Kung Fu Naki?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Now that Funaki has had a gimmick change and had his first victory in who knows how long? How do you think this will go? Will Kung Fu Naki's push be successful or a waste of money.

In my opinion, I love Funaki and thinks he deserves a push, but pinning M.V.P. (especially during his horrible losing streak) isn't exactly the right way to go about starting a push. I wanna know what you think.
Im gonna stick to the topic and not start bashing triple H.

I Carnt imagine this turning into anything more than a little run before the squashing starts. im amused by funaki, i always find him entertaining and when the cruiserweight and light heavyweight titles was around i think he should have been given more reigns.
But lets face it its not like hes gonna be challenging for any title soon its just another WWE comedy skit.

on a side note tho, i miss Kaientai.......Indeed
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I havent watched WWE long enough to have seen Funaki's golden years in the WWE. But from what i've seen he's utterly boring. I dont see why in the world they chose to push Funaki over guys like MVP and Paul London. What has Funaki ever done in the pro wrestling buisness He was Cruiserwirght champion once and WWF hardcore champion once. He's been employed by WWE for 10 years and never did anything at all. It's time for WWE to fire him and get a new perinial jobber.
There isn't really anything that Kung Fu Naki can accomplish though, unless he gets a US title run. Which should not happen. Unless he gets a tag title shot, which wouldn't really matter anymore, because that division is dead, and he can't help to revive it. Basically,the only thing he could do is have pointless mid card feuds, which wouldn't accomplish anything. Whereas in his place they could push someone like MVP, who could help revive the US division or possibly be a main event player. This push makes no sense whatsoever, and soon enough he'll start jobbing again. He hasn't done anything of importance in the WWE, but yet they sill continue to hold onto him. Why? I would just let him go, there are a number of people who could fill his place.
Im gonna stick to the topic and not start bashing triple H.

I Carnt imagine this turning into anything more than a little run before the squashing starts. im amused by funaki, i always find him entertaining and when the cruiserweight and light heavyweight titles was around i think he should have been given more reigns.
But lets face it its not like hes gonna be challenging for any title soon its just another WWE comedy skit.

on a side note tho, i miss Kaientai.......Indeed

Indeed, I miss that too! There was Taka, Funaki, and who was the 3rd guy? Didn't Undertaker imitate them once?
I'm so glad that Funaki has been given a push, he's been a loyal servant to the WWE, probably best known for being "Smackdown's no.1 announcer". He's been a "jobber" for a few years and its good to see him finaly being used properly.

I think Kung Fu Naki's push will be successful as long as the writers don't make his winning to unbeleiveable, like if they book him in a match with say Triple H and Kung Fu Naki wins, so that kind of thing.

In my opinion it would'nt be a waste of money, his gimmick is a good spin-off from the "Fast as lightning song" and because he's Japanese the gimmick just fits really. He looks "natural" to be in that kind of Karate mode as appose to wrestling and brawling.

Why isn't pinning MVP the right way to start a push? Infact i'd say its the perfect way. in storyline mode MVP is meant to be the highest paid westler so its actually an excellent way to start his "new career" as Kung Fu Naki don't you think?

I just hope this gimmick lasts and hopefully WWE bring back the Crusierweight belt. Funaki had alot of good times with that belt so if this push of sorts continues i could see the WWE maybe giving him a push whilst bringing that belt back just for him.
Out of all the mid-carders that Smackdown has, they decide to push the guy who has been a jobber for years and who played that role better than anyone else. Makes little to no sense to me. It's fair enough they are pushing R-Truth who is getting over with the fans quickly and seems to have potential, but this Kung Fu Naki gimmick is lame and I can guarantee you it wont last very long. A United States title reign wouldn't make sense at all and would totally devalue Shelton Benjamin. He already made MVP look worse than what he already does.

Speaking of MVP, he will get a push soon enough. He looks to be set to feud with Hurricane Helms when he returns and he will hopefully get that 'bonus' in his contract when he gets a victory. Smackdown is in desperate need of face mid-carders, but Funaki just isn't the right guy to push at the moment. Mr Kennedy will fit in great in the Smackdown mid-card if he were to return soon. The same goes for Umaga if he were to turn face, which failed miserably the last time that tried to happen. I just can't see this new gimmick for Funaki, going very far at all. If anything, MVP should be beating him to get himself more over, not the other way around.

I was shocked that he changed his gimmick but lets face it, the guy is a jobber for life. It's been his role for so long. Even Carlito could feud with the heel mid-carders, but he's teaming with his brother in the tag team division at the moment and has already won the WWE Tag Team Championship. Either way, I think this gimmick will be a complete flop and hopefully soon enough he goes back to being a jobber, where he belongs.
Haha Funaki is like Norman Smiley was to WCW an unsung hereo! I miss the Kaentai days, and I like the fact creative are doing something with Funaki its about time, but i have to agree Funaki is one of the peeps who will never be at the top of the card, I could maybe see if his push was big enough and if WWE really wanted to, make him US champ but to be honest the chances of that are pretty slim and next to nothing, still its nice to see him doing something!
Kung Fu Naki, what a lame name. Shit music as well.

Anyway, he came from jobbing obscurity to get a clean pin over MVP. That was the single SD moment that disgusted me most this year. I even threw up slightly in my mouth*.

The whole "Kung Fu" offence that he used against MVP made me cringe, but hey at least the gimmick gets him out of that Smackdown shirt he always used to wear. Out of all the jobbers they could have picked to get a push, they had to pick the one that has absolutely no chance of reaching the big time because of age and lack of ability. Why couldn't they have picked Scotty Goldman or Ryan Braddock? Complete bullshit.

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