Koslov out Kofi in?

The Man They Call WMD

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At Axxess today, Vladimir Kozlov beat Tyler Reks. After the match, The Corre came out to the ring and attacked him.

It looks like the rumored scenario of Kozlov being knocked out of the eight man tag match tomorrow, with Kofi Kingston taking his place, is coming to fruition.


Do you like the possible change?

Go to 7:30 of video if you want to skip to the beat down.
Why would they do this? It relates nothing to the feud whatsoever.

Santino and Kozlov make sense as they lost the titles to The Corre, Kofi just seems like a last minute replacement to me.
I dislike Kofi Kingston. His name should have been changed back when he stopped being Jamaican.

Just cos he's not Jamaican don't mean he has to change his name. Just a point.

And I do like this cos Koslov shouldn't have been in it anyway. Santino gives the comedy value, that's all that's needs.

And it works seeing as though Kofi lost the title.
Why would they do this? It relates nothing to the feud whatsoever.

Santino and Kozlov make sense as they lost the titles to The Corre, Kofi just seems like a last minute replacement to me.

But it does relate to the feud. Kofi lost the Intercontinental Championship to Wade Barrett and got screwed in the rematch this week. He officially has issues with The Corre. Furthermore, I'm glad that they actually decided to find something for Kofi to do, as he is a much brighter star than Kozlov who is only employed because he's latching to Santino.

This is all assuming the change actually happens, mind you. Nothing is official yet to mu knowledge.
Why would they do this? It relates nothing to the feud whatsoever.

Santino and Kozlov make sense as they lost the titles to The Corre, Kofi just seems like a last minute replacement to me.

You just contradicted yourself by saying that because it would make perfect sense to have Kofi in the match as he lost his Title to Barrett.
I think I would rather have Kofi than Kozlov entertainment wise but I don't really care for either of them.
I say put Ryder in, that would make no sense, but I'd enjoy it more.
If true then yes. I love that Kofi Kingston is likely to be added to the Wrestlemania card. He deserves a spot on the card and I was annoyed that he didn't have one already. A 3 vs 3 with both sets of titles on the line would've made better sense though and actually makes the match worth something.
To be honest, I still wish they would have Big Show, Kane, and a "surprise" partner take on the Corre, with the partner being Kevin Nash/Diesel...in a handicap match but, with the scenario playing out how it is, I would like it if is was Kofi.

It would work perfectly seeing as how, he was screwed out of the IC title, and the rematch also. I just wish they could have come up with a different match for Kofi to be in.
I like the idea of replacing Kozlov with Kingston. Honestly, Kozlov just isn't interesting anymore, and the fued between Santino/Kozlov and the Corre is pretty much over. Kingston is much more interesting in the ring and can put on a much better match, and if he was to not be on the card at Wrestlemania then he would lose way too much steam. This also follows along with the Kingston/Barrett fued. And to those who think that Kevin Nash/Diesel is going to be in this match, I kind of doubt it. If he were then they would have put more time into the match.
I like the idea of Kofi being in the match but they should have taken Kane out if they wanted to take any of the four out. Big Show, Santino, and Kozlov have been feuding with The Corre for the whole year. Another option would have been a 5-on-4 handicap match which would have been better seeing as how The Corre likes to have the numbers advantage.
Nash is hosting a WM party so is elsewhere... Only way it would work would be if Corre took out Santino too on the night...
Then you have a potential use for Diesel... but it would unbalance the team to use Nash, that being said, I COULD see him involved in the Trips/Taker match (Kliq reformation?)
IS Kozlov definitely out of the match ? Seems like an odd thing to do to persue an angle using a match from Axxess as background and so soon ?
IS Kozlov definitely out of the match ? Seems like an odd thing to do to persue an angle using a match from Axxess as background and so soon ?

No he is not definite. I feel the match will just o on as normal. This could be clearly just a way to enhance the feud before the actual match. Considering that at the Fan Access they want the fans to be more inclined to go to Wrestlemania. I think the match will stay the same and it wall all go down as normal. I'm still waiting to see if my suprise match comes into fruition. I have a weird feeling that Kofi Kingston will be involved in suprise match along with several other stars who have ladder match experience and aren't on the card.
I saw the post about Nash's party...i was there, it was last night not the night of WM, and he stated he brought his gear so don't count it out. There is also plenty of deserving people to be put on the card. Kozlov definately wont be there, they hyped it a lot at Axxess
I agree that Kingston deserves to be on the card, as do many other mid-carders, but I don't think they should do these kinda last minute decision switcharoos... I don't think Koslov is so boring that he should be pulled from the show... and he has been half of one of the more popular teams in the biz so far this year. . . but oh well...
I agree that Kingston deserves to be on the card, as do many other mid-carders, but I don't think they should do these kinda last minute decision switcharoos... I don't think Koslov is so boring that he should be pulled from the show... and he has been half of one of the more popular teams in the biz so far this year. . . but oh well...

While im not a fan of Koslov , I dont think its right to take him off the card when hes probably been excited knowing he has a mania match , and payday from it. People work very hard all year just for the chance to get on a Mania card. If he is out , and replaced , I feel bad for the guy. Can you imagine if that was you, then last minute someone said " Were replacing you in the match ". Of course Kofi should get a match also, but taking someones spot in the process, thumbs down for me.

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