LAX: Getting a New Leader?

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SmackDown! is MY Show
I was re-watching Hard Justice 2007 and it was during the VKM and LACX match that Hector Guerrero came down and help LAX get their match re-started and helps LAX win. So it got me to thinking that since Konnan and TNA are at odds and i guess TNA management feels LAX that being Homicide and Hernadez need a new leader adn from the looks loosk like Hector Guerrero is going to be it.

I know TNA is making LAX a face team but having Hector Guerrero as the new speaker as that what i see IMO is i dunno out there. I mean LAX was the hottest thing in TNA and then they backed off it and then when Konnan left LAX just was getting buried so I dunno maybe a turn around for LAX I hope.

I'm not sure why TNA feels like LAX needs a leader. Homicide is gold on the mic so they are definately not in need of a mouthpiece. LAX is still the most popular team in TNA even though TNA is not pushing them hard anymore. Much like the WWE, TNA has successfully destroyed what was once a very talent heavy tag team division. In theory, LAX should absolutely be the dominant team in TNA right now.
hopefully once the Dudleys bugger off, VKM retire and Team pacman has been dealt with we whould be left with a very strong tag division.

Motor City machine guns
Lethal and Dutt (when needed)
Triple X

So hopefully LAX will come out on top of the TNA locker room.

Now the mouthpiece. As RVD gurl Mentioned, homicide is gold on th emic so there no reason for hector to be appointed spokesperson, but i can see there logic, its an easier way to get more people on tv at once and just add depth to the team.
You know what I think that they do need hector as there mouthpiece. After hearing Homicide cut some promos on TNA today I definetely think that they need a mouthpiece. While his promos sound good to the 300 people at a ROH show, but with TNA reaching more than a million viewers each week Homicide doesn't sound that gold on the mike. The guy sounds like he only got a 5th grade education and his words came across as very jumbled. Now I know that you guys are going to say that it was only on TNA today, but those shows are very important for TNA to use to test gimmicks and how people come across to the public. I would also suggest to any reading this to check out the web show at, they do like 3 or 4 new shows a week.
LAX has been really out of the loop lately when they were huge players not that long ago, and also add in TNA's (and somewhat Russo's) love for stables. I think bringing Hector Guerrero into the mix will give them that elder leadership which will also in return form other stables for them to feud with. Sounds like TNA is in preparation for the two hour show...
I really hate the face LAX. Not only has their previously awesome theme music been strapped, the "militant thugs" have turned into *****es. Fighting for what's right in the name of Latin America. How about you bloody up some gringos, huh? I agree that Homicide is pretty good on the mic and that they don't need a mouthpiece, but a third (active wrestler) member and turn back to heels would be better. That way, you get a better sense of them "taking over".
I liked LAX better as heels.They had Konnan as there mouthpiece and they were unstoppable as a team unit. they had a great program with Styles and daniels in late 2006 and they really put it out there that there the best Heel team out there. But now when there faces...somebody posted it what i was thinking but i think that they could bring back Apollo or Machete for a bit to see how it works out. And also i think that they dont need a leader. Homicide is doing just fine on the stick.
psi fuckin cosis.. hes about as kick ass as you can get.. experience out the wazoo .. more than qualified to be in LAX
psi fuckin cosis.. hes about as kick ass as you can get.. experience out the wazoo .. more than qualified to be in LAX

Indeed. Despite the fact that Psychosis is not in the slightest bit intimidating. And a complete fuck up. If your going to bring in a fucked up cruiserweight I hear Juvi is available. And post in English next time. Not shiz nit.
LAX as a face team can work. They just can't be watered down. They gotta have the same skill, the same aggression and the same.....well everything that made them the tag-team champs and that made us all take notice to them. The tag team division in TNA is having problems right now and having Angle with the belts IMO is not helping. I would like to see Triple X and LAX collide because I'd see it as a chapter of Tag Team wars in TNA similar to what AMW and Triple X did for two years in TNA's early days. They can cut promos but they shouldn't do it alone. And having Hector might help them out because honestly, I think the people would take Hector over Konnan anyday. And personally, I don't miss Konnan at all. he contributed jack to TNA so why should I care if he's gone. But yeah, LAX needs to get back after the gold. And if Team Pacman gets the belts, I'm gonna be pissed because them getting the belts before Triple X or LAX is a joke. LAX needs to be back in the title hunt
I wouldn't mind seeing Hector Guerrero as LAX's mouthpiece at all, but I'd like to see them go back to being heels. Hector is a Guerrero afterall, so we all know he can play a good heel or a good face, basically whatever TNA needs him to be.

I still feel that TNA has a much better tag team division than WWE does, but it's not at the same level it once was. Having Hector as LAX's leader may help them get over with the fans once again, whether they are faces or whether they are heels.
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