Lee predicts...a "screw job"


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So I was thinking of a number of things relating to Randy Orton and his legacy team, how he's facing Triple H at Wrestlemania. Now we all know that heels rarely win clean, very rarely and I actually think they will have Orton go over Triple H. So whilst thinking how, I remembered something that happened a couple of weeks back on Raw.


Notice the Kane two count by referee Scott Armstrong, he made the call, Orton picks the win. Many people called a botch...but then you look into it some more. Scott Armstrong is the son of "Bullet" Bob Armstrong and is thus a second generation superstar. Now fitting in with Legacy and their being heels, controversy causes cash...so can anyone else see a "screw job" involving Scott Armstrong giving Orton the pin over Triple H when he shouldn't have?
It's a great, great idea Lee. And it would be perfect for a PPV title match. However, Vince won't let this happen at WrestleMania 25. The biggest show of the year, and I just don't expect him to let it happen, because it would take away from how much bigger a clean Orton win over Triple H could be. If Orton won legit at WrestleMania then it really would be huge boost for his push, and it could really emphasise just how much of a big time player he is. Save this idea for a smaller PPV, or something like SummerSlam. We don't want to weaken Randy Orton to the point that it kills any momentum he has going for him, and taking away from the actual talent that he does have.
Yeah this could work for Raw, if Orton faced someone like Cena, and that happened. That way you could build towards the match at Wrestlemania, and he could be the referee at Wrestlemania, but something happens where he can't. This could work for the short-term.
It's a great, great idea Lee. And it would be perfect for a PPV title match. However, Vince won't let this happen at WrestleMania 25. The biggest show of the year, and I just don't expect him to let it happen, because it would take away from how much bigger a clean Orton win over Triple H could be. If Orton won legit at WrestleMania then it really would be huge boost for his push, and it could really emphasise just how much of a big time player he is. Save this idea for a smaller PPV, or something like SummerSlam. We don't want to weaken Randy Orton to the point that it kills any momentum he has going for him, and taking away from the actual talent that he does have.

I agree. But, the only way I see Orton actually WINNING is if there is some sort of screw job ending. Are we supposed to believe that he can't beat Shane, but he can beat HHH? Really?

I'd much rather see Trips screwed out of the belt ala Armstrong than to see HHH win at WM. But personally, it's been a while since Trips has won a match at WM. Since WM 19 I believe... and that was against Booker T. As much as I'd love to see Orton pull this one off, even I think Trips could use at least one more win.
I actually never thought of that. It is a possiblity. I am all up for that. Although has I have said many times before does anyone see HHH loosing for the 5th straight WrestleMania and probably the biggest show of his career. I certainly don't. They could attempt a screwjob here but fail. But then that would make HHH so invincible. I don't see HHH loosing at all. I would love a screw job but seriously does anyone want Orton and HHH feud to happen again? As I have said many times in this actual post, This could be a very good idea.
Thats a fantastic find, and a great idea.

I don't see it happening, but it's a good thought none-the-less. I do think it will be a screwjob of sorts for HHH to lose, I just don't see him laying down for a clean win for Orton. As I have stated many times, I believe it will be Mr. McMahon returning and helping Orton beat HHH, I don't really know why or how they will shape his reasons for doing so but I firmly believe it will happen.

If not Vince, then it'll be one of the two other McMahons, you know they are going to get involved and one of them is going to turn on the other.. I mean it's the McMahon's we are talking about, they always turn on each other.

If that referee idea did actually happen, I don't think it would kill Orton's momentum, I would def. mark out for that. It would be so unexpected, and everyone would be confused, until it was revealed that the referee himself is a 2nd generation person.

When you look at the pin, why did Kane kick up? Don't they know when the match is going to end? It seems like with that video a seed has been planted for a future angle with that referee, I must have missed that RAW because I don't remember that, but it's a nice find.
The simple fact that people are even looking at and scrutinizing EVERY PERSONALITY in WWE on the basis of whether or not their father was a wrestler or a promoter just proves how fantastic this storyline really is. I mean, it was one thing when we started discussing the fact that Shane and Steph are 4th generation in the business - but to look at a referee now!? Are any commentators 2nd generation?

I don't think this move would be used at Wrestlemania, but who knows? As important as the show that ends the WWE "season," is the start to the next season. And you know a 5.0 rating is like a pie in the sky for WWE right now...
This reminds me of the ol Nick Patrick NWO days lol

but non the less a good find dude this ties in with my Steph being the brains behing Legacy idea but i think the Steph turn happens at 25 then from there Legacy grows, i guess we will know when we find out the ref for the match (ohh this just dawned possibly Armstrong getting caught before WM thus making shane or vince ref at mania then they get knocked out and little steph counts her husband out the perfect plan if i might say so )

but yeah i like the way this shit is unfolding my friend
The simple fact that people are even looking at and scrutinizing EVERY PERSONALITY in WWE on the basis of whether or not their father was a wrestler or a promoter just proves how fantastic this storyline really is. I mean, it was one thing when we started discussing the fact that Shane and Steph are 4th generation in the business - but to look at a referee now!? Are any commentators 2nd generation?

It was speculated on a few other sites about the referee and his 'mistake', and why not have him as a member of Legacy. It just gives the group added power, and that's no harm at all. It can add some more controversy, and if they can keep the referee as their member in secret from Steph & that, then even better. The fans can see what's happening but the people in power are oblivious.
Maybe... just maybe you're right Lee, but I would've liked to see more than one instance of this leading to Wrestlemania, but they do still have 6 more weeks till Wrestlemania. I will need to see more into this and maybe like you I will look more into this issue of Legacy and ref Scott Armstrong. Basically, with Orton facing an angry HHH backed up by an angry McMahon family, I don't see how Orton would ever walk out of Wrestlemania as champion. Cue your idea, and Armstrong doesn't even have to start, he could run in after the first ref gets knocked out and then cue a punt by Orton, 1... 2... Trips arm shoots up, but, 3... still falls. What I like about it is its perfect heat on Orton. Wrestlemania is Vince's kid in a way, and for Orton to go and hire a ref to screw HHH over thus ruining Wrestlemania is perfect. It also gives them reason to have a rematch at Backlash. Orton will say he won't fight HHH, but the draft is the week after Backlash, so it's the perfect time draft HHH to RAW. From there, I imagine Orton getting a clean win this time over HHH.
On the one hand, you could just be reading into this a bit too much, and the basis for that whole theory is just a coincidence...

On the other hand, you could've predicted something that the rest of us were completely oblivious to.
But as mentioned above, would they really have a screwjob in the main event of Wrestlemania 25? This is a huge, anniversary show thing. I think a screwjob in the main event would ruin it.
And last time there was a screwjob in a Wrestlemania main event, people hated it.

But why are we assuming it'll be a screwjob in Orton's match? Just something to think about...
Well I have two different paths in my consciences about this.

1.) Would they do this at Wrestlemania? A screw job on the big show? Sure it has happened at Survivor Series, been joked about on Summerslam, and in reality, there have been plenty of screw jobs on the Royal Rumble and other pay per views. But to do one on Wrestlemania, especially Twenty-Five is a big problem for pure fans.

2.) Fuck it would make Legacy look great. Really, they just screwed over the biggest superstar in years in the WWE with a referee. You would really start wondering who else Legacy has in their back pocket? It would make them look incredibly powerful.
I agree. But, the only way I see Orton actually WINNING is if there is some sort of screw job ending. Are we supposed to believe that he can't beat Shane, but he can beat HHH? Really?

i agree with the orton not having a chance unless its a screw job. which is sad. i suppose that him fighting shane so much truly has weakened his character, and the fact that the mcmahons so blatantly push themselves is utter garbage, i mean vince has a wwe title reign on his resume for crissakes, and trips wont argue with a wm win even though orton is truly deserving for doing such great work. im starting to have mixed feelings about this card.
It's a nice find, but I don't see it happening. Orton/HHH is obviously the big storyline heading into WM, it's the one with the most build and with the McMahon's involvement, will obviously be the main event. And I just can't see them having what would be a rather confusing end to the biggest PPV they've had in years. If Orton's going over then it'll be because one of the McMahon's (you'd assume it'll be Steph) turns on HHH, giving a definitive finish to the match. You couldn't end WM25 on such an unclear note.

Another thing to keep in mind is, work or botch, that was a short Raw match that wasn't even the main event. Orton/HHH will probably be around 15 to 20 minutes, perhaps even a little longer. After all of that, it'd just seem completely out of place to have the match end with a soft move and a screw job of a 3-count. Mid-card Raw match it's fine, just because a lot of them won't last long enough to really have the intensity and the drama of the final couple of minutes a WM main event will incite. Plus there's no chance of idiots taking it seriously and causing issues when it's a mid-card Raw contest, but at WM you can just tell there'd be people who'd take it too seriously and there'd be problems.
If this did happen, it wouldn't be revealed till afterwards. It would be Michael Cole saying "and it looked as if HHH kicked out there", and any revelation would be made on the following Raw.

However, the fact is this. The WWE think their fans are idiots, and there is absolutely no way that they are going to base a turn in the main event of the most significant Wrestlemania on something that happened in the one hour main event on Raw in early January. It doesn't make sense.

A referee in Legacy wouldn't make sense really anyway. It isn't like Nick Patrick, because the idea was that the nWo were in control of their matches, whereas Legacy are merely just dominant in the ring. A referee that helped them would just be fired.

I remember there being a similar theory last summer with all of the strange things going on such as DQs for seemingly no reason (Jericho for hooking Kofi's tights was one exmple) or when that guy ran in front of Batista and did Batista's gunner thing before running away. We were all saying that it might have something to do with Vince's accident, but it didn't and i was forgotten, in the same way that the accident itself will be now Orton kicked Vince in the head.

So, no, I don't think this will have any relevance. In my opinion, and despite being an advocate for a McMahon turn initially, there will be no additions to Legacy.
I don't see it being a referee who screws HHH if HHH gets screwed...

I see it being Stephanie McMahon. She is a 3rd generation McMahon, and what better way to help the Legacy? Just think, Orton got Vince and Shane outta the way. Now she can run things on her own with Orton being her champ to help her out.

I know it's a long shot. But I see it being a McMahon at WM25. At WMX7, Vince helped Stone Cold (which I was at, amazing in person) and now again in Houston, Steph will help Orton.

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