I am starting to like Michael Cole!

I was a fan of Cole's heel persona when it first started but it's getting consistently worse every week. He's burying wrestlers and has become a whiny bitch. It just seems to me that he's trying too hard to be a heel while doing nothing to promote the wrestler's abilities. What bothers me most though is his inconsistency. He's for heels like Miz and Punk but also backs faces like Orton and Cena. It just seems to me like he's legitimately playing favorites in his commentary (not kayfabe) and it hurts the overall product. And this is all leading up to a match with King @ Mania? It just has lackluster written all over it. If he had been slapped around a couple of times along the way, maybe I'd be a little less displeased

Edit - And if he calls Randy Ortons power slam a scoop slam one more time I might just throw my boot at the tv
I dislike Michael Cole because he is just; I don't know how to put it. Unbelievble might be what suits.

JR would sell things in an instance. He would make things bigger than they were, Michael Cole doesn't do that for me. He just says things that you already know, or don't want to know. His heel persona is good, but sometimes its over the top. I like how he almost marks out everytime The Miz is shown, but even still, listen to him shouting and refering to Mike as, "the must see Champion", it isn't believble to me.

I actually prefer Josh Matthews than any WWE announcer these days to tell you the truth.
Cole is getting worse and worse every week. He has gone from entertaining to just plain annoying. Great heel announcers from the past like Jesse Ventura and Bobby Heenan were natural. They backed the heels but they didn’t shout at us every minute about it. It’s like Cole is going out of his way to remind us he’s heel. We get it already. Did he really need to yell ten times about R Truth’s mistake tonight? Ventura or Heenan would have made a creative smart ass comment and let it go. Cole just yelled about the mistake over and over without offering any creativity to his criticism. The main problem I have with Cole is he tries to make the wrestlers look bad. Despite Ventura and Heenan’s dislike for the faces they never made them look bad. An announcer’s job is to put over the wrestlers. Cole is just burying some instead. I don’t mind if he wants to go the heel route but he really needs to tone it down. Don’t anybody quote me with some generic comment like Cole is a heel so he’s doing a good job if you don’t like him. He’s not doing a good job from a professional standpoint. Cole sounds like some random smart ass punk that posts in the wrestling spam zone here. That’s probably why some of you like him.

I couldn't agree more with what Brain said. Cole is a pain in the ass.

There's guys that do a good job at playing the heel role...and then there's annoying little shits like Michael Cole who make us hate him, but in a different way. To the point where you don't even want the volume on. For WWE business...that's not a good thing.

The sooner this GM angle is over the happier I'll be. Would love for the Rock to be the guest host at Mania. Something happens during the show and Michael Cole gets on the mic and says, "Can I have your attention, please?" Then the Rock will come out and tell Cole to take that laptop and stick it straight up his candy ass! He's running the show tonight.

Ah...save that for another thread. :shrug:
:die:You know i am just really hating Micheal Cole the more and more i watch raw, his commentary is useless SHIT, I can't stand his ass on the announcing seat, I hate him as much as Vickie. I can't god damn stand them, Oh look who it is in the ring miz, ANd i can't freaking stand that Micheal Cole keeps dissing him and doesn't give a shit that his mother passed away, He just needs to get ran over by Vince or crap.
It is definitely different to say the least. A Heel Play By Play Commentator. Most people don't like Michael Cole. But I happen to think he is doing a great job. Not to say "I Like Him". I have never liked Cole. But I think he is actually entertaining to a certain degree. His Heel comments are a breath of fresh air to be honest.

I am tired of hearing people complimenting Cena and R-Truth. I think Cole brings some much needed life to the broadcast as a Heel.
I hate to say it...but I LOVE what Michael Cole is doing! Personally, I think he's funny as hell. Its so over the top and ridiculous, how can you not laugh? I get a chuckle everytime time I hear him say "If I could have your attention please...." In the comedy department, he's been more amuzing than Jerry Lawler since Jim Ross got booted. My only complaint is that I don't think he should be an announcer on Raw & Smackdown, keep him on one or the other to avoid overexposure.
Last night he wasn't bad at all actually. He was his usuall over-the-top self during the Miz-Bryan match (and even admitted he thought Bryan was talnented) but was much more subdued during the other matches. He wasn't antagonizing everyone and yelling over Mathews the whole time. It was like Cole-lite, and I thought it was actually enjoyable. Who would have thought?
I've never really posted on here but I have to chime in because Michael Cole has really gotten under my skin. I'm all for heel announcers but Michael Cole makes me actually want to shut off RAW. I actually haven't watched a Miz match as champion in regular time because I fast forward the DVR just so I don't have to hear Cole. It's got to be affecting his run as champion because I can't be the only one who is bothered by Cole. I was on twitter and there's just tons of posts of people who just can't stand him.
I think his rants are very childlike and unintelligent. The interactions on RAW are basically like arguing with a child. You just want someone to smack him and put him in the corner till he behaves. I agree he's completely inconsistent and nothing he says is original. Really Cole, how many times can you call Daniel Bryan a "nerd"? Maybe he needs lessons from Edge or Vicki.
The only other thing on RAW that made me ever want to shut off the TV was the Diva Search garbage, and that was only a segment. Cole is on the whole show! I'm about ready to stop watching all together because of him.
There, my two cents

I'm with you on this. I have no problem with heel commentators. Bobby Heenan, Jesse Ventura, Jerry Lawler, Paul Heyman, etc. never bothered me but Cole gets me yelling at the TV and pushing the mute button. In almost 20 years of watching wrestling I have never felt the need to act this way.

I never had a problem with Cole before (I actually defended him when people trashed him) but he doesn't fit the heel commentator role at all. He comes off more of a whiny baby than anything else. If he toned it down a little bit or got his ass kicked from time to time it wouldn't be so bad.

Another thing you mentioned is his repetiveness. How many times DOES he need to tell us Daniels is a nerd? That Natalya is fat (which she is most definatly NOT)? That R-Truth is a goof? Or that Kofi will never be a main eventer? The previously mentioned heel commentators never felt the need to say the same damn things over and over again or go on rants that overshadowed the match.

Cole is constantly filibustering with the same BS and that is getting old. That, along with the lack of an ass kicking is starting to make his presence unbearable.
I don't get to watch Raw, so I get what I can from youtube and from buying the PPVs on DVD so when I checked out The Rock's return, it was my first time seeing Cole in his heel persona.

I've got to say, I loved what I saw. He was so arrogant and that smug smile on his face was perfect. He's definitely got the Raw GM annoucement part down pat. Now, and provided Vince/Triple H/WWE staff aren't in his ear telling him to yell at people (like the posters have been saying), he should go back, watch a few clips of legendary heel announcers.

Also, I think King will be in a Handicap match against Cole and Alex Riley at WrestleMania. Makes King look better, and doesn't have Cole and King looking like two idiots.
Personally, I've really enjoyed the heel Michael Cole. Hearing him bitch and trash the babyfaces while hyping up the heels, plus all the bickering between him and King, is much more entertaining to listen to than two commentators that call matches down the middle.

For the past few months I assumed that Cole would end up being the "mystery" GM. Maybe have Cena beat The Miz at WM, only to have Cole reveal his true role and re-start the match, make it a No DQ or something along those lines, and cheat to have Miz win back the title. I figured a GM Cole would help Nexus and Miz on a regular basis, creating a lot of heat and really stacking the odds against the faces like Cena and Orton and Morrison.

None of that will probably happen, but I think it'd be awesome if it did. If the high heels we saw step out of the limo last night were more than just a swerve to make people doubt The Rock was going to be the guest host of WM, then it might mean the GM is Stephanie McMahon. Regardless of who the GM turns out to be, whether it's Cole or someone else, I'm pretty sure that person will be a heel, and that Cole will be that person's puppet, so people might as well get used to his current style.
Michael cole is hilarious how do you people hate him he is just like C.m. Punk they rip into people they're heel that's what they do.:suspic:

M.Cole is a commentator Punk is a wrestler only difference i personally love his douche bag attitude how can anybody not enjoy his shitty attitude towards the stale face's like Eve and Cener it's comedy gold.

MINUS HIS MIZAWFUL FAN BOYING UGH that agitates my inner being other than that he's alright with me. His rants remind me of attitude era commentating like The king and good ole J.R. in said era was comedy gold.:lmao:

I enjoy it too,he can be funny at times,especially when he contradicts himself saying that Daniel Byran is a geek when Einstein himself is the biggest geek in the history of WWE probably,haha.
The comments about Byran and valentines day were funny last night if you noticed and that segment of the Rock really reminded me of 10 years ago when The Rock used to embarrass him weekly.
However i thought it was pretty dumb the way a couple of weeks ago he was hugging Cena saying goodbye after the Nexus angle and then, lone behold,last night they were slandering each other at the start of the show,haha.

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