Lee in prison? I want some answers.


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was looking back in the old old old prison threads, and saw a thread with Lee in it, not Lee like cool, awesome mod Lee, but Lee as in new guy Lee. Not sure what he did, but he was in prison. I posted in it, but my post got deleted pretty fast. I guess they don't want old threads being brought up again, especially considering it was from 2007.

Anyways, I was shocked that the now mod Lee, was once a prisoner himself.


Are there any other popular, respected posters, who were once prisoners themselves?
I saw that when I hit the "New Posts" button. Was a bit confused for a sec and wasn't quite sure what I was reading when I clicked on the thread.
One year??? Holy shit. What, he turned himself around, and became a mod? Talk about inspirational stories.
Coming from NormanSally, that doesn't really mean much to me. Especially because he's a Brett Favre fanboy.
Coming from NormanSally, that doesn't really mean much to me. Especially because he's a Brett Favre fanboy.

Do you honestly so unaware with how shit you are that you think you could be the future, and isn't your name closer to Sally? Also, I do not care one way or another about Favre, you were just wrong about everything you said about him.
The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2625090 said:
Do you honestly so unaware with how shit you are that you think you could be the future, and isn't your name closer to Sally? Also, I do not care one way or another about Favre, you were just wrong about everything you said about him.

First of all, I wasn't actually serious. Second of all, there's always a chance with anything. It doesn't matter what an asshole like you thinks of me, as long as somebody who actually has authority on this forum, instead of an dick-like attitude respects me in the slightest bit, I have a chance.

I have no idea what my name being close to Sally has anything to do with what we're talking about.

I'm pretty sure I wasn't wrong about at least half of the things I said about him. I admit, I was bias with a good bit, but the rest was true. I don't understand why having Big Ben in my sig, has anything to do with critizing any other players. I believe Ben is one of the greatest to ever step on an NFL field. Favre and Ben have both had accusations, although there was more evidence against Favre then there is Ben. And Ben doesn't cry on television every chance he get's.

And since this is the cage, Favre is a fucking redneck, and I can't stand rednecks.
The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2625113 said:
He actually criticized Favres personal life while having that sig.

Favre, for the obvious reason of being a little girl, who cries all the time. The retirement degrassi character he loves to play, and don't forget those lewd photos.

Yes, there is many talented NFL players I cannot stand, but most of them I respect. The only one that I don't respect as a player, would be Favre.

The threat was titled "Have you ever come to hate a really talented NFL Player?" Obviously I think Favre has talent, I just hate who he is.

I stated my entire opinion about Favre, and how that relates to his "personal life", I'm not sure. I suppose you're referring to the lewd photos. Either that, or you're whining about me calling him a little girl, which is worse.

You saying I can't say that considering I have a Big Ben sig, I'm guessing you we're involving Ben's personal life, where he was accused of sexual abusing a bitch who can't keep her story straight. Don't worry Norman, you're not the only asshole who thinks that. There's people in Pittsburgh who have the same feelings, and I hate each and every one of them.

Favre is a legend when it comes to the NFL. He always played through injuries, and I respect that. When it comes to stats? Hell...anybody can get that many yards in a career when they play for 20 years straight. If Favre would've retired 5 years ago, then maybe I would've respected him a little more. Even then, if he didn't cry so damn much...

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