Kurt, Karen and Jeff — Jerry Springer Would Be Proud

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
It's been a while since we've seen a legitimate love triangle angle used on television, in fact the last time one this real (literally) was in effect was back in 2005-06 with the whole Adam Copeland/Amy Dumas/Matt Hardy affair, which also eventually translated into an on-air angle.

Now granted, Karen has been off television over a year now, and fans probably won't care about her in this story as much as they did Lita with the Edge/Hardy one from years back, but frankly Jarrett has been on fire in terms of generating real heat this year starting with his Double J Double M-A challenge, and this love angle only furthers it.

I'm no fan per say of these types of stories, but is there anything else in the company more volatile than something like this? Seems like a sure-fire way to keep the fans booing Jeff and cheering Kurt (as if they wouldn't anyway), no?

Thoughts on this whole love triangle angle? Does this kinda stuff have a place in wrestling, why or why not?
If I'm TNA, the one thing I have to make sure I do is make sure Kurt is 1000% ok with every step of this. The last person TNA can afford to tick off is Angle. He and maybe two other guys are the backbone of that company. He's one of the only guys you can put out there and know you're going to get something good taht the fans will be into. This has to be at least a little awkward for him and anything that ticks him off legitimately could cause real damage to the company. If TNA makes him mad, do you really think WWE wouldn't be waiting there with a multi-million dollar deal to get him back?

As for does this have a place in wrestling? It can but you have to be very careful with them. This isn't acting. It's a real life issue between people that have real emotions about this stuff. Put yourself in Angle's position and imagine what he has to hear Jeff say. If even for a bit he gets too caught up in the angle and loses his grip on reality, he could very seriously hurt Jeff. It's not some made up storyline where the women he says he used to be married to is some actress that he saw every day then went home. That was the person he came home to. That's the mother of his children and that person left him for someone he works with and for awhile was his boss.

As for the story itself, yeah it's going to keep fans interested. People eat up real life stuff like this with a spoon. Look at shows like Jerry Springer. It's trash but tell me you haven't watched something like that or Maury or some other show like that at some point and gotten hooked on it even for a little bit. COuple taht in with good wrestling and hell yeah it's a great angle. It's also dangerous though, so TNA needs to take this very carefully and if there's any real threat of Angle getting legit mad over it, pull the plug instantly.
Like KB said If Kurt is comfortable with doing this storyline then I have no problem with it. I feel that Kurt has gotten over the divorce with Karen and his fine because if I'm not mistaken he is engaged or already re married, I also doubt that this angle would actually be happening if Kurt has not already signed off on it. I think that this angle makes for Very Interesting TV and I'm Very excited to see how this Plays out on the next couple of Impacts.
I've never been a fan of "divorce" angles in wrestling. Whats the payoff here? It's not like Jeff and Kurt are going to have a match where the winner gets Karen. People watch wrestling because its "make believe". They don't want to see people dealing with divorce and child custody issues in the middle of the ring. Two guys fighting over a manager is fine, but I've never really gotten into the "real" storylines because their not "real". No matter how much Angle seems to get mad at his ex wife, he is still going to sit down with them and plan out a match.
The pay-off? The pay-off is Kurt Angle whipping the shit out of, arguably, the biggest heel in TNA. Double J gets the most heat from the crowd, he's a natural bad guy, he's been beating fans up for about a month, acting like a jerk-off, bugging the crap out of Angle with his ex-wife. The babyface whoops the nosy heel. End of story. That's the pay-off, plus a kick-ass match. Sounds good to me.
This has a lot of potential to be fun, really in a Jerry Springer-ish sort of way. However, I don't really expect anything volatile to come out of all this. If all the parties involved weren't comfortable with doing this, then it wouldn't go forward. If Kurt Angle did have any legit problems with it, then Dixie wouldn't go through with it as she practially worships the ground that Angle walks on.

Another huge factor to take into consideration is the fact that there are children involved here, both Angle's & Jarrett's. I very much doubt that they're going to air their dirty laundry on national television for all the world, including their own kids, to see. Business is business but those kids have already had to go through the real life drama that the Jarrett/Angle situation caused so that's why I don't believe that there'll be anything particularly damning or hurtful said.
Totally hooked on this story. I was interested to see what they would do because there is so much potential for intrigue here but when Karen stole the segment last week I became totally sold on this story. I am not sure exactly how they are going to book it but I am sure Kurt is fine with it. Seems like all three might tell a fairly real version of their opinion of what happened with maybe a tweak in tone to fuel a potential match that should have the crowd way into it. What is not to like about that?
I've never been a fan of "divorce" angles in wrestling. Whats the payoff here? It's not like Jeff and Kurt are going to have a match where the winner gets Karen. People watch wrestling because its "make believe". They don't want to see people dealing with divorce and child custody issues in the middle of the ring. Two guys fighting over a manager is fine, but I've never really gotten into the "real" storylines because their not "real". No matter how much Angle seems to get mad at his ex wife, he is still going to sit down with them and plan out a match.

You make some excellent points here, and to be honest, this situation is kind of like Bret Hart's with Vince and Sgt Slaughter's feud with Hogan. They happened after the situation was over.

Yes, Bret was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2006 and if you read his book (and if you haven't, you should), he flat out says that he made up with Vince years ago. The reason it still kind of worked is because regardless of what people knew in real life, it was a wrestling payoff 13 years in the making. This "real life scenario" played itself out on television to begin with.

As for this story, I said it in the other thread started on this topic. I don't like it. The main reason again is that it's being done because it's easy and because TNA knows that its fanbase is smarky and will eat up "real stories". Unfortunately, it's like giving a bitchy wife a boob job. All it's doing is taking the focus off of the real problem.

The real problem here is that Kurt Angle was screwed out of the title but more importantly, his damn career! He was forced to RETIRE because he was screwed at BFG. This should be such a main point on Impact, but it's not. Look, I like Anderson, but he got screwed out of a title he's never won and he had never been a champion anywhere before. Angle lost his job. Which do you think is more detrimental?

Thus, Angle should be leading the brigade to get Dixie back as he was the one hurt most by this swerve. He was conned by Hogan who put his faith in him and he was screwed. This would be very compelling and should be Angle's prime focus. A competitor like himself should want to get back on the show and get his career back which was unfairly taken from him. He should not have to spend his time dealing with some never-was that thinks he's important because he stole Angle's horrible actress of an ex-wife.

I've never been a fan of these "blurring the line" angles as I just feel it's lazy writing and booking, but in this case, I think it's just bad in the sense that it takes your best talent away from the biggest storyline that he should be leading. In that sense, it's awful. Your biggest draw who has the most reason to be part of the major storyline should be involved with that, not busy having to ward off some idiot that is walking around with a wife he no longer wants. At this point in Kurt Angle's kayfabe life, getting his job back and getting back at Immortal for screwing him out of a career should be WAYYYY more important.
Like a few others on here, I'm not a fan of these storylines. They've been done to death and is TNA really sure they want to do this? This is the same thing that almost made Kurt Angle walk from TNA. This is a volatile situation that I'm not convinced that Kurt Angle is really anxious to relive. And with regards to the point that was made that this would get Jarrett booed and have the fans backing up Kurt Angle, the problem is Kurt doesn't need this to get the fans behind him. By now, we all recognize him as one of the best wrestlers out there if not the best. You had Jeff Jarrett screw over Kurt, join Hogan and Bischoff and give us the most annoying angle with that whole MMA crap. Believe me, there's nothing right now that will get the fans to cheer Jeff Jarrett. Fans are still chanting to him "You Sold Out" and Bound for Glory was months ago. Angles like this and the whole Immortal faction and "The Shore" are the reasons I've lost hope with TNA. And with Genesis being the first PPV for TNA in 2011, not a good start considering that was one of the worst PPVs I've ever seen.
this angle is ridiculous. and why didn't Samoa Joe beat Double J during their feud about a month or two ago..and then just drop it all together? that was ******ed and now Double J goes straight into this. This is just greasy boys. Vince Russo, i hope you die in your sleep tonight. People like Russo just won't go away will they?
From what i understand Jarrett and Angle are OK with each other and get along for the sake of the kids. This isn't the first time this has come up, if you remember, a few months Jarrett beat the shit out of Angle and "injured" him over this very same "argument". Bringing Karen into it just escalates it and is a great way to bring Angle back into wrestling. I'm sure all of this is approved by both Angle and Jarrett or it wouldn't be happening. As far as being entertaining, I love it. To me the war of words is as entertaining as the war in the ring.

If Kurt, Jeff and Karen have no problem doing this then the storyline has the potential to be one of the most intense ones we have seen in a while. This story is not even a love triangle in the strictest sense of the term. The cause of friction between Jarrett and Kurt is not Karen like Lita was in the case of Matt Hardy and Edge. Its just a case of Jarrett screwing Kurt out of his wrestling career and using the fact that he has married his wife Karen as a way to infuriate Angle.

I do however feel that some of the things that have been incorperated into the storyline were rather unneccesary. Like the Double J Double M-A challenge. I know it has built up Jarrett's heat but that could have been easily done by cutting a few intense promos which are not beyond Jarrett's capabilities. The MMA stuff has frankly been very boring and has not done anything for anyone except Jarrett.

Either way, I'd love to see the day when Kurt is allowed to wrestle Jarrett. The crowd will fucking explode when that happens. I don't want to see Karen be an all too important part of this though. In fact I doubt if her appearing on TV was even neccesary. Knowing TNA's booking, they will probably insert Karen, a non wrestler, into the match by having her team with Jarrett. I hope she comes ot of this unharmed.
I think the best part about this is that it's more of a feud that just happens to drag a love triangle in it. It never really started as the love triangle it became, it was more about Jarrett taking over, ending Kurt's career and then claiming he was all-MMA. Now, rather casually, it became about the love triangle simply because Jarrett decided to. It's not about love and betrayal, it's about hate and using every weapon available.

Pretty damn cool, really.
Why exactly are people being more ********* about this storyline than the people involved? If Kurt, Angle and ****ty Mc****terson are okay with it, then why in the hell are you crying about it?

The way I see it, the mass *****fication of the pro wrestling fan will come to a screeching halt in the near future, thanks to Total Nonstop Action. Personally pro wrestling has lacked a storyline like this, based on reality with true or at least re-created emotions. It's a breath of fresh air. Mad props to TNA for writing realistic storylines which could happen in real life. It's easier for the fan to associate with the faces/heels, and I'm sure a lot of us have went through something similiar. It's just good TV. There's drama, there's realism, there's a hot chick and some potential great wrestling. Sure, it's based on a real conflict, and while some think that's sleazy and "wrong" I think it's freaking awesome. It's just a divorce, it's not like Jarret shoved the dead fetus of his unborn child down his throat [theoretical situation]. The feud will end with a great match between two awesome wrestlers. You get a legit conflict and legit emotions from these on-air characters, instead of the overly-scripted bullshit we're generally used to. What the fuck is wrong with that?

The only issue that irks me is how much attention its been given. Yes, it involves top stars, but TNA just crowned a great new babyface Champion. The war with Immortal is still not over and the focus is mainly on Karen Jarret, Angle and Double J. Don't think it's a nice approach. Maybe for an episode but not in the long run.
1st angle comes out and calls out jarrett. jarretts "mma students" or who ever they are come out and get there asses kicked by angle. then flair and bischof come out and get orlando police to escort him out of the building and off tna grounds. now when the cops make some1 leave a building they typically dont get back in. yet kurt is able to walk back into the building. he when attacks jarrett from behind while jarrett and karen are cutting a promo. jarrett eventually gets the upper hand add beats angle up. then angle storms around the back stage area and attacks flair demanding that jarrett comes out and faces him.

wait didnt angle just attack jarrett? and lose? and now he's calling him out? after being removed from the building by cops!?

so jarrett comes out and he, gunner, murrphy, and eventually all of immotral beat down angle. then abyss appears on the stage and falls with janice stuck in his back. crimson is standing over him saying "they are comming on Feb 3rd" this distracts all of immortal (all 10 or so men who were out there to beat up angle all stop and star at crimson leaving angle alone) angle then attacks flair, with all of immortal around the ring. all about 10 men. and angle ends up with the upper hand.

what? crimson and angle stopped all of immortal?! 2 vs about 10?!

this is all total bullshit. am i the only one annoyed by the current tna creative? seriously this whole show was revolved around this and it made no sense!
1st angle comes out and calls out jarrett. jarretts "mma students" or who ever they are come out and get there asses kicked by angle. then flair and bischof come out and get orlando police to escort him out of the building and off tna grounds. now when the cops make some1 leave a building they typically dont get back in. yet kurt is able to walk back into the building. he when attacks jarrett from behind while jarrett and karen are cutting a promo. jarrett eventually gets the upper hand add beats angle up. then angle storms around the back stage area and attacks flair demanding that jarrett comes out and faces him.

wait didnt angle just attack jarrett? and lose? and now he's calling him out? after being removed from the building by cops!?

so jarrett comes out and he, gunner, murrphy, and eventually all of immotral beat down angle. then abyss appears on the stage and falls with janice stuck in his back. crimson is standing over him saying "they are comming on Feb 3rd" this distracts all of immortal (all 10 or so men who were out there to beat up angle all stop and star at crimson leaving angle alone) angle then attacks flair, with all of immortal around the ring. all about 10 men. and angle ends up with the upper hand.

what? crimson and angle stopped all of immortal?! 2 vs about 10?!

this is all total bullshit. am i the only one annoyed by the current tna creative? seriously this whole show was revolved around this and it made no sense!

And what part of this did you not understand?

How the FUCK do you "lose" an attack? Is that a new term? In case you haven't noticed, Angle keeps getting screwed by Jarrett, someone low blows him or interrupts him. Of course he'd challenge him.

After the cops got him out of the building he snuck back in and someone helped him in case you didn't catch that. It's not like the I.Z is surrounded by a fucking force field.

Angle didn't "defeat" Immortal you simpleton. He simply laid a few of 'em out. If that's defeating then I guess every time a babyface clears the ring he automatically proves he's way better than all of them. Besides, he just punched a few and the rest scattered. You've seen it a million times in WWE, WCW, TNA, any wrestling promotion. How is this any different? Heels are in the ring, no matter how many, the babyface comes down the ramp - they run. In this case, the face was IN the ring, they weren't paying attention, he jumped them from behind and since TNA has built Kurt up as being very dangerous, they all ran away in typical cowardly heel fashion.

You can't be that stupid. I understood it, you didn't. Do the math.
I agree with some of the posters that said it's not really if the people involved with the angle are down w/it or not, but the fact that the angle just popped out of nowhere and is forced (yet again).

Jarrett's been through so many different twists and turns with no payoffs to them. He begins by coming out and handcuffing Angle and attacks his neck. Taz steps in. Jarrett runs off. Jarrett throws Joe off the stage. Joe doesn't get his revenge. Then all of a sudden this is switched over to the MMA shtick. Joe comes out during the MMA thing, doesn't seem like he much cares about what Jarrett did a while back, gets screwed, doesn't exact revenge again. Just goes over to the Pope. WTF??

Jarrett did the MMA thing a little while longer, but now Kurt's back and instead of just focusing on the attack and the loss of a career and all that, bam! Karen comes out and it's now about the "real life" drama.

Now we're going to have a couple of weeks of that and bam! Focus shift over to the (rumored) Main Even Mafia reunion. The problem here isn't that the angle is a "touchy subject", it's the fact that it's b.s. piled on top of b.s.

As for Kofi Orton's comment, I agree with what he said about the way the angle (pun not intended but it works) played out. At least when Stone Cold or Triple H got drug out by the cops, they stayed absent for most of the show and then popped back in quickly and exacted revenge and sometimes even got taken back out. I think there was even a time Stone Cold was taken out and didn't see him again until next week. Or he was outside trying to get in but couldn't. Or whatever. They at least didn't have him immediately circle the building and slip back inside.

Hell, the cops wouldn't have been off the premises yet because they'd still be writing their report. And if Bischoff got the cops there once to escort him out, he could have easily gotten them back in time to remove him yet again before he got very far. At least the surprise attacks after waiting a while were more "believable" than somebody just wandering right back in and strolling around the backstage area for an hour.

And yeah, I see the point of the face needing to clear the ring of the heels, and having certain instances where that's happened before. Usually it's because of a run-in, or the appearance of another guy "coming to his aid" or something.

I think if they would have had a couple of guys step outside of the ring to the floor to start talking shit like they were going to come up the ramp but didn't (like they were apprehensive or some such nonsense) then Kurt clearing the ring would have looked much better. I mean, it was like they all turned around, saw him hit one or two, and immediately the other 8 jumped out almost simultaneously. At least make an effort. Have a guy run forward, get hit. Have 2 more try, get taken down. Make it look disorganized. Then they could bolt.

I've seen people try to fight back against Nexus and still get "overwhelmed by the numbers" and there were a lot less people in that situation. Just sayin', but how does that make Immortal look in comparison? About 8-10 top names in the company can't beat down one top guy, but a group of 4-5 rookies can take down the top face of the other company? Pretty weak, pretty weak.

They could have had a guy or two come out (RVD and Anderson just as an example), even if it was just to run a few off and chase them to the back to even up the odds and make it look a little better for pete's sake.

P.S. Zion, try decaf. Or maybe some Ritalin or Adderall. At the very least some form of anger management or therapy. You are wound waaaaaay too tight bro.
People seem to miss tha Jeff is doing absolutely anything he can come up with to antagonize Kurt while Kurt just simply want's Jarrett. It's not really a love triangle. It's a feud that just happens to involve one. Kurt doesn't give a damn about Karen, but Jeff is using her as a weapon against Kurt aside from attacking him and then mocking him.

I fail to see the issue with Angle attacking and the Immortals bailing out. It's not like he actually fought them all. Most of the guys just simply pulled out after Crimson stabbed Abyss with Janice.
Jarrett's been through so many different twists and turns with no payoffs to them. He begins by coming out and handcuffing Angle and attacks his neck. Taz steps in. Jarrett runs off. Jarrett throws Joe off the stage. Joe doesn't get his revenge. Then all of a sudden this is switched over to the MMA shtick. Joe comes out during the MMA thing, doesn't seem like he much cares about what Jarrett did a while back, gets screwed, doesn't exact revenge again. Just goes over to the Pope. WTF??

Do you know what "storyline" is? Good. Storylines have a beginning and an end. Well guess what. The Joe-Jarret storyline ENDED with Jarrett beating Joe. Yes, shocking, this isn't WWE, sometimes the bad guys win. Go sue TNA for doing things in a different manner. Like I said, the storyline ended, period. Joe got beaten, he went on to film Pope, that's it. What you're pondering about is stupid. It's like asking "Well [heel] got beat by [face], why is he not seeking revenge?". It takes two fucking braincells to get that this was the outcome and the ending of the storyline.

Jarrett did the MMA thing a little while longer, but now Kurt's back and instead of just focusing on the attack and the loss of a career and all that, bam! Karen comes out and it's now about the "real life" drama.

BAM! Karen comes out because ... like Kurt said ... he started it. Think KAYFABE here, don't think "ohhh why are they doing that?". Think, think, think. Jeff Jarrett is a piece of shit. He was beating up fans for his own enjoyment, he likes to manipulate, he likes to cheat. He has an argument with Angle and (being the jerk that he is) he brings up the situation with Kurt/Double J/Karen. Later on he actually comes to the I.Z with her. Why? BECAUSE HE'S A PIECE OF SHIT! He wants to irk Angle and waltz around with his ex-wife. Problem is, Angle doesn't give two shits, he just wants Jarrett. You know the rest of the story. Think characters, don't think "uhhh Russo wrote that".

I've seen people try to fight back against Nexus and still get "overwhelmed by the numbers" and there were a lot less people in that situation. Just sayin', but how does that make Immortal look in comparison? About 8-10 top names in the company can't beat down one top guy, but a group of 4-5 rookies can take down the top face of the other company? Pretty weak, pretty weak.

You seem to have a 2 second memory. A minute before Angle cleared the ring, what was going down? OH THAT'S RIGHT! They were beating the SHIT out of him. How many times have you seen Immortal beat someone up in the ring? Abyss and Terry did it to Morgan. Immortal did it to Angle with his back turned. He surprised them, punched a few and the rest scattered. Why? They're cowards, they're heels, that's their shtick, they attack when someone's weakened, when his back is turned, and once he's on the offense - they run and cheat. God damn it did you watch wrestling for the first time? Yes, they could've attacked him and beat the crap out of him again, but this is pro wrestling, not real life. In movies, why do good guys have perfect aim with guns and the bad guys always seem to miss even though most of the time they're portrayed as assasins and so forth? It's Television you moron! You do the stuff that will excite the fans and make the babyface seem grand. Cleaning the ring is an enjoyable thing to see and Kurt got a pop from the fans. Mission accomplished.

They could have had a guy or two come out (RVD and Anderson just as an example), even if it was just to run a few off and chase them to the back to even up the odds and make it look a little better for pete's sake.

True, they could've, but they didn't. They could've done a LOT of things.

P.S. Zion, try decaf. Or maybe some Ritalin or Adderall. At the very least some form of anger management or therapy. You are wound waaaaaay too tight bro.

I tried decaf. It doesn't work. Everytime I read some DUMBASS prove how much of a DUMBASS he is it boils my blood, it really does. Intellectual degradation is one of my biggest pet peeves. People don't think anymore, they don't think kayfabe, they think real life ... about fucking wrestling. Are you kidding me?
Do you know what "storyline" is? Good. Storylines have a beginning and an end. Well guess what. The Joe-Jarret storyline ENDED with Jarrett beating Joe. Yes, shocking, this isn't WWE, sometimes the bad guys win. Go sue TNA for doing things in a different manner. Like I said, the storyline ended, period. Joe got beaten, he went on to film Pope, that's it. What you're pondering about is stupid. It's like asking "Well [heel] got beat by [face], why is he not seeking revenge?". It takes two fucking braincells to get that this was the outcome and the ending of the storyline.

The point you seemed to miss, or just didn't want to admit, was that this is an example of shitty writing and booking. The face doesn't give up, cut his losses, and move on. Joe was thrown over a balcony and Jarrett tried to severely hurt him, and then Jarrett mocked and insulted something that Joe represents in a lot of ways.. logically when the heel gets the upper hand in every single way, time and time again, its building to the face finally coming out on top and getting revenge. That makes sense. That's the right thing to do. Especially when you have an old veteran who doesn't NEED to get over (and has made a career of not being able to anyway) facing a young talent who could and should be a future star for your company. Instead they buried Joe every time, continued to give Jarrett the win and push him, and jumped on to the next feud so Jarrett can take all of that heat and use it to finally put someone over (hopefully?). Except that it's putting over someone who doesn't even NEED to be put over. It's helping to build someone whose already a star.

Simply put the storyline sucks and the booking of it is silly. But, whose surprised?
The point you seemed to miss, or just didn't want to admit, was that this is an example of shitty writing and booking. The face doesn't give up, cut his losses, and move on. Joe was thrown over a balcony and Jarrett tried to severely hurt him, and then Jarrett mocked and insulted something that Joe represents in a lot of ways.. logically when the heel gets the upper hand in every single way, time and time again, its building to the face finally coming out on top and getting revenge. That makes sense. That's the right thing to do. Especially when you have an old veteran who doesn't NEED to get over (and has made a career of not being able to anyway) facing a young talent who could and should be a future star for your company. Instead they buried Joe every time, continued to give Jarrett the win and push him, and jumped on to the next feud so Jarrett can take all of that heat and use it to finally put someone over (hopefully?). Except that it's putting over someone who doesn't even NEED to be put over. It's helping to build someone whose already a star.

Simply put the storyline sucks and the booking of it is silly. But, whose surprised?

I'll give you a perfect example of a heels prevailing.

Stone Cold vs The Rock - [I don't remember if there was a stipulation to that match. Did Austin have to retire if Rock won? If so, skip this paragraph]. Austin's last match. Rock was a heel. The Rock beat Stone Cold. Did he have to? No. Many fans think that Rocky was the best, but others think Austin was. It's hard and even impossible to say. Did The Rock need the win? Absolutely not. The Rock was already huge, noone would think less of him if he lost, plus Austin gets to win his last match, and he lost cleanly while Joe lost because he got screwed. This is STEVE AUSTIN, not Samoa Joe. Joe isn't hurt by this loss, Jarrett cheated. But of course let's ignore that so you have something to moan about and nit-pick your motherfucking ass off.

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle - the feud ended at WrestleMania. Shawn's stage. Shawn Michael loses to Kurt Angle and never comes back for revenge. That's SHAWN FUCKING MICHAELS we're talking about. Angle was the heel, Michaels was the face. HBK loses, he goes on to feud with Hogan if my memory serves me right. Did Kurt Angle need the win? Was he a "youngster"? No. He was a hardened WWE veteran.

Did Double J's win bury Joe? Hell no. Joe is an Internet darling and people expect him to be on top of the company because of what he USED to be five years ago. Joe lost some of his pace, he got even more out of shape and as much as I love the guy, something's missing. Maybe it's TNA's booking over the last few years that fucked him over (walking around with a sword and painting dicks on your face isn't exactly helping your career). Maybe it's Joe himself. Who knows. Fact that the matter is, Joe losing to Jeff Jarret did not end his goddamn career, and it was actually a good thing.

By defeating Samoa Joe in such manner Double J got even MORE heat from the crowd which works great for his storyline with Angle which is WAY more important and entertaining than his storyline with Samoa Joe. If Joe won the match JJ wouldn't have the heat he has now, he wouldn't have the build up. As you saw on iMPACT, he got tons of heat, Angle got a lot of chants and the Karen/JJ/Angle segments got the biggest response from the crowd, that means TNA did their job.

Joe goes the other way, feuds with Pope now, and I expect him to come out victorious. Heels win sometimes, and this is one of those times. It is unlike Joe to give up, since his gimmick is to be this tough guy, but so is Shawn Michaels, he's also a face and he lost at WrestleMania.

Joe didn't die when he lost to Jarrett, he didn't have any crazy momentum to begin with, Double J on the other hand had and that's why he went over Joe. Remember, this ain't WWE, TNA doesn't pick its winners and losers and who they hire by looking at their age, they look at their momentum, their crowd interation, mic skills etc. Double J is on fire since 10.10.10, it was logical for him to win. Why would you ruin MONTHS of momentum only to give Samoa Joe a win before he goes into a storyline with The Pope? Now if they were planning on pushing him in the Main EVent, then absolutely, give Joe the win, make him stomp a mud-hole in Double J's momentum and go Main Event. But no. The plan for Joe was to feud with DiNero, and that's a feud very few people care about.
Do you know what "storyline" is? Good. Storylines have a beginning and an end. Well guess what. The Joe-Jarret storyline ENDED with Jarrett beating Joe. Yes, shocking, this isn't WWE, sometimes the bad guys win. Go sue TNA for doing things in a different manner. Like I said, the storyline ended, period. Joe got beaten, he went on to film Pope, that's it. What you're pondering about is stupid. It's like asking "Well [heel] got beat by [face], why is he not seeking revenge?". It takes two fucking braincells to get that this was the outcome and the ending of the storyline.

You write like you're trying to be witty and "hard" but it just isn't working. I didn't call you names or curse you. You talk about braincells, yet you lack the capacity to make a point without screaming like a lunatic.

The fact of the matter is, there was a huge, gaping whole in that whole story and direction. Anybody with a 1st grade education could see that. Sorry, but Joe is just not "portrayed" as the passive-aggressive, "Ah, I got thrown off of a balcony and ridiculed. Oh well, shit happens" kind of person. His character is a bad ass, take no shit from anybody kind of guy that has a sense of personal pride. To take it in the ass twice by a chump like Jarrett isn't Joe's "gimmick".

BAM! Karen comes out because ... like Kurt said ... he started it. Think KAYFABE here, don't think "ohhh why are they doing that?". Think, think, think. Jeff Jarrett is a piece of shit. He was beating up fans for his own enjoyment, he likes to manipulate, he likes to cheat. He has an argument with Angle and (being the jerk that he is) he brings up the situation with Kurt/Double J/Karen. Later on he actually comes to the I.Z with her. Why? BECAUSE HE'S A PIECE OF SHIT! He wants to irk Angle and waltz around with his ex-wife. Problem is, Angle doesn't give two shits, he just wants Jarrett. You know the rest of the story. Think characters, don't think "uhhh Russo wrote that".

I really don't see anywhere that I wrote "uhhhh, Russo wrote that". But if you want to get technical, it's just like him to write unfinished business. And I am thinking about characters. Characters that aren't doing things contrary to how their character is portrayed as acting, and characters that just jump from this to that without any rhyme or reason.

That notwithstanding, the whole thing could have been done fine w/out adding one more person to bog down the story unnecessarily. Hell, they're (rumored) to be bringing the MEM back anyway, so why add too many elements to the mix. There's just no reason for bringing her to take up more camera time. Jarrett could have easily mocked Kurt's manhood and talk about knowing this or that about him without bringing in the "monster draw" Karen Angle.

You seem to have a 2 second memory. A minute before Angle cleared the ring, what was going down? OH THAT'S RIGHT! They were beating the SHIT out of him. How many times have you seen Immortal beat someone up in the ring? Abyss and Terry did it to Morgan. Immortal did it to Angle with his back turned. He surprised them, punched a few and the rest scattered. Why? They're cowards, they're heels, that's their shtick, they attack when someone's weakened, when his back is turned, and once he's on the offense - they run and cheat. God damn it did you watch wrestling for the first time? Yes, they could've attacked him and beat the crap out of him again, but this is pro wrestling, not real life. In movies, why do good guys have perfect aim with guns and the bad guys always seem to miss even though most of the time they're portrayed as assasins and so forth? It's Television you moron! You do the stuff that will excite the fans and make the babyface seem grand. Cleaning the ring is an enjoyable thing to see and Kurt got a pop from the fans. Mission accomplished.

First of all, Terry looked weak as fuck against Morgan, and even adding Abyss to it just made the both of them look weak. Terrry and Abyss having the hardest time in the world taking down Morgan? Come on. Terry is supposed to be the new "muscle", the new insurance policy. How is making him lose in 2 seconds benefiting that role at all? And then once the so-called "psychotic, tough monster" Abyss hits the ring he's fodder too? Morgan came back what seemed to be 50 times before they FINALLY got him down. At the beginning of the story is when you have the heels beat down the face to show dominance. A show or two later the face comes running to the ring to make them scatter. It's a back and forth. It's called wrestling history. Look it up. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That being said, your point about Angle chasing Immortal off makes no sense. If we go simply to the basics, it's about the heels showing their dominance in the beginning, the face eventually fighting the odds and defying them. Over time. It's the same with writing in general. I'm sure they had English and Literature classes at your school (I hope). It's called dramatic structure. You have an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, then resolution. It's the basic format for writing. And since TNA does, in fact, employ a writer, you would think he would know this.

I know it's just opinion, but I'm sure I'm not alone here. You can tell things are being forced, rushed, and other things are being left hanging wide open. When you rush or force things simply to try to boost ratings or whatever the reason, it just makes it feel desperate. Take your time, make one story work, then work on the next story arc. I'm sure you read comics, they even go by that formula as well.

I tried decaf. It doesn't work. Everytime I read some DUMBASS prove how much of a DUMBASS he is it boils my blood, it really does. Intellectual degradation is one of my biggest pet peeves. People don't think anymore, they don't think kayfabe, they think real life ... about fucking wrestling. Are you kidding me?

If you've tried decaf already, move to the medication.

There's really no reason that you should be calling people names and ranting like a psycho. I can call names too, and you, sir, are acting like an assclown. Or jackass. Or asshat. Whichever one you like best.

Intellectual degradation being cited by somebody who says somebody's opinion is stupid and calling them a dumbass? You do know the meaning of degredation, right? Just checking. Anyway, it's funny that you were defending a "real life" situation (the Karen/Kurt/Jeff situation) then complain when somebody thinks in real life terms. I just found that point amusing.

I don't need to think about real life, I'm watching wrestling. But barring that, I am watching a story and as such I would like my story to have some consistency to it. I would like questions answered, I would like issues resolved, I would like even some minor thought to the story that I am watching play out on my television. I'm not watching animation, I'm watching real people, and as such there's going to be some real life aspects or limitations at times.

I enjoy wrestling, just as people enjoy going to see live theatre. But if somebody butchers a story, puts things in the wrong order, and rushes a play, don't you think those people would feel a bit cheated too? It's the same principle. You go to a play expecting the playwright to explain his work to you in a logical manner because he's the one writing it after all. You're just there to be entertained. But it's really hard to be entertained when you're always sitting there thinking "WTF is that dumb shit all about?"

With wrestling you're suspending belief. That part's apparent. But you can't go totally off the wall, bat shit crazy. You can't have too much realism because it's a scripted television show, but you can't be too phony and scripted without a little realism, because people like to relate. It's about balance, plain and simple. And even when I'm suspending belief while watching wrestling, I'd even like the "unrealistic" elements of what I'm watching have just a little bit of rhyme and reason and make a little bit of sense.
I'll give you a perfect example of a heels prevailing.

Stone Cold vs The Rock - [I don't remember if there was a stipulation to that match. Did Austin have to retire if Rock won? If so, skip this paragraph]. Austin's last match. Rock was a heel. The Rock beat Stone Cold. Did he have to? No. Many fans think that Rocky was the best, but others think Austin was. It's hard and even impossible to say. Did The Rock need the win? Absolutely not. The Rock was already huge, noone would think less of him if he lost, plus Austin gets to win his last match, and he lost cleanly while Joe lost because he got screwed. This is STEVE AUSTIN, not Samoa Joe. Joe isn't hurt by this loss, Jarrett cheated. But of course let's ignore that so you have something to moan about and nit-pick your motherfucking ass off.

You're a f'cking idiot. You just said yourself that that was Austin's LAST match. Why in the f'ck would the WWE or any company put OVER the wrestler whose retiring and leaving? You can't be that completely stupid, can you? Why would they put over Austin whose leaving, and not the Rock whose staying and was clearly the company's top star, especially without Austin around. Obviously the Rock was going over and that was proper booking. What a stupid example.

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle - the feud ended at WrestleMania. Shawn's stage. Shawn Michael loses to Kurt Angle and never comes back for revenge. That's SHAWN FUCKING MICHAELS we're talking about. Angle was the heel, Michaels was the face. HBK loses, he goes on to feud with Hogan if my memory serves me right. Did Kurt Angle need the win? Was he a "youngster"? No. He was a hardened WWE veteran.

Once again your example is stupid when it comes to YOUR argument, and yet works in my favor that TNA has shit booking and common sense, for that matter. Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle had a heated interpromotional (Smackdown vs. RAW) feud leading right upto WrestleMania, which Kurt Angle won. Yes he was the heel. Yes, he won at WrestleMania. What you fail to point out is that the feud DIDN'T end there, dumb ass. Angle was then drafted to RAW from Smackdown and continued to feud with Michaels up until Vengeance when Shawn Michaels won and the feud ENDED. Thanks for proving my point.

Did Double J's win bury Joe? Hell no. Joe is an Internet darling and people expect him to be on top of the company because of what he USED to be five years ago. Joe lost some of his pace, he got even more out of shape and as much as I love the guy, something's missing. Maybe it's TNA's booking over the last few years that fucked him over (walking around with a sword and painting dicks on your face isn't exactly helping your career). Maybe it's Joe himself. Who knows. Fact that the matter is, Joe losing to Jeff Jarret did not end his goddamn career, and it was actually a good thing.

Of course TNA's booking buried Joe. It certainly didn't do anything but make him weak and come out looking like less in every way then he could have going INTO the f'cking feud. You have Samoe Joe teaming with Jeff Jarrett at a PPV, only for Jarrett to walk out on him and leave Joe to get beaten and screwed over. Joe's pissed and should be out for revenge, right? Joe goes out for revenge on Jarrett after Immortal is born, only to be beaten up again. He misses two weeks of time because of the beating, and then returns to go after Jarrett again, and now he's really motivated for revenge. Turning Point the two have a match and Jeff Jarrett wins with help, screwing over Joe. Okay, so that's even MORE fuel to light Joe's fire and his need for revenge, including fueling the fans expectation for revenge for JOE. Not any other face, but Joe.

They have ANOTHER match at FINAL RESOLUTION. Even the PPV f'cking name worked int he favor of this feud to resolve it once and for all. The match is a f'cking SUBMISSION match, which is Joe's specialty. What happens after months of Joe getting screwed over, the heel coming out on top every time, and the fans wanting their pay of? Jeff Jarrett forces Samoa Joe to SUBMIT! How the HELL does all of that, that entire three or so month feud not bury Joe and make him look like utter shit, just to get Jarrett heel heat and try to get him over, when Jeff Jarrett has never been over enough to be any kind of draw in his entire career?

And then, after all that humiliation and losing to Jarrett, Samoa Joe comes back... and starts up a random feud with Pope, stalking him and trying to out him, for absolutely no reason. How does any of that make sense? How isn't that the WORST booking you can imagine? TNA doesn't know how to book for the life of them, and that's exactly why they don't make any stars and can't get anywhere.

By defeating Samoa Joe in such manner Double J got even MORE heat from the crowd which works great for his storyline with Angle which is WAY more important and entertaining than his storyline with Samoa Joe. If Joe won the match JJ wouldn't have the heat he has now, he wouldn't have the build up. As you saw on iMPACT, he got tons of heat, Angle got a lot of chants and the Karen/JJ/Angle segments got the biggest response from the crowd, that means TNA did their job.

Great! Jeff Jarrett, a veteran who is past his prime and has been proven to never draw and therefore isn't money for the company or any company he's been in, has been built up and made into a heel that people hate. Fantastic. And it was all done at the expense of a younger talent, burying him and keeping him non-existent. A talent who COULD be a future star for the company but won't because of bad booking and horrible misuse. A talent who is one half of the TNA's most profittable PPV while he was in the main event. Great business minds run TNA! Good job creative!

All their effort has been put into getting two veteran stars, who are past their primes and not the FUTURE of the company, over for a stupid angle that no one really gives two shits about but TNA fanboys. Meanwhile young talent like Samoe Joe and the Pope have been used to get older stars OVER in their feuds, been pushed aside and made to look weak, and then put together in a mid-card feud that no one could POSSIBLY care about because TNA's booking has made that so.

A feud that doesn't even make sense in the first place because Joe was screwed time and time again by Jarrett and Immortal, who have invaded and taken over the company, and not only does he not want the revenge he never got, but he also doesn't care to stop Immortal and take back TNA. Instead he'd rather blindly ignore all of that stuff and "out" the Pope for no reason. While the Pope, who was aligned with Nash and Sting in "outing" Immortal to begin with, and who had made it a mission of his to save TNA and oppose Immortal during its inception and his feud with Abyss (which he was buried in), now suddenly doesn't care about any of that and instead has turned heel and is oblivious off in his own self absobred world.

Oh, that makes COMPLETE f'cking sense. That's GREAT writing and booking by creative! And that proves not only are you wrong, but yes, TNA's booking of feuds is completely shit. And all they care about is pushing already established guys who won't draw a thing or help the future of the company at all, at the expense of young talent who they aren't even bothering to try to make into stars or build to be assets for the company. Bischoff did the same thing in WCW, and STILL he hasn't learned from it? Still no one's learned from the mistakes of the past? They deserve to fail.

Joe goes the other way, feuds with Pope now, and I expect him to come out victorious. Heels win sometimes, and this is one of those times. It is unlike Joe to give up, since his gimmick is to be this tough guy, but so is Shawn Michaels, he's also a face and he lost at WrestleMania.
Who cares if Joe wins this feud with Pope? It's meaningless now. The feud is meaningless. That's the point! Joe gets nothing out of winning against Pope. Joe would've gotten a lot out of finally getting his revenge and beating Jarrett, as well as being one of the faces to help take down Immortal eventually.

And as I already stated, and you just agreed, of course it's out of character for Joe to give up or do any of that, and that's why it's completely shitty writing by TNA. And you just proved that WWE is the opposite, because yes they had Michaels lose at WrestleMania, but then he came back and beat Kurt Angle in the fallout of WrestleMania and end their feud.


Joe didn't die when he lost to Jarrett, he didn't have any crazy momentum to begin with, Double J on the other hand had and that's why he went over Joe. Remember, this ain't WWE, TNA doesn't pick its winners and losers and who they hire by looking at their age, they look at their momentum, their crowd interation, mic skills etc. Double J is on fire since 10.10.10, it was logical for him to win. Why would you ruin MONTHS of momentum only to give Samoa Joe a win before he goes into a storyline with The Pope? Now if they were planning on pushing him in the Main EVent, then absolutely, give Joe the win, make him stomp a mud-hole in Double J's momentum and go Main Event. But no. The plan for Joe was to feud with DiNero, and that's a feud very few people care about.

I explained all of this above. But to reiterate; TNA doesn't have a f'cking clue. Instead of taking established stars and having them feud separately with younger stars and allowing that future talent to get over and be built up as credible stars and even main eventers, TNA wants to instead use already established guys who refuse to give up their spots and have them feud with one another to try to get each other over while putting the younger talent out to pasture in meaningless feuds that neither gains anything from. Something's wrong with that picture.
You're a f'cking idiot. You just said yourself that that was Austin's LAST match. Why in the f'ck would the WWE or any company put OVER the wrestler whose retiring and leaving? You can't be that completely stupid, can you? Why would they put over Austin whose leaving, and not the Rock whose staying and was clearly the company's top star, especially without Austin around. Obviously the Rock was going over and that was proper booking. What a stupid example.

I was giving examples of heels going over faces in storyline ending matches, you moron. Learn to read. The first line in my post says it you FUCKING blockhead. Jesus Christ ...

Once again your example is stupid when it comes to YOUR argument, and yet works in my favor that TNA has shit booking and common sense, for that matter. Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle had a heated interpromotional (Smackdown vs. RAW) feud leading right upto WrestleMania, which Kurt Angle won. Yes he was the heel. Yes, he won at WrestleMania. What you fail to point out is that the feud DIDN'T end there, dumb ass. Angle was then drafted to RAW from Smackdown and continued to feud with Michaels up until Vengeance when Shawn Michaels won and the feud ENDED. Thanks for proving my point.

The match at Vengeance was a REMATCH from Wrestlemania, not a feud ender dumbass. So thank YOU for proving MY point. The Vengeance match was as much of a feud ender as any Shawn Michaels/Jericho match since their awesome Wrestelmania bout.

Great! Jeff Jarrett, a veteran who is past his prime and has been proven to never draw and therefore isn't money for the company or any company he's been in, has been built up and made into a heel that people hate. Fantastic. And it was all done at the expense of a younger talent, burying him and keeping him non-existent. A talent who COULD be a future star for the company but won't because of bad booking and horrible misuse. A talent who is one half of the TNA's most profittable PPV while he was in the main event. Great business minds run TNA! Good job creative!

Would you please provide solid proof that Jeff Jarret has never been a draw? I mean, it is PROVEN, right? I want you to show me how much Jeff Jarret drew over the course of his career, and I expect to see NOTHING on that list. If you can't provide that, then shut the fuck up. I can't provide ANY proof that he WAS/IS a draw, and that's why I'm not saying that he is, because I'm not a moron, I base my arguments on facts, not Internet rumors.

Also, Joe sold ONE Pay-Per-View. Six years ago. Why is he not killing everyone on your roster?!

Who cares if Joe wins this feud with Pope? It's meaningless now. The feud is meaningless. That's the point! Joe gets nothing out of winning against Pope. Joe would've gotten a lot out of finally getting his revenge and beating Jarrett, as well as being one of the faces to help take down Immortal eventually.

So wait a minute. Joe won't get anything out of a feud that's been going on EVEN BEFORE THEY WERE REVEALED? Do you somehow forget things on purpose? Joe was claiming Pope was a phony and a liar way before 10.10.10. Remember how they would brawl during their tag matches? Remember all that, idiot? Pope and Joe are not feuding out of "nowhere", this has been going on for a while now.

And as I already stated, and you just agreed, of course it's out of character for Joe to give up or do any of that, and that's why it's completely shitty writing by TNA. And you just proved that WWE is the opposite, because yes they had Michaels lose at WrestleMania, but then he came back and beat Kurt Angle in the fallout of WrestleMania and end their feud.

Like I said, it wasn't the end of their feud. It was just a re-match.

I explained all of this above. But to reiterate; TNA doesn't have a f'cking clue. Instead of taking established stars and having them feud separately with younger stars and allowing that future talent to get over and be built up as credible stars and even main eventers, TNA wants to instead use already established guys who refuse to give up their spots and have them feud with one another to try to get each other over while putting the younger talent out to pasture in meaningless feuds that neither gains anything from. Something's wrong with that picture.

Jeff Jarrett is the only man on the TNA roster who is considered a veteran and went over ONE young guy in TNA ever since he came back. ONE guy. ONE. And it just so happens to be the loveable Samoa Joe who MUST win every time and hold ALL the belts, right?

How about all Ric Flair putting over Jay Lethal? How about Sting? How about Angle? How about those guys? Did you magically erase all the putting over these guys did for the TNA boys? Or are you going to concentrate on just one thing because you're nothing more than a hateful piece of shit?

When can we stop pretending that Samoa Joe got out of shape, half-asses in the ring and is anything but good on the mic nowadays? He's not even a has-been, he's a flash in the pan. Can we just face the fact that other people are going to get pushed instead of him simply because they're better? Yes, Jeff Jarret, the old guy, beat him. Yes, the guy who draws more crowd reaction than him. Yes, the guy that has better mic skills than him. Yes, the guy who is in great shape and health. Yes, the guy who has a more interesting persona than him. That guy. FUCK YOU TNA for giving the spotlight to wrestlers who are GOOD. You should give the spotlight to the people the IWC panders to. You should give it to Samoa Joe. Who cares if he's never cut a good promo in his life and can't carry a feud to save his balls. Do it because the IWC says so.

... fucking moron
I was giving examples of heels going over faces in storyline ending matches, you moron. Learn to read. The first line in my post says it you FUCKING blockhead. Jesus Christ ...

Who gives a shit about heels going over faces? All that matters is the context in which the heel goes over the face. That's ALL that matters. Without the context and the reasoning then there's no f'cking point, idiot.

The match at Vengeance was a REMATCH from Wrestlemania, not a feud ender dumbass. So thank YOU for proving MY point. The Vengeance match was as much of a feud ender as any Shawn Michaels/Jericho match since their awesome Wrestelmania bout.

Nope. When a feud ends the two go their separsate ways and start feuding with OTHERS, they don't continue their feud and have another match. You must have a problem with common sense.

Would you please provide solid proof that Jeff Jarret has never been a draw? I mean, it is PROVEN, right? I want you to show me how much Jeff Jarret drew over the course of his career, and I expect to see NOTHING on that list. If you can't provide that, then shut the fuck up. I can't provide ANY proof that he WAS/IS a draw, and that's why I'm not saying that he is, because I'm not a moron, I base my arguments on facts, not Internet rumors.

The fact that there's no proof he's a draw of any kind is proof in itself that he's not a draw. The fact that WCW was at its worse when Jarrett was main eventing is proof. The fact that TNA was nowhere with Jarrett main eventing for years until he stopped being in the spotlight is proof. I'm sure I could even find numbers too, if I wanted to go to that length to prove to obvious.

Also, Joe sold ONE Pay-Per-View. Six years ago. Why is he not killing everyone on your roster?!

How is TNA dropping the ball and using him poorly for YEARS suddenly my fault?

So wait a minute. Joe won't get anything out of a feud that's been going on EVEN BEFORE THEY WERE REVEALED? Do you somehow forget things on purpose? Joe was claiming Pope was a phony and a liar way before 10.10.10. Remember how they would brawl during their tag matches? Remember all that, idiot? Pope and Joe are not feuding out of "nowhere", this has been going on for a while now.

Nah, it hasn't. It's quite random. Especially after three months of Joe feuding heatedly and deeply with Jeff Jarrett.

Like I said, it wasn't the end of their feud. It was just a re-match.
No it wasn't just that. You're an idiot.

Jeff Jarrett is the only man on the TNA roster who is considered a veteran and went over ONE young guy in TNA ever since he came back. ONE guy. ONE. And it just so happens to be the loveable Samoa Joe who MUST win every time and hold ALL the belts, right?

How about all Ric Flair putting over Jay Lethal? How about Sting? How about Angle? How about those guys? Did you magically erase all the putting over these guys did for the TNA boys? Or are you going to concentrate on just one thing because you're nothing more than a hateful piece of shit?*

Oh no, TNA always does it as a whole. ITs certainly not just this ONE example with Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett did it time and time again while he was hogging the main event scene for years back in the old days of TNA.

What exactly did Jay Lethal get out of the Ric Flair feud? Afterwards they pushed him back down into obscurity and he was doing nothing for months, and now is dwindling along in meaningless X Division feuds with Jersey Shore ripoffs and Kazarian. Sting's done very little for the young guys and lots for already established guys. Angle may be an exception, but really, he ran through the wholoe roster with the whole Top ten ranking shit (or whatever it was) and none of those guys came out looking better or stronger for it. He just ran right through them. He put over AJ Styles, but then TNA has taken Styles and thrown him back down to the mid-card and kept him out of the spotlight.

No need to get mad and start swearing agitatedly just because you're wrong.

When can we stop pretending that Samoa Joe got out of shape, half-asses in the ring and is anything but good on the mic nowadays? He's not even a has-been, he's a flash in the pan. Can we just face the fact that other people are going to get pushed instead of him simply because they're better? Yes, Jeff Jarret, the old guy, beat him. Yes, the guy who draws more crowd reaction than him. Yes, the guy that has better mic skills than him. Yes, the guy who is in great shape and health. Yes, the guy who has a more interesting persona than him. That guy. FUCK YOU TNA for giving the spotlight to wrestlers who are GOOD. You should give the spotlight to the people the IWC panders to. You should give it to Samoa Joe. Who cares if he's never cut a good promo in his life and can't carry a feud to save his balls. Do it because the IWC says so.

... fucking moron

Jarrett's doesn't get a better reaction then Joe at all. Booing the guy because they don't want to see him isn't the same as booing him because he's "over", which he's not. Jarrett has the same persona he's had forever, and it was never interesting, it certainly isn't now. It's boring and cliche.
Jarrett's not better in the ring then Joe, he's not better on the mic then Joe, nor is he then a great deal of the roster that he's being pushed in the place of. So no, you're full of shit.

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