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Knives in TNA… Signs of a Company Jumping the Shark?

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I think it's funny when people who obviously HATE TNA continue to watch it. If you don't like TNA then stick to your wwe shows. As far as joe using a knife, I don't like joe and wish he would go away.

thats funny,why do ppl continue to bad mouth TNA but they watch it! im not a tna hater i like it but fat ass joe...oops,i mean samoa joe is the worst fighter of them all,his moves are so lame :smashfreakB:
I don't think it's a sign of jumping the shark. I have to admit, I don't like Sloppy Joe, but the knife is just a prop. It's there to show that he's really pissed at Steiner, and this was a way to put the fear of God, and Joe, into him. Simple as that.
It makes Joe look weak, and it makes him look like an insufferable prick. Instead of being able to kick someones ass in the ring, he resorts to sneak attacks and threatening to take someones life with a knife to the throat. It makes people uneasy, and in the end, benefits no one.

It's a terrible angle, and one of the worst things I've seen in years.

I agree wholeheartedly...whilst WWE had the gun storyline, things have changed in the years since. Definitely in the UK knife crime is up, and so it has a bad stigma attached to it [being one of the don't dos] so having Samoa Joe hold a knife to the throat of Kevin Nash, is just damned silly.
It makes Joe look weak, and it makes him look like an insufferable prick. Instead of beinga ble to kick someones ass in teh ring, he resorts to sneak attacks and threatening to take someones life with a knife to the throat. It makes people uneasy, and in the end, benefits no one.

I don't think so. For the most part, he has beat these guys in the ring, but it's "personal" now. It adds to the intensity of the feud between the MEM and the Frontline. It may be over the top, but it's not something new
I have to agree with most. This just seems like TNA is trying to be overly edgy to try and recreate the "attitude era". While it's not the exact same thing, as soon as I saw Joe holding a knife to Steiners neck the first thing I thought of was the attitude era.

Ok maybe TNA is just trying to get over with the audience that Joe is a man scorn looking for revenge and what not, but pulling a knife on a wrestler just seems silly. If they want Joe to seem bad ass just get him to beat the living day lights out of them. I give TNA credit for trying to insert some interest back into Joe and a knife does seem "edgy" and what not, but I just don't think it works.

TNA is obviously trying to go with a shock factor and trying to insert "realism" into the angle but most fans probably will just find it desperate. I mean what's next? Is Joe gonna start slashing them if they don't do his demands?

I don't think TNA is jumping the shark per say(since they do that all the time)I just think that this attempt at being edgy will in the end just seem foolish or at least it does to me.
I think Joe useing a knife was very good in terms of establishing a real personal feel between the two and it continued the mind games hes been doing with steiner i agree things like this shouldnt be a every week thing but once every once in a while i can be used to push a storyline into a more personal an real level like its been used before in the past so no TNA didnt jump the shark they gave us a more beleiveable storyline and aprently thats wat people want to see with their big boost in ratings.
I really don't agree with people's comparisons of WWE with the gun references and TNA's ludicrous use of the knife with Samoa Joe. Its not the same thing at all and WWE's use of the gun is not by any means worse then TNA's use of the knife. Firstly, lets take the example of Austin and the fake gun on Vince McMahon, shall we? It wasn't real. It was shown to be a completely fake gun and therefore any implications were countered and it was a freaking joke gun! He wasn't trying to seriously kill McMahon and anyone who tries to argue that is an idiot because all seriousness was thrown out the window when it was turned into a gag. That didn't leave people watching, especially children, with any impressions at all except that it was a gag at the expense of a heel. They went out of their way to make light of the situation and yes it pushed boundaries and pushed the envelope, but the ending stopped it from being what the criticism of Joe and his knife has become.

Secondly, let's take the Pillman/Austin example. Pillman was in his own house and was using the gun to defend himself, as Austin was portrayed as the bad guy who was out of control. The commentators weren't behind Austin and urging him on, claiming he was doing the right thing and was justified by invading Pillman's house and attacking him. Nothing was glorified about the situation which is completely different from Joe's example. Not to mention that the WWE was highly criticized for that segment and its viewed as a bad judgment and likely they wouldn't have done it again knowing what they do now. Its seen as going too far..

In the example of Joe and his knife. Not only does TNA have a commentator praising Joe and justifying his actions as if its okay to go to that extreme to gain revenge, promoting such actions as justice basically.. but Joe's the Face. Joe's suppose to be the good guy and he's resorting to putting a knife to the throat of the heel and threatening to take his life, no gags.. no jokes.. no light side of it.. which promotes people to get behind Joe's actions because he's the good guy. Not only that but Joe and TNA are promoting this nation of violence, and what does this nation of violence stand for? A guy scorned is out for revenge and instead of being able to go down and do it in a normal face way, by his own ability and making the heels fear and be threatened by him because of who he is and whats he's capable of on his own.. the heel is afraid and threatened because the guys got a knife and is threatening to use it. It goes beyond common sense. It goes beyond any logic in terms of booking in wrestling, and once again its likely an example of Russo's influence destroying the business. Like he did by making championships nothing but props. This isn't the same as some television show thats clearly fiction, this is wrestling and people ARE influenced by what they see wrestlers do and don't view the product the same way people do normal television shows. Thats been proven by children of all ages pretending to be wrestlers doing their moves, acting and speaking like them, and so on and so on. People who use the argument of other television shows really aren't seeing the clear holes in such an argument.

This is going to be viewed down the road as another moment in wrestling history where people look back and criticize it for being stupid and a bad idea. Its not going to make Samoa Joe cool, its not going to have a favorable effect on the product, and in the end it makes Joe's character look weak. It contradicts previous Joe characters as he'd never have resorted to using a knife before, he would've come down and just kicked people's asses because he could. TNA's booking and writing sucks, plain and simple.
i think Joe and AJ are setting great examples since their return....

Look at me mummy! I'm like Joe! -knifes old lady-
Look! Look! Now im AJ! -steals purse-

tell me. whats wrong with that?
Well i pretty much agree 100% with MisterBob.

Anyone who watches wrestling now and looks upto the wrestlers as role models for how to live there lives need to have there head red, It's obvious they can't be role models. the days of the All American good boy died in the mid 90's.

and anyone who brings kids too an obviously 90% AO rated programme can't moan when the show doesn't set good examples for there kids. That same thing can extend to all forms of entertainment from Computer games, to TV shows to movies. Noone gives a shit anymore and kids are groing upto be mini attitude Austin's. DTA/Stuff everyone but me.

WWE went PG to try and get the kiddie fan base, hence why the language, nudity, general anarchy has been lessend alot in the passed yr. and maybe try to capture some of that magic between WrestleMania 1-8 when wrestling the "family orientated" versions was at the top of it's game.

Saying that whomever thought up TNA storylines need to be shot anyway, this is just the worst of the bunch. I just assume if the network TNA is on didn't know what they were going to do much like Raven's crucifixion promo in the old ECW which got ECW in heaps of shit, TNA is in deep shit, but it's happened 2 weeks in a row so ya gotta assume atleast someone from Spike knows about it and they should be slapped on the wrist..
It's bullshit. A knife or a gun for that matter should not ever be used on a Wrestling program. Sure, they use knifes in criminal shows and action movies, but this is wrestling we are talking about here. Samoa Joe threatened to kill Scott Steiner. And the worst part is that I have no idea how this feud even started so it's not like it's the end of a long and personal feud, because it just freaking started! TNA always overdoes angles and books them backwardly, and this is a classic example.

But this doesn't even make sense. Joe is holding a knife to Steiners throat, even though they have been feuding for a few weeks, and nobody has any idea how this rivalry even started. But the worst part is that Samoa Joe is a babyface. Why in the holy fuck would anyone want to cheer for a serial killer? It makes zero sense. I'm not surprised it makes no sense, but TNA just does things without giving any type of storyline or explanation.

Wouldn't the regular viewer feel sorry for Scott Steiner, after all, his life is at risk. I know people wanted Joe to be hardcore and bad ass again, but there is other ways around this. Using a knife to threaten another human being does not belong on a wrestling program. Even if it somehow did make its way onto a wrestling show, it should be the heel using it. It left a severe and bad taste in my mouth and I hope TNA never pulls off something like that again.
I don't have a moral objection to it. I dunno, maybe puling a knife is a little far and I do think it's odd that Tenay would try and justify it, but really they were just trying to sell the divide between West and Tenay... and doing a dodgy job of it. This is TNA though, that's what they do.

No, my problem with Joe pulling a knife is because it's stupid. I was marginally excited when they started airing promos about Joe's return. I thought Joe was getting his edge back. I now realise that TNA isn't nearly competent enough to give Joe his edge back, but actually think they're doing it through this Nation of Violence shit.

If Joe had an edge, he'd walk up to Steiner and punch him in the face, instead of running around like a girl. If Joe had an edge, he'd take out the entire Mafia, not just focusing on one for weeks on end. If Joe had an edge, he'd be more of a man than to pretend to be a policeman, sneak behind someone, then pull a knife on them. It's ******ed. Joe looks like a pussy. Man up Joe. Go toe-to-toe with Steiner.
I agree with GameOver. he fact is that most of what we are saying is based on opinion. it isn't fact that these segments are trash or anything like that. i do however think that the knife thing twice is ridiculous but only because i am a fan of creativity and originality.

as someone said already anyone who takes these things that seriously needs their head examined. as far as kids are concerned tna to my knowledge has never claimed to be kid friendly so it isn't their responsibility to censor content for childrens sake. think about it they air on spike tv. the general demographic for spike is adult males like 18-32 or something like that.

But this doesn't even make sense. Joe is holding a knife to Steiners throat, even though they have been feuding for a few weeks, and nobody has any idea how this rivalry even started.
Ummm maybe you haven't been watching tna but there is a little thing that has been going on for a while now. it's a small feud that is only taking up most of the tv time and main evented only like three or four of the last tna ppvs. frontline vs. MEM. they are both the "muscle" of their respective groups so it only makes sense that they would feud directly.

Why in the holy fuck would anyone want to cheer for a serial killer?
well since this whole discussion is in good fun i figure why not nitpick lol. technically in order to be a serial killer i think you actually have to kill a few people. and joe doesn't fit the description.

as far as people saying Joe isn't getting his edge back i have to disagree. this very thread is almost proof of it. people saying joe shouldn't do this because he is a face proves his edginess. you might not like it but it is still edgy.

If Joe had an edge, he'd walk up to Steiner and punch him in the face, instead of running around like a girl. If Joe had an edge, he'd take out the entire Mafia, not just focusing on one for weeks on end.
So by that rationale Crow Sting and One Warrior Nation were running around like girls and being *****es as well? it's funny how when we don't like a wrestler and they have a certain characteristic we bash it no matter how many people before them did the same thing. even though some people were upset at how long it lasted nobody was calling sting a pussy and it took months before he and hogan actually fought if i'm not mistaken.
So by that rationale Crow Sting and One Warrior Nation were running around like girls and being *****es as well?

Pretty much. Wait, did Sting used to attack a whole lot of people from behind? That's not really being pussyish; it's being realistic. Scott Steiner is one guy. If Joe's such a badass, why doesn't he take him on instead of jumping him from behind and threatening him with a knife?

it's funny how when we don't like a wrestler and they have a certain characteristic we bash it no matter how many people before them did the same thing.

I love Joe. Joe's great. I can't remember where I put him in my top 100, but I'm pretty sure it was in the top 20. I think his title reign is unfairly bashed and that he as a wrestler is generally underrated. I just can't get my head around the really obvious contradictions they've introduced into his character as of late.

even though some people were upset at how long it lasted nobody was calling sting a pussy

Didn't he just stand in the rafters most of the time? Otherwise, I might well have. Unfortunately, I'd hardly ever watch WCW.

and it took months before he and hogan actually fought if i'm not mistaken.

Scott Steiner's not got an entire entourage to protect him.
Well then i guess they were *****es too. lol. The thing tho is that Joe isn't hiding or avoiding anyone. I think i'm thinking more so of the overall and the potential of this Joe/Scott feud. Think of it this way if you will. Take your mind back to the first time Joe threatened him with a knife because for the most part people agree that TNAs writers suck as far as creativity. It was shaping up great. Like it or not it was establishing Joe coming back. People all over fans of Joe and people who weren't fans were upset about the whiny do nothing Joe. he comes back from being massively beaten down and in stead of running his mouth or crying he takes action. To add to realism psychological torture is more effective than physical. He is striking fear in scott. I dont see scott finding joe and beating him down.
Well then i guess they were *****es too. lol. The thing tho is that Joe isn't hiding or avoiding anyone. I think i'm thinking more so of the overall and the potential of this Joe/Scott feud. Think of it this way if you will. Take your mind back to the first time Joe threatened him with a knife because for the most part people agree that TNAs writers suck as far as creativity. It was shaping up great. Like it or not it was establishing Joe coming back. People all over fans of Joe and people who weren't fans were upset about the whiny do nothing Joe. he comes back from being massively beaten down and in stead of running his mouth or crying he takes action. To add to realism psychological torture is more effective than physical. He is striking fear in scott. I dont see scott finding joe and beating him down.

I think its hard to strike fear into anyone when you have a giant fake penis tattoo on your face.

Joe came off as annoying and whiny like you said, now he comes off as annoying , whiny, and a little bitch... the Fear being created with the knife is hard to take seriously, because every one knows ( atleast most people) that joe is not going to really kill Big poppa pump. In the world of wrestling you wrestle or fight your opponent, if you killed your opponent, it would be a pretty quick end to the feud. Its just hard to take joe, and the angle seriously.
Is this what "wrestling" has come to? Most of you were in diapers or preschool when the Austin/Pillman gun incident happened. At the time, the WWF was running a distant second to WCW. The backlash was so bad that they pulled the plug soon after. There is a difference between wrestling violence and real violence. How many real crimes are committed with a chair? A table? A sledgehammer? A flaming table loaded with thumbtacks? Now what about knives? Big difference there. This has no business on a so-called wrestling program, and I have been watching wrestling for a long damn time. If I want to see some one interrogate someone else with a knife to their throat, or even break into a house and threaten a female with a sledgehammer(thanks HHH) I will watch 24.

If TNA dont lose the knife, they are going to lose fans by the droves. And as far as Mike Tenay is concerned for putting that crap over...he could learn a lesson or two from Tony Schiavonne, who used to pull the same crap and hasnt called a match in almost a decade.
Let's do some historical research, shall we?

1996 – "Pillman's Got a Gun" – Pillman uses a handgun/pistol to "defend his home" from a breaking and entering Austin. A 9MM Glock is seen pointed at Austin and the camera feed goes black. The transmission is restored and the scene is showing Pillman's friends dragging Austin from the house as Pillman screams "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" WWF has to apologize for the incident in order to remain on the USA Network the following week on RAW.

But Joe used a knife... crazy.

1999 – WrestleMania 15 – Undertaker's famous "hanging" incident where he strings Bossman by the neck and has the cage hoisted to the point that Bossman is literally "hanged" by the neck and swinging lifelessly.

But Joe used a knife... insanity.

1998 – Judgement Day – The "Ministry of Darkness" is formed. Bearer turns his back on Kane and joins the Undertaker who proclaims a "plague of evil" will be unleashed on the WWE. Taker proceeds over the course of weeks to have Austin embalmed alive, and even attempts to crucify him. His symbol is even shown a blaze in the front lawn of a home in one segment (KKK). Easily the darkest period I can recall in professional wrestling history and a blatant "support" and use of Satanism on live television.

But Joe used a knife... ridiculous.

1997 – NOD/DX – the "Racial Graffiti" storyline is launched as a design to implicate the Hart Foundation. Racism? That's OK.

But Joe used a knife... are you kidding me?!

1997 – "In Your House: Unforgiven" – The Undertaker and Kane have a first ever "Inferno Match" which Undertaker wins by setting his opponent on fire. Literally.

But Joe used a knife... over the line!


Yeah you guys are right, TNA "crossed the line" – how appropriate err should I say inappropriate?

And I didn't even mention Edge's "Live Sex Show", or Mae Young "giving birth" to a human hand, or Vince "performing surgery" on JR's "backside" and "pulling his head out of his ass", or Val Venis' porn star gimmick, etc.

Vince? He's golden.

Hey, am I dreaming or didn't HHH just break into the home of Randy Orton last week and try to kill him with a sledgehammer? Eh, whatever – Joe used a knife.
Bravo to you Rome, the ammount of TNA knockers on here who say "Oh how could they sink so low.." and "what a stupid storyline, WWE would never do that..". How long have you guys watched wrestling for? If you watched it between 2002-2006 you probably saw Vince McMahon make every possible mistake a man could make in broadcasting a wrestling show. If he'd had any serious competition (ala 96-98 :wcw:) he'd have been left penniless.

TNA Impact's viewing numbers were up slightly again this week from the last, the 3rd 1.3 in as many weeks at a time where a Triple H main evented Smackdown gets a 2.0. As the now awesomely heel Don West said last week about the main event mafia last week "they drive the ratings bus around here, because they're the best damn thing going today".

I expect them to be up to a regular 1.5+ by the end of the year way things are going. As Impact might not have the most matches in the world but it's the fastest 2 hours on tv.

Keep up the good work guys, oh and by the way the reason for the knife thing is probably due to the loss of Joe being as Foley described him "the most legitimate bad ass in the business today". That wasn't true throughout 2008 and led to his weak title reign, but now Joe looks like the man who seemed genuinely threatening once upon a time. Expect the "Joe's Gonna Kill You" chants to be louder than ever in the coming weeks.
You guys are seriously discussing this as if you are concerned parents looking to put an end to all of the violence in wrestling? Here you with a sure shoot surgical process free way to help you remove your frontal lobes from your rectal area because I can't even believe that you are discussing this in any length. And against the notion no less. Shame on you all.

For one, I can't see how you all could condemn TNA for having Joe come out and hold a DULL knife to Scott Steiner's neck and yet say nothing to the fact that Steiner beats people down with pipes. Or is that now something that kids should see? I don't know. I think that what really bothers me is that fact that many of you watch attentively to see who Randy Orton will kick in the head and give a concussion to next. Now maybe this isn't as major to you because people in REAL sports get concussions and loose their entire livelihood. Randy kicks em and they're back within a couple on months. So maybe making light of something like this isn't that bad for kids to see, and the go try on their friends.

And wait. Isn't the PG friendly company the same one that ran a Vince McMahon dies in a horrendous explosion angle that was cut short by Benoit killing his family in real life? No wait, that can't be too bad because they ran another Vince McMahon has a life threatening accident angle just a few months ago. And let's not forget, as my esteemed colleague, Rome, mentioned in a previous post, that Triple H just viciously accosted Randy Orton after forcefully entering his home with a sledgehammer. Um geez, what is that called in the real world? Oh yeah, Home Invasion! And let us not forget that it was Randy committing domestic assault on Stephanie McMahon. Wow, all hell would prolly have broken loose if Spike allowed male on female violence on the program. They would prolly start an in ring abortion angle huh?

Plain and simple, get over it. There is far worse going on in wrestling that a guy holding a culturally ceremonial knife in his hand in the ring. If you aren't criticizing the other side for the crap that they are showing, considering the supposed PG friendly programing, then shut the hell up about TNA. Or at least get a worthwhile hobby so you won't piss and moan so much. Good day.
TNA's problems stem far greater than something this miopic and miniscule. IMHO this is nothing more than a classic example of obtuse defensive reasoning where blatant WWE marks shit on their competition by denouncing the very things they may have done themselves at one point in their history – but because they're not doing it now, it's not OK for the competition to use that platform anymore.

The age old adage "Judge not lest ye be judged yourself" holds heavy weight here, folks.

They see no crime in one character on a television show kicking another in the skull to the point that man is rendered unconscious and left with a concussion, nor do they have issue with breaking & entering/assault with a deadly weapon – but God forbid Samoa Joe retrace his historical roots by using a dulled tribal machete in ring! The humanity! I mean Christ almighty, has Joe gone mad?!

If you brainwashed WWE marks could let go of the vice grip you've got on Vince's manhood for a minute you might actually see value outside of your own convoluted circle.
I have more of an issue with the ammount of swearing. The episode I watched today was very **bleep** heavy. Whilst watching it didn't add to the product, it took away from it. It was there just for the sake of it. Swearing just to get a cheap pop.

Even during the Attitude Era the swearing was just the occasional ass, bitch & damn.

It came across to me as if the company is just void of ideas. And they can't write a good enough promo that's over without needless swearing.
Yea, they have totally jumped the shark with The Samoa Joe Nation of Violence (or whatever it's called) this is worse than the Johnsons and the Rainbow Express (long time TNA fans know what I am talking about) Joe should have just remained the killer that he was. Joe (like Abyss) is now a shaddow of what he was. It would take some really great booking (that of which Russo cannot do) in order for many people to take Joe seriously again.
As for TNA crossing the line by using a knife... nah, I don't think that they crossed a line, but something like this just makes the show come across as more or a bad soap opera than a wrestling alternative (which in reality it really isn't) It's the same sports entertainment circus as WWE is.
Samoa Joe + Knive = NONSENSE !!!

I watched the segment when Samoa Joe had Scott Steiner with a Tirbal Knive, I throught it was the most stupidest thing I ever seen. At least with Pillman Got A Gun and Stone Cold Pulls A Gun On Vince was just for a skit. This Knive is apart of his gimmick and he brings it everywhere he goes. He even attacks people and has the knive with him. I mean use it as a skit so we won't see it everytime we see him. It just makes no sense.
Samoa Joe + Knive = NONSENSE !!!

I watched the segment when Samoa Joe had Scott Steiner with a Tirbal Knive, I throught it was the most stupidest thing I ever seen. At least with Pillman Got A Gun and Stone Cold Pulls A Gun On Vince was just for a skit. This Knive is apart of his gimmick and he brings it everywhere he goes. He even attacks people and has the knive with him. I mean use it as a skit so we won't see it everytime we see him. It just makes no sense.

But I bet you were OK with the Underataker literally hanging Bossman with a noose in the middle of a cage, huh?
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