Last Chance


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So with his contract expiring very shortly, this could very well be Tommy Dreamer's last chance to win the ECW Championship at Extreme Rules. As we know he is in a Triple Threat Hardcore Match with Christian and Jack Swagger. Now my philosophy is that if he's going to win he's going to pin Swagger. However, I can also see him not being the one getting pinned and using that excuse to get a match at Night of Champions. Any thoughts?
To be honest, why would Tommy Dreamer, of all people, want to win the "ECW" title?
I mean, I'm a fan of current ECW, and I never really watched original ECW. But I thought Tommy Dreamer would've been one of the main guys to protest that the current ECW is not worth winning because of how Vince changed ECW so much.
On the other hand, maybe he thinks winning it will be a sort of last breath of ECW, with an original as the champion. I don't know, but either way Tommy Dreamer is not a good choice for ECW champion since it's also the brand that Christian is on.
Christian is doing so well on ECW now, he's absolutely adored by the crowd, so if Tommy Dreamer came in and took the title, I don't think people would like that. The only way that it wouldn't lose viewers is if they turned Dreamer heel and gave him a good feud with Christian before giving him the title. Cause let's be honest, at most people don't know who Tommy Dreamer is, and some of the fans who still know who he is don't really care that much about him and don't particularly want to see him take the title, especially if he's taking it from Christian.

While it would give it would give us a nice warm fuzzy nostaligic feeling for a week, the fans wouldn't really care after that. I mean, he hasn't really done that much for the business, so does he really deserve a reward? I mean a reward for something other than staying with WWE through all the crap...
I really could not care less if Tommy Dreamer won the belt or not. I respect the guy tremendously but he is done. End of story. He does not have a lot left in that tank and I believe even if he does win the title at some point he will be gone some time in the near future anyway. I know very little about what is going on in ECW at the moment, I never watch it but I wish Tommy well in what he ends up doing but I would personally would give the title to the younger guys. Dreamer never wanted to be the champ and he basically got his wish.
With this whole Tommy Dreamer stroyline i just can't find it belivable that a guy who has lost to the miz, jmorrison, mark henry can just automaticlly be shot up to the title hunt. just doesnt sound beliveable to me

The only thing I see Dreamer doing for the company is being ECW GM and revamping it back to the old ECW. If anything, Dreamer should be part of creative and make something HAPPEN. Hell, take Steph out of the equation and put Dreamer on board.

I highly doubt Dreamer will get the belt. And for the most part, I really don't want to see such an outstanding performer of the old ECW be given a belt that HAS nothing left to it. It's not defended in extreme hardcore matches any longer. It doesn't have any blood, sweat, and tears that it used to carry. It's worthless. It became worthless when Heyman left the WWE, and honestly, Heyman was the last little bit of breath and dignity ECW had. That has come and gone, and Heyman is probably laughing his ass off at McMahon's crappy attempt to revive his product.

I mean, a Diva GM? iMPACT toppling it in ratings? ECW is gum under McMahon's shoe now. If anything, send Dreamer out with dignity.
Are you guys nuts?

Of course he will win the belt. He is going to go out on top. I was under the impression that his contract actually expired the day before Extreme Rules. So if he is staying on for one last match, which he has made very public, at ECW's PPV as to say, why the hell would they have him in the match just to lose?

He is going to win, by pinning Swagger, and Christian will after congratulate him. We will then have 10 minutes of Dreamer celebrating and waving to the crowd while he gets cheered for his work he's done for the wrestling business. The next night on ECW I wouldn't be surprised to see him become GM, because he will inevitably end up there, and he vacate's his own title, and they have a King Of The Ring type tournament with a bunch of the ECW superstars for the title. The final will be on Night of Champions, with them crowning a new ECW champion.

You are crazy if you think Dreamer isn't going to win, why else would he be in the match to lose?
I can see them possibly throwing him the bone known as the ECW title. The announcers really like telling us how much of an ECW original he is, and Extreme Rules would be a fitting pay per view to give him the title. The poster above me said that Dreamer would win by pinning Swagger and then be congratulated by Christian. But what i think would be more interesting is if instead of congratulating Dreamer, Christian kicked the shit out of him after the match and turned heel. I think that Christian plays the role of the heel much better that of the face and if the WWE wanted to go down that road this would be a good opportunity to do so. Christian could go on to feud with Dreamer in various "extreme" matches for the ECW title and eventually defeat him in a retirement match. Just an idea.
Ughhhhh I think Christian will retain because well I have faith in Captain Charisma!
And lets face it even if Dreamer wins we all know he's a terrible wrestler but great at gimmick matches coz he can fuck you up BAAAAAD! Plus me and the rest of Canada will go on strike! :p haha I just don't think Dreamer can live up to the standards anymore! And WWE NEEDS to hown Christian's craft and than draft him to Smackdown! What am I talking bout? Christian was ready for the main event on Smackdown! for a LOOOOOONG time haha! But what he does need is to re-introduce himself to the WWE universe as a strong player and he's doing exactly that! So I don't think Dreamer will win!
I was and still am a huge fan of the original ECW, so this match does hold some sort of emotional value for me. Tommy Dreamer is like a loyal puppy dog. He stuck by Paul Heyman through thick and thin, working without pay for months at a time. Since signing his contract with the WWE, Tommy has stuck by Vince through all the changes he has made to "ECW".

Regardless of who wins, this match will be solid. I'm a huge fan of all 3 men and I do love me a good ol' hardcore match. I'm excited to see how jack Swagger performs in an environment like this. Hardcore is not exactly his forte. Christian made his name in TLC matches a decade ago, so I am confident that he will put on one hell of a show. As for Tommy Dreamer, this should be his night shine. I hope he has enough left in him to put on a real ECW style hardcore match.
I hope he does win it and retires with it, settin up a tournament. Also hope he becomes the new gm. I just think he needs to be rewarded for puttin so many people over, even people who didn't stick around. He deserves it, plain and simple.

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