Kofi Kingston or M.V.P.

Taker Sucks

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Which one of these talented wrestlers would have been a world champion 1st?

Kofi is the current Mid Card GOD with a whopping 2 US title reigns and 3 IC reigns and 1 World Tag Team title reign with the IWC GOD CM Punk...

MVP had 2 US title reigns and 1 Tag run with Matt Hardy.

Kofi has the Amazing in ring skills while MVP has the mic power.

I say if given another feud with a wrestler who do not have a big attitude problem like Randy Orton Kofi Mic Skills would truly shine and push him above the pack

M.V.P. comes back from New Japan needs the WWE belt around his waist... He is a superstar in the making...

I think MVP would have the WWE belt 1st but I do wanna see Kofi get a long title run...

So who do you think would have been the 1st one of these 2 amazing wrestlers to be the Champ
There you go again, trying to start up a debate with me over something I don't care about. ;)

Ain't happenin', Fella.
You mean if MVP was still in WWE right? I don't know, that's a tough one. But considering Kofi still has yet to get his run, I'll go with MVP. He had a chance to mingle in some main event pictures every now and then, and he could've easily been given the belt. I'm sure creative even considered going down a route like that.

I doubt he would've keep it long though, but I'm sure. It seems like they're taking Kofi slow, but I think he deserves a shot, someone else I think of is Evan Bourne, but he's pretty far back in line, and hasn't really done much mic wise to prove anything to me or creative.
I really hope Del Rio and Kofi get a big feud ending with Kofi on top just so Del Rio can cash in and be the world champ. That way at the RR they can kindle that flame and at WM Kofi can win the WWE championship
I used to think Del Rio was being pushed way too fast, but with his age it's almost necessary.
Kingston as the Main Champion on Smackdown or Raw? bwahahahaha nope not likely. Remember that time Jack Swagger was WHC on Smackdown, it was terrible. Kingston would have a similar run as champ

MVP was in line but he wasn't good enough to break into the main event and stay there.

Neither, as for Big Zeke those scoop slams are... ummm yeah I got nothing
I think Kofi has better mic skills but MVP was more athletic and better to watch. I think Kofi will eventually become the face of the WWE and take over for Cena and become a multiple time WWE Champion. He has an awesome entrance and always gets a huge pop for "BOOM BOOM BOOM." He also has proberly the best finisher in the WWE right now, the boom drop.

As for MVP, I haven't even seen him in a while.

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