Left Behind: What would you do?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
This is kind of a double topic thread.

This thread is coming off of a very popular book series. It was co-authored by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. It is the number one best-selling Christian book series of all time. The Left Behind series has had 16 installments, with 12 books covering The Rapture and The Tribulation Period that was described in The Bible's Book of Revelation, 3 books after the end of the first twelve books that were meant to serve as perquels, describing the events that set up the Rapture, and 1 book after those three about The Millennial Kingdom and Satan's final battle with Jesus. It has been very influential, converting many people to Christianity and inspiring many others. It tells a very good story, and features much action and excitement, as well as plots of evil, love, betrayal, and many other emotions, all while educating people on the religion of Christianity, how to achieve salvation, and the end times. While it is a very controversial and sensitive subject to many, it is still a very good and fun read, considered one of the greatest action/adventure series of all time. I myself consider it one of the best. So my question for this half of the thread is, have you ever read the series and what do you think of it? Would you recommend it.

My second question is, what would you do. Let's say that Christianity is true, The Bible is our guide for the future. What would you do if, one morning, if you were to wake up and people had just simply....disappeared? Some were gone, some were left. The one's that were gone, they had just gone, leaving all material things they owned, including clothes, gone. What would you believe had happened? Was it aliens? Terroists? A cosmic tradgedy? A supernatural act of God? Or another reason? Would you commit suicide if loved ones had dissappeared? Search for an answer? Convert to a religion? Look to the sky? Just lay down and cry? Or search for any loved ones that may be left and gather with them, love them? What could you do? It would certainly be a scary experience. I myself, being of religion, think that I'm sure enough in my beliefs of Christ and my salvation that I would be raptured, but I'm not sure in everything in I believe and if it were to happen right now, this post may or may not make it own the forums. If I was Left Behind I would most likely realize my mistakes, convert, then look ahead at my next seven years and ponder what would happen, what I was to do. What would you do, I ask for this half the thread?

And for any who would want to know more about the series, here is a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Behind_(series)

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