LeBron Watch Version 2.0


Staff member
So, for any of my fellow NBA enthusiasts on these forums, you are all well aware of the impending decision by LeBron James. Does he return to the Heat? Does he head back to Cleveland? Might he go to one of the other rumored cities: Los Angeles (either franchise), Phoenix, New York, etc., And when do we finally hear?

I say Cleveland Cavaliers, with the announcement tomorrow. Kylie Irving. Andrew Wiggins. Anthony Bennett. Possibly Kevin Love. Just too tempting in my opinion. Any discussion of his legacy and his greatness of all time would be terminated once and for all if he could return home to Cleveland, with a bunch of younger talent, and bring championship(s) to the title starved city. Maximum dollars. Home town cooking. And a legacy like no one before him (at least no one with the initials MJ).

What say you all?
I'm not LeBron James by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not skilled at basketball, I'm not being paid millions of dollars, and I definitely don't have his mindset or true knowledge of the situation. I don't even have my own house... I'm in an apartment right now. But one thing I can do is try to imagine myself in his situation.

Here's a guy who not long ago decided to leave Cleveland Cavaliers for the sheer fact that he didn't feel his team had his best interests at heart, and that was proven when a teammate openly bragged about sleeping with a member of LeBron's family (reportedly his mother). So what does LeBron do? He goes and plays for the Heat where he gets that kinship he wanted through the graces of Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. And then Cleveland proceeds to BURN HIS JERSEY as a sign of kicking him out of their lives for good.

Why in the hell would ANYBODY go back to a city that would be so disrespectful? I don't care if they managed to get Kobe, Carmelo, Harden, and one of the Gasols (hypothetically) and somehow managed to keep guys like Irving and Love... If I was LeBron, I'd tell Cleveland to kiss my ass and not even think twice about it... and then I would go sign with New York.

I think that with LeBron on the same team as Carmelo, we can see some major work going on there. And not only that, but when that happens, Chris Bosh will then decide to possibly head over to Houston where my favorite player in James Harden currently plays and they build a new big 3 over there, possibly even big 4 with Lynn. To me, that's what I want the most out of this.
Why in the hell would ANYBODY go back to a city that would be so disrespectful?

As you said, none of us know the true details behind this. Personally, I kind of agreed with the Cavalier fans actions at the time. They loved the guy; he was the leader of their team and, geographically, a local. Then, first chance he gets....he's gone.

Yes, yes, yes....he has the right to ply his trade wherever he wants to, and all that good stuff, but the reason he makes the kind of mega-bucks he does is because people pay to watch him do what he does....if everyday fans weren't behind him and his game, he wouldn't be getting tens of millions of dollars in salary, plus the endorsement opportunities he enjoys because of his fame. LeBron will be receiving a maximum contract wherever he goes, no? So, it's not the money......but if the reason he's considering rejoining Cleveland is because he might have regretted leaving fans who supported him so completely, I think it would be terrific. Sometimes, you can go home.

Incidentally, I can't see LeBron playing on a team with Carmelo Anthony. 'Melo hogs the ball, often hoisting up 35 shots a game with the Knicks and Nuggets, while LeBron has proven himself to be an unselfish player who shares the ball and works to make his teammates better.

It seems to one-sided to me, with 'Melo shooting the ball in situations in which passing to LeBron would be a better option.....and if you think it wouldn't happen, you haven't been watching Carmelo Anthony. The man cares only about his point total.

On the other hand, if they did play together, it might be fun to wait for the inevitable meltdown. There would be a media frenzy that would push all other sports news to the background.
As a Clevelander, I'm literally on edge waiting for the decision right now. In terms of why he might come back, it's too hard to speculate as the reasons could be innumerable. The one thing he's always made very clear is his unflinching love of Akron, and with that I could see him at the very least having a tough time deciding personally vs professionally which team to play for.

I believe it was hard for him when he left before, but believe me the bone headed decisions management made to build a team around him made it justifiable.
Can anyone teach me how to make four videos and combine the four videos in to one single four-box video?

I want to make a video of Lebron, Bosh, Wade, and Carmelo talking like stereotypical high school girls on a four-way call about who they are going to ask to the Sadie Hawkins Dance. I've got most of the script worked out in my head. It basically has Lebron as the prettiest girl having such a hard time making a decision and the other three getting frustrated with him and having catty arguments.

I also need some basketball jerseys since the only thing about me that resembles a black NBA player is my enormous penis. And if someone could tell me how to upload a video to the YouTube I would be much obliged.

And if someone could make more hours in the day, make me not so lazy, get my family off my back, and do everything for me that would be great. Thanks.

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