Knockouts Division Making a Comeback?


Occasional Pre-Show
For a long while, I would read many posts on here about how the Knockouts Division was going downhill and was practically the same as the Divas in WWE. So now I am posing the question to the internet community out there, after Impact Wrestling last night, is the Knockouts Division making a comeback to where it will be more respected as it was in the days of Gail Kim/Awesome Kong?

I think it is. With Mickie James/Gail Kim main eventing last night and putting on one hell of a match, I think that this could be a resurgence of the Knockouts. They main evented over Kurt Angle/RVD, which could be a main event in its own right. And they put on a great great match last night. I wasn't thrilled with the ending, but the bulk of the match was very good, and I for one would love to see the Knockouts be featured more prominently rather than being used as eye candy. They have more talented wrestlers than the Divas divison does by far.

So, anyway, my question to you, do you think that the Knockouts Division is coming back to being a main focal point or was this a one time thing?
I could have a different opinion that some/most.
I don't think the Knockout division went anywhere or had anything wrong with it. they will always be eye candy, nothing will change that.
they will likely do more wrestling rather than washing cars in bikinis. I think that was something (along with the lingerie match) that we would only see once and a while, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that for a TV show. but they will still do the things that are sexy/hot, like Velvet bending over the rope, Tessmacher shaking her ass, ect. it would be just stupid to have that go away.
as for last night, I don't think that was a big deal. you had 2 women who can wrestle good in the ring. but Mickie/Gail can't wrestle all the time, nor should they when IMO women's wrestling is more than wrestling. the Knockouts almost always get good ratings, and it's not from viewers who want to watch women wrestling.
I hope the division never goes back to the likes of Kong, that thing was brutal to watch.
I was wondering about that myself last night. After all, I can't recall if I've ever seen either TNA or WWE close a tv show with a women's match as the main event. It could be an indicator of some degree of renewed focus on the Knockout Division or, as the OP pointed out, it could also be just a one time thing.

The ratings could be a determining factor if last night's experiment was a success. People may have tuned in for the novelty of seeing the Knockouts main event the show and given the final quarter of the show a good rating. At the same time, that's not necessarily a guarantee that it will work if TNA does it again. As I said, the idea of the Knockouts main eventing IW has a novelty aspect to it. If it drew last night, there's no guarantee that doing it again will yield successful results.

If the match did draw well last night, I wonder if it'll be looked at as sort of embarassing in a way. While Bobby Roode has done a good job as TNA WHC, main event segments featuring him haven't drawn especially well. What if Mickie James vs. Gail Kim draws a substantially better number in the main event scene than the reigning TNA WHC has during the course of his reign? If Gail & Mickie drew last night, it could be viewed as a double edged sword maybe.

I'd like to see a sort of revamping of the Knockouts Division personally. I preferred it as it was the first year of its existence when the Knockout roster was made up mostly of women that could get in the ring and put on a good match. If a Knockout happens to look good, that's just fine with me but not if they can't wrestle. If I want a purely tits & ass show, I'll go to any number of internet porn sites or watch Cinemax after 10 pm.
Is it going to be featured more prominently?

Maybe, but I wouldn't get used to them main eventing the entire show. Even if they get more ratings than the men sometimes, they can still only main even a show with a select few Knockouts. No ones gonna want to see Mickie, Gail and Tara in every main event. People like Velvet and Tessmacher too much to not show them more often, and they cannot main event a show. Not with their wrestling "skills." They're great to look at, and I even enjoy their segments, but if the Knockouts are gonna main event an entire show they better put on a good match.

And frankly, Velvet's over enough (why hasn't she been on TV...?) that I wouldn't be at all surprised if she got another shot at the title since she really didn't get a rematch. Velvet Sky, as much as she's liked by the people, should not main event any show. Well, any WRESTLING show. There's a few other shows I'd love to see her in, but that's a different topic.

And no I didn't forget Angelina and Winter. I just don't think they're relevant enough at this point to involve. They took a nose dive fast when Karen got involved and haven't been heard from since really.
Not gonna lie, I was only able to tune into the last fifteen minutes of impact last night; well my intentions where to watch the last fifteen minutes of impact, that was until I saw the "knockouts" main eventing and almost instantaneously changed the channel.

I've got no problem with them pushing the knockouts division again, but the main event, lets get fucking real TNA.
TNA has had a Knockouts match close the show before. it was Mickie James vs Tara in a cage match. can't remember exactly when, but it had to be since Mickie came to TNA.

as for "sexy" Knockouts vs internet porn. I think the difference here is about the general viewers watching at home. how many married men that watch TNA Impact Wrestling also have the option to watch internet porn? or even late night movies? they can watch TNA Impact Wrestling and get both wrestling and hot women in the ring. if their wife happens to come in when the Knockouts are on, he can simply say hey honey they're just women doing wrestling, it's not porn.
I admit that when Kong was in TNA she made the KO division interesting to watch, esp whenever she fought Gail. Its a fair argument that the KO's are considered eye candy, but a select few like Mickie, Gail, and Tara can actually go in the ring. I enjoyed the cage match that Tara and Mickie had some months ago to end their feud. To me, that's an example of one of the things that TNA has over WWE. But the division was always there, but with a revolving door of sorts. Jackie and ODB left and came back, Kong left, Gail left and came back. If anything the KO's just haven't been too consistent, but like I've said you can only do so much with them within Impact's 2 hours. Some folks frown upon the KO tag belts, and while it seems irrelevant, its something you don't see in WWE. So in that respect the KO's stand out more than the WWE's divas. IMO its been a little bit better compared to this time last year.
after some missteps, bikini carwash/lingere match, it was good to see the KO's main eventing again. you would never catch WWE doing that these days. as for a true comeback, only when there are several different KO s/l's going at the same timelike there used to be will i believe a true comeback is upon us.

i did love the match last night and hope to see more
After all, I can't recall if I've ever seen either TNA or WWE close a tv show with a women's match as the main event.

Lita vs. Trish Stratus for the Women's Championship was the main event of RAW in ... 04? 05?

And that was when women's wrestling was well respected, at least way more than it is now. I've always been a fan of Mickie, Gail's not my favorite but she can go in the ring. Always happy to see women wrestlers who can actually go get the respect they deserve, instead of just treated like a complete afterthought.
I was about to start a topic about how i'm tired of Seeing Mickie James in every title matchs but since there a knockout thread already there and it focus mostly on last night's main event featuring Mickie then i'm going to write it here.

My problem isn'T the fact that Mickie isn'T a talented wrestlers, it'S just the way she'S been book since her start in TNA. She'S been the focal point of the Knockout division and that'S bad because the pattern has always been the same. Found a heel to feed Mickie, have them fight for a couple of month over the titles have Mickie finally win the belt and move on to the next feud.

There also the fact that the logic doesn't make sense that after Mickie loses a title match and they do a MAtch to find a New no. 1 contender for the title, actually book 2 new knockouts instead of booking Mickie as one of the challengers.

That my main problem right now, Mickie James as been book to be a female version of John Cena and it'S getting really boring. Just to give you an exemple of what i'm talking about i'm going to give you the number of title match and the number of title match Mickie as gotten this year. There Been 14 Knockout title match this year, Mickie'S been in 13 of them. That way to much title matches for one performers

Do i think the knockout division is making a comeback, not really since back then everybody in the division was important, now is all about Mickie and everybody else in the division is an afterthought. Like i said before, it'S not a knock on Mickie James as a performer because i really like her when she'S motivated, it's a knock on TNA for showing her down everybody's throat and using her like she'S supergirl.
dont forget that Gauntlet match, in ewhich Mickie destroyed 6 KO's, whom combined had 22 title reigns, within matter of minutes!!! That gauntlet match should have been booked evenly, but it was all Velvet briefly, then Mickie.
i love the knockouts! me, being a female, love the fact that they dont have every match be lingerie or bikini matches. they actually let them kick some ass. if i was a wrestler, and had the choice to go to WWE or TNA, i would go to TNA just because the knockout division is better.
I enjoyed the match and I think it would be a good idea for TNA to showcase the other titles in the company in the main event now and again, it would up their value.

As for the KO division making a comeback? not until they get a deeper talent roster, I know Velvet and Madison are over but neither are very good in the ring, when the Knockout's were at their best they had several solid workers in the division.

I was wondering about that myself last night. After all, I can't recall if I've ever seen either TNA or WWE close a tv show with a women's match as the main event.

Two have been mentioned in here and I think Lita vs Stephanie once main evented a Raw with The Rock as the ref. There was also a Lita vs Victoria cage match on Raw but I'm not sure if it was the main event.
The KO went to hell when Karen Jarret took over. It was hard to watch. Remember that fatal four way at bound for glory? It was more of," I'm a heel, and will only ref fair for heels." She made such an epic match so lame. It made you want to take a bathroom break. I want i back on the map. And btw...where the hell is Jackie?
TNA has had a Knockouts match close the show before. it was Mickie James vs Tara in a cage match. can't remember exactly when, but it had to be since Mickie came to TNA.

as for "sexy" Knockouts vs internet porn. I think the difference here is about the general viewers watching at home. how many married men that watch TNA Impact Wrestling also have the option to watch internet porn? or even late night movies? they can watch TNA Impact Wrestling and get both wrestling and hot women in the ring. if their wife happens to come in when the Knockouts are on, he can simply say hey honey they're just women doing wrestling, it's not porn.
The 13-year old conception of marriage is somewhat cute. Let's examine the logical fallacies from the viewpoint of an older man.

One, no woman, anywhere ever, will believe you when you tell her you are watching two women in tight spandex rolling around with each other because you're interested in knowing who will win the result of a predetermined match. Try that one out and you'll be in the doghouse even worse for assuming your wife is an idiot.

Two, private browsing is the greatest thing to happen to the internet at home since WiFi. If you're at the point in your marriage where you're sneaking out to jerk off and have a reasonable, frequent fear that your wife might walk in on you, there are other issues in your marriage which need to be addressed.

Three, the whole 'women hate porn because it objectifies women' bit is dated. Like, 1970's dated. There are plenty of women out there that want to put something raunchy on the TV and watch you pull a rabbit out of a drawer.

Four, you're describing the subset of married men that have completely lost their balls to the point where they are unable to tell their wife that there are other women that they are visually attracted too, and have wives in the subset of women that are unable to differentiate between visual, physical, and emotional attraction.

Which, all told, sounds like a pretty small market to me; married men without balls who have prude wives and haven't used a web browser in three years.

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