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This guy appeared on Gut Check last Impact against Gunner for those of you who have not seen him here is the last part of the match:


In my opinion...this guy was complete crap! I mean his promo the week before was okay (I guess when you compare it to Silva's and Shaw's...) but in terms of everything else no way, awful in the ring. And also for a guy who said he was "so hungry you can see my ribs" he had quite a big belly on him.

I think it would be terrible if he was hired but I'd like to hear from all of you, maybe you saw something in him I did not!
I'm with you on this one Hugh. Lewie seems like he might be OK on the mic. But everything else was horrendous. I still remember that botched Samoan Drop. He was way too slow in the ring and was thankful it ended when it did. He brought nothing to the table that would make me want to see him again.
100% No!

The guy had a sob story about his brother which got him his shot as TNA though it was an interesting reality story however he was a major fail in the ring. The guy had no physique, not wrestling ability (made Gunner look great) and botched simple moves as well as made it more fake by waiting for moves. The guy has no hope, even Taz pretty much said he was shit during the show.
In my opinion, Kris Lewie is easily the worst of the Gut Check competitors thus far. He even made the extremely bland and uninteresting Alex Silva, the first Gut Check hopeful, seem good.

I initially had some hope for Lewie because of his video introduction. It didn't come off as the same sort of generic "I've sacrificed so much for this business" or "I've always wanted to be a pro wrestler since I was a kid" type of intros that we've gotten form all the other Gut Check hopefuls, with the exception of Joey Ryan. Having the man talk about his family & his kids, how much he loves them & they mean to him, was a nice change. It made it sound like the man has a real reason for wanting to be a success rather than just for personal satisfaction.

Then the man got into the ring and it all went to shit. He's slow, he's unathletic, he's awkward, he doesn't have a good look, he needs to drop some weight or hit the gym to tone up because he looked like he was gassed out there just about when the match was over.

As far as his in-ring stuff goes, I'm least impressed by Lewie than I am with any other Gut Check hopeful. Unlike the others, again except for Ryan, I do think that Lewie has at least a little something as far as personality goes. Maybe it's just because of his video introduction. Then again, he might wind up being a one trick pony in which all his promos going forward sound exactly the same and are about the same subject like Tommy Dreamer does.

All in all, Lewie most certainly isn't ready and needs a lot of work. In my eyes, Lewie is yet another example of TNA needing to revise the entire Gut Check concept. If the purpose is to showcase wrestlers that are future players in TNA & wrestlers that fans can be excited about, then it's a complete flop. If, on the other hand, it's to showcase generic & bland wrestlers that need a ton of work & aren't even remotely ready for the big time, then mission accomplished.

The vignette was good that was about it. Arm drag 1 arm drag 2 then botch here botch there then you realize this guy is totally out of shape. He's burnt a few seconds in it looks like the arm drags spent all off his energy. It makes me question the work out discipline of OVW talent. This match was hard to watch it made me want to switch to a WWE Divas match at least they are in shape.
1. I think that maybe TNA needed to say no to someone, they seem to say Yes to everyone (except for the actually talented Joey Ryan (which is part of some storyline I hope)) so this Lewie guy was that guy.

2. Like everyone else has said this guy was horrible in the ring and for a guy who wanted it so bad, he should have a better physique.

3. When are we actually going to see Silva, the extreme sports guy and Taylor Hendrix in the ring? This Gut Check thing needs to start putting these guys in the ring soon otherwise the whole premise should just stop. TNA's roster of undercard talent is going to be out the door.
No way. That was literally the worst match I have seen in my life. Even worse than some Divas match years ago that I thought could never be topped.

Remember though, this guy was thrown on live TV. I'm sure if he had some time to train with higher level guys he'd be better. He's probably much better in his local red (was he in OVW?). But the TV match was way too slow with too many botches. There's absolutely no way he gets through. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy.

I almost forgot, his ring attire didn't help. Daniel Bryan could barely pull off those trunks.
Yes, Kris Lewie needs to get that gut in check.

Okay lame joke aside, I did not care for him. His backstory had some potential for a feel good story but his ring work was bad. He was so awful I found myself rooting for Gunner.
So, far he's been the only one (aside from Joey Ryan) who actually had a personalty and tried to engage the crowd durring his match. Unfortunately, his ring work was pretty bad. Maybe it was just a case of nerves, but it was still an awful debut. I'd send him back to the independents (or TNA's developmental which he might already be from) and perhaps give him another shot down the road. In my opinion he showed more heart than any of the other guys that made it through gut check and heart is something that can't be taught. You either have it or you don't.

And for thoes making fun of his physical appearance... Um, have you guys taken a look at Samoa Joe?! Joe is awesome in the ring and has a less than stellar physique. I actully thing that one of the things missing from wrestling is having more guys who look like Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes had so much personality that it didn't matter what he looked like and if he did have a body like Luger or somthing it would have taken away from his character. We loved him cause he reminded us of our dad or our uncle or out neighbor. He was realistic in the sense that the everyday working man could succeed and be great. How many boring Cody Rhodes, Randy Ortons or whomener else looks like a male model do we need? Give me more normal looking guys and less superhero male model types with zero personality. Part of the reason a guy like Luger got over SO HUGE (in WCW) was because he was So different from everyone else. Sure there were wrestlers who were also in good shape, but how many guys looked like that durring that time period? VERY FEW! We need big guys, we need small fast guys, we need regular guys, we need variety. It's what makes the sport more engaging. Seems like today everyone needs to look like a male model. It sucks! The WWE is filled with guys who look great, but have ZERO personalty. End of rant.
I agree that he was the worst Gut Check performer so far. Nothing he did stood out to me, and he was very bland. I think this gut check needs revamped and I have been losing more and more interest in it each week. I do think though that they need to say no to someone as there have been a lot of yes's, and this guy will be the perfect one to say no to.
NO. This guy was terrible. at least the other gut check competitors had something for the trainers in ovw to work with. Tazz and the others need to say no to this guy. if they don't they run the risk of filling OVW with tallentless nobodys.
1st Joey Ryan is a tool. 2nd Kris Lewie was horrible in the ring. Does TNA not see tape of these guys before they let them in the ring? You know when Kelly Kelly is more believable than you in the ring you should hang it up.
And for thoes making fun of his physical appearance... Um, have you guys taken a look at Samoa Joe?!

Yeah, we have. But Samoa Joe is the equivilant of the ugly girl with the fuckable personality. I mean Kris Lewie had some size and delivered a nice pre-recorded promo, but he was crap on ice in the ring. Alot of people keep pointing out that he was interacting with the crowd while he was in the ring, but I think that he actually was just stalling because he forgot the match layout.

This guy is green. Like, "Needing time to do some serious bumping in Japan" green. That is just too green to send to developmental at this point and time. Too green to waste time on. Rather than featuring some green nobody like Lewie, TNA should have a guy like Steve Slocum, Kipp Christianson, or even Steve Lewington come on Gut Check and be the first to win a match against a seasoned TNA vet. Someone with some size and who looks like the finished product rather than these guys who look and wrestle like Indy rejects.

So, in closing, I say no to Kris Lewie. He's nowhere near ready, mentally or physically.
Wow Pritchard preached the truth last night lol and the crowd were chanting "No no no" lol Taz had to tell them to be quiet haha I was laughing my way through that segment.

And Ovaltine... I have no beef with his appearance it was just his "ribs" comment that made me laugh. For the record I agree with your view that we need more "variety" of characters in wrestling. I'm a big fan of Joe and Ray.

I'd have liked to have heard Lewie's "kick out" attempt lol but I guess they just knew it would be fruitless.
I think that they brought Kris Lewie in on purpose just to eliminate him. They do that on American idol too. Like I said in an earlier post, the kid had heart, but his ring skills were terrible. He needs to keep working on the indy scene or go to Japan and have his ass handed to him.

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