 people in legacy (just like evolution) Orton-WWE champ, Rhodes-US Champ, DH/KIDD tag champs, you coudl even throw in natalya and make her divas champ...

I really like that idea this could really help ted in finding his way out of the group. and making him look like a face because i think he could do better on his own and this other people could use help
That only gives about 3 months to build Ted into a face, and I don't see that happening since Legacy is only just building steam, there's the upcoming feud with The Colons, and Orton has only just got the WWE title. They could do backstage segments or vignettes with Ted Sr to promote the movie using the Million Dollar Man gimmick, he could even be the Million Dollar Marine if they wish to use his character to promote the movie... depicting him more as a Mercenary than a hero. But personally I see the best way of promoting Ted and the movie is by increased prominence within The Legacy, he doesn't need to be face for the movie to sell.
The Legacy is fine. DiBiase and Rhodes aern't getting the push that I'd like to see but I think their time is coming. Dibiase has had a couple really great matches on tv lately so he's obviously the next one in line for a push. For right now, their job is to protect the head guy and they've done a great job so far. Now I'd like to see them step up and take on a bigger role. More time w/ the mic to bring out their personalities. I'd also like to see them bring in DH Smith. I think he's ready and the group needs a big powerhouse. And he has the look that would fit the group perfectly. I love factions if they're done correctly. The Legacy has too much potential for them to scrap it.
Im sick of WWE turning people face/heel. It started with Jericho, then Cody, Colin Delaney (who no1 cared about) ,Melina, Big Show, Kane, Matt Hardy and MVP. Ive missed heaps but the list would be too long. Id love to c ted as a face but im just sick of WWE turning them. I dont give a shit about the movie so dont turn him 4 @ least another year. Let Lagacy grow into a great faction before they break up. Give Ted a chance

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