Kurt Angel - Arrogant or what?

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Occasional Pre-Show
Angle on Bubba Highlight Points:

- He makes more money with TNA than WWE.
- Dixie Carter is a better business person than Vince McMahon could ever be.
- TNA had their highest rating ever last week and that their ratings are better than Smackdown (?) and ECW.
- Hopes to have Big Show and Hogan in TNA and said Big Show was the hardest worker in WWE and Vince did not appreciate him.
- Nash cannot wrestle for a year and he would like to have him wrestle when he is ready.
- There are rumors about Jericho coming in.
- He talked to a doctor about Vince and Vince "looks like a heart-attack waiting to happen".
- WWE got their business deal with China because of him. He then clarified he passed a number onto Shane and he never received credit.
- HHH is a "slimeball" but has great ideas and great psychology and will be best for WWE after he retires.
- Again stated TNA had a 1.5 last week and beat Smackdown (?).
- Hogan, Goldberg might come in and then they will beat RAW.
- The three top free-agents for TNA are Hogan, Show and Jericho.
- Test is a multi-millionaire from real estate.
- Jericho was drunk and started a fight with Test in WWE and held his own.
- Test has nothing wrong with him and should have been pushed better.
- He brought Bobby Lashley into Pro Wrestling.
- Christian needs to change to be a true heel and that is what they (Angle and TNA) are doing with him and that he hopes Christian has a long run as champ, but needs to change his style and take direction better. Angle will have a match of the year with him soon.
- He does not know if he is a babyface or not currently in TNA, but likes his character.
- He is doing commercials for Bald Guys - a grooming company with shampoo for bald men.
- Undertaker stiffed him in the ring after Kurt told him he did not understand the "carny speak" in the ring during their first match.
- Talked briefly about his concussion and said he has no idea how the Iron Man match wound up being that good. He apologized to Samoa Joe and claimed Joe will take a month off soon because of injuries.
- He had a 5-star match with Hogan at King of the Ring and said he has a lot of respect for Hogan.
- Admitted he is an agent and writer and said if Big Show comes in, he would be undefeated and Kurt would make sure of that.
- Talked about his heat with Shawn Michaels over the fact Michaels did not go to Smackdown when asked. He claimed that McMahon lied when he said Angle was his top choice to switch brands. He then admitted that Michaels was the one that said he would put over Angle at WM. This was right after he said Michaels did not put people over.
- RVD admitted to Angle that he had no idea how to work and that he only hits highspots and points to himself and says "RVD".
- He wants Bubba as a manager in TNA.
- He wants Tito Ortiz on the phone next week live on Bubba's show to talk to him about fighting.


Everytime he opens his mouth it gets better and better. I honestly think that this guy thinks he is bigger then TNA and WWE. IMO he is one of the most arrogant and dillusional figures in the business right now...he thinks he should get credit for anything and everything....its hard to watch joe get beat by this chump..id rather watch jarrett again..your thoughts?
I think if any of this was said in truth, then Angle is justifiably insane. Hogan and Big Show are about as necessary to TNA as an Orlando hurricane.

If Angle is deluded enough to think ANYONE can have a five star match with Hogan these days, he's a few bricks short of a full load. I hope 80% of this is a joke. If not, uggh. Maybe it wasn't that Angle needed physical help with regards to WWE giving him time off...maybe he just needed psychiatric care.

He talks like Christian is some greenhorn when in fact Christian has been in the business longer than he has. I also wonder if Angle's psycho ass noticed the insane chemistry that Christian and Daniels had the other night. If TNA doesn't take notice of that and get a program established within the next year involving those two, they'll be missing one of the biggest boats to sail through Orlando.

Big Show being undefeated? Big Show only deserves to be undefeated at a place where he actually can do some good: an all-you-can-eat buffet.

I was one of the ones who was infinitely optimistic with regards to Angle, but after seeing some of this, I'm seriously beginning to wonder whether or not Dixie should've rolled out the red carpet for Kurt.
Kurt is insane. Im sure RVD admitted to him that he doesnt know how to work and all he does is highspots when he is one of the best out there today. Also Tna doesnt need hogan or show they need to develop there own talent and work with what they have though i would love to c RVD in TNA. Angle has lost his mind and i really hope throughout the interview he was laughing or had a sarcastic tone cause if not well Kurt has more than physical problems
Now let's get some things straight here. Kurt Angle for all we know is probably a little more excited than he ought to be about TNA. As far as Hogan and Big Show; Do I think it should happen? No. Do I think TNA needs those two? No. However, in a business standpoint, Hogan at least, would draw numbers. As far as Dixie Carter and the comment about her being better at business than Vince, keep in mind that TNA recognizes what the fans want and Vince has lost track of that a long time ago. And you know, it's not like the WWE has been much better with the way they lash out at Kurt Angle. He simply recognized the WWE being what it is, A Sinking Ship. He recognized that if pro wrestling was to have a future, it's TNA. That's why he came to it. And I honestly don't regret seeing him there for a second.
I think that Kurt has had too many hits to the head. He is thinking that what WCW did in the Early-Mid 90's in taking big WWF talent will work now, it ended up failing didn't it. I think he is also twisting the truth in regards to some of the things he said.
To be honest, I used to think Angle was one of the best and after reading that I think he is a complete idiot. I used to think it was huge mistake for the WWE to let him go, now I praise McMahon as a genius for doing it. From looking at some posts, I know I am not the only one laughing at Kurt now.
I don't thnk your right completely in what your saying. In-Ring he is possibly still one of the best wrestlers in the World. But he should temporarily retire and sort out hs life and his body. I haven't seen any of his TNA matches because they don't show them in NZ except for the PPVs. But anyone that gets concussions should be taking a lot of time off. Look at what they have said about that Fformer Eagles Safety. He has the look of a Brain of an elderly man with Alzheimers. I Can see Kurt going down that way so in a way what he is saying is Funny but it is scary in a similar way because he is most likely to become the next Eddie and die before he should.
Kurt is one arrogant son of a bitch, but for the most part he backs it up. As for some of the comments he made, the guys backstage in TNA have been saying that he seems kinda crazy, and he shows it here. While I agree that Big Show was probably very hardworking, he's not good enough to be undefeated. As for RVD, I can see SOME truth in what Angle said, but he has more ability than that comment made him seem to have. Basically I think Angle needs to take a break, get a catscan, and come back when his prozac is gone.
At first I thought he was just optimistic but now I realise he is just full of crap. I mean he is now saying all this crap. TNA didn't get a 1.5 first of all. They got a 1.1. Also even if they did score a 1.5 which can be proven wrong it still isnt higher than SD! SD! got a 2.9 or 2.5. Also with a 1.5 they tie with ECW not surpass it.

He does come off as dillusional as well. Big Show being undefeated? With his injury and size he will barely be able to put over a good match. Hogan can draw but when it comes to wrestling he can do nothing for the company and their saying is ''We are Wrestling.'' The only useful person in that list of people they want to sign is Chris Jericho. He can draw and wrestle. Also I would love to see him in a six sided ring.

I think Angle is just getting crazy or carried away. 5 star match with Hogan? Maybe when there both in their prime but now? I dont think so. He has said so much garbage about MMA but now he is making excuses now? I think he needs another check up but by a new doctor. Seriously, I like TNA as much as the other guy but he is just over hyping it which can turn fans the other way.
Angle has the talent but is unbelievably arrogant and up himself. After reading that, I think that TNA should review their rules of allowing their wrestlers to get into the wacky tobacky as Kurt Angle must have had some 'influence' to come up with the kind of shit he said. I wouldn't want to get him away from a mirror. That's for sure.

One thing the interview does give off is that he won't be going back to the WWE too soon. All he seemed to do was put over TNA but anyone could tell it was a bunch of crap. This is the major problem with hiring him. He just thinks he is God's gift to wrestling, and while that may be true, he expresses this all the time with his infatuation with himself. His arrogance is keeping young guys from holding their own against him, and now it just makes TNA embarrassed with his comments. I have got no idea what he was thinking when he talked about all the wrestlers. Someone with so much ability clearly doesn't know what it looks it looks like on other wrestlers.

He is a terrible role model backstage for the young TNA guys and these comments just further the belief that he is one of the most cocky wrestlers in the business today. He sure seemed to find a lot of things wrong with the WWE when they weren't pushing him as the top guy, so I guess that TNA are doing the right thing by him by making him an instant star in TNA, and that is only beneficial to him and him only. He had no idea what he was talking about in that interview as well. He is promoting his product, but he is doing it falsely.

Kurt Angle arrogant? Yes. Kurt Angle talented? Yes. Kurt Angle Trouble? Yes. Kurt Angle an idiot? Yes. Kurt Angle a stoner? Most likely.
It really makes me sick to hear the way Angle just consistently trashes the company that made him a star and also the one who made the majority of the top TNA talent. Who the hell is he to think he is the greatest wrestler ever?! And secondly why is it that he always contradicts himself in interviews? I mean the guy seriously can't feel like he does. I mean I can see him having a little animosity for Vince McMahon but how can he sit there and trash RVD, and of all people The Undertaker abd HBK?! Those two have done things that Angle will NEVER EVER be able to achieve both career wise and apparently class wise. He has no class whatsoever.

And maybe he is just doing this now because he feels he has to put over TNA the same way every single WCW guy did upon joining WWE. In the same respect would he be saying this if he jumped from TNA to WWE? Probably so.

He takes credit for each and everything that the WWE did while he was there I mean sure he brought in Lashley but who the hell cares Lashley ended up being a dud.

In all honesty TNA does have some good up sides as does the WWE and yes they both have considerable downsides but Vinny Mac is from the old school and you have to remember the guy is in his 60's of course his idea of good tv isn't gonna be the same as some 18-45 yr olds idea of good. And TNA is a younger company afraid to take risks. But Angle pretends like he is their messiah like for example he says "THey" are changing Christians ring work and THEY are bring in this guy and whatever. But you watch TNA will become like WCW was and like the WWE is now all talk with teaser matches for the ppv with some "shock" thrown in here and there. The rest will be 95% interviews like RAW. They'll become all controversial in the long run to the point that its not about wrestling anymore its about the catch phrases and corny cock jokes. Wrestling has become a joke.

Clearly he is the Hulk Hogan of the poor mans WCW in the sense that he will be the man who calls all the shots, puts over absolutely no one but himself, and will continue to go one every single show that will have him and brag about how he is the man who will put TNA on the map.
When in all honesty TNA would be just as popular without Angle. I mean he really isn't anywhere near the star 1/2 of the WWE roster was when he left so how does he expect us to swallow that he will be the top draw in TNA? Sure he is a great wrestler but my god the guy can't expect to still be going full speed in ten years.

Man I was so wrong about Kurt Angle. I used to think he was THE best when he first came to the WWE I loved the "Olympic Hero" gimmick where everyone hated him but he thought they loved him so much. I still smile everytime I think about it. He had some great stuff with HHH. But now I see that the business has made him this arrogant piece of shit who will be like Hogan and Ric Flair just clinging on the his spot at the top all the way into his fucking
70's still saying he is the greatest thing ever to grace the ring. Give me a break!

I've said once and I'll say it again FUCK KURT ANGLE
It seems like he felt he wasn't getting what he deserved in WWE and now that he's teh "big star" that came over to a company of mostly young guys he can just talk about how good he is. The reality is this... it's really all about how good he was and how good he can be. He just seems to be absolutely crazy and delirious these days. Plus, his gimmick just makes me sad. Now Kurt Angle is a bully who pushes people around and spits in peoples faces. It makes it seem like if you fued with him your supposed to be happy that you got to face him but you'll never beat him even if you do win the match. He needs to relax. I am quite honestly afraid of the guy these days. I would have loved to meet him but now I'd be afraid to run into him alone.
Of course kurt is talented, dixie had no choice but to go after him, he is a big addition to the tna cause. how ever, jeff dixie and the rest of the higher ups in tna must have known about kurts health, both physical and mental, I also thought wehn vince fired him I thought it was a huge mistake, but everyone in the wwe was happy to send his ass packing...but now kurt is going completly nutz, I just hope he does'nt beleive his own lies, I doubt big show and hogan are even in talks with tna second of off tna can't affrod either of them, third of all let's say for some reason tna could afford hogan and big show, those two guy's wrestling dayz are behind them, and to say he makes more money in tna that is not even funny, I am sure he makes alot in tna, but not nearly as much as he made in wwe, first he talks highly about rvd to get him to go to tna, now he is talking shit about him, and christan cage he is downing talking, kurt does'nt know if he is a heel or a babyface, cage can play a better heel than angle on his worst day and kurt's best, and even ryan clark(one the the internet's bigest tna supporter) and question about how the y say tna has higher raitngs than smackdown and ecw that is a HUGE joke
Ok, I don't know what the Big Deal About Kurt Angel ever was really. When he left WWE my reaction was "who cares?" His gimmick got old and annoying and his matches most of the time made me fall asleep.

Don't give me that stuff about him being a great in ring preformer, he does a couple suplexes and a few holds then gets up and screams a lot when he puts on the ankle lock. Sounds like a ripoff of the old Ken Shamrock Gimmick back in the WWF.

He's just lame and is overhyping TNA. TNA can be fun to watch but jesus if they want to be the opposite of WWE why the hell would they bring in Hogan and or Big Show? I agree with a previous poster they would never be able to afford Hogan.

The only reason TNA mentions WWE on their programs is to get some type of attention and the reason for the most part WWE ignores TNA is because they know for them to respond is exactly what TNA wants them to do.

Good God Kurt Angel is lame.
The fact is that Kurt angle is probably one of the best wrestlers in the world. I think anybody would be that arrogant if they were that good. He is great. The only problem is that he knows just how great he is.
whatever kurt says on the spongebob show or whatever it is called, it hink for the most part people don't even pay attention too,
1 he says he makes more money in tna then wwe//I am sure he makes alot of money in tna(hence the budget cuts for most of the staff anf wreslter) but nothing like he got paid in wwe, tna just does'nt have that kind of moeny that is common knowledge
2. saying big show and hogan are going to tna, hogan is on his last leg, he almost had to pass his last match with Randy orton becuase now his right leg is going, and big show is completely beat up, he wants to do movies now, and tna tcan't afford both hogan and bigshow those boys want a lot of money, tna made it look like hogan was invloved in tna in the past when really hogan was wrestling in japan, the new japan promoter also had jarrett at the show
3. talking shit about rvd and christan, those guys have pro wrestlers long b4 angle became one, and long after
4. impact gets better ratings then ecw and smackdown? no that is not true smackdown is getting 2.9-3.0, ecw gets 1.4-1.6 impace gets. .9-1.1
and spongebob saying that hogan told him dixie and her people could buy and sell vince to times over..........not biggest tna fanatic will beleive that dixie and "her people" don't have enough money to even for vince to consider, plus he well never be for sale, he loves wrestling wwe is his baby. spongebob or whatever his name is just talking out of his ass and kissing angle's ass...I think he has a man crush on him lol j/k
type-o I mean the biggest tan fanatic knows the dixie and her poeple don't even have that type of money to buy out vince, and everyone knows u can't buyout vince wwe his his baby, that is just wishful thinking on kurt's and spongebob's part
The fact is that Kurt angle is probably one of the best wrestlers in the world. I think anybody would be that arrogant if they were that good. He is great. The only problem is that he knows just how great he is.

he is good but he is not a big draw. You can have all the talent in the world and not be a big draw. I remember when HBK put Austin over at Wrestlemania and basically opened the floodgates for Stone Cold....Angle could never have that kind of effect on someones career. The fact of the matter is this guy has diheria of the mouth and just doesnt know when to shut up....yeah hes good, yeah he is a great ring technician but at the same time hes never going to be as over as the rock, stone cold, hbk, hulk hogan, and sting are and he has more talent then all of then....that thought kills kurt angle.....i honestly think it pains him to know that no matter how good he is he is never going to be able to carry a company.
Sure he's arrogant, but he has the technical wrestling to back it up. For example, Undertaker VS Kurt. One of the best pure WRESTLING matches EVER.
Angle has the talent but is unbelievably arrogant and up himself. After reading that, I think that TNA should review their rules of allowing their wrestlers to get into the wacky tobacky as Kurt Angle must have had some 'influence' to come up with the kind of shit he said. I wouldn't want to get him away from a mirror. That's for sure.

One thing the interview does give off is that he won't be going back to the WWE too soon. All he seemed to do was put over TNA but anyone could tell it was a bunch of crap. This is the major problem with hiring him. He just thinks he is God's gift to wrestling, and while that may be true, he expresses this all the time with his infatuation with himself. His arrogance is keeping young guys from holding their own against him, and now it just makes TNA embarrassed with his comments. I have got no idea what he was thinking when he talked about all the wrestlers. Someone with so much ability clearly doesn't know what it looks it looks like on other wrestlers.

He is a terrible role model backstage for the young TNA guys and these comments just further the belief that he is one of the most cocky wrestlers in the business today. He sure seemed to find a lot of things wrong with the WWE when they weren't pushing him as the top guy, so I guess that TNA are doing the right thing by him by making him an instant star in TNA, and that is only beneficial to him and him only. He had no idea what he was talking about in that interview as well. He is promoting his product, but he is doing it falsely.

Kurt Angle arrogant? Yes. Kurt Angle talented? Yes. Kurt Angle Trouble? Yes. Kurt Angle an idiot? Yes. Kurt Angle a stoner? Most likely.

I dont think he thinks of himself as gods gift to wrestling but more off as gods gift to TNA. He thinks he's there biggest draw. He thinks he's there savoir and Angle also thinks that he is going to take it to the top ''single'' handedly. He seems more off as arrogant and cocky. While he has proven that he is indeed arguably the best wrestler in the world he doesn't have to be this arrogant and cocky.

He isn't suppose to talk alot of shit and not back it up. I want to see proof of a 1.5. Now I am TNA's biggest mark but I hate when WWE Feeds us shit and I hate how TNA most likely Angle is feeding us shit. All I want is the truth. Nielson's number reports 1.1. And until Angle comes on the show and proves he got a 1.5 and thats higher than What ECW and Smackdown have then I'll listen and pay attention to the bullshit he says.

TNA isn't going to be close to beating SD! in ratings this year most likely. Maybe they'll beat ECW. I mean ECW is not doing so good. ECW is the wrestling brand thats getting a 1.5 not TNA. I really wouldn't doubt what Downwards Spiral said about him being a stoner.
Sure he's arrogant, but he has the technical wrestling to back it up. For example, Undertaker VS Kurt. One of the best pure WRESTLING matches EVER.

if he was running his mouth saying that he is the best (which he does do but its not the point for the sake of this argument) then tahts one thing because he has the skill to back it up...the point is how does being a good wrestler justify his ******ed comments of how they beat smackdown in the ratings and how big show and hogan would be great for tna.....he then goes on to sh!t on RVD and then cry because he didnt get credit for getting lashley and chyna into wrestleing....the guy is off his rocker...again, like i said there is a difference between being a great wrestler and a big draw that can carry a company and kurt isnt a big draw that can carry a company.
The thing about kurt is he KNOWS that the majority of tna fans also read the internet wrestling sites, cuz tna uses the internet to get word of mouth out about tna, from what I hear tna contacts the bigger wrestling sites to give them news and get them to put over their product, hence that is why sites like this one are pretty easy going on the tna product, so whatdoes he do? Gives a BOLD FACE LIE about the ratings.. impact is not beating ecw, it sure in the hell isn't smackdown not even close who does he think he's fooling!
isn't beating* smackdown I meant to type forgot to add beating..... sooner or later though he will stop with those stupid lies cuz fans will feel insulted that kurt is TRYING to lie to them
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