LAX: Could They Survive As Singles Stars?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
This may be an odd thread considering that the two have just claimed yet another tag team crown, but I think it's honestly quite an interesting question. I mean, why is the Latin Revolution exclusive to the tag team division? AMW split because they got old, and I think LAX could be in danger of the same thing in the not so distant future.

As for Homicide, I have no doubt that he'd have at least a short, semi-successful stint in TNA as a singles star. The heavyweight division couldn't accommodate him, at least for longer than a feud or two. He'd be an X Division exclusive. I'd love him as an X Division Champion. I can guarantee he'd shift more merch, put more asses on seats and stabilise ratings more than Petey Williams and Jay Lethal combined. Whacky is great, but a serious, gritty edge would draw more.

As for Hernandez: he could have some great feuds. Well, some great matches at the very least. He could even be the filler half of a main event if he got lucky. Who knows, he could even go to the X Division. It's not about weight limits, it's about creative limits after all. Joe did it. I doubt it though. I'd live it if he did, maybe even feud with Homicide over the title for some real edge, but I doubt TNA are smart enough to take that sort of "risk." Maybe he could do something with Morgan. However, I think he's always been at his best when he's got a little guy to toss around, although a chance to demonstrate his strength against Tomko, Abyss etc. would be great, if it works. I don't think he'd be incredibly successful as of writing, but hey, I didn't think Edge ever stood a chance either. I do love the guy.

Your turn.
I think Homicide could do a lot better than you have just put. He is a guy who can feud with anybody, and certainly bring out their best. Look at his time with ROH, his feud with Cabanna was great. I never liked Colt before, but Homicide brought out the best in him and gave him credibility (in my eyes).
Homicide is very underused if you ask me.

As for Hernandez, I think he could be awesome in the heavyweights devision, though I think he needs to work on his ground game a little (or is TNA just not allowing him to portray this side?).
Anyway, he has the power, size and look. He is atheletic too which is a BIG bonus.

Id love LAX to bring in maybe another 2 guys. They should switch to being a stable rather than a team. That way any of their guys could go for any of the belts.
4 guys and the girl could really put them over as being a gang of thugs who storm around the Impact zone. Then if you add Hector as their spokesman... whoooooo.... I know Id be very interested to watch.
I think Homicide could do a lot better than you have just put. He is a guy who can feud with anybody, and certainly bring out their best. Look at his time with ROH, his feud with Cabanna was great. I never liked Colt before, but Homicide brought out the best in him and gave him credibility (in my eyes).
Homicide is very underused if you ask me.

Ehhh, that's tricky there. A real grey area. We all know going to big companies from indies, your favourite stuff doesn't translate as well as you hoped. Ask the guy in your sig about that. And are we talking about when Colt had a near death experience or whatever and threw up everywhere? If that made you like him...

As for Hernandez, I think he could be awesome in the heavyweights devision, though I think he needs to work on his ground game a little (or is TNA just not allowing him to portray this side?).
Anyway, he has the power, size and look. He is atheletic too which is a BIG bonus.

Big guys in America aren't really required to have a ground game. Current ones which are big enough names for me to care about are as follows: The Undertaker. And that's pretty much just because he knows a submission. And that suicide dive is more impressive than Awesome's, Undertaker's, anyone's IMO.

Id love LAX to bring in maybe another 2 guys. They should switch to being a stable rather than a team. That way any of their guys could go for any of the belts.

It could go wrong as easily as it could go right. Probably more so.

4 guys and the girl could really put them over as being a gang of thugs who storm around the Impact zone. Then if you add Hector as their spokesman... whoooooo.... I know Id be very interested to watch.

No comment.
Depends on what promotion you are asking about. In TNA: Homicide would probably get lost in the shuffle of the X-division. Right now the X-division... wait what X-division? He would be a perfect fit there fore sure but the X-division has been so de-emphasized that there is no real point to having it. IF it was used to bring someone up to main even or ever upper-mid card, i could still see a point of keeping the X-division. But right now, its pretty much pointless and worthless and thus Homicide would become a back burner.

Hernandez on the other hand is a big man and very over (at least with the crowd). I think with a good female manager/kayfabe gf to talk for him, he could go pretty far. I think he would be a great addition to the heavyweight division which has gotten a bit boring with repeat matches and same people just different scenarios. He could add a new dynamic. I can see Hernandez having good matches and feuds with pretty much anyone in the heavy-weight division.

In WWE: Hernandez would do great. He is a big guy, athletic, has a good look. Plus WWE loves big guys. He would be an excellent heel enforcer. Homicide would never get picked up or given some dumb gimmick or Tag teaming again cause WWE hates cruisers.
I'm going to have to say no on this one. It's very rare to find a good tag team that has good singles careers. Edge and Christian, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels are the main ones that come to my mind. It didn't work with Team 3D, the jury is still out on the Hardys, and most other teams that have been successful haven't done well in the singles ranks. It just doesn't work for some reason. LAX's members have more talent than most of the people on the roster, but I think a lot of it comes from their chemistry together. Without Homicide, Hernandez is another big man which TNA has enough of. Without Hernandez, Homicide is just another talented small guy, which TNA has enough of. On the other hand, they are the best Big man/Small man team around today. It's possible they could be successful on their own, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I have to agree with klunderbunker. I call it the HBK syndrome. Because of HBK's success after leaving the team that made him famous, everyone has tried to break up every successful tag team. Sometimes it is successful. The guys you mentioned are perfect. But Kip James, Billy Gunn, any other name you give him is enough of a reason to not do it. These guys are the perfect compliment to each other. They, to me, are the closest thing to the Hart Foundation ever. The power guy and the technical star. Homicide is sick with the flippy, but he knows how to tell a story. Hernandez knows how to throw people.

Keep them together.

However, that wasn't the question. It wasn't should they break up, it was asking if they'd survive. I think if you kept them in the stable together, they could work fine on their own. They don't have seperate gimmicks in a team, like Styles and Tomko. They are LAX. Both of them mix well with several singles stars. Hernandez vs. Tomko or Joe would be a good match. Homicide vs. AJ Styles might be the best matchup TNA could put together without Kurt Angle involved.

That being said, keep them together and feud them with the 'Guns.
based on what ive seen in roh homicide could make a big impact if the booking makes it work in roh is gangsta still and juilus smokes as his manager was the perfect combo to get him over and hes also not bad in the ring and can work a mic. hernandez to me seems like another big body that works good in a tag team but if split up wouldnt fair so well but mayb if he got a heel manager he could prob make it to the mid upper card
Imma go with the majority, homicide in ROH was an awesome singles wrestler, to me he is a singles wrestler, his matches with danielson and samoa joe were amazing. If TNA brings back their x division, aj, christopher daniels, break up the machine guns, i think im the only one that thinks they should, petey, sonjay, lethal, devine...... imagine homicide against some of those guys... the x division would be the main event. As for Hernandez, i dont know, the guy has absolutely no personality to me and really what moves does he have, power bomb, razors edge, fall away slam, that top rope dive...... really he only looks crazy against small guys..... i would not want to see him fight rhino, that would be boring or abyss or tomko or any of the big guys, those matches would be slow and dull. Maybe putting him in against some x division guys ,but Hernandez is definately not a samoa joe. Hell i almost miss samoa joe being x division, with his size and the moves he did, it was great. Seeing samoa joe fighting the heavyweights kind of reminds of me RVD changing his style from his old ecw style to the wwe style, still fun to watch but its not the same.

overall they gotta keep lax together because its the only legit tag team tna has, team 3d although i love them always have , i was a huge ecw fan, those guys need to die hahahah they are terrible now
There are a lot of great singles wrestlers who started out and made their names as tag teams. In TNA alone you have Christian (already mentioned), Scott Steiner and Booker T. Rick Steiner can wrestle with just about anyone and put on a great match, it's his mic skills that have prevented him from being a star.

I think they could both achieve success IF TNA put more focus on the X Division for homicide.
Hernandez can do it all in the ring! If he improves his mic skills I think he can rise to the top. I personally think he would be a great guy to start grooming to help carry the company in the new generation of wrestlers. Let's face it, Sting is reaching the end of his career, as are Nash and 3D. Steiner has never been a true Star, and Angle (in my opinion he is the best in the business) is in danger of long term injury (if not career threatening). That would leave with some great young talent in AJ STyles, Joe, Kaz, Matt Morgan, James Storm, etc to develop with veterans like Christian, Booker, Steiner, Angle. This company has the talent to go the distance!

Last, I have no issue with them staying a tag team. I don't think enough emphasis is put on them in either company. To me, many great feuds revolved around teams over the years (including the dudleys), so why not continue to push that a bit even if it isn't the focus? Face it guys, temas like the Freebirds, Road Warriors, Von Erics, Rockers, Rock and Roll express, etc (yes there are plenty more) never split and succeeded (or never got the push) in singles competition yet they are famous in the business. Why, because they could entertain. They could carry a feud and tell a story.

I'm going to have to say no on this one. It's very rare to find a good tag team that has good singles careers. Edge and Christian, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels are the main ones that come to my mind. It didn't work with Team 3D, the jury is still out on the Hardys, and most other teams that have been successful haven't done well in the singles ranks. It just doesn't work for some reason. LAX's members have more talent than most of the people on the roster, but I think a lot of it comes from their chemistry together. Without Homicide, Hernandez is another big man which TNA has enough of. Without Hernandez, Homicide is just another talented small guy, which TNA has enough of. On the other hand, they are the best Big man/Small man team around today. It's possible they could be successful on their own, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Either one of these guys could go into singles and do extremely well. Homocide is as good as anyone in the X division and if given the opportunity could hold the X title and really make the X division worth watching again. Homocide works great in the ring has one of if not the best finisher in TNA and would work great with someone like Petey Williams, Aj styles or any of the top X division stars. Hernandez is a big guy who if pushed correct would be a threat to Joe almost immediatley. This guy is strong and so dominant in the ring plus his dive over the top rope is crazy for a guy his size. He is probably top 5 best workers in TNA among heavyweights right up there with Joe, Angle,Sting and Booker T and better than Stiener is alot better.
Im a massive LAX fan and to think about them splitting up makes me sad! Haha obviously it woudlnt happen anytime soon as they are the tag champs and way over with the fans but I do see the LAX gimmick getting old ans stale the only thing LAX could do now after thier reign gets a bit stale is turn heel again and weve all seen that! But I do think that yes both of them could benefit from singles career if TNA used it right. Obviously Homicide would be in the X division and would be brilliant as a serious X champ rather than a gimmick that has already been used! Hernandez would almost certainly be great singles wrestler but I wonder if he would look as good as the super mex fighting big guys? But I do think overall that down the road yes LAX should split and go singles but not yet!
From what I've seen of LAX, I honestly think they could be decent as single stars. I think between them they have more chance than the likes of 3-D or LOD had at been singles wrestlers, simply because they are two talented, but different guys.
Homocide would easily make a good X-div champion because he puts on a good performance and has more personality than the majority of the divisions
Hernandez - don't see him ever rising to main event status, but he would be very capable at putting on feuds with other big guys on the roster and giving him a chance to show what he can do, simply because the tag division is filled with smaller guys.

Unlike the teams I mentioned earlier, they work as a team because of their differences, which would prevent them getting sucked into the same crappy breakup feuds to see who's better. They could go their seperate ways and still reform later down the line, with proof they deserve to be taken seriously as singles. however, as Spiralhands said...not yet. they've too much to do as a tag team to consider splitting up just yet
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