Lance Storm on PPV Issues

My point being, that until the company finds someone who can generate that sort of interest, then it's going to be in a rut, like it is at the moment.

Sheamus doesn't have it. Orton definitely has something about him. His reactions are proving that.

Is being PG (ie, by targetting a young demographic) going to to harm the company in the short term through low buy rates for PPVs? And will it pay off in five to ten years when this audience is older, can spend their own money and buy their own PPVs?

It could be a masterful choice or it could prove that wrestling will never reach its peak again. But as we have at least five more years of the PG era, the effects may not be felt for a while yet.

It could be that this is entirely unrelated and that unless WWE revise their booking style, that things will never change.
It's unrelated. With the way things are booked now it's hard for anyone to get that huge. HHH in 2000 drugged, kidnapped, married and raped Stephanie. His reactions were insane. Imagine the furthest he could go now. When it's still the adults paying for stuff it's a bit harder to get their attention.
It's not hard for anyone to get huge - Orton is proving that now. But it's only a reaction, HHH had matured into a main event calibre wrestler in 2000. The reactions were a result of his talent coming through.

Orton is just RKOing people, he isn't doing much else. He has been over before as a heel and not much has changed really.

They seem to find it difficult to keep multiple people over on that level. No one can match Orton for pops now. In 2000, there were three or four guys.
There's a difference between huge and over. Orton isn't huge yet. He's hot right now. Huge is when you stay over.
And that is the test. Him staying over will require focus from WWE. The right storyline, the right opponents. He seems to be doing all the right things, well as much as he can do.
Thing is he hasn't had a storyline. He's had various title shots and defenses and that's about it. There's no character there and once someone debuts a more impressive finisher he's going to fall in popularity.
Well we have the crowd chanting "Spear" and now "RKO", I wouldn't be surprised to see HHH come back and start up a "Pedigree" chant.

And Orton needs more mic time, although I did like the "I'd RKO my own grandmother" line.
And Orton needs more mic time, although I did like the "I'd RKO my own grandmother" line.

I agree he needs more mic time, but it goes even further than that. What should he say? In all honesty, he doesn't have much to say, because he hasn't had much of a feud. WWE hasn't done a very good job (creatively) of helping his face character evolve, and that's a huge reason why he has nothing to say on the mic.
Lance Storm may very well be one of the most underrated wrestling minds in the business, the Straight Shootin' DVD he did with ROH may be one of the most interesting and informative wrestling DVDs I have ever seen, it's just to bad he hates TNA cause he's prolly one of the few people who you could bring in that may actually be able to turn their shit product around
Lance Storm may very well be one of the most underrated wrestling minds in the business, the Straight Shootin' DVD he did with ROH may be one of the most interesting and informative wrestling DVDs I have ever seen, it's just to bad he hates TNA cause he's prolly one of the few people who you could bring in that may actually be able to turn their shit product around
I've felt the same way since I started going to his website in 2001. I have agreed with about 99.992346% of what he has written.

And I really can't blame him for not liking TNA. I can't even get into it anymore. He has said he likes most of the talent, but the writing makes the show unwatchable (and he was really pissed about someone taking unprotected chairshots to the head right after a death). If TNA were in Canada, and they offered him to be a head writer/consultant/booker/whatever, he would likely think about it (if Russo got fired). He lives in Canada (and has a wrestling school there too) and doesn't want to leave the family to go back on the road. And as good a mind he might be for the business, I would MUCH rather see him running a wrestling school (or even better running a school/development territory for WWE) then booking.
I agree he needs more mic time, but it goes even further than that. What should he say? In all honesty, he doesn't have much to say, because he hasn't had much of a feud. WWE hasn't done a very good job (creatively) of helping his face character evolve, and that's a huge reason why he has nothing to say on the mic.

A feud would benefit him so much.
What is all this emotional interest stuff? People on the internet are finally admitting that having character is more important than having a moveset?

I brought the last PPV's just for Wade Barrett and John Cena. I think Barrett and Cena's angle has brought some drama back to Raw, which is something that was completely missing. And I think a lot of has to do with Barrett and Cena themselves.

Barrett charisma and definitive voice got him over as the top heel. The guy was getting booed like he went around slapping babies before the show when he appeared the next Raw after the first Nexus attack. Cena stands for truth, justice and the American way.. And he acts that way on screen. He f'n hugged a crying little boy after losing at the PPV for pete's sake. On Raw, Cena was perfect in being a man who stands by his word that was conflicted by the reality of his situation. Barrett just had to smile and look like a complete asshole. Misson accomplished on all fronts. Heck, it even scored as 3.3 compared to the 2.7 from last week.

People bring up Orton; Well, Orton is the "most over face" on Raw. Do you really think he could've played Cena's current role as good as Cena? The guy is completely uninteresting as babyface in peril. No one buys into Orton getting stomped on because he doesn't sell good at all. No one buys into Orton battling against all odds when he is RKO'ing the heck out of everything in sight. Flip it. Do you think Orton could be as good as Wade has been in his role? Consider everyone claiming that Orton should get more mic time before answering.

As far as PPV droppings, I think it was bound to happen. I think the biggest problem is that the WWE has rested on their more established stars more than trying to make some new ones. But anyone who actually watches knows that is changing.

I saw the Summerslam buyrates for this year, but I don't remember what they were. I do know they were down by 40,000 last year. I think that is pretty impressive given there was really only one big match (Nexus vs Cena's Army) and a couple of fairly built up matches. Last year it was Cena vs Orton, DX vs Legacy, and CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy. Then you add the fact that the Nexus are a bunch of new guys. I think if they just quit having PPV's 2-3 weeks a part, the PPV buyrates will start to level out.
People bring up Orton; Well, Orton is the "most over face" on Raw. Do you really think he could've played Cena's current role as good as Cena?

No..that's why he's Randy Orton, and John Cena is John Cena. Could Cena play the role of a sadistic, snake-like heel? No, he couldn't. Is there anything wrong with that? No, it's just who they are. You can't say it about one, and not the other.

The guy is completely uninteresting as babyface in peril.

1. That's your opinion. 2. We haven't seen him play that character yet, so what in the hell are you talking about?

No one buys into Orton getting stomped on because he doesn't sell good at all.

He doesn't "sell good?" I happen to think he's one of the best at selling in the entire business.

Do you think Orton could be as good as Wade has been in his role? Consider everyone claiming that Orton should get more mic time before answering.

You mean as the top heel on Raw, leading the top faction on Raw? Yes..because he has before. Orton was twice as entertaining on his own as Wade Barrett has been. I like Wade Barrett, but he has proven next to nothing compared to what Orton has done, and he's been lucky enough to ride the momentum of this NEXUS angle. I think Wade Barrett will be successful for a long time, but that doesn't mean he can even lace Orton's boots yet.

I think if they just quit having PPV's 2-3 weeks a part, the PPV buyrates will start to level out.

This we actually agree on.
No..that's why he's Randy Orton, and John Cena is John Cena. Could Cena play the role of a sadistic, snake-like heel? No, he couldn't. Is there anything wrong with that? No, it's just who they are. You can't say it about one, and not the other.

I wasn't talking about the character exactly. I meant the role. Even though he has been the embedded with the title scene, Orton hasn't really been charged with being the top guy on Raw. Cena, on the other hand, will continue to be the focal point of Raw.

1. That's your opinion. 2. We haven't seen him play that character yet, so what in the hell are you talking about?

Okay. All faces are suppose to show vulnerability besides showing they will always come out in the end. Has Orton ever gave off vibes that he has any sort of weakness; that he has a slim chance of winning? He sucks as a babyface because he isn't sympathetic enough. He gets cheered because he is cool and has presence and stuff, but where is the reaction in his matches that aren't just him squashing and RKOing people?

He doesn't "sell good?" I happen to think he's one of the best at selling in the entire business.

I guess you didn't catch the HIAC match with Sheamus. I think you are giving too much credit to Orton on that one.

You mean as the top heel on Raw, leading the top faction on Raw? Yes..because he has before.

So, Orton could come from out of no where and lead a bunch of losers and/or nobodies to prominence? It is too early to judge the where the other Nexus' guys will end up, but anyone has a better spot than Teddy Jr. right now.

Orton was twice as entertaining on his own as Wade Barrett has been. I like Wade Barrett, but he has proven next to nothing compared to what Orton has done, and he's been lucky enough to ride the momentum of this NEXUS angle.

Barrett has only been on the main show for four months. Of course he can't compare to what Orton has done. And I think it is the other Nexus guys that have been riding on Barrett's coattail. Wade speaks, looks, and acts like he is a force to be reckon with. Can you say that about Otunga or Slater?

I think Wade Barrett will be successful for a long time, but that doesn't mean he can even lace Orton's boots yet.

I wasn't saying that Wade has accomplished more. I am just asking do you think that if someone else was slapped into Barrett's spot, do you think they could've done such an effective job?

This we actually agree on.

I've felt the same way since I started going to his website in 2001. I have agreed with about 99.992346% of what he has written.

And I really can't blame him for not liking TNA. I can't even get into it anymore. He has said he likes most of the talent, but the writing makes the show unwatchable (and he was really pissed about someone taking unprotected chairshots to the head right after a death). If TNA were in Canada, and they offered him to be a head writer/consultant/booker/whatever, he would likely think about it (if Russo got fired). He lives in Canada (and has a wrestling school there too) and doesn't want to leave the family to go back on the road. And as good a mind he might be for the business, I would MUCH rather see him running a wrestling school (or even better running a school/development territory for WWE) then booking.

I know he's the head booker of Prairie Wrestling Alliance, and indie based out of Calgary, and they work closely with his school. It would be great to see him get something like that with WWE, but you can't fault the guy for wanting to be close to his family, in fact you almost have to admire that, he's one of the few guys that wanted to be a wrestler, got trained, went out and had a fairly successful career working for pretty much all the major companies, then was able to retire and still find a way to still stay apart of business and give back to it without having to sacrifice spending time with his family, not too many guys in the industry are able to do what Storm has done
I know he's the head booker of Prairie Wrestling Alliance, and indie based out of Calgary, and they work closely with his school. It would be great to see him get something like that with WWE, but you can't fault the guy for wanting to be close to his family, in fact you almost have to admire that, he's one of the few guys that wanted to be a wrestler, got trained, went out and had a fairly successful career working for pretty much all the major companies, then was able to retire and still find a way to still stay apart of business and give back to it without having to sacrifice spending time with his family, not too many guys in the industry are able to do what Storm has done
1. yeah, I know he's got the book with the indy promotion, and he said his booking is very very very basic (which, surprise surprise, works). And since it's only like once a month or something, he can do it without sacrificing family time.
2. And I don't almost admire wanting to be with his family, I DO admire it. He knows who is most important, and he is with them. I hate guys like Flair, who stick around 10 (at least) years too long.
3. It's a shame most people weren't as smart as he was. He seemingly saved money decently, and got out at the right time for him. He left too soon for the fans (he has proven in his limited indy bookings that he can still have great matches), but it was the right time for him, which is obviously paramount.

There's a reason he's my namesake/avatar/2nd favorite wrestler ever. Not only was he one of the best in the ring (with underrated promo work), but he has what seems to be a really good mind for the business.

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