Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero/Claudio Castagnoli) headed to WWE?

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The Man They Call WMD

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Former ROH Tag Team champions Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli were at both Raw in New York and Smackdown in Providence, Rhode Island this week. They worked out in the ring with WWE officials before each show. It should be interesting to see what comes of that.

Tag Team wrestling coming to the WWE? Thats an amazing and new idea

buuuuuuuuut I look forward to seeing them JOB to everyone else in the company before they are given a real chance... but by the time they get a real chance it'll be to late for them. If they don't have a enormous build they might as well stay in ROH because we all know Vince wont do anything with them.

The Tag Division is the WWE is long gone, which is really a shame because they used to have some very exciting matches and interesting story lines to back them up. The days of the Hardy's vs the Dudleys vs Edge and Christian are long gone. The sad part is they have tag teams that are decent and could be utilized better, but the focus has long been gone.

That's my reaction. Everyone has been saying for YEARS now that they don't understand how Hero and Castagnoli are not in the WWE and big stars considering their immense talents in the ring, on the mic, and most importantly for the WWE their massive size. These two guys have been two of the all around best wrestlers on the entire indy scene for the last decade, and it's astounding that they haven't been given a shot at the WWE yet. Astounding.

If this means a deal is in their future for the WWE, I am officially excited as all fucking hell. My favorite tag team in the world right now, and both of them could easily be future world champions for the WWE, that's how talented they are.

Awesome, awesome, awesome news if this leads to the Kings of Wrestling coming to the WWE. Weird, I literally was just thinking about this situation a few days ago and how awesome it would be for the Kings to show up in the WWE and totally destroy the tag team division. Perhaps I'll get my wish!
This is awesome, Chris and Claudio are a great tag team and it would be good to see them do their thing, both guys are talented and could revive the tag division.
CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Tyler Black, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli all under WWE contract?

This better not be a dirt sheet rumor or I swear, WMD, I am ripping your fucking head off and shoving it back down your neck! Brilliant news. KOW are the single best tag team on the earth, their matches with The Briscoes and TWGT are wrestling clinics. Castagnoli more than Hero will probably want back in, after his last WWE stint ended before it even began. But both in the WWE would be great.

Seems like WWE are really gunning hard for new talent. Triple H possibly? If this is his work then thank you Paul Levesque.
CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Tyler Black, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli all under WWE contract?

This better not be a dirt sheet rumor or I swear, WMD, I am ripping your fucking head off and shoving it back down your neck! Brilliant news. KOW are the single best tag team on the earth, their matches with The Briscoes and TWGT are wrestling clinics. Castagnoli more than Hero will probably want back in, after his last WWE stint ended before it even began. But both in the WWE would be great.

Seems like WWE are really gunning hard for new talent. Triple H possibly? If this is his work then thank you Paul Levesque.

It's a rumor but they were there. They haven't signed a deal yet. That's why I phrased it as a question, but I really hope its true.
As per the norm they would be a Tag Team for 4-8 months then split up. It's not a big deal because WWE doesnt care about Tag Team Wrestling and will only sign them to see if they can find a singles star in one of them. They wouldnt stay a tag team long.
You know that rumor that WWE won't push ROH wrestlers because they were indy stars? Well, if it's true then they're gonna have to stop soon because at this rate ROH is going to take up half of their roster.
You know that rumor that WWE won't push ROH wrestlers because they were indy stars? Well, if it's true then they're gonna have to stop soon because at this rate ROH is going to take up half of their roster.

Don't know why they sign those guys, they don't know how to use them. Punk is the only one they have signed that has done anything. Making Bryan Danielson into a nerd and have him pansy around doesn't count. Danielson is one of the most talented guys on the roster and they squash him. They squash him what will they do with the other ROH guys they sign?
Neato. They'll come in as a tag team.. hopefully.. then a few months down the line, they'll break up the team because WWE thinks everyone needs to be a singles wrestler for some odd reason.. is it so wrong for some wrestlers to be tag team stars only? Not everyone needs to be a main eventer.. I mean, Hart Dynasty should have never broke up.. same with Cryme Tyme.. now the Kings of Wrestling will probably have the same fate in WWE :(
If they don't have a enormous build they might as well stay in ROH because we all know Vince wont do anything with them.

I get your point about tag teams in the WWE, but that really isn't the big picture. The Kings have both been in wrestling for about 10 years. This is simply their big break. This is their business. It's what they do to pay the bills and raise a family. Even if Vince does break them up, who cares? After working small shows for years they will finally be on a national stage making big money.

Based on the papers that got leaked on the internet for the 05 payroll, you can make a fair guess that guys coming in like the Kings will be making between 150 and 200 thousand dollars a year. They will probably also sign a three year deal. Thats about a half million dollars they can bank on making over the next 3 years. And that is just a downside that doesn't include PPV bonuses and merch sales. That kind of stability is worlds away from what anyone in ROH has. Hell, according to an interview Chuck Palumbo did, most TNA mid carders are only making 800 bucks a show. Seeing as how most of them aren't on every show, that comes out to about 50-60 thousand a year. There is no way ROH is paying as much as TNA so do the math.

Maybe Vince will fuck up the Kings of Wrestling. Maybe he wont. Either way, these two guys will make more than they ever have and be on national TV for millions of people to see. Even if they only last a couple years in the WWE, the exposure will allow them to ask for top dollar at any indy show they get booked on. Business wise, it's the best move of their career.
With the sale of ROH to Sinclair I was looking forward to actually watching them since I live in a market of theirs. I fear if they go to WWE they will come in strong and feud with each other within a year and be split up. Like the Harts. Or even worse they could end up like the Usos. A very talented team relgated to nothing. Such a shame. I grew up loving tag team wrestling (Hart foundation, Demolition, and The Rockers being my favs) and in my late teens the Dudleys, Hardys and E&C were the highlights of my Monday and Thursday nights. I want ROH in my living room with these guys and TWGTT and watch some kick ass tag team wresting!
No, I would not want to see that. Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli leaving ROH for the WWE would be a terrible thing for me to see. You guys can be WWE fans or (fanboys in internet terms) all you want, but ROH is where it's at for tag team wrestling, not WWE.

They belong in ROH, a place where their in-ring work is appreciated and where the tag belts mean something. Belts in mainstream wrestling are nothing but props. You get more title changes in the WWE than a toddler gets his diaper changed in a day and you can't tell me that it's not true.
They belong in ROH, a place where their in-ring work is appreciated and where the tag belts mean something. Belts in mainstream wrestling are nothing but props. You get more title changes in the WWE than a toddler gets his diaper changed in a day and you can't tell me that it's not true.

What exactly do the ROH tag team belts "mean"? News flash: wrestling is not a real sport. An Olympic gold medal, for example, kind of "means" something, because it suggests that, within a set of agreed upon parameters, you were absolutely the best in the world at what you do. This is even more relevant if your sport involves head-to-head competition or measurement rather than judging.

Let me reiterate: pro wrestling is not a sport. Wrestling belts are meaningless. The only thing that matters is getting paid. You can romanticize the indies all you want, but at the end of the day, champions are champions because they draw money.

On topic, I'm happy for CC and Chris Hero, although I'm pretty sure Claudio has far and away the better shot of making it big. Hero is a fantastic worker, but he doesn't have the physique to make it in WWE. Claudio is a fantastic worker, but he also has the perfect look, outstanding charisma, and decent mic skills. If anyone in ROH has a chance to be a future main-eventer, based on what has traditionally gotten over in pro-wrestling, he is it.
No, I would not want to see that. Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli leaving ROH for the WWE would be a terrible thing for me to see. You guys can be WWE fans or (fanboys in internet terms) all you want, but ROH is where it's at for tag team wrestling, not WWE.

I just really started watching ROH, but matbe this is something they want. I mean most wrestlers have,or will say they want to make it to WWE. Now, we allknow how WWE has ruined the tagteam division, but maybe, just maybe they will make a change. We can only hope so. Now, I am pretty sure they will end up in FCW first. I hope not, but that seems to be what they are doing these days
If this is the case and Hero and Castagnoli end up signing with WWE, then I'm all for it. These guys are tremedously talented and should get a shot in the major league.

Now, some people don't think they'll really get anywhere in the WWE if they do sign. But we don't know that for certain. Who knows? They just might go on to achieve greatness, whether it be as a tag team or as singles guys. A big problem nowadays is that people are too afraid to take risks. They'd prefer to play it safe. For those that take a chance, they want to see it for themselves. Sometimes it will work like in CM Punk's case and sometimes it doesn't like in Kaval's case. But you won't know for sure until you give it a shot.

A lot of people say that AJ Styles was better off not signing with WWE back in 2002 and sticking with TNA. They said that he would not get past the midcard. But we didn't know for sure that was the case. Maybe he would've become a huge superstar. But now we'll never really know.

So if this opportunity is presented to both Castagnoli and Hero, then they should go for it. I doubt they want to look back on their careers when they're retired and wonder what might have been.
Good for Hero and Castagnoli. I hope they get to sign with the WWE and get a Kharma-esque push in the tag division (without the getting pregnant part). Although I'm not big on Hero as a singles wrestler, they are absolutely perfect for each other and work together better than any team other than the Motor City Machine Guns. If the WWE signs them, they have a great tag team on their hands. I hope they do because the Kings deserve to make as much money as they possibly can because of how talented they are, and the the best place to do that is the WWE.
I have been a bit off a Chris Hero Mark ever since I went through his matches on youtube a year ago. The guy has the built, the moveset and the look to really go over. I really dunno so much about the Kings but I look forward to seeing Chris Hero in the WWE in some capacity as a singles wrestler. Maybe he can be 'Drew done right', but that's a little premature to say.
I get your point about tag teams in the WWE, but that really isn't the big picture. The Kings have both been in wrestling for about 10 years. This is simply their big break. This is their business. It's what they do to pay the bills and raise a family. Even if Vince does break them up, who cares? After working small shows for years they will finally be on a national stage making big money.

Based on the papers that got leaked on the internet for the 05 payroll, you can make a fair guess that guys coming in like the Kings will be making between 150 and 200 thousand dollars a year. They will probably also sign a three year deal. Thats about a half million dollars they can bank on making over the next 3 years. And that is just a downside that doesn't include PPV bonuses and merch sales. That kind of stability is worlds away from what anyone in ROH has. Hell, according to an interview Chuck Palumbo did, most TNA mid carders are only making 800 bucks a show. Seeing as how most of them aren't on every show, that comes out to about 50-60 thousand a year. There is no way ROH is paying as much as TNA so do the math.

Maybe Vince will fuck up the Kings of Wrestling. Maybe he wont. Either way, these two guys will make more than they ever have and be on national TV for millions of people to see. Even if they only last a couple years in the WWE, the exposure will allow them to ask for top dollar at any indy show they get booked on. Business wise, it's the best move of their career.

That is a great post Tuffy, you absolutely nailed it! Going to the WWE is great news for the KOW, as they will get more exposure, more financial security and if they ever head back to the indies they will be able to demand even more money having been on WWE TV. It is the opportunity they have been waiting for, and anyone who complains about them going there is a moron.

They have worked their asses off, and IF WWE offer them a contract they would be stupid not to take it. This is their career and going to the biggest company is the goal of all professional wrestlers. WWE is where you can become a superstar and make the big bucks. Every other ROH wrestler would do the same.

I personally think that the WWE will limit what the KOW in the ring, their matches wont be as good as they will have to work the WWE style, and they will probably break up pretty quickly, but I think both Claudio and Hero are talented enough to make the transition and could become big stars in the company, just like CM Punk. They are top quality wrestlers and I hope that they do get signed and get their big breaks, as they deserve it
I've only seen these guys on a couple of occasions as I am not a regular ROH watcher but their match against Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas was freakin' amazing. Both these guys are great competitors and hopefully if WWE have signed them as a team they may try to build up their abysmal tag team division. There are only 4 tag teams currently in the WWE and this team would surely be the best of them. I honestly hope they've signed because talents like that deserve to be working for the number 1 company.

My only major fear is that they will not be used to their full potential. I'd rather they stay at ROH if their just going to job weekly or left out of majority of the PPV's. They need to be used correctly and the best to their potential.

#The Kings of Wrestling HYPE!!
Why is everyone treating the Kings as if they are exclusively a tag team? Claudio is currently the PWG World Champion, and Chris Hero has won the major singles title in almost every Indy he's been in except for ROH's.

If WWE split the Kings, it wouldn't be a bad thing. They'd both be future main eventers with their size, charisma, and talent. Size is what separates them from their ROH counterparts who signed with WWE. WWE could even go as far as pretending that the Kings never were a tag team and introduce them on separate brands. The casual fan wouldn't notice and they'd know them first as singles competitors, which in the long run would have a better pay off for when they do tag up.

I've been looking forward to this day for a while now as a wrestling fan. I truly hope that WWE brings their signings to fruition.
It seems like it would be nice for them to sign with WWE, but to be honest, I think it was more of them helping with the show. I know a lot of times WWE gets indy stars to help put up and set down the arena while also using a few as security. A few years ago, they used some guys in SC from CWA to help with their crew.

If they do sign, however, I'd love to see them form a stable with Rollins and Bryan... who knows, maybe WWE can make a play on "ROH" with the team. Still though, it would be even more amazing if someone would sign Jimmy Jacobs.
This would be the worst thing for Castagnoli and Hero. You know they will get renamed with bland gimmicks. This after they get destroyed by the Great Kahli.
Vince has no interest in the tag team division, bottom line. Forevery one CM Punk, there are dozens Bryan Daneilsons, Matt Sydals, and Colt Cobana's that get renamed, put in stupid angles, and buried in mid card purgatory forever.
Well, I have mixed reactions regarding this news. On one hand I know that Castagnoli and Hero are possiby two of the best indy wrestlers in the business and both guys are complete packages. They have the look, the mic skills and the wrestling skills to be an asset to any company. They could both be huge stars individually.

Yet, they are more famously known as a tag team. They are more famous as tag team wrestlers than as singles wrestlers. You would expect them to debut on worldwide television as a tag team. And WWE has no tag division to speak of. It would not mean a hell lot even if they won the WWE Tag Team belt because currently it is just valued a wee bit more than the divas title. Of course WWE could make some make shift tag teams and make them feud with KOW but an easier option would have been first strengthening the tag division and then bringing a tag team of the stature of KOW in.

Also WWE has a penchant for breaking tag teams up after a solid 5-6 month run. And as single stars I believe that both Hero and Castagnoli will find it hard to rise up the card because the roster is stacked in singles wrestlers from top to bottom.
What exactly do the ROH tag team belts "mean"? News flash: wrestling is not a real sport. An Olympic gold medal, for example, kind of "means" something, because it suggests that, within a set of agreed upon parameters, you were absolutely the best in the world at what you do. This is even more relevant if your sport involves head-to-head competition or measurement rather than judging.

Let me reiterate: pro wrestling is not a sport. Wrestling belts are meaningless. The only thing that matters is getting paid. You can romanticize the indies all you want, but at the end of the day, champions are champions because they draw money.

On topic, I'm happy for CC and Chris Hero, although I'm pretty sure Claudio has far and away the better shot of making it big. Hero is a fantastic worker, but he doesn't have the physique to make it in WWE. Claudio is a fantastic worker, but he also has the perfect look, outstanding charisma, and decent mic skills. If anyone in ROH has a chance to be a future main-eventer, based on what has traditionally gotten over in pro-wrestling, he is it.

I know wrestling isn't a real sport, but that doesn't mean that you can't make a title meaningful and something that other wrestlers would want to go for. You still put your body through hell, and for your hard work, you make any championship prestigious and give a reason for fans to care. But I can respect your opinion...
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