LAX Being Held Back

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The reason why TNA has been moving LAX from the company’s hottest act down to the middle of the show is because the booking team sees Konnan as the key to the act and don’t see Hernandez and Homicide as top talent. Since Konnan has made it clear he is loyal to AAA over TNA, they don’t want to put him in a position where they would lose something on top if he leaves the company. Also with Konnan’s health problems they don’t know how long they have him before he’ll take time off for a while again.

To update on his health, he has three possible kidney donors lined up right now. They have passed the blood tests but haven’t gone through any extensive testing to see if they would be compatible.

Konnan plans to wrestle full-time in Mexico before the end of the year.

LAX were TNA's hottest act, so they push them further down the card. If there pissed because Konnan's main priority is Mexico, why dont they release him? LAX dont need him. Sure he add's to them but Homicide can cut a decent promo on behalf of the team. TNA need's as much help as they can get at the moment. LAX were a positive in a company full of negatives. It annoys me that they push Team 3D ahead of them. I dont think anybody need's to see them team together anymore. Blubber Ray need's to spend more time in the gym. And yet they reward him with a title run. Team 3D are stale and LAX are not. It make's perfect sence to me.
If TNA wants Konnan gone so bad then just release him after this Hector Guerrero feud and be done with it. LAX is the best things going for TNA even still in the middle of the show as they get one of the biggest pops from the crowd. LAX gets their own special entrance that tell you that their big and they deserve it as Homice and Hernandez put on great shows night in and night out. As Jake said Team Fatty gets a run with the gold when they need a run to the gym instead. Honetly i feel LAX could lose Konnan and still do well as they might take a shorthit but they be back as i know Hernadez could cut a promo. This is a complete Joke TNA needs all the help they can get and this shows why they havent made the rightsteps in improving as a company
LAX is basically one of the main reasons why TNA had such a great year lastyear. Once they got out of that terrible feud with the then called "James Gang" they were the hottest thing in wrestling. Homicide is actualley very good with a stick not because he is really skilled but because he is so believable. The guy really does look like an absolute thug but LAX could survive w/o Konnan only because Hernandez and Homicide on their own are two very talented workers. It's a shame though really that TNA thinks that people would rather see washed up Kurt Angle now then what made TNA....
look no doubt about that Konnan is a great wrestler and he is better in the AAA booking then he is in TNA ofcourse i love the LAX but pretty much there´s nothing they can do LAX can do it without Konnan basicly LAX has always been homicide and hernandez Konnan hasn´t fought in TNA for a long time he´s very busy with AAA

Konnan isn't a great wrestler, but a great speaker and added a lot to LAX and I am not sure they would exist well without him. Neithe homicide or hernandez can cut a promo half as good as him. TNA should see if they can lure Konnan away from Mexico and get him to sign a exclusive deal? There has to be a way to make him think TNA is better for him and his family then AAA. I am not sold that LAX can be as good without him and his killer promos. I don't like LAX by any means, but even I admitt Konnan is a great speaker and he pissed me off more than those other 2 combined. They really need him around.
LAX should have more members so they are like a huge gang and have like a gang warfare against an all american team (Jay Lethal, the Truth, Hoyt, Lynn and Rhino) LAX could be sort of like Team Canada but better
well there's TNA for you.

If Konan wants to go to AAA, so let him. But seeing Dixie Carter is worried about having past stars, we're just gonna have to wait until Konan's contract expires and makes the right move; his own move. LAX will do all right w/out him.
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