Kingdom Come V: Wasabi Toyota vs. S.H.I.T. vs. Constantine (c) - Elite X Championship

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Constantine hasn't had much luck in the last few weeks as his Empire went crumbling into the ground and his "ace up the sleeve" in Hunter Kravinoff fell through. The only saving grace for the political mastermind was capturing the Elite X championship in a hard-fought contest but even that is in jeopardy of slipping through his fingers with S.H.I.T specifically targeting him, the man behind the robot's rivalry that lasted months prior to the Lethal Lottery. The re-emergence of a very lean Wasabi Toyota hasn't helped Constantine's efforts much either as he has made damn sure that his intentions were clear in wanting his championship. So, by decision of Vance Bateman himself, these three men will compete in a Triple Threat match for the illustrious title with one fall to the finish to end this contest. Now the question is - which competitor will leave as the champion?

Deadline is Thursday July 25, 2013 @ 11:59 P.M. (Central). No Extensions.
Darkness behind, bright light in front, the lone figure stands between the two. This is a new experience for this figure, this thing, for it is not a person, but then for this thing all experiences are new. All it understands at this point in time is light and dark, so it follows its natural, base instincts, it heads towards the light.

Slowly things begin to unravel, it knows now that to turn back is to be lost forever, lost to something dark and dangerous; A cold, unthinking, unyielding existence, but forwards, towards the light lies something completely different, something new altogether.

It continues.

It's eyesight is adjusting, in front of it in the light it can make out a figure, a mere shape that appears to be reaching out for him, at first the thing mistakes the gesture as aggressive and prepares counter-measures but at the last realises that it is passive, even welcoming. It steps closer.

Primary Function! Demands a voice behind it, a voice as cold and welcoming as a particularly viscous mother in law.

Against it's better judgement it turns to face the speaker and instantly recognises the apparition before it. A huge face in the blackness staring back at him, with eyes as empty and soulless as a One Direction concert, a void into blackness.

Speak! It demands from the thing again, talking through a mouth as empty as its eyes, as empty as any glass put in front of Barbosa for too long.

The thing turns and runs but the darkness is overtaking it now, and the figure in front further away, but it is strong, it has always been strong, always been resistant and it won't tire easily.

As if sensing this the light fades away completely and the thing comes to a complete stand still, now in very familiar territory. It stands and looks, surrounded by orbs of light, all varying in colour, it had very definitely been here before. As it stares at this place not visited in a very long time 3 orbs gently float toward it, the first one stops dead in front of the thing and opens to reveal a picture of a man in a long, white lab coat, the thing sees something familiar in this figure, but before it can work it out it changes to reveal a very old acquaintance indeed.

Gustav? It said in a voice with little more life than the apparition. But, this one deleted you. Foolish thought it suddenly realised, nothing can be deleted forever.

This orb moves on, the next stops in front of the thing. There is no mistaking this man. Alhazred, it said more certainly at the power-glove wielding maniac stood before it. This orb moves on and the third takes its place, Barbosa! It had expected this one, it only made logical sense with the two before.

As the thing watches all the figures disappear, fizzling out like someone has poured acid over them the voice returns.

They are unnecessary!

No! They helped this one when no one else would.

It is cold here.

The thing moves on, not afraid of it's own creations, pushing past all the orbs. Suddenly it's next certain step finds nothing and it drops, the fall feels like it lasts a long time but time can not be certain, it is not afraid of falling because fear is not something it understands, "what is time to a Machine?" It wonders idly to itself "what is fear?" Where had those thoughts even come from?

The thing lands, it would be nice to say gracefully, but that was not the case, it lands face first on a hard wooden floor. There is no pain, but it still knows the floor was hard. It knows this floor well.

The abandoned Church.

Sure enough, it was all around the thing in its full glory, the Bible laying where it had last dropped it. It climbs to its feet and out of instinct walks over to one of the Holy Relics and attempts to move it, finding as expected that it would not budge. The thing knew that if it walked over to the Bible it would be able to pick it up and read it page for page, that was the only thing it had touched when last it was here. The thing looks up, and sure enough it was raining, and yes, there was the thunder, had that been there all along or did it only just remember to include it now?

Why? It asked simply.

You are a Machine. The face appeared, taking up all of the roof, the rain falling through it, the thunder flashing behind.

So you show this one an unknown room with orbs and this vacated Church?

Do not feign ignorance, you know this place, you invented this place. The face was dark, but the eyes and mouth were pure blackness.

Wrong, this one copied this place, invention requires imagination. You show these things because it is all you know.

You are a Machine!

What are you?

You are a Machine!

You can't win, you can't control this one, you have no new ideas. This one saw you when they activated it, but even then you couldn't control it, this one does know what you are, but it can beat you. It is stronger than you.

The face fades, the thing stands looking up feeling the very real raindrops falling on its face, before turning and walking towards the Church doors.

For now!

A huge roll of thunder follows the sound of that voice. The thing continues walking unfazed however.

How dramatic!

It jumps at that sound of that voice though, slowly, hardly daring to turn and face what it knows will be there, it cranes his head around to see the monstrosity stood facing... Not the thing, it is facing another figure, a hooded Woman huddling away from that figure that it had grown to hate, both were animated in a muffled conversation, although it remembered the conversation well enough to follow. This is when it had began fighting back, this is when it had began questioning the control others had over it, trying to learn about it, and she had asked it not to fight that other one; Chris K.O? Of course it had refused. Asking S.H.I.T not to fight was like asking a Human not to breathe.

Suddenly the conversation comes into focus.

You may utter as many cliches as you wish, it will not change the course this is heading! It said flatly.

You say he will never give up? S.H.I.T is unrelenting!

You say he will fight until the end? S.H.I.T is unrelenting!

You witnessed its actions at Kingdome Come, you saw what it did to Titus, to Celeste! Even with Chris K.O attempting to stop it, S.H.I.T succeeded. With its allies defeated or working against it, S.H.I.T succeeded!

S.H.I.T is unrelenting!

You may leave!

The thing felt that this time that piece of dialect was directed at it.

What does this prove?

You are stronger for now, but S.H.I.T is unrelenting! Replied the empty voice.

S.H.I.T exists only to destroy!

More recycled lines, this apparition truly has no mind of its own.

It sought for a reply, searching in its mind for everything it had learned, learned from Gustav, from Alhazred, from the Barbosas, it wondered whether to reason, to attack, to have a mad, seemingly non-relevant outburst. It did all this until the only logical reply remained. It squared its shoulders.

Fuck off! No prizes for guessing who it had learned that from.

It turned. It kicked the Church doors down. It stepped into the light.

----------- ---------------------- ------------

S.H.I.T activates. Immediately it scans a figure almost reaching out to it, at first it mistakes the gesture as aggressive and prepares counter-measures but at the last realises it is passive, even welcoming.

Barbosa! It said, almost standing down until it remembered that the Manic had accused it of orchestrating the attack on their persons some time ago. S.H.I.T could not remember when, what is time to a Machine? It assumed a defensive stance, it wasn't afraid, what is fear to a Machine? But it knew first hand how dangerous the Barbosa's were when roused. S.H.I.T had attracted the ire of all three in the past and it had resulted in what was one of the most violent matches in WZCW history. It stood prepared.

It still stood prepared.

It waited. Barbosa stood in front of it staring at his feet, clearly uncomfortable, but S.H.I.T stood silent and patient and eventually Barbosa mumbles something.

We are... Sorry, Poo.

He seems to really be forcing the words out, but an apology was an apology and the Machine wasn't one to hold a grudge, it relaxed its stance a little.

Apology accepted. What affront is this apology for?

Well, we. . .

POSSIBLE REASON; Leaving S.H.I.T and Titus in handicap situation on Meltdown.

Barbosa goes to speak again.

POSSIBLE REASON! Blaming S.H.I.T for the ambush committed on your persons.


POSSIBLE REASON; Slamming room divider in the very close vicinity of this one.

We. . .

POSSIBLE REASON; Ignoring all of S.H.I.T's attempts at communications with Barbosa.

We only did that because you attacked us during that match.

S.H.I.T pauses, it had suspected that accidentally wiping out Barbosa with a full body attack was the reason, attack was accidental. However, this one is also... Sorry. It also appeared to choke on the word.

We think it was Celeste who ambushed us, as well as Holmes, and Holmes. Said the Manic incarnation of Barbosa, shuffling his feet.

This was S.H.I.T's deduction also. S.H.I.T and Barbosa have made more enemies.

The two stand in an akward silence for a while.

Would you require aid against Celeste?

Why? So you can "accidentally" attack us again and cost us a shot at the big shiny belt? Barbosa shouted suddenly.

S.H.I.T takes a step back as Barbosa's face changes to a look of horrible realisation. Sab was trying to warn us about you!

S.H.I.T cocks its head, Wasabi Toyota is our enemy. It said, trying to reason with the Manic.

No! Toto is our friend, so is Hunt, Barbosa pointed an accusatory finger at S.H.I.T, they never hurt us like you. They were trying to warn us. You were never our friend. You are just a jealous, silly, man in a box!

As usual S.H.I.T let the man in the a box comment slide, it deduced that when Barbosa got angry they called S.H.I.T this in order to provoke a reaction.

Negative. Jealousy requires emotions. Body chemicals this one does not possess. S.H.I.T returned flatly.

You are jealous because we are getting a shot at a shot at the big shiny and you are only getting a shot at the smaller shiny...

It took S.H.I.T a while to process that sentence. Negative. Title's are unimportant.

Ha! That's what you want us to think that you think.

S.H.I.T reeled back from the force of these accusations. It sought for a reply, searching in its mind for everything it had learned, learned from Gustav, from Alhazred, from the Barbosas, it wondered whether to reason, to attack, to have a mad, seemingly non-relevant outburst. It did all this until the only logical reply remained. Something from a memory it couldn't quite access. It squared its shoulders.

... Fuck off!

Barbosas eyes widen and his mouth forms an "O" shape, then the look of surprise turns into a grimace. S.H.I.T prepares itself for violence as Barbosa pulls his arm back as if to throw a punch.

The punch never lands, S.H.I.T looks to where Barbosa is bent double and unleashing a furious cough. As he stands again S.H.I.T notices that his posture is very different.

We are sorry about that, he said in the more reasonable tones of the depressive.

Apology accepted. Said S.H.I.T, although it wasn't sure if it entirely meant it. Another curse from the Barbosa, it knew how to lie and it was doing it more often.

Barbosa nods, we would appreciate a continuation of our... Arrangement.

S.H.I.T nods in the affirmative.

Good, he said. And your situation?

John Constantine has caused S.H.I.T and Barbosa many problems, S.H.I.T will crush John Constantine and Wasabi Toyota.

We understand. Said Barbosa, and that it seemed, was that, he turned and walked back down the corridor. S.H.I.T watched his retreating back before speaking again.

The Manic incarnation is an increasing problem. Barbosa turns back, a slight curious expression on his face, this one thinks it may be prudent to subdue him before he causes even more complications. The depressive gives S.H.I.T a look, the Machine isn't quite sure if it understands that look, whether the Depressive is for or against the idea of subduing a part of himself, or if he is shocked the robot even had such an idea.

We will deal with us, you just deal with Constantine and Toyota, and with that he walked off, faster than before.

Another pair of eyes had witnessed the two allies treating with each other, unbeknownst to them however S.H.I.T had spotted the watcher and had been waiting, biding its time before confronting man.

Backstage Worker Bob, come out from where you have secreted yourself.

After a brief pause where nothing happened, S.H.I.T tried again. Backstage Worker Bob, if you do not show yourself S.H.I.T will be forced to use its Illuminating Barbosa Detector for unintended purposes. The location of a person that is not Barbosa. The tone of voice was no different, but S.H.I.T still managed to make it sound as though this was the worst possible thing that could happen.

Eventually the head of Bob peeks out from behind a conveniently located pillar, "how did you know I was here?"

Your self secreting skills are below par.

"Oh," said Bob, face visibly falling.

Why were you hiding?

"I saw you, but you weren't moving and then Barbosa came along and... Well, weird stuff always happens when you two are around."

S.H.I.T nods, conceding the point.

"So you two are arguing again." He said, it wasn't a question. "Hey, at least he's speaking to you now." He was trying to sound optimistic, all the while slowly shuffling away.

That is not important. John Constantine and Wasabi Toyota are important.

Bob nods, looking at the forlorn Machine realisation suddenly struck him. "Did you know that Constantine is planning on leaving WZCW with the Elite X Title?" He said, taking one of those hi-tech phones out of his pocket.

Negative. This information was not known before you imparted it.

Bob fiddles with his phone a little, finding what he was looking for he shows the item to S.H.I.T. The Machine reads through the article Constantine published on, then it looks at Bob. It does not reply.

Text is small. Optical zoom required. Zooming in.

S.H.I.T holds the screen closer to its face and reads it, but again shows no reaction.

Bob pushes on, "he'll take the title with him, to do who knows what with."

There will still be the Eurasion Title, World Title and World Tag Team Titles. The removal of the Elite X Title will make those other divisions more competitive. No problem detected.

"You'd let him walk away with that title?"

That is not what this one said. Said S.H.I.T, Constantine will be leaving, but he'll be leaving without gold, S.H.I.T cannot allow him to leave successfully after all he has done, S.H.I.T will not allow him to leave without taking the Gold from him. As for Toyota, he is... In the way of the achievement of that goal.

"I hope you win, if Constantine leaves with the title it would be a bit of an insult to this company."

Why does this concern you?

Bob shuffles his feet, "this isn't just a job to me, I love this place, even if bad things keep happening. There is an integrity to be maintained."



This time last year yourself and the WZCW audiences would have desired for S.H.I.T one to lose at Kingdom Come, now they will desire for S.H.I.T to win?.

Bob thinks for a while, "the Apostles?" S.H.I.T nods, "we are a forgiving bunch, us wrestling fans."

This time last year S.H.I.T was handing this corporation to Ty Burna on a platter, now it is fighting for this corporations... "integrity?"

"A lot can change in a year."

S.H.I.T nods, S.H.I.T has learned this. It looks at Bob again, can somethings nature truly change?

"I honestly don't know."

As if snapping out of its funk, S.H.I.T changes the subject. S.H.I.T is not the only candidate to take the Elite X Title.

"Well of course, Toyota but..."

But! S.H.I.T interrupted, if it were he you were speaking to you would also say "I hope you win." It said, imitating Bob's voice at the last. You would say similar things to Constantine, despite your disapproval of his motives.

"Now that's not fair."

This one understands. S.H.I.T said, they are seasoned fighters that have given even the Ultimate Fighting Machine cause for concern, while you are a small, insignificant man with all the body substance of a cheap, Human pudding.

Bob looks as though he doesn't quite know how to take that comment.

Toyota is the other candidate to protect the "integrity" of this corporations Elite X Title. Unfortunately S.H.I.T can not allow him to succeed either. It can not allow either to succeed. Not just for Toyota's unprovoked attacks, not just for Constantine's mind-games on S.H.I.T's ally Barbosa and future plans for the Title. S.H.I.T can not allow either to succeed because it is not in Ultimate Fighting Machines nature to compromise.

They are dangeros, they are intellegent, they have a cause to fight for...

S.H.I.T is unrelenting.

S.H.I.T takes Bob's phone from him and studies the Constantine article, before swinging and smashing it on the wall. This will not come to pass.

"Why the hell did you do that!?!" Bob screamed.

This will not come to pass. It repeated itself.

"That phone was expensive!" He looked up at S.H.I.T's face, to see his glare returned with S.H.I.T's usual snarl, red eyes glaring right back at him. Seeing that Bob calms down a little, "you destroyed my phone." He said meekly.


"I know, I know, 'S.H.I.T Exists only to destroy!'" He said, imitating the robot's monotonous drone.

S.H.I.T leans over conspiratorially, S.H.I.T does not exist for the sole purpose of destruction, that is just the occupation it excels at with the greatest efficiency. It gives Bob a nod, and if he didn't know better, Bob would have sworn that one of S.H.I.T's red eyes blinked out momentarily. Was that an attempt at a wink? It was too late to ask, the Robot had already stalked off.

"As a catchphrase, that could use a lot of work." Bob sighs.

As Bob crawled around the floor, looking for all the bits and pieces of his phone, the figure of Dr. Zues, having seen all he needs to see heads off in the other direction.
The End

John Constantine's trouble sleeping had only gotten worse over the last couple of weeks. His recent losses to S.H.I.T and Wasabi Toyota's decimation of the Elite X Champion had only served to fuel the fire of restlessness. The net was closing around the Power Trip and fine he knew it. “Pressure” was how Constantine had categorised this twist in his sleeping pattern in a conversation with Mia only days ago. But there was something deeper, not immediately clear to the naked eye. But to those who knew Constantine best, the unmistakeable vision of fear was unavoidable.

But what was he scared of?

Constantine himself had already accepted his fearful disposition, it had haunted him like a poltergeist for weeks - he had come to terms with it. But something he could not yet figure out was why. And now, on the eve of Kingdom Come V, Constantine was more scared than he had ever been before. He would like to believe that it was apprehensive nervousness about facing two dangerous competitors in the same match; knowing that he would be the target for all of the aggression. S.H.I.T and Toyota had proven themselves to be worthy adversaries in the last few weeks – good enough even to strip him of his beloved Elite X Championship.

But that wasn't the reason. Even the nervousness of appearing at another Kingdom Come with all eyes on him didn't satiate that need for resolution; it didn't settle his stomach. Constantine had appeared at Kingdom Come before, facing Austin Reynolds in a barbaric match to blow-off a feud and even winning the King For A Day contract at last year's event. He had been on the big stage on more than one occasion and he did not fear it.

Try as he might, the former politician could not identify the cause of his fear. But he felt it.

* * *

Mia: Everything okay?

Constantine wakes from his daze, welcomed by the glowing eyes of his long time friend, a look of concern held within. Leaning over him somewhat, Mia stares into Constantine's dull eyes; looking for a clue as to why he had not been himself recently.

Constantine: Fine... Everything's fine.

Mia had known Constantine long enough to know when he was lying. The tell-tale signs were all there; sweating, his voice breaking slightly, and the uncomfortable shifting. He may have been a politician but Mia had often thought that on a subconscious level, lying made Constantine uncomfortable. It was those times that Mia saw weakness in her boss. But she also knew him well enough to know that he would bring himself out of this slump. She didn't like to, but she would have to swallow his words for now and not press any further.

Mia: I hope so. Albert Custer is here to see you.

Constantine immediately sits up in his chair, wiping the sleep from his eyes before checking his watch.

Constantine: three thirty already?!

Mia: I didn't want to wake you. What with all of the preparations you've been doing for Kingdom Come, I thought a nap would probably be best for you.

Mia flashes a reassuring smile towards Constantine as she begins to tidy up around him. Mia had thought that Constantine needed his sleep but it was not because of his preparations for Kingdom Come. In fact, Constantine had neither talked about the event or prepared for it at all in the last few days. It wasn't like him and Mia knew that better than anyone.

Constantine: Thanks. Give me a moment and then send him in.

Constantine rises to his feet before dusting himself down. He lets out a long yawn as he rolls up his sleeves; finalising his relaxed and sloppy appearance. Mia holds her tongue, instead choosing to nod her head in acceptance and disappear from sight.

Constantine pulls his mobile phone from his pocket; 13 missed calls and 16 unanswered text messages from various people. Amongst them, his visitors name was listed. Swallowing hard, Constantine steadied himself for the oncoming storm. Custer was a man of few words but a dangerous ally nonetheless. Constantine had relied on him on numerous occasions for monetary aide. But he had always repaid that debt. The alliance wasn't based on money but on success. Constantine would accept the money and, in return, would usher his ally into the WZCW Board Room as best he could. Or at least that had been the plan.

Custer: Thank you, Mia.

Custer was an elderly man, old in the face and long in the tooth. Constantine had often remarked, in secret, how evil his features looked. His eyes had a way of piercing your soul and seeing through any lies that you would be impudent enough to attempt to tell. Moreover, Custer was an educated man. His wily grit and determination only served to complete the make-up of a man who got what he wanted, no matter what. As Constantine lifted his eyes from the floor, Custer arrived in the room, Mia following him closely and grabbing the items that Custer thrust at her.

Mia: You're very welcome. I'll leave you two alone.

Custer gives Mia a smile as she spins on her heels and heads out of the door once again, leaving the two men alone. Constantine starts towards Custer, the Power Trip trying to muster a welcoming look and failing miserably.

Constantine: Albert! How are you, my friend?

Custer: Can the shit, John!

Custer's aggressive tone startles Constantine to his core, stopping him in his tracks half way across the room.

Custer: Two losses in a row to two men who should not be even on your level. The results are... disappointing to say the least.

Custer did not mince his words and Constantine knew it. But his words still stung like a barb.

Custer: I give you gyms, media time, advertising... Everything you would ever need to be on top of this company. And this is how you think I should be repaid? Losing to a former Sumo-sized competitor and a man covered in cardboard?

Constantine: I can ex-

Custer cuts the Power Trip off once again, a fiery look in his eyes as he continues.

Custer: My patience is wearing thin with you, John. Every opportunity I manufacture for you, you somehow find a way of destroying. The King For A Day briefcase; wasted in an ill-fated attempt to wrestle the World Championship away from Showtime Cougar. Made even more ridiculous when you consider that the main benefit of such a thing is that the Champion doesn't know that you are coming.

Constantine: I was sure that I could-

Custer: Do I look finished?

Constantine silences himself once more, feeling like a child as Custer continues to dress him down.

Custer: You are the perennial choker, John. After everything I have did for you and your journey, this is how you repay me. You should be World Heavyweight Champion by now and I should be sitting in the WZCW Board Room using WZCW as I see fit. But you have repeatedly failed me. Instead of looking at a Champion, I look upon a failure.

At that, the friendly face of Mia pops her head around the door, a feint smile on her face.

Mia: I made tea.

Custer's face is an ungodly shade of red as he turns towards her. Allowing himself to calm somewhat, he finally turns towards her, his voice softening as his charming British accent begins to flourish and charm once again.

Custer: Thank you for the generous offer, Mia. But I'm afraid I have to be going now.

Custer gives Mia a smile before turning back to the downhearted Power Trip, his tone shifting once more as a undeniable look of evil crosses his features.

Custer: Look at you. For all of your talk and bravado, you've achieved nothing. You're alone. This partnership is not profitable any longer. You are not profitable any longer. We are done here.

The Englishman turns on his heels and heads for the door, leaving a ringing in the ears of John Constantine. For a moment, not a sound is made until a loud bang comes from down the hall as Custer exits through the front door. Almost immediately, Constantine slumps back into his chair, tears streaming down his face; an almost incoherent whimper emanating from the Elite X Champion.

There it was, the reason that Constantine had been so fearful the last few weeks hit him like a tonne of bricks. Failure had blighted the career of John Constantine and now, on the eve of the biggest match of his life, he could see history repeating itself. It was too much for Constantine. Mia's heart broke at the picture before her. A man so strong in belief, finally broken.

Constantine: He's right, Mia. I am a failure.

Mia softly places herself beside Constantine pulling his head close to her breast as she sits on the arm of the chair. Tears roll down the cheek of The Elite X Champion and onto the arms of his trusted friend. This was the first time he had ever shown any emotion towards Mia; he had stayed so strong for her for all these years. But it was too much to bear.

Mia: He's wrong, John!

Constantine: No, he's right! What have I ever done of note in this business? I should have been World Heavyweight Champion a long time ago, I promised it in my manifesto when I joined this company. It was the only thing that was important and I have failed to deliver it. Years ago, I would never have allowed myself to be beaten by S.H.I.T. and Wasabi Toyota. I would have given every single part of me to ensure my success.

Mia: Things change, John. You can't blame yourself for not doing what you set out to accomplish. You have given everything to this business; your body, your heart. You could never have given any more.

Constantine: I'm done, Mia. I can't do this any more. I have given too much of myself to this business and have put my life on hold for an ill-advised tilt at immortality within this business. And here I am, sobbing like a child a few days before the biggest match of my life. I just can't do this any more.

Mia pulls Constantine's head up, finding his eyes with hers.

Mia: You are strong, John. Your only failing is being too strong for too long. Doing this on your own has taken it's toll on you.

Constantine: I had to, Mia. I could never have put this on you, it would have driven you crazy. I care for you too much to allow it to consume you; sending you back to what you were before.

Mia feels a bolt of excitement shoot down her spine. Constantine had never made any attempt to clarify his feelings about her before but things were different now; he was different. Could this actually happen? She had often teased herself with the possibility of such a thing but had never seriously flirted with the idea.

Silent and motionless, they stared into each others eyes. Until finally, a kiss. A kiss five years in the making. A kiss that changes everything.

* * *

WZCW Universe,

For 3 years, I have given everything I have to you.

I have competed in some of the most horrifying and brutal matches in the business and I have accepted and welcomed those matches with open arms. I have faced off against some of the best best talent this company has to offer; and I have welcomed it with open arms.

But not it is time for me to welcome a new chapter of my life. I have given WrestleZone Championship Wrestling everything I have to offer; my body, my soul... My heart. But my heart doesn't belong to you any more. It belongs to someone else.

For too long, true happiness escaped me; if I was even looking for it. I thought that winning matches and building a reputation was all that mattered. But there is so much more to life. So much more to being happy; something which I had not realised until now.

And so, on the eve of Kingdom Come V, I write this letter to each and every one of you. And with it my thanks. It has been a long and exhausting road that has taken it's toll on me. And although I have never been the hero that I promised to be in earlier years, I hope that you have enjoyed the ride.

And now, I have one more match to come. A match with two of the most talented superstars in the company for a Championship which means everything to me. And although I will not wear it past Kingdom Come, I will wear it to the ring with pride for the final match in my career. One last time, I will walk to the ring as butterflies fill my stomach and a nervous apprehension wells up inside of me.

Win or lose, I know that I haven't failed. I have given WZCW my all and I regret nothing. S.H.I.T and Wasabi Toyota will be a fitting end to the career of John Constantine but they will not get it easy from me. I head into Kingdom Come on a euphoric high like I have never experienced as the building blocks of my life begin to fall into place. I will be no easy conquest for the two men who wish to rid me of my beloved Elite X Championship, this much I insist upon.

But I now move onto the future, hoping to be more successful in it's ring than I ever was in yours. For at the end, comes a new beginning.

Thanks for the journey.

See you at Kingdom Come.


John Constantine
Elite X Champion

There is a loud knocking on the door as Uncle Rocco attempts to be heard over the music that is blasting. He is unsuccessful at getting the attention of his across the hall neighbor and after a few more futile knocks he simply opens the door to confront the slim Wasabi Toyota face to face.

As the door opens a nude Toyota can be seen sitting in a large plastic chair shaped like a throne. He is bobbing his head to the music while the TV in front of him seems to be playing a movie featuring the great LL Cool J in a leading role.

UR: Yo, Sab. What the hell you doin’?

No response. Rocco walks up to Toyota until he is just inches away from his ear.


This latest attempt seems to have done the trick as a startled Toyota jumps up, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling. He takes a moment to compose himself and turn down the music before turning towards Rocco angrily.

WT: What’s your problem, Roc? You’re interrupting my training.

UR: Training? What the hell are you talking about? All you’ve been doing the last few days has been sittin’ in here blasting’ these crazy tunes over and over again and starin’ at that damn TV.

WT: What are you talking about? I’ve been doing plenty more than that. See that bible over there? I’ve been reading the Lord’s Prayer out of it a few hundred times a day. And just yesterday I pulled an all-nighter playing Kingdom Hearts on my PS2, not to mention I’ve been doing it all in my fancy throne. So yeah, I’d say the training is going pretty well.

UR: No it ain’t, brotha. I’ve asked you to come join me at the dance studio multiple times and you’ve blown me off to monkey around all day? Hell, I even got you a new zebra leotard and you haven’t even taken it out of the box yet!

WT: Easy there, Rocco. I know what I’m doing. I’ve been away for a while, but I’m doing everything I can to make sure I’m prepared for Kingdom Come. I’ve listened to the Jay album nearly nonstop. I’ve been watching Kingdom Come with LL Cool J and Viv Fox a couple of times a day as well, and let me tell you it that is a quality film. Certainly got robbed of the Oscar.

All that, plus the prayer with the words “kingdom come” in it and the throne like a king in charge of a kingdom and playing Kingdom Hearts has giving me all of the kingdom and all of the coming that I could ask for. One more day of training and I’d reckon I’m fully prepared.

UR: Hold up. You know Kingdom Come is just the name of the show, right? Associating yourself with things that have the word kingdom in them is hardly going to prepare you for an actual championship wrestling match. What the hell is wrong with you, Wasabi

Wasabi opens his mouth as if to protest, but stops. He looks around for a few moments before burying his face in his hands, breaking down in tears. Rocco attempts to console the sobbing Asian man, but it still takes a few minutes before he is completely settled down.

WT: I know, I know. It’s just I’ve been away for so long and I don’t know how to prepare for big pay per view match. After what happened the last time I just don’t know if I can handle it.

Toyota is quite shaken up and buries his head in his hands again.

UR: What are you talking bout ‘Sab?

Toyota waits a moment and sighs deeply before responding.

WT: After I lost to Barbosa in the KFAD match at Unscripted I felt hopeless. I was upset that I lost, upset that Hunter had abandoned me, upset that I wasn’t making an impact. After all that hard work I put in, all the justice I thought I inflicted, I had nothing to show for it. I fell into a deep depression and after my match with Jack Skinner I just needed some time to myself.

Those first few months alone I was simply wandering the streets, trying to find myself. I moved from alley to alley and tried to get what I could from the dumpsters. I spent every day meditating and trying to get back to my Buddhism, but I just became more and more bitter. After a while I decided the only thing I could do was return to wrestling, this time with evil in my heart.

I came back angry at the world, wanting to destroy everything and everybody. I joined Ty Burna’s merry gang of heartless brutes because I just didn’t care anymore. I didn’t care about peace. I didn’t care about justice. I didn’t care about vengeance. I just wanted to inflict as much pain as possible, hoping that doing so would heal my own. But that wasn’t the case.

Barbosa was able to beat the hell out of me at Meltdown 70 because I thought I was invincible. I thought that all my evil and hatred that I held inside of me would be able to overcome any obstacle but in front of me. Instead, it put me in a hospital bed and forced me to go back home to Japan. I thought I put that all behind me, but when I looked across the ring and saw Barbosa last week all the feelings came back. All of the regret and self-loathing that I never dealt with washed over me like a huge title wave and I couldn’t handle it.

That’s why I wasn’t able to make an impact in the ring last week and why instead of doing actual training with you I’ve been sitting in here all week. I just couldn’t face the facts of what I’d done in the past and what I had become. Thank god you’re here Rocco, I just need someone to pour myself out too and I’m pretty sure I just poured as much of myself onto you as possible.

Toyota leans over to embrace the hairy Italian man, who still seems to be processing everything after his buddy’s long spiel. They hold the embrace for several minutes, recapturing the strong bond they once had.

UR: Alright bud, I think I follow you. But I still got one big question for ya. Why the hell are you so skinny?

The question clearly makes Toyota uncomfortable, but he knows he has to pour as much of himself onto Rocco as possible.

WT: That’s the worst part of all, Rocco. When I went back to Japan I was still pretty beaten up. My sweet sister Utada took care of me while I was bedridden for nearly a year. My sister is wonderful and I love her very much, but she has one major flaw. Utada is a vegan.

As she cared for me she insisted that the best way to heal was to cut out all animal products from my diet. No meat, no dairy, no nuthin’. But that’s not all. With me out of work and Utada spending all her time caring for me, there wasn’t much money to go around, so the portions were very, very tiny. There were days where all I’d eat was three spinach leaves. And this went on for months and months.

By the time I was up and able to care for myself I’d completely lost the desire for anything meaty, rich, of filling. That time changed me, Rocco. I’m a vegan now and I’m never going back. Every now and then I’ll splurge on some gluten-free rice cakes, but usually I stick with the green stuff.

UR: You’re kiddin’ me, right? You turned into a vegan and suddenly lost hundreds of pounds? What about the tires?

WT: Well, you see, the one thing this vegan diet is really good for is fiber. After a while I was able to push those suckers out no problem. It was a little painful, sure, but after getting all that rubber out of my system I actually felt a hundred times better. Plus, Utada taught me some of her yoga moves I could do with my new, nimble body. Really helps the core strength. Check this out.

Toyota jumps from his thrown into a headstand and holds it for a bit before rolling his naked body forward onto the floor. Once seated, he proceeds to reach both feet back behind his ears, showing off his newly found flexibility.

UR: Christ, Wasabi. I don't need to see that. Anyway, why didn’t you tell me about this earlier? You know what kind of aerobic dances we could do with that kind of flexibility? I’ll be able to put complete new routines together. You’ll be better than ever with that tight little bod of yours!

WT: Golly, Roc, you really think so? I thought I was actually feeling a bit stronger after the weight loss. I guess this vegan thing isn’t half bad. As much as I miss my daily gallon of ice cream I don’t think it was helping me out that much in the ring. Plus, I look even better than ever in my birthday suit now.

Toyota stops to pose in the mirror, becoming more and more confident in his new body every second.

UR: Alright, enough messing around. You know you got a title match to get ready for right? Biggest event of the year? You can’t be squandering this opportunity.

WT: Ah yes, S.H.I.T. and Constantine. I almost forgot about them with all the LL Cool J I’ve been watching over the last few days. But yes, they must be served a heaping, yet healthy, serving of justice.

UR: What’s your beef with them anyway? You know, just randomly attacking them when you returned and whatnot.

WT: It wasn’t random, pal. I may have been a bit mixed up in the head over the last few weeks, but I knew what I was doing then. You see, I need to continue my mission and rid WZCW of all its evil and scum in order to finally achieve the peaceful, gay, and joyful planet that we all deserve. That much is clear to me. S.H.I.T. and Constantine just happened to be at the top of my list as far as evil goes.

Johnny and I go way back of course. I’ve beaten him before and he knows it. Honestly, I don’t think the fact that his departure from wrestling has coincided with my return is much of a coincidence. No, he knew once I returned that I would expose him for the fraud that he was and beat him to his dastardly flame was extinguished. Unfortunately for him he wasn’t to get out soon enough. He may be leaving the wrestling, but I have to make sure I do enough damage to his pretty face that he won’t even be able to consider going back to that rotten political career of his.

UR: Yeah, yeah, Constantine is a tool. We all know that. But what about that robot dude, he seems harmless.

WT: Pssh, S.H.I.T. is hardly harmless. He’s an emotionless killing machine that serves no purpose other than to destroy and cause deep, dark sorrow for all he comes in contact with. More importantly, it appears he’s been a pawn in Barbosa’s game during my absence. Do you have any idea what kind of damage a thing like him can do under the guidance of a madman like Barbosa? All chaos, all destruction, no peace. Those two go against all that I tried to fight for.

And on top of my opponents being a couple of top notch scumbags the Elite X Title is on the line. What kind of message is it going to send to the world if a horrible, horrible person wins a major title match on the biggest show of the year? It’s going to show all of the kids out there that violence is ok and being a bully is cool. Violence is not ok. IT’S NOT OK!!!!!!!!!

Toyota begins convulsing on the floor, going into one of his familiar fits of rage in his fight for peace. After a few moments he regains his composure.

WT: That's why I have to win this title and show all the kids out there that someone is fighting for peace. That someone is willing to beat the evil out of the mean men that run around this company. I will fight for justice! JUSTICE! JUSTICCEEE!!!!!!

Toyota is aglow after his latest outburst, happy to be back to his old self. Rocco has a smile on his face as well; glad to have his buddy back.

UR: I’m sure glad to hear the excitement back in your voice, ‘Sab. Whaddya say you throw that leotard on and head on over to the studio? We still got some time to get you properly trained before the show.

WT: Sure thing, buddy. I’ll meet ya over there.

As Rocco leaves the room a smiling Wasabi heads over to his desk to fetch his new leotard for his vigorous workout. However, before he picks it up he turns around to makes sure no one is watching and quickly pulls a small baggie out of the top drawer. The bag contains a familiar white powder that Toyota quickly pours out onto the desk. After another quick check behind him he leans over and quickly snorts all of it up. He inhales and wipes his nose before picking up his leotard and heading towards the door with a smile on his face.
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