Lawler's sexist comments.


Getting Noticed By Management
Last night on Raw, (among with other nights of course), Lawler made a sexist comment about how "all he wants for christmas is Alicia Fox sitting on his lap".

Two weeks ago, on the slammies, he said "I wish I had a foursome with all these Divas", or something amongst those lines.

Really has me wondering, how does the PG environment allow these comments to come up? Even if they can't edit them out, they should really advise Lawler to stop calling those. I mean, if I was a parent, I'd be in a really awkward position to have to explain to my kid what a foursome is.

There are many examples, and I'm sure most of you know at least one, that Lawler has made such comments. So, confiscating Punk signs is good, "beeping" words like ass, bitch etc is good, but Lawler's sexist comments go unnoticed, especially coming from a man of his age?!
Back in high school, a friend of mine had an aunt similar to Lawler. The aunt once asked my buddy (a sixteen year old girl) if anyone had gotten it in her hole yet. The girl's nine year old sister was there and asked what that meant. The sixteen year old immediately said it was something to do with golf and the nine year old stopped being interested. Say it means Lawler wants to play golf with the Divas and the kid will stop caring.

Here's the thing about commentary: a lot of the time the fans are going to have it go in one ear and out the other. Lawler isn't so much sexist as much as he is a dirty old man. Yeah a lot of his comments are full of innuendo, but it's not like he's reading porn every week. This isn't a really big deal and I don't think anyone really cares about what Lawler says anymore. If nothing else, it probably appeals to some of the teenagers who are just oogling the Divas anyway.
In all honesty, I don't think they beep ass & bitch. Cena's used the words several times in the past during his promos, but I get where you're coming from.

In a time of extreme political correctness, Lawler's sexist and/or racy remarks have most definitely been toned down. After all, his trademark during the Attitude Era was screaming "Puppies!!!!" whenever a Diva that was stacked came out in a revealing outfit and I can't recall the last time I heard him say that.

I'm not defending this or anything, it's just that I have a feeling that most people sorta see Lawler's comments, if they even pay attention to 'em at all, as the harmlessly flirtatious ramblings of an somewhat dirty, yet loveable, old man. I'm so used to Lawler's bottomless pit of corny, unfunny and outdated jokes that I manage to tune them out most of the time. For the most part, WWE commentary has been so lousy for so long that I'm able to filter it out most of the time. The only time I really notice just how bad it is happens when I actually hear good wrestling commentary and it sort of reminds me of the joke WWE commentary is 50% of the time.

The comments sorta fit with Lawler in real life when you consider that he's always had a thing for women much younger than he is. His third wife Stacy Carter, AKA Miss Kitty, was just days shy of turning 30 when she married Lawler in September 2000, with Lawler only being a few months shy of his 51st birthday. Lawler chasing after women 20-30 years younger than he is has become a bit of a running joke backstage. Sometimes when a Diva is out doing guest commentary, he'll make a flirtatious comment every so often only for the Diva to respond by saying that she's a little too old for him.
It's not sexism, it's objectification, it's completely different. But yes either way it's pretty terrible and creepy, but they seem unwilling to ever drop him even though he's honestly awful.
I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on sexist comments since I've never met a woman smart enough to know let alone teach me what sexism means ;) but it is pretty clear that sexism can exist in a PG environment. Lawler's biggest violation of decency is just how lame and pointless his comments come off.
Call it what it is: Lawler is a pervert, and more likely than not, a sexual deviant. Based on his track record, he's said some things that make you go "hmmm", and he seems like the kind of guy that you wouldn't want to leave your daughter around. He was indicted in 1993 for (allegedly) raping / sodomizing a 15 year old girl, but the charges were eventually dropped. Also, Lawler was married in 1989 when he met Stacy "The Kat" Carter (she was 18 at the time), and left his wife to pursue her, even though there was / is a 21 year age difference. They did get married years later (September 2000), but she left him 10 months later (July 2001), and their divorce was official in October 2003.

I'm sure the fact that he was "The Man" in Memphis for so long only fed his ego, and the fact that he works for WWE doesn't hurt his cause when he comes across women in a vulnerable position (i.e. - looking for an "in" to the sports entertainment business) as he travels from town to town. But there's always 3 sides to every story, I guess. All I know is that it's pretty obvious that regardless of the era, Jerry Lawler doesn't have a lot of respect for women.
It's not sexist at's just creepy, dirty old man territory. 60 year old men should not be talking about women young enough to be their granddaughters like that.

They also shouldn't be wearing bedazzled, Ed Hardy looking shirts. Lawler looks and sounds like a complete tool.
They also shouldn't be wearing bedazzled, Ed Hardy looking shirts. Lawler looks and sounds like a complete tool.

Lol agree 1,000%. Lawler is a douche and I've never understood why they've kept him so long. His commentary is God awful. Especially during the Attitude Era when he acted like a 12 year old boy who had never seen a pair of tits before. Him yelling "puppies!" nonstop made me wanna shoot myself.
Jerry Lawler is a pig in a pair of pants, pure and simple. I'm surprised he still has his face attached, should have been slapped off years ago. He can make whatever comments he wants, because instead of sounding like the happening dude he thinks he is, he just looks like a total tool. Any woman worth her salt, would tell him to pound sand.

And don't get me started on the outfits. He's wrestling's answer to Don Cherry.
I am appalled by Jerry Lawler's comments and believe he should resign/ be indicted for them.

This is a man with a dark past filled with rumors and something like this should not be allowed to to float by, there are lives at stake. This is one of the best threads I've ever read and I applaud OP for bringing light to this mans sickness much like great comedian Hannibal Buress confronted Bill Cosby with his skeletons. These types of harmful/abusive verbiage and "implications" are always what go unnoticed and undeterred because they're not seen for what they are.

I mean, it's 2015, this is right here is what we are fighting against, yet it's so hard for some to see the wolf.
I remember Raw a few years ago when AJ Lee did guest commentary and she mentioned to King, "I'm 26, I'm a little too old for you."

I laughed my ass off.
What Lawler said is only sexist if you want it to be. You're entitled to be offended by anything in the world, to find sexism, racism, homophobia or whatever you want in it.

Lawler's comments are exactly that: comments. The viewer colours them and introduces a subjective opinion about them.
He says a lot of inappropriate things so I don't really pay attention to any of it. Given the fact that he adds nothing to any match he ever "calls", I tend to tune his words out. What I do know is most of the times he make his comments are during the late night part of the show. Usually after 9 is when the divas come on and he saves all of his perverted jabs for that match. I don't know why he's still apart of the team other than being a figure head. JBL pretty much does the same thing as the King only he mixes in a little storyline with his side bar comments.
Is it news that Jerry Lawler is a sexist? This is the same man that called Goldust a "flaming ***" on live TV and said Goldust's whole neighbourhood should have a turn at his 3 year old daughter... And we're surprised that he said he wants Alicia Fox on his lap? Lawler has said much worse. Tbh I barely even noticed the was actually pretty lightweight for Lawler.
Honestly, Lawler's comments are extremely tame for this generation.

Imagine that your imaginary eight year old kid is sitting on your imaginary fouton while it's imaginary folded out into an imaginary bed and imaginary Jerry Lawler imagines out-loud that he'd love to have the very real Alicia Fox sit on his lap. You enter from your imaginary cigar room while puffing an imaginary Havana Red and your kid exclaims "Hmm, dear Father/Mother, why does Jerry Lawler want Alicia Fox to sit on his lap?".

How do you handle such a complex situation?

A. Explain to your son/daughter that Jerry Lawler is implying a not-so-subtle single-entendre innuendo; if Alicia Fox were to sit on Jerry Lawler's lap it would arouse him due to his penis being in close proximity to her vagina.
B. Reply "Huh, what?" and pretend to be busy on your smart phone.
C. Explain that this season is about family, and that as Alicia Fox is one of Jerry Lawler's many illigetimate children she's earned her yearly priveledge of ten minutes of her gigolo dad's company.
D. Freak THE FUCK out because your young child is up at a very irresponsible hour and if he doesn't get to bed soon you'll call Aunt Schlepp and tell her to get her whipping belt.

The ONLY thing that I find appauling about Jerry Lawler, these days, is that he's prone to brain dump silly statements that are even idiotic by Michael Cole's standards. I don't have kids either (probably) so I figure that it's not my place to preach if I imagine that a comment of his could mentally scar a kid who doesn't exist.
I am appalled by Jerry Lawler's comments and believe he should resign/ be indicted for them.

This is a man with a dark past filled with rumors and something like this should not be allowed to to float by, there are lives at stake. This is one of the best threads I've ever read and I applaud OP for bringing light to this mans sickness much like great comedian Hannibal Buress confronted Bill Cosby with his skeletons. These types of harmful/abusive verbiage and "implications" are always what go unnoticed and undeterred because they're not seen for what they are.

I mean, it's 2015, this is right here is what we are fighting against, yet it's so hard for some to see the wolf.

Good lord this is a bit of a stretch isn't it. What should he be indicted for? What crimes did he commit? Who's lives are a stake? He's not a serial killer, he's a pig and we all know it.

And really this doesn't rise to the level that the Bill Cosby stuff does, if that turns out to be true. I'm not sticking up for him, but shit most of the women he makes comments about could seriously kick his ass if they really wanted too. And I'm shocked that some of them haven't already.

I work with a guy like this and he's an asshole. All the women know it and when he steps over the line just a little bit, any of us will put a rocket up his ass and he calms down for awhile. The only good thing is we know it, it's the ones who keep it secret that you have to worry about.
Lawler operates the way he does because he has the tacit approval of McMahon, who is also incredibly sexist.

I'm not going to sit here and parse words: Lawler's act is definitely sexist. Call that the leerings of a dirty old's still sexist. Nor is it PG. It may go in and out the ears of some people, but not all, and it probably doesn't go right by kids who might be watching. It's not even "extreme" political correctness. In any other media, it'd probably be shouted down. Because it's professional wrestling and therefore already a few steps down from what is considered normal entertainment, it's more tolerated.

Agreed! I do not think he is sexist, but i do think that he is a dirty old man. I mean, i would go out with Paige in a heartbeat do not get me wrong, but damn. He made that pretty obvious that he was checking her ass out. I grew up a fan of Lawler, and i guess that will never change, but man he seriously needs to chill out when he does things of this nature.

He needs to chill out now!
What Lawler said is only sexist if you want it to be. You're entitled to be offended by anything in the world, to find sexism, racism, homophobia or whatever you want in it.

Lawler's comments are exactly that: comments. The viewer colours them and introduces a subjective opinion about them.

Wait, WTF, he made a comment on something, which means the comment has a purpose. What other purpose can you find when he says "I wanna have a foursome with the Divas" or "I want her to sit on my lap"?
Jerry Lawler is without a doubt one of the most repugnant people ive ever seen on tv. You can claim all you want its just harmless fun or not sexist but in reality he's a major part of the culture which renders divas afterthoughts and objects. If when these athletes come out all we're treated to is essentially the sound of builders heckling women as they just try walk down a street. "Hey baby i know youre in a match but i need you to know i want to bang you". hes a vile misogynistic creep and to be honest the sooner he leaves the sooner the product will improve
I wouldn't just blame Lawler, although he has had past issue, as Vince has come up with a lot of sexist, sordid, borderline perverted angles over the years. USA wouldn't allow that today but some stuff was just sleezy.
Lawler is there for one reason, actually three reasons:

1) He is a long-time employee of WWE, and has done nothing to embarrass the company

2) He is a link to the old territory days, and

3) He provides entertainment for the adults who watch with their kids.

Does he suck donkey balls? Absolutely. Would I love to see him go? Absolutely. Will Vince can him? Not a chance.
Good lord this is a bit of a stretch isn't it. What should he be indicted for? What crimes did he commit? Who's lives are a stake? He's not a serial killer, he's a pig and we all know it.

And really this doesn't rise to the level that the Bill Cosby stuff does, if that turns out to be true. I'm not sticking up for him, but shit most of the women he makes comments about could seriously kick his ass if they really wanted too. And I'm shocked that some of them haven't already.

I work with a guy like this and he's an asshole. All the women know it and when he steps over the line just a little bit, any of us will put a rocket up his ass and he calms down for awhile. The only good thing is we know it, it's the ones who keep it secret that you have to worry about.

I'm related to a guy like that too and Dear God you can't even watch TV around him. As soon as any woman who is even remotely attractive appears on the screen he goes into his horndog act. You also don't want to be in the car with him when charity car washes are around. You'll here him pervin' allover the place. I'm not a prude or nothing but seriously it gets old. Yes we know these women are attractive and that you're a sexual being and all but for the love of all things holy, shut the hell up for one goddamn minute. You don't sound like the suave playboy you think you are, you sound like a damn 13 year old who just found the stash of pornos in his dad's attic. That's the way Jery Lawler has always struck me. I don't find him creepy, just really annoying.

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