L.A Noire - A month to go.


WZCW's Mr Excitement
Is anyone else as excited as I am about this game?

Since i saw the trailer in March about how detailed the facial features and how they contribute to the game, I've been scouring the net (IGN and Gamesradar have been good in particular for this) for info about the game.

I can't wait to see the MotionScan features in action. As a Rockstar game you know it's going to have a great game world and a good story but I really think the special use of motion capture graphics will put it over the top.

I'm really excited about this and am certain it could herald in a new era of graphics from the AAA developers.

Is anyone hyped for this like I am? I am still undecided on which system to buy it for, it sounds like PS3 will get exclusive content on top of the extra vice case available from Game and Gamestation.
I'm excited too. I'm buying a PS3 just so I can play this game. It looks fucking badass and I love the Grand Theft Auto series and this game is from the same creators of it. I'm hoping for a really interesting detective game. With that being said, I seen one trailor for it and I was hooked on buying it.
I'm excited for this. If it has been done right, this could be one of the greatest "new age" games ever. You have to think that Rockstar has been learning from the mistakes made with GTA and Red Dead, and you'd think that they would get rid of them in this game. I also would expect Rockstar to build on to the things that make their games great. Such as the city the games take place in, weapons, storylines, and side stories. I am really looking forward to this game, and pending reviews, I may have no choice other than to pick this one up.
I'm looking forward to this game. As has already been said, the technology they have used to get such life like expression on the characters faces is unlike anything that has ever been seen in a video game before. I'm really excited to see how well they manage to blend that things such as interagation or just as a way to enhance the overall story-telling. Rockstar has always stood out for me as the company that get pull of an awesome story.

I really hope that this game is more plot than game play. I don't need to run around shooting bad guys for ten hours. I would really like to see this game be like playing through a movie. If they do that than this thing could really be something special.
Rockstar's games are the epitome of monotony but they're the only company that consistently gives you the most playing time. I've already stated in the pre-order thread that the main missions for this one are supposed to clock in at 25-30 hours. That's about 4 times longer than most of the games for this generation of consoles. For this reason, I'd gladly (and I'm going to) shell out 60 bucks for this game even if it turns out to be just average.
I'm definitely getting this. I haven't been this excited for a game in quite a long time. The setting of the game is just so interesting to me, that basically sells me on it right away, but everything else, the new features, the depth of the game, it's just all so good to me. Also, what tdigs said really impacts my decision, 30 hours of game play time is just unheard of a lot of the time, there's no way that I won't get this.
I hate Rockstar. There are no games that I enjoyed playing that they made. I've beaten Vice City and Red Dead Redemption which are supposedly two of their best games and I was entertained one time. When I did like a triple flip off a jump and landed on a crowd of people. I'm sure this game will be good to most of you, but to me it seems like a generic Rockstar game. I read IGN's preview of it, and there are a few things that catch my eye. I like how they are using cases that were actually real around the time period that the game is based in. It will also undoubtedly be a visual masterpiece as well. It's really just a personal preference. The 30 hour story doesn't impress me considering games I play are around that time or more. I don't play many games from this generation of consoles though so you cannot consider me a credible source for this.
I've been at Rockstar Games fan since GTA 3, love the games they have put out, open world, sandbox games are one of my favourite game genre's, LA Noire, has me very excited, it has a decent blend of gameplay by the looks of it, and the graphics looks great, this and Deus EX: Human Revolution are 2 of the games i have already pre ordered.
I don't even know what it is. Is it in some sort of series?

To answer your question.

It's a brand new game published by ROckstar but made by Team Bondi. it will be released on PS3 and 360.

L.A. Noire is set in "a perfectly re-created Los Angeles" of 1947, with players being given an open-ended challenge to solve a series of murder mysteries.

As the title suggests, the game draws heavily from both plot and aesthetic elements of film noir - stylistic films from the 1940s and 1950s that shared similar visual styles and themes including crime, sex and moral ambiguity and were often shot in black and white with harsh, low-key lighting. The game uses a distinctive coloring-style in homage to the visual style of film noir. The post-war setting is the backdrop for plot elements that reference the detective films of the '40s (as well as James Ellroy's novel L.A. Confidential and the Academy Award winning Curtis Hanson film based on it), such as corruption and drugs, with a classical jazz soundtrack.

L.A. Noire is also notable for using Lightsprint's real-time global illumination technology, as well as Depth Analysis's newly developed piece of technology for the film and video game industries called MotionScan, where actors are recorded by 32 surrounding cameras to capture facial expressions from every angle.

Check this trialer out:


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