Kurt Angle- A new gimmick?


Dark Match Winner
I just got done watching TNA for this week, and saw about how he was talking about how much he loves the army, and what his dog tag means to him, and how much it means to him, and after hearing his reaction about Ken's attack on him at the pay-per-view, and how much he felt disrespected. I got to thinking that is Kurt's gimmick in the process of changing? IMO, this is something that not only could help get Anderson's reputation and help evaluate him to the top of TNA, but would also make some interesting moments for Kurt, for us the fans to watch in the obvious program that these two are about to work. How do you feel on this? And why?
Kurt's always been the America guy but he doesn't play it up as much as others. Pretty much all of his singlets are America based. He's been wearing that chain for a few months now and I think this is the first time he's explained it. I'm thinking that this story might lead to a hardcore match or something with Anderson taking Angle out, since he seems to be working with injuries now.
Yeah thats true kurt was always a american dude that loves his country.And now im cant wait how this storyline plays of.I know this will be the TNA feud of the year and i cant wait until they face again maybe a cage match in lockdown.Damn i cant wait until next thursday.
First off; Angle isnt a gimmick - its just his character, hes being himself with the volume turned up to 10. There is a stark and very real difference between a character and a gimmick. In fact, The Undertaker is probably the only gimmick that has ever been properly successful.

As for Angles promo on Impact, it had to be that......raw?? And the only reason being wasn't for Angles benefit - it was so Anderson could play the despicable, remorseless heel.

Just on a side note though; Angle is more "over" with me than ever after that because it took real balls to go out there and cry, whether it was fake or not. We all know that to show emotion is a sign of strength but lets be honest there is still a stigma (for the lack of a better word) attached to that kind of thing. To a lot of people Angle might have come off as weak for doing that. So thats why I think its very brave and it says it all about how committed Angle is to his craft.

Lets just hope Anderson uses this opportunity Angle has presented him with and he kicks on to become the most hated man in wrestling.
First off, just let me say that i felt this was the best promo of Kurt Angle's career. For him to go out there and not only talk about his experience with the soldiers, but also about his real life issues, takes one heck of a man. It came across as genuine, from the heart, and completely unscripted.

Being from Pittsburgh, Ive followed Angle's career for 14 years. I also get to see all the local coverage surrounding him. When he was arrested, it was a headline story. His divorce made the news. Kurt Angle's every move here in Pittsburgh is heavily scrutinized.

Ive never been an Angle fan. Ive enjoyed his matches, he's put on some five star classics. It hasn't been until the past 6 months that Ive started to like Kurt Angle. Respect Kurt Angle. All the reports Ive read is that Kurt Angle was a genuine ass in real life. Not anymore.

Not only is this a possible gimmick change for Kurt Angle, but I think this is a different person in Kurt Angle. The man seems genuinely contrite for the mistakes he's made. The tears seemed to be genuinely real. For that, I commend him.

This can't help do anything but benefit Ken Anderson. He gets to pick at very deep wounds, whether real or fake(i feel the former). This allows him to be a completely unsympathetic ass, which will cement him as a top heel. Whether people agree with us being overseas, most everyone in the US respects the soldiers and their commitment to their cause. In storyline, Anderson spit on that. What better way to generate heat and build a program? I cant think of one. Kurt's always donned the red white and blue, but this is the first time he's talked about it in depth in his 11 years as a pro. And Ken gets to exploit and poke fun at that. It's a win-win situation in what should be one heckuva feud.
Angle doesn't NEED a gimmick a change, nor does he NEED a gimmick. He is well established enough to get by without having some kind of angle (no pun intended). He, like said before in this thread, is himself with the volume turned up. In WWE, he was himself. He was funny as hell and goofy, but he wasn't a gimmick. He was just naturally funny, and annoying. He was great. No gimmick needed for this guy.
His promo was gold man. I felt so bad for him when he started to cry.

His USA gimmick is just him, it never really goes away. Except when he did that promo on the troops in WWE haha, funny stuff.

Is it me or does Ken Anderson make any bully anyone anywhere has ever had at any time in their life look like a nice guy. He is such a prick! lol and this past show against Angle pissed me off! TNA's angles and storylines are really starting to suck me in. At 21 yrs old, storylines don't hook me as much anymore but the Angle/Anderson is great TV.
I genuinely felt that promo on Impact. Now there are a lot of things wrong with TNA's product right now, but that Kurt Angle promo drew me into his feud.

Anderson did a great job of getting heat, and I think that storyline has got me really interested in the TNA product. As far as a gimmick change goes for Angle I don't think he needs one. Angle is the all-American hero and he himself is enough to get over anyone who steps in the ring with him.

I think his promo on Impact was merely a way of extending his gimmick and making his character more personal to the audience. I hope the storyline continues in this way.
Loved the promo that angle cut on iMpact! Very very RAW and REAL DAMN REAL(sorry) But i think this feud is gonna be awesome, Angle is the man period! And the stuff he said was from the heart. And he does not need a gimmick NO GIMMICK NEEDED!

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