Lay off Mike Knox


Dark Match Jobber
I've been reading some of the Reader RAW reviews lately and it's frightening to see how many out there have uneducated opinions about wrestlers. Mike Knox is a perfect example of that. He's criticized for being put in an "undeserved" angle with Rey Mysterio and compared to Snitzky.

For all the Mike Knox haters: the WWE doesn't revolve around RAW; watch ECW.

Mike Knox is NO SNITZKY. He's as big as him, but that's where the similarities end. The guy wrestles like a cross between Tazz, Kurt Angle and Goldberg. His repertoire of moves is leagues above most of the RAW roster and has one of the sickest finishers in the WWE. It's astounding how someone with his size and intensity can pull off some of his moves without killing anyone. Form opinions, fine. But form them after having seen the guy in ACTION. He hasn't had ANY action on RAW yet. To me, that guy is up there with Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston in terms of new prospects.
Err, but people don't care about him. He's in the ring with Rey Mysterio, a wrestler who usually get's a solid reaction, and all you can hear are yawns. WWE have picked up on this, which is why they decided to have Rey pin him, and presumably end the feud this Monday.

If anything Snitzky is better than Know. He had a catchphrase and at least people were intrested in his feud with Kane.
I became a pretty big Mike Knox fans when he was teaming with Derek Neikhart in DSW. The man is intense and agile which is rare for somebody his size. I don't really get the whole beard thing, cause i think its not letting him show expressions cause the guy has mic skills and can cut good promos. I think they moved him to Raw to quickly, I personally felt that an ECW title reign would have shown him to be as good as he is and allow him to become a main event calliber guy. Then you stick him on Raw to play bully to someone he is litterally twice the size of. After Punk wins the IC title I would love to see a prolonged feud between the two because it would benefit both if done correctly. Mike Knox has a ton of potential if he doesn't get put into the wrong kind of angles like the one with Rey
Mike Knox is just another in the series of "monsters" that WWE brings in and has around fro a month or two doing soemthing important and then is doing nothing, he'll be gone after a while and then maybe tried to be pushed again winning squash matches but nothing will come from it. They might try to slot him in a bad tag team but thats as far as his career will go.

His beard is fucking awesome tho.
I personally dont see the point of this feud. Why are they having Knox attack Rey every Monday but they dont explain why he is doing it. I find it boring to have Rey get beaten week after week. I guess hes suppose to be putting Knox over.
Well, Rey Mysterio hasn't had a feud that has gotten my attention in years, that is where my care of Mike Knox went. I don't care. I wish Mysterio was still on Smackdown, because then I don't have to see him on Raw. Knox could be better if they got him talking in the way Goldberg did, little and to the point. no one wants to see another Snitsky, because we were bored of him. If Knox came up with a good one liner, it would add lots of attention to him. Have him go over, and do well in the rumble, then people will care. When Lashley was in the rumble a few years ago, came in all high and mighty, then got beat down by the Big Show, I lost respect for him. Have Knox take out the Big Show and Kane in the rumble, and people will talk.
I like the way the WWE has portrayed Knox thus far on Raw. I'm really digging the bad ass attitude, and the even more bad ass beard. I thought it curious that the WWE decided to have Rey pin Knox, but I suppose that could be the set up to the feud. It's obvious that the WWE still doesn't have much trust in Knox's ability inside the ring, as they put him in a feud with Rey (one of the best workers in the company), and STILL won't put the feud into motion, in terms of actual matches.

I think if the WWE could ever get to where they trust Knox inside the ring, the guy could be quite the character.

Err, but people don't care about him. He's in the ring with Rey Mysterio, a wrestler who usually get's a solid reaction, and all you can hear are yawns. WWE have picked up on this, which is why they decided to have Rey pin him, and presumably end the feud this Monday.
That's never stopped them before.

I don't think it's the "yawns" that would end the feud, but rather the fact that they don't think Knox can work in the ring. Usually when you see big monsters like this attack people, they do have some time in the ring to further their "dominance". They haven't done that with Knox.
I like Knox, I do tend to like bigger wrestlers. But he needs to move out of the beating down people, and wwe NEEDS to put this man in the ring more often. You can only go so far with backstage stuff like wwe has been constantly been putting mike in. I know its eirly. But shit if you can put Dolf Ziggler in the ring. Put Mike in, he's a proven good wrestler on ecw.

The beard, I admit I didn't like it at first. He could do somthing with it. Like shave it into a different style. Like my mom said this week while we were watching raw. Who the fuck is that grizzly bear. A beard fits him, but it is kind of getting a bit long.
Knox is just like Snitsky; but a more bland version. At least Snitsky had a bit of depth to his character, even if it was his grim teeth or his foot fetish. Knox is just like every other big, strong, over-powering moster that the WWE has had in the past, but just a worse version. Once Snitsky was released I thought I could have a break from them, apparently not.
Knox will be fine as long as he stays with what he is. He'll likely never go that far, and that's exactly what he's built for. He's big, strong, and has an evil look. Build him like Snitsky was: a monster that beats up the lower card guys and then maybe scores a few suprise wins against a main eventer, maybe Rey, then feed him to someone like Matt Hardy or Cena. He doesn't beat anyone he's not supposed to, and the guy that beats him looks that much stronger. Knox is a monster. He plays the role pretty well. What do you really expect out of him?
The point of this feud was Rey Mysterio = Evan Bourne but since Bourne injured his Ankle they had to have Rey take his place.
It's obvious that the WWE still doesn't have much trust in Knox's ability inside the ring, as they put him in a feud with Rey (one of the best workers in the company), and STILL won't put the feud into motion, in terms of actual matches.

Knox is a great wrestler. I seriously doubt management doesn't have confidence in his wrestling ability. He's been around for a while ( Check out this clip for more recent action ( Most fans simply don't know wrestlers unless they appear on RAW or Smackdown, and Knox had the misfortune of being put in a high-profile feud too soon upon his arrival on RAW. He's only had a few backstage beatdowns. People who haven't watched him on ECW don't know him enough to form an opinion of him.
Knox is a great wrestler. I seriously doubt management doesn't have confidence in his wrestling ability. He's been around for a while ( Check out this clip for more recent action ( Most fans simply don't know wrestlers unless they appear on RAW or Smackdown, and Knox had the misfortune of being put in a high-profile feud too soon upon his arrival on RAW. He's only had a few backstage beatdowns. People who haven't watched him on ECW don't know him enough to form an opinion of him.

I've seen several of his matches, including the match you just posted. And the man simply is not a good wrestler. Just because he can do flips doesn't make him a good wrestler.

The simple fact is he's not a great wrestler, he's not even a decent one. The only explanation is that the WWE just doesn't have much confidence in Knox's abilities.
Mike Knox, isn't that good on the mic. His in-ring phycology, isnt hot either. He sells about as good as a wrestler who is having his first match. Cheap knockoff of what Matt Morgan, should have been in the WWE. The only thing hes got going for him is the beard. He should throw on a flannel shirt, and become a lumberjack!! Support america, learn to sell. He can be the next Hacksaw Jim Duggen, that carries and axe instead! Lol..

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