Legacy Breakup?: When and How it's going to happen?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As stated by Wrestlezone, quite some time ago, A Ted Debiase Face turn and Legacy breakup is expected around the time of his new movie.

Well, it's just that time of the year. The fantastic movie The Marine 2...because everybody just loved the first one, is now released..like said..direct to DvD.

Now for quite some time now, back towards Night of Champions was it? Wwe was teasing a face turn for Debiase, such as Debaise flipping on Orton, I beleive it was Night of Champions. Ted being place in matches with Orton, and Ted talking with Cody, questioning some of Orton's decisions.

Just recently, when we all though they mighta just dropped the break up all together, Orton claims Legacy no longer has that special rush, like Orton get's with Samantha on his 7 hours off. So he tells Legacy they'd each be fighting an opponent, and if they lose, they're kicked out of Legacy and the get the living hell beaten out of them. Ted fights, and easily beats Evan Bourne. Cody somehow defeats the World's Strongest Man, who has been extreamly watered down, just like Kool-aid. He looks like a big Kool-aid man, and when you put to much water in kool-aid..it sucks...then you add some sugar. Back on to topic, Legacy passes Orton's challenge.

Then next week, Legacy tells Orton he has to beat Kofi, or he's out..and he get's a good ass whooping. Well...Orton passed too.

Just this Monday on Raw, Legacy reminds us how they helped Orton win the rumble.

Now this could happen many ways.

Like ImAStupidCuntWhoCantFollowRules said, Ted could win the rumble, and face Orton..winning the wwe title againts Sheamus..if that match is still in place.

Or like Jmt said, Randy might be turned on by Ted, and or Cody during his match at the Royal Rumble.

We even saw Ted and Cody arguing...with each other Monday night on Raw. This is all building up to a break up, but how and when is it going to happen?
Sorry for bringing this thread back up, it was obviously buired. Legacy breakup already went it's way, and in an agreeable good fashion.

I just like the humor I had while writing this.
Not sure if it applies here, but there's a rule about bumping old threads IIRC.

Uh oh. I'm sorry, never intended to do that, and it's not that old. IIRC, not sure what that stands for, but if that rule is also in the Bar Room, I'm in trouble.

Maybe I should make a new thread discussing the current break up of Legacy and how it compared to this one.

I still have another intreasting thread I'm planning on making, but I'm at school right now (It's like activity period that we have every month or every nine weeks or something.)

The main topic of the thread though, will be Cm Punk though. I would have made it faster, but I had too find the images I needed.

Also, I'm planning on making a small thread with a poll on who you think will win the money in the bank. In my opinion right now, either Cm Punk, or Matt Hardy.

I'm shocked Kofi Kingston isn't in it. They better have him on the card, but they don't have much time to work in a storyline, maybe he'll interfere in Orton's match, or maybe they'll stick him in like a small leftover battle royal. Or maybe they'll have a gauntlet match. Other then that, he's screwed.

Why Jack Swagger is in the MITB instead of Kofi, I have no clue, considering Kingston is going nowhere right now.

And as a side note, I'm quite disappointed they're going with the Hair vs. Mask match with Punk and Mysterio, unless they have Cm win, I'm going to be kinda mad. I can't picture Cm Punk without his hair.

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