Latest On Daniel Bryan's Status


According to a report via the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it looks like the hits just keep on coming for Daniel Bryan.

Bryan very recently underwent a full examination and, reportedly, discovered a number of issues regarding not only his neck but with one of his shoulders as well. Which shoulder and exactly what issues weren't mentioned, but the report does say that he MAY have to undergo shoulder surgery. There's a lot of uncertainty regarding Bryan's condition, so he's had to be written out of any & all WWE plans for the foreseeable future and there's currently no estimation as to when he'll be back.

This is purely speculation on my part, but I'm getting the impression that these various issues are something that's been building up over the course of his career. Again, just speculating here, but I'm also getting the impression that Bryan is someone that probably should have taken time off at various times over the years, but hasn't and it may becoming to a head. IF that's the case, the reasons could range anywhere from simple personal pride in his work ethic, not realizing the severity of whatever symptoms he's felt over the years, not being able to afford to take time off, some variation of any or all of the above, etc. The situation with The Undertaker sprung to mind as I've read various reports over the years alleging that Taker was known to push back taking time off the road to rest up and get certain nagging issues fixed due to his work ethic for much, much longer than he should have. As we've seen over the past 6 years or so, it's caught up to him and he's paying the price.

I'm actually starting to wonder if this could be the end of Bryan's career altogether or, at the very least, the end of his time as a high profile star on the WWE roster.
Man if that's true then that's really shitty for him. He worked hard to get to the WWE (I'm not saying others don't) and then worked hard to get to the WWE title.

I don't want to speculate but if the damage is too bad are we looking at a possible retirement?

That would suck. He's one of the highlights of WWE for me. Also on a broader scope would this cancel out potential plans for a Brie vs Stephanie match for Brie to get her job back or would they still do that?
first cm punk leaves, then daniel bryan get injured, something better not happen to seth rollins. this sucks for bryan, but hopefully surgery takes care of the problem and he recovers 100% from the injury.
Yah i have no real reason why to believe this report isnt true! It sucks,and it isnt right! His career is in serious jeopardy at this point,first it was a neck issue,now it appears to be his shoulder/neck.. This is not good at all! Daniel Bryan is a joy to watch,and something tells me this is a number of injuries that just caught up with him..

Something tells me that Daniel Bryan is the type of guy to work through his injuries despite being told to relax,but he just kept going.. Of course im only guessing on this one,like JH.

Is it personal Pride,or something along the lines of I dont ever want to disappoint the audience! Whatever it is,it appears that the accumulation of his style,and the fact that I am assuming he got zero days off,is catching up with him.. Like JH said,it does remind us of Taker.. Its just such a physical style that Daniel wrestles,high-flying and such doing diving headbutts the neck cant take that!

I hope he can make it back,i truly do.. Its not looking good at this point though,when and if he comes back he would have lost all momentum and management probably wont have any faith in him,to stay healthy! ITs a damn shame
This is really sad. :( Again, like the guys above I know this is purely speculation at this point, but it doesn't sound particularly good. I just hate the fact that these next few post-WM30 months were supposed to be Daniel Bryan's moments and that a long title run was probably in the pipeline. Even if he does come back and begin a full in-ring schedule again, and even if he does get back to main event status, it'll never replicate what these last few months should've been for him.

WWE are rumoured to not be pushing Ziggler due to concerns about his health and sustainability, so if we're going by that logic, I am extremely concerned that we've possibility already seen the best of Daniel Bryan, and even if he does return, I fear they may not trust his health to put him at main event status again. The only thing that could get him to that level again, and even then probably just for a short time would be if he was still massively over with the crowd, which one can assume he will be.
When he announced he didn't have the strength back in his right arm, and possibly needed another surgery, this would tie in with something in his shoulder so it may not be something completely out of the blue.

Simply to play Devil's Advocate, if he does retire, people will soon forget DB is gone and jump on the bandwagon of someone else.

As CM Punk said a long time ago, WWE will continue after these people are gone and the IWC will find someone else to get behind. Will they be as big as Daniel Bryan? Nobody thought they could replace Hulkamania!!
I've noticed that this is the first long injury for a major star WWE had to deal with in a very long time. While it's very sad I still have hope that we'll still see a healthy DB competing full time again. I know it feels like ages but WWE had to deal big names like Edge, HHH, Batista, etc etc etc, being out for like 8 months or longer due to injury yet still coming back to the top of the mountain after they came back. Heck they tried to do the same to Batista after a 4 year absence, obviously it didn't work as well anyone hoped but it does show that they're willing to try.

As always here's hoping that DB can bounce back from this.
I'm sure it's a combination of all three.

Anyone who reaches the level of their profession that he's reached has that work ethic where they'll just keep going past the point another would have stopped, as well as that commitment to succeed that keeps them going when common sense would say otherwise. I'm sure that's been Bryan over the years too.

It's entirely possible that he also didn't realize the extent of his injuries, or at least was able to rationalize them away as being not that bad since he was able to still go out and perform at high levels every night.

There was also probably a bit of a fear that if he did take time off to heal before being properly rehabbed, that he may lose his momentum and never get the chance to get it back. He was also in the storyline of his career, getting support like he'd never received before. He may have realized on some level that things were getting bad, but pushed through out of loyalty to the company, his fans, and for himself because he didn't want to see the ride end.

In a way, I hope this doesn't turn into a Dynamite Kid situation. Dynamite's body broke down in part because of the steroids... but mostly because of the built up wear and tear over the years from his wrestling style. By the time it finally came to a head (in his case with his back), he was never able to be the same again, but kept pushing himself out there far longer than he ever should have, and ended up in a wheelchair as a result. Plus professionally, had his body held up, he probably would have been a WWF champion once Hogan was gone... maybe even getting the spot that ended up going to his road brother Bret Hart... or the spot that went to Shawn Michaels since they likely would have turned him heel at some point.

Different topic, but the point is that Dynamite, like Bryan, kept going when he should have been taking time to heal his injuries... and the end result for Dynamite was missed opportunity and a poor quality of life. Hopefully Bryan's story turns out better than the Dynamite Kid's did.
... but mostly because of the built up wear and tear over the years from his wrestling style.

Yes, and also remember that an important factor could be whom he's been opposing during all the years of wear and tear. One of the reasons there are weight classes in sports like boxing and mixed martial arts are to prevent big people from inflicting damage on smaller people.

In pro wrestling, there are no such restrictions, leaving nothing to stop Kane from choke-slamming Daniel Bryan with the same power and technique he would use on Big Show.

For all these years, Daniel has been taking the shots from much larger people. Think it doesn't make a difference?

Look at the poor guy now.

Hopefully, he'll recover from these injuries and continue his inspiring "David vs. Goliath" career. But if he does, I don't even want to think about what life will be like for him in his old age.
Yes, and also remember that an important factor could be whom he's been opposing during all the years of wear and tear. One of the reasons there are weight classes in sports like boxing and mixed martial arts are to prevent big people from inflicting damage on smaller people.

In pro wrestling, there are no such restrictions, leaving nothing to stop Kane from choke-slamming Daniel Bryan with the same power and technique he would use on Big Show.

For all these years, Daniel has been taking the shots from much larger people. Think it doesn't make a difference?

Look at the poor guy now.

Hopefully, he'll recover from these injuries and continue his inspiring "David vs. Goliath" career. But if he does, I don't even want to think about what life will be like for him in his old age.


Of course in wrestling, the moves are all worked, and guys are doing whatever they can to protect the person they're applying a move to (some better than others of course), but even with that... this stuff builds up into more chronic aches and pains over time. Plus like you said, a smaller guy like Bryan is going to feel the effects of that Kane chokeslam more than say a Roman Reigns would... regardless of how much Kane is protecting Bryan when he delivers it.

Sadly, this is a reason that for so long, guys that are Bryan's size have had a harder time reaching the top.

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