Kung-Fu What?

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
So... Funaki has a new ring name... Kung Fu-Naki, I can't even say how stupid this is.

But other than that, do you believe that 'Naki (it's pretty cool btw) will receive a push or this just another pointless move by WWE?

I guess they will do something with him in the near future, he has been a jobber forever and just like MVP, or not like MVP to be exact, he has talent, so why not use him properly? Give this guy a small push, he isn't great... but neither is Big Show so...

I don't know why but I think all this has to do with Helms coming back...
I actually agree with this push giving way to Helms making his return pretty soon. Most of the other top cruiserweights have been put into storylines at this point, and maybe, just maybe, the WWE might bring back the Cruiserweight belt and put it on Kung-Fuul Naki, and Helms will take it again.
I can see Kung-fu-naki, maybe getting a few wins here and there but this latest "push" will not result in anything and he will be jobbing again in a few weeks. Everyonce in a while the WWE seems to let their jobbers get a few wins(Richards, Venis)or they make it seem like their gonna push them but it's only brief. With a name like kung fu-naki it's obvious he's just gonna be some goofy comedy figure without any mic skills(like Santino) to be anything more. So really I wouldn't hold your breath if your a Funaki fan and think he's gonna get a substantial push.
Funaki pushes tend to be like the harvest moon. They come everyonce in a while and never last for too long. Funaki always get's little pushes here and there, and then he always goes back to becoming SD #1 jobber. I actually can't believe he was still doing that whole SD #1 announcer thing a couple of weeks ago. Actually, untill a few weeks ago, I had no idea even if Funaki was still with the company, but back to Funaki, or Kung-fu-naki now anyways. He always recieves some little push every year or so then goes back to only being seen in dark matches or jobbing to stars and up-in-comers. A little history of Funaki He formed Kai en tai, then became jobbers, then Kai en tai started talking like in Bruce Lee films, indeed they did, then back to jobber, than he became SD #1 announcer and won a few matches, then back to jobber, then he had a run as cruiserweight champion (good for him, he desevered it), and then, u guessed it back to jobber where he has pretty much stayed since due to injuries. This push should follow as no different to any of the others. It'll last for a few months and he'll get a couple of wins, especially since SD middlecard face section is shockingly low; but in the end, Kung-fu-naki will revert back to jobber status some time after next WM and we'll sit back and wait for his next little push.

On a side note, it's very good to see the WWE giving cruiserweights decent pushes (see Mysterio, Kendrick, Chavo, Helms and Kung-fu-naki), real character depth and good TV time. I think when the cruiserweight title was abrubtly retired, we all feared about what would happen to all the cruiserweights. It appears WWE may have finally realized, 'hey, some of these little guys we got flipping around and busting their asses ARE pretty talented, he should give them some legitamite pushes'. If this continues, I see little reason for the cruiserweight title to be brought back, as it appears like all it did was hold these wrestlers back by keeping them out of the midcard/mainevent scene.
I've been saying for quite a while now that the WWE should just tag team Funaki and Super Crazy. Why not, right? The two are jobbers, so they can be a jobber face tag team. It helps out the tag team division because you could have people like Hawkins/Ryder beat them one night on Smackdown and look like they actually can win a match. If you add that and you start teaming up Dykstra/Braddock on a normal basis, then look at Smackdown's tag team roster: Jesse/Festus, Dykstra/Braddock, Funaki/Crazy, Kendrick/Ezekiel, Hawkins/Ryder, Carlito/Primo. A little better than just having 3 teams, right? Oh and they should bypass the whole "R-Truth as a US title holder" thing and just bring back Elijah Burke and have the two tag together.

A tag team partnership is all Funaki deserves in my book. He's not talented enough to be a solid midcarder scoring pins over future main event people and such.
At first i thought Kung Fu Nake would just remain as a jobber, and continue his career in a tag-team, but after watching last nights smackdown i'm not so sure anymore. It seems he's getting an actual small push, lets take a look at the facts. He has a new attire, a new gimmick, a new theme song, he stood his ground against the current and former US champions and he pinned MVP. I think he's going to team up with R-truth for awhile, but i'm certain that its just a small push.
Heh, the way the gimmick was conceived was almost TNA-ish. Anyway, Funaki is a loyal worker and deserves a push after many, many years of pure unadulterated jobbing. Funaki can do humor. While I don't expect this to lead to any kind of gold, not all pushes were meant to do that. It could be fun, and Funaki can still toss up a good match. Besides, who doesn't love Kung Fu Naki? Even when he drinks his sake?

But in seriousness, if this push becomes a bust so to speak, it would be interesting to see him getting teamed up with somebody. God only knows there are some unused potential on SmackDown when it comes to tag team. Why not team him up with Super Crazy or Jimmy Wang Yang, if they choose to create a face tag team? Carlito & Primo need more challenge than just the Curt n' Jerk Major Bros. and Jesse and Festus every week. Yeah, a cruiserweight team consisting of Funaki and Super Crazy would be sweet.
I got a feeling that they are doing this to bolster the tag ranks. Right now there planning on breaking up jessie and festus, making festus a solo wrestler. So there will only be 2 tag teams in the division on smackdown. So by adding braddock/dykstra and rtruth/kung fu, your adding two tag teams thats quality. Braddock/dykstra team will be good because it will be reminicent of a cade/murdock paring. The truth/kung fu team reminds me allot of the paring of moore/wang yang. So overall I love the push that hes getting and I think this is just what the tag division needs because I love is kungfu thing and I love dykstra so I think bringing in another tag team will allow people like dykstra to be featured more and oh yeah I hate rtruth in singles but with kung fu ill actually watch the match insted of using my tivo to go to the next match
So, Funaki is still alive... Good to know.

It is good to know that if you stay in one company for enough years you will be used. AND get screen time.

I'm not the biggest Funaki fan (if there are any Funaki fans?), but I respect that he never quits. He can work a decent match, at least when he doesn't get squashed. However, he has no credibility to winning a match. Friday night was the ultimate fluke victory, and I don't even know if Funaki remembers what happens when you win a match. Yes, it is a good thing.

Will the push continue? Probably. At least until he jobs to someone bigger or new. If the cruiserweight belt was still around, he could work with a good champion nicely, and perhaps have another short reign. As a singles competitor, he just doesn't have what it takes to make it too far in the big leagues. Everyone is either bigger or better than he is, and him scoring incredible victories takes away some of the more realistic points of Smackdown.

I'm not saying his push is a bad thing, but it seems to be more involved with R-Truth and MVP than Funaki himself. I personally think that this is just another way to infuriate the MVP character until he finally snaps and goes on a serious run. Then, we can say hello to Smackdown's #1 announcer again, only he'll be interviewing a potential future champion, not himself.

Hey, at least he'll be on the camera.
It won't lead to any gold. The guy isn't talented enough in the ring for that, if he was, he would have been pushed by now. He's been in the WWE since I can remember.

In the main, it's just for humour. It's a nice change really, and sure as hell made me laugh. It's not meant to be taken seriously, so it won't lead very far. He'll just continue to win matches against low key wrestlers, with the WWE hoping the crowd gets behind him. Prehaps this is being done just so he gets used as opposed to doing absoloutly nothing but still getting paid, which is a good enough reason tbh.

Heck, maybe he will win gold. Who knows. If he does, I'll laugh.. then cheer.
It won't lead to any gold. The guy isn't talented enough in the ring for that, if he was, he would have been pushed by now. He's been in the WWE since I can remember.

In the main, it's just for humour. It's a nice change really, and sure as hell made me laugh. It's not meant to be taken seriously, so it won't lead very far. He'll just continue to win matches against low key wrestlers, with the WWE hoping the crowd gets behind him. Prehaps this is being done just so he gets used as opposed to doing absoloutly nothing but still getting paid, which is a good enough reason tbh.

Heck, maybe he will win gold. Who knows. If he does, I'll laugh.. then cheer.

That has not stopped from other wrestlers from winning gold. Lets be honest, we've seen worst wrestlers hold the gold. I like this gimmick. Give Kung a new look and he plays it well. Although its right down Vince's stereotypical alley but its not as serious as Ricky Steamboat. I hope he receives a push and possibly a title shot. Say what you want, but Mr Kung Fu Naki is over with the fans. And his theme music is awesome!

SD! needed a new mid card face THIS damn badly. Well. I cant see it leading anywere. its funaki for fucks sake. I cant belive they had him go over MVP. in fact, that may be the real key to this, in having Funaki getting a small build, and then getting his ass DESTROYED by MVP some time in the near future. one can only hope. He was half decent belivable, what with the martial arts, and he has always bumped well. Just seems like there are other things they could be attempting to develop. goodness DAMN does SD ever need Mr.Kennedy back.
SD has alot of good jobbers, and Funaki is one of them. The difference is that now he seems like a more important jobber.

Keep in mind though, there is really nothing wrong with this move. If it helps him get over, then its good for him. If he keeps being partners with R-truth, then it's good for R-truth (who has been stagnant ever since he came to SD). If he helps draw, even a little bit, then isn't that a good thing?

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