Kingdome Come: Elite X Championship: Gus (c) v. Mystery Opponent


[This Space for Rent]

Elite X Championship: Gus (c) v. Mystery Opponent:

W.Z.C.W. has went through a lot of changes in the recent weeks with a revolving door being installed in the front office. Several Superstars have been placed out of work, several more have willingly walked out, and a new group of Athletes have found their way in. With all that's happened, the Elite X Champion, Gus, finds himself in a very badly placed situation as he faces an unknown opponent.

Will one of these newly arrived Superstars be the challenge that Gus will have to face? Can Gus overcome the odds that've found their way to him? If anyone's career has always been in a constant struggle for normalcy, it's Gus.

First dealing with the personal issues of losing his Girlfriend, only to be reunited. Then losing both his best friends to injures, much less at the hands of his arch-enemy, the only thing it seems Gus has to hold onto anymore is the Elite X Championship. Can Gus find a way to retain against an unknown opponent, or will a new Champion be crowned? Find out at Kingdom Come.

ALL RP's are due by AUGUST 6th, 2008 (Wednesday) ONLY those involved in the match can RP for it. ONE RP ONLY!!!
Mystery Opponent's RP


The camera fades in to a door, which says "CHUCK MYLES" on it. The camera seemingly phases through the door, and we see Myles relaxing at his desk, feet on top, leaning back in his chair.

Suddenly, we hear a beeping noise from Myles' computer, which nearly makes him fall out of the chair. Startled, Myles turns the computer's monitor on to see a new instant message.

you_know_who: hello there, mr_Myles

Myles regains focus, and converses with the unknown messanger.

WZCWBigShot: Who is this?

you_know_who: i am anything you want me to be, mr_Myles

WZCWBigShot: Answer my question, damn it!

you_know_who: you may call me the_Uprising, and well have to do something about that temper

WZCWBigShot:]Ok then, Uprising, what the hell do you want?

you_know_who: i want what any man wants, or, at least the men you deal with want

WZCWBigShot: You're a wrestler?

you_know_who: yes, in fact im on your payroll. dont bother to check who i am, ill let you know soon enough

Myles ponders on who this mystery man could be, but his thoughts are interupted by another new message.

you_know_who: mr_Myles, i want you to do something for me, and in turn ill do something for you, as well

WZCWBigShot: What "something" do you want me to do?

you_know_who: i have several...videos for you. i am transferring the files now

Myles hears a different beeping noise, this one indicating the transfer is complete.

WZCWBigShot: What are they of?

you_know_who:now now, mr_Myles, no peeking. just send the files to your workers in the truck. tell them to release them one by one on the next two_Meltdowns

WZCWBigShot: I might, if you start talking about how this benefits me.

you_know_who: oh, the benefits are in the eye of the benefitiary. tell me, which one of your superstars has been bugging you lately?

WZCWBigShot: Well, Gus comes to mind. He's been a thorn in Dynasty's side ever since he took the Elite X title from Will. And now he's threatening to leave the company and take the title with him.

you_know_who: how about you let me take care of your little problem?

Myles considers the offer. He knows that Kingdom Come is coming up, and it would be the perfect night to take the title away from Gus. That familiar beep sounds again, and Myles reads the latest message.

you_know_who: tick_tock, mr_Myles. i cant wait forever

WZCWBigShot: ...Fine. You'll face Gus at Kingdom Come for the Elite X Championship. You sure you can beat him?

you_know_who: i wouldnt have proposed to if couldnt, mr_Myles

WZCWBigShot: How will I contact you?

you_know_who: ill call you in a few weeks

WZCWBigShot: How did you get my number?

you_know_who: i have connections

you_know_who: now if youll excuse me, mr_Myles, i have some other business to attend to

Myles becomes a little annoyed by that last message.

WZCWBigShot: Wait, you haven't told me who you are!

you_know_who: come on, now that would just take the fun out of it...

Myles is a little angered by that last statement, but as he goes to type a reply...

you_know_who HAS SIGNED OFF

Myles grunts, and throws his hands up in the air in anger...

We cut to an undisclosed location, where we see another man at a computer. The camera is behind him, and we can't see his face. We do see, though, the exact same IM conversation that Myles had on his computer.

Suddenly, "Halo" by Soil goes off and the man picks up a cell phone at his desk.

"Hello? Yes, he went for it completely. I'll be back at Kingdom Come, and I will take the Elite X title from Gus. Listen, I can't talk right now. I think we should cut off ties right now, before anyone gets supscious. But thank you for helping me with this. I won't let you down."

The man closes the phone, and turns off the computer monitor, leaving us in total darkness...

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