Kofi has the Strap.Let's make it count


Getting Noticed By Management
Kofi Kingston is the Intercontinental Champion.Drew held this belt for however many months and defended against...3 ppl.This CANNOT happen again.In my heart of hearts,however, the last thing a wanna see is Kofi come out with that whole 'fighting champion' babyface bs.Kofi needs a mean streak.But how do you give a happy go lucky West African who apparently has a major hard on for Jamaican culture a mean streak? Have him destroy another car? No,that's too easy.

What I want him to do...is have a feud with Dolph Ziggler over the title.Both of these guys are fairly fresh in the WWE and let's face it,Ziggles needs this.The most crucial part of this plan is to actually hype the feud.Have these two actually get in the ring and cut promos against each other.Smackdown is famous for these unspoken feuds that get no on air time but we're supposed to eat it up when really,PPVs are for Raw feuds and I hate that.

Use Vickie to throw Dolph right into the No. 1 Contender's spot.Let Dolph knock out Kofi with the Sleeper Hold,have Kofi beat the crap out of Dolph in an interview segment for revenge.Get the production team to make one of those cute little reels for the feud,and if all goes as planned,Dolph will be right where he was a year ago,battling for the IC Title.If one wins,have the other use the rematch clause,it's a valid tool for title feuds IMO.If booked right this can be like a smaller scale version of Cena-Orton.Dolph's relevant again,Kofi has a new rival,and I can have a reason to stay home on friday night.
I agree with you on some points, we definitely need a good reign from Kofi. I'm getting the feeling that Matt Hardy will feud with him, they need something to do with Hardy so they might as well turn him because who knows how long McIntyre might be out. If McIntyre comes back soon I wanna see "Dashing" Cody Rhodes get a shot, he might be able to run with this gimmick and both men can put up a good feud.
Lol Kofi-Cody.I think they would make a nice feud,as they are buddies and have a love-hate relationship outside of kayfabe so it would translate well to a scripted feud. I think they should move McIntyre somewhere else(preferably off my TV :shrug:) like a non-title feud with Hardy,but who knows when he'll be back.
I think this is a great idea, Rox. I've been wanting Ziggler to be the next in line for the title shot ever since Kofi won the strap. They've been hinting at Ziggler getting a push for one of the titles ever since his pairing with Vickie, and since I doubt they'll have him chasing the WHC (although it would be nice) that leaves the IC title for him to fued over.

If anyone can get Kofi over, I think it's Ziggler, the man gets loads of heat, and does a fantastic job of making the face look strong, thats what makes him such a great heel. Another possible fued mentioned is the Kofi/Rhodes fued, which I think would be a great idea, Cody is another guy who hasn't got to do much and someone who I believe can be a very solid mid card heel, if done right a fued involving these two could help to get both men over. And McIntyre, unless he's going to the ME level, is always a threat for the belt these days.
I think its right that Kofi needs to become relevant again when it comes to being a top star. I think it needs to be like his Orton feud where he was standing up for himself though. Maybe Kofi could be wrestling say Matt Hardy and then have Ziggler interfere to rough him up and give him a sleeper because he wants him weakened for their IC title match. Then Kofi is in a similar situation to the Orton feud where he needs to come out fighting.

Remember back in the 90s in WWF when every heel and every face seemed to be friends? I think they do that too much with Kofi, he was friends with his SS team, he was friends with Cena, he is friends with Teddy Long. He needs to be more ruthless and not be the smiley guy who gets taken advantage of. Everyone knows the guy who is a bit too nice and its too his detriment but doesnt learn from it right? Kofi is getting in danger of being the WWEs version of that i think with his beatdowns from Batista due to the Cena feud around Mania and he got a few beatings from Sheamus too.
Heels usually don't defend the championship like the IC title on a regular basis. They tend to hold on to it as long as they possibly can whilst doing the least amount of effort so they can get their paychecks and live the good life... y'know, what they're supposed to do. Faces work hard to achieve the championship and are willing to defend the title on any given occasion because they aim to please the fans... y'know, what they're supposed to do as well.

With that being said, I'd be surprised if Kofi wasn't defending the championship regularly. He, at the very least, should offer everyone the opportunity to take him on and earn a number one contenders spot for his title. Considering his US title run, I think he'd be fine with this title. The man is pretty much ready made for the main event once a spot opens up on SD and will make an excellent face character. By just having the title Kofi is making his character count and becoming a legit threat on the roster. All he needs now is a couple of solid title defenses or strong showings as a champion to solidify himself. Once the 'E decide that he is ready, they'll make him drop the belt in a fashion where both parties involved look good.

I don't think the WWE want to give up on Kofi. He is a young superstar with a fan following, especially in the area that counts at this point in time (i.e. kids in the PG ratings). At any moment, one push will make him a main eventer, so why waste that? Simple really.
Yeah, Kofi needs to stop being friends with everyone & go back to guy who takes no mess & puts guys through table if he has to, or tears up a car, just be mean when he has to. I hope he feuds with ziggler so he can lose the IC title & move on to bigger things, like winning MITB or maineventing Summerslam cause he's ready.:) I read a rumor about Kofi or MVP turning heel so they can be pushed to the main event, I say if that's how Kofi's gonna be a main eventer than JUST DO IT, but as of right now keep Kofi the way he is, just have someone push his bottons & set him off.:) I like angry Kofi he's fun to watch. When he does turn heel it's gonna be sweet, hopefully by April 3rd 2011 Kofi will be in the main event.
I'm not sure I can buy Kofi as a heel, but it isn't something I'd critique without seeing it. Kofi has been up and down and you just never know where he is gonna land on the card. Can Kofi main event? Who knows, but I think he can. Kofi has done decent when he was given championship gold and I'd love to see him start defending the title on a regular basis. Give him a feud with Ziggler (who mentioned last week on SD that Vickie needs to give him an IC title shot) and have them interact either through tag team matches or backstage segments. Then have them each cost each other the MITB briefcase and they can culminate the feud at Summerslam that finally sees Ziggler go over or Kofi retain the title and move onto the next challenger.

Kofi has the ability to be a main eventer. I'd like to see him start getting some more mic time and see him get some major victories and make it seem as if he is the favorite to win at MITB. Having Kofi with the IC title and the briefcase could be just like RVD and he could even defend both items or something along those lines.
I love Kofi and I want him to be on the cover of my SVR 2011.I think he's a great in ring talent,he has the charisma to go to the next level,and seems like an all around great guy.They need to get him on the mic and let his trash talking shine.That's what the WWE is missing.We need more comedic trash talking.I think that's the only happy go lucky trait he should have about him.He was great in that promo against McIntyre and I think he's ready for the big leagues.I just know they're gonna use him in MITB.With those antics he pulls at WM,he's gonna be in every match involving ladders from now on.

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