LAX reunion in the making?


Dark Match Winner
While reading through the results for Impact, I noticed something strange.

When the medical team came out to check out Hernandez, so did Homicide.

I'd love for a reformation of LAX, it'd give them both something to do, and they work pretty well together from what I remember.

This really could be a great move for TNA, anyone remember XXX vs LAX?
I'd love to see it happen. Hernandez may be over to a certain degree, but LAX was pure gold. I wish they could get Konnan back for it, too, but that's pretty much a pipe dream from everything I've read...
God I hope they reform. Homicide has been doing nothing since they split, sure he got a reign as X Division champion but that was shit and not memorable. Hernandez has had a better time since the split but he's back in the tag division with a worse partner than before, sure he got a put in the world title picture for a bit but it did nothing for him.

If they did reform I see it helping both guys. Homocide would be made important once again and Hernandez would have a bit of time to work on his mic skills before he gets pushed again or if he gets pushed again. If he did get pushed Homicide could be his mouth piece as Homicide isn't too bad on the mic. They would also bring more importance in the tag division and give us some good feuds and matches instead of the usual of Team 3D vs Beer Money which I admit hasn't been seen for a while. I could see them putting on great matches with any tag team from Generation Me to even the freaking nasty boys.

In conclusion if they do reform I would be happy and can see it being a very positive thing.
Keep in mind that Homicide and Hernandez have been in TNA together for a good long time. I wouldn't be too surprised to see him go after Matt Morgan for that attack. Yeah I wouldn't mind a reunion but at the same time I really do feel that Hernandez deserves a singles push.
Super mex YEAH Homocide NO... they were a great tag team, but Morgan is a thousand times better as a partner if they left it that way, but I agree witha singles push, Super Mex has all the tools he needs to stand alone (and shine)
I hope to God they reform. I can't stand Hernandez or Morgan, but at least with LAX I could watch him and hate him while he's involved in a good feud with a good gimmick.

I HATE LAX. I'm in the Army and I can't stand what they stood for (yes it's kayfabe. I've met Hernandez and drank beer with Homicide at a hotel bar while watching the Angels Yankees playoff game last year and they're both great guys so don't do off on a "You're a mark internet nerd rant) Anyway, I HATED LAX.

I hated them, but i hated them because their characters on TV made me hate them and made me want to spend money on ppvs and goto TNA events to spend money to watch the Face tag team pummel them. They really did their job as a heel tag team.

On the flip side Morgan and Hernandez have been boring as a team. I understood why they took the belts off the BI, but the team was all sizzle and no steak (Thanks Jim Ross) I litterally fell asleep during their tag team title match at destination X. it was just boring.

They're trying to make Super Mex the face, but every single thing Matt Morgan says about him is true. he had 0 business getting involved in JJ's business, and he doesn't focus on being a great tag team and defending the titles. Everything Blueprint says makes Super Mex look like a big brain dead dummy.

Now we have the tag champions feuding eachother and one is out with a "neck injury"

Thank God TNA has the IWGP and Knockout tag titles to focus on.

Please reform LAX. Who. Feel that chill? Thats hell freazing over because I just said that.
LAX would be nice to have back, since they are an actual tag team, not a random package of singles wrestlers. I don't think Hernandez has any mic skills, certainly not as a boy scout babyface, so I don't see his singles push going anywhere. I really think the two work much better together, even if they get singles pushes but stick around each other.
I've really liked what they did with the Morgan/Hernandez match last night. The match was alright and the Carbon Footprint against the steel post looked nasty.

The Hernandez injury writes him off tv for a few weeks. I assume that so it allows him to work down in AAA in Mexico. Morgan then has to look for a new partner, a la Jerico when Edge got injured, so that could be interesting. Homicide coming down to ringside sets up the re-union of LAX down the road to face Morgan and his new partner, maybe at Lockdown.

While Hernandez my have a future as a singles wrestler, putting LAX back together would be good for him right now. With all the new additions, especially Hardy an RVD, the singles division is way too crowded for him to stand out. Plus it gets Homicide back on tv and relevant again.
This is the time for them to reform. LAX is a good tag team, They always bring down the house when there in a match. The Morgan/Hernandez situation needs to put them back together. I see Hernandez and Morgan getting stripped for the titles in the next week.

If Hernandez some how comes back in the next two weeks, I could see a short feud between Hernandez and Morgan. And while Hernandez is getting his ass beat-up I could see Homicide helping Hernandez out. I really can't wait for this to happend, Hopefully it happends soon.
I've really liked what they did with the Morgan/Hernandez match last night. The match was alright and the Carbon Footprint against the steel post looked nasty.

The Hernandez injury writes him off tv for a few weeks. I assume that so it allows him to work down in AAA in Mexico. Morgan then has to look for a new partner, a la Jerico when Edge got injured, so that could be interesting. Homicide coming down to ringside sets up the re-union of LAX down the road to face Morgan and his new partner, maybe at Lockdown.

While Hernandez my have a future as a singles wrestler, putting LAX back together would be good for him right now. With all the new additions, especially Hardy an RVD, the singles division is way too crowded for him to stand out. Plus it gets Homicide back on tv and relevant again.

Don't know if u noticed but if i ref does the X it means that the wrestler is really hurt and not a work.. the way the whole impact was acting and the way the emts were acting that was real...
Don't know if u noticed but if i ref does the X it means that the wrestler is really hurt and not a work.. the way the whole impact was acting and the way the emts were acting that was real...

Yeah, but some times they do the X also in storyline to make the injury seem more legit than it actually is.. i don't think he's really hurt, unless we see something posted about an injury.. it's just part of their story line
First of im certain that Hernandez isn't hurt (because no one is stupid enough to boot a guy in the head when its resting against the post unless its planned, or they legitimately want to hurt the guy, not to mention Morgans reactions after it happened) and that it is just a storyline.
On another note, I really don't think Homicide would of come out (especially since him and Hernandez had a falling out) unless they had plans to reform LAX. This could all end up as a singles match between Morgan and Hernandez and the winner gets both belts and gets to choose his partner (like with Sting and the Giant from '98). My guess is that is how it will unravel, Hernandez will win (most likely with help from Homicide) and LAX will reform.
ya know if they did set up that kinda match like you mentioned ala Sting & Giant.........I hope they let Morgan win the belts and choose Hernandez as his partner........swerve all us and put Morgan and Hernandez back on the same page being heels, as for Homicide I want to see him team with Shannon Moore an teach Hernandez an Morgan a thing about the Books of Dilligaf.
First off I would LOVE to see LAX reform. After seeing how Awesome RVD and Jeff Hardy looked I can't help but think how good it would be for these 4 guys to "Lock it up"

Second, I know that head post thing was a spot and they intended for it to happen, but soething was weird about that whole thing. You'll noctice after Morgan boots hernandez he goes to pick him back up as if there was more to the match. Then you'll see Morgan slide into the ring and grab Slick and whisper something to him. Then once all the EMT's come out you can see blood coming from the back of Hernandez head. Plus I believe you can hear someone say "he said his legs are tingiling"

Either way I'm glad they broke that team up. I'm now starting to wonder if the gusy upsatirs thinks Morgan is Actually the DNA of TNA. Or else why would they put him back into a tag team.......
Don't know if u noticed but if i ref does the X it means that the wrestler is really hurt and not a work.. the way the whole impact was acting and the way the emts were acting that was real...

I know about the ref making an X with his arms and I would expect the EMTs to act correctly. They were trying to sell that Hernandez was injured. It's no different than what WWE does.

If Hernandez was legitimately injured, isn't it convient that with such a severe injury, Impact manage to end exactly at 11:08pm? Also, where are the stories on the Wrestlezone main page?
I doubt that an LAX reunion is in the works anytime soon. It's a shame really because the only way Homicide and Hernandez are going to make any waves in TNA is if they get back together as a team.

According to what I've read today, the injury angle is being worked to take Hernandez off television so he can work in Mexico for the next three months. And, whenever Hernandez "recovers" from the "injuries" sustained at the hands of Morgan last night, they're no doubt going to feud for a little while.

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