Left, Right or Centre

Which way do you lean?

  • Right (Conservative/Republican)

  • Centre (Flexible)

  • Left (Liberal/Democrat)

Results are only viewable after voting.


A Life In Monochrome
It seems like most of the significant discussion on this board eventually falls down to politics, whether it's social or economic, and there is usually a clear dividing line with most (but not all) taking a side.
What I want to see is the makeup of this board, the perception of your political identity vs the meta "reality" of where you actually are. (eg the US perception that Democrats are left would be laughable in Europe). I'm actually really interested to see the distribution in the US given the left isn't actually represented politically.

So here's what I want you to do In Order

1. Click the poll above
2. Take this test http://www.politicalcompass.org/test
3. Post both results in this thread

This may be interesting, divisive or entirely pointless but it's worth a shot. Oh and I know we've used the PC before but don't bitch about it. It's a bit of fun :p
I have done that test four times, and each time I'm about dead center.

Definitely a moderate, but I absolutely hate the Republican party and where they stand right now. It actually sickens me, physically.
I think I did it about 18 months ago and came out very slightly left, less so than I expected. I may edge more in that direction this time as I've increasingly lost my patience with the alternative.
The statements in there about how sometimes what's in the best interest of businesses instead of the people made my eyes roll.
I voted centre because I've always felt more in line with state control compared to my friends, I'm anti-pot, don't despise Thatcher, pro-police, economically I'm somewhat balanced between the need for business and the need to regulate and didn't exactly give my full support to the Occupy movement. So the polls says

March 2012

November 2009

Woah! That's quite a significant move away what I was expecting, nearly 3 points further left and south than last time. I'm guessing my strong stance on abortion and the ecology swung it.
I've taken this poll before. No reason to take it again, especially when it's providing me with an answer I already had. I'm liberal.
I've done these several times (I'll do one again for loveless). I usually end up about two to the right and two to the south. I actually think big business is very important to our society.
Economic Left/Right: 3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.41

Same spot as usual. Might've moved a little to the right, but only slightly.
On these boards I'm pretty conservative to compare to the rest, but in my social circle I'm the dirty hippy. I like to think myself as a centralist type. I'm pretty liberal with social issues but believe in being fiscally conservative.
On these boards I'm pretty conservative to compare to the rest, but in my social circle I'm the dirty hippy. I like to think myself as a centralist type. I'm pretty liberal with social issues but believe in being fiscally conservative.

I tend to feel like a dirty hippy on this forum, which is something of a contrast to reality where I usually seem to be the balancing force amongst people who hate any kind of authority or big business.
Having said that I've always felt government has a duty of care to protect and help those who need it. Bizarrely this makes me a communist in some peoples eyes. Governments looking after the people? What kind of evil is this? :lmao:
I've always considered myself in the center, despite coming across as a right wing fanatic in the few times I've talked about politics on this board.

This is me:

Economic Left/Right: -1.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92


And this is how I relate to the 2012 presidential candidates:


No wonder I don't like any of the candidates.

I'm -0.15 from the equator, and -1.62 from the Prime Meridian. I mean -0.15 from the X-Axis and -1.62 from the Y-Axis.

I'm down the middle, just like I thought.
I'm a registered Republican, I don't think that's ever been a secret. But I've always considered myself to be more "middle of the road" then anything, as flaws and stances of both parties disgust me in many ways. So the results somewhat surprised me here.

Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.15

Not that I put a ton of stock into 50 questions determining my leanings, but this particular test would seem to indicate that I lean farther left then I would have imagined.

People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce

Fuck me, that's a hard question. On the one hand, people should be free to reproduce at their own wil but, at the same time, why bring a child into the world when it's going to suffer. Sure, you've got through it, but itwas probably hard. It shouldn't be regulated by the government in anyy case, though.
I'm a registered Republican, I don't think that's ever been a secret. But I've always considered myself to be more "middle of the road" then anything, as flaws and stances of both parties disgust me in many ways. So the results somewhat surprised me here.

Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.15

See this kind of result facinates me. You're a self-professed Republican in a Republican country with no true representation politically of even the centre and yet you get a result like that. Why is it you vote Republican?
See this kind of result facinates me. You're a self-professed Republican in a Republican country with no true representation politically of even the centre and yet you get a result like that. Why is it you vote Republican?
Because maybe some people don't give a shit what a stupid 50 question quiz that asks loaded questions says?

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