Kingdom Come V: Rush & Sam Smith vs. Saxoteur (c) - Tag Team Championship

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

One of the greatest teams to ever exist will be wrestling for the last time in WZCW as Action Saxton will be retiring from the event, leaving his partner Saboteur behind. However, before they go, they will be looking to defend their World Tag Team Championships for the final time as challengers Rush & Sam Smith have stepped up to the plate. Rush & Smith have been decimating the singles division for months on end, only recently losing both titles before deciding to target the tag champions to prove that united, they are unstoppable. Despite their efforts of ambushes and crashing tea parties, it seems the champions have put the challengers on the run and are looking dominant as their match for the titles draws closer. Will Saboteur & Saxton retain the titles to end their reign on a high note or will the challengers take away their Kingdom Come moment?

Deadline is Thursday July 25, 2013 @ 11:59 P.M. (Central). No Extensions
July 17th, 2013

The scene opens and reveals Sam Smith sitting at a simple wooden table, in an otherwise uninteresting room. The walls are a painfully sanitary white color, and the floor below is covered in an equally white -- but far shinier -- set of tiles. Sam's appearance is a stark contrast from the symmetrical and sanitary room, as his hair appears to be slightly unkempt, his beard untrimmed, and his clothes -- a black t-shirt and jeans -- are fairly wrinkled. To top it all off, a bright green party hat sits atop Sam's head, tilted slightly to the left. Smith looks down at the table blankly, examining what appears to be a small chocolate cake. He tilts his head and looks at the side of the cake, before straightening up in his chair and smiling.

Smith: "It's my birthday today."


Sam Smith lies on the bed in his hotel room, mere days before Kingdom Come. A knock at the door disturbs Smith's peace, as a scowl stretches across his face. Sam rises off his bed and lumbers over to the door, greeting the bellhop with annoyance.

Smith: "Yes?"

The bellhop, a boy of no more than 17 years old, stares back at Sam -- clearly a little intimidated. The bellhop swallows and mumbles illegibly, the sweat glistening across his pimply face. He reaches out and hands Smith an envelope before scurrying down the hall. Smith grins to himself and shuts the door, examining the letter.

Sam knew the handwriting on the front of the envelope better than his own -- it was Chelsea's. Smith rips apart the envelope and pulls out a piece of paper.


Smith continues to smile, while staring down at his cake once again.

Smith: "I turn 30 years old today. I've surpassed yet another arbitrary milestone, telling me that I inch ever closer to day when death shall knock on my door."

The smile fades from Sam's face. He shakes his head disapprovingly.

Smith: "I stopped really celebrating my birthday long ago -- I never really understood the spectacle of it all. You hit a certain point in your life where you realize that you're devolving again. Your development stops and you slowly, agonizingly revert back into the pathetic mess you were when you were brought into this world."

Smith slams his hand down on the wooden table.

Smith: "It's cruel, when you think about it. Your youth is a relatively short window of time, but getting old drags on and on and on. It's funny, most of our fleeting time on earth is spent trying to fight against aging. We never really stop to realize how much of our lives we're wasting."


Smith intently stares down at the letter, scanning its contents. The color from his face suddenly drains, a flabbergasted look crossing his face.

Smith crumples the paper into a ball with his right hand. A vein on the side of his neck jumps out, pulsing with Sam's every breath. He fumbles around his mini-fridge and pulls out a few small bottles of liquor, tearing the caps off and chugging them down.

Sam glances down at the crumpled ball of paper in his trembling right hand and angrily tosses it aside. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone -- Sam quickly jams a number in and puts it up to his ear.


Back in the overly-sanitary room, Sam continues on.

Smith: "That all got me to thinking: how many more Kingdom Comes do I have left in the tank after this one? One? Two? Maybe three? You never know. Last year, I sat at home during Kingdom Come, sure that my career was dead in the water and here I am a year later. I can't help but feel I'm wasting my time unless I make Kingdom Come a memorable one, though.

Sooner or later, I'm going to be sitting in some kind of a shithole retirement home, looking back on all of this, and I don't want to remember losing match after match after match. That's not what I'm in this for. Nor would I dream of giving you people the satisfaction of seeing my flame burn out before I ever made it to the top of the mountain."

Smith pauses momentarily, clearing his throat.

Smith: "With or without Rush, I plan on making damn sure that everybody will remember what I did at Kingdom Come V. I'm not going to allow Action Saxton's retirement to overshadow me -- and I'm damn sure not going to allow him to have that story book ending to his career he's been dreaming up for years.

There is no happy ending at Kingdom Come. There will just be a harsh dose of reality in the form of me, Sam Smith."

Smith glares straight ahead.

Smith: "I'm so damn tired of being in someone else's shadow and I'm even more tired of people trying to prevent the inevitable. Just like you can't turn back the clock, you can't get in the way of me attaining what is rightfully mine. Whether it be the tag team titles at Kingdom Come against Saxoteur, or the World Heavyweight Championship.

The time has come for Sam Smith to make a statement, and make a statement I shall."

Smith pokes his finger into the cake on the table and tries the frosting, nodding approvingly.

Smith: "Happy birthday to me, huh?"

Smith reaches up and fumbles with the party hat on his head. A thoughtful look crosses his face, but his eyes glimmer deceptively. He continues to sit, pondering, for a few minutes before finally speaking up again.

Smith: "You know, when I was a little boy, my mother used to bake me a little chocolate cake just like this for my birthday. I still remember the first time she ever did it. I'd just turned 7 years old and my brother and I were alone with here that day -- my father was off with one of his ****es and didn't even bother to call me. She was so overwhelmed with life -- a cheating husband, a shitty job, and fucking facade she had to keep up that our family was the perfect little unit -- but she still baked me that cake.

I hated my 7th birthday and I made sure she knew it. I pouted all day about how my dad wasn't home, about how I was the only kid on the block who didn't have a party, and how I had really wanted that bright red bicycle with the flames down the side... but all was forgotten when she brought me that cake out. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she saw my face light up with a smile and I remember asking her why she was going to cry, but she only shook her head and said I would understand when I was older.

23 years later, I finally understand it. She realized that by giving me that cake, she had given me my special moment. Every birthday since then -- even after she passed away -- I've had a chocolate cake and the bliss that comes with it. It might be a minor tradition, but it gives me that moment of escape from the real world where I can just be happy again.

The thing is, it feels empty this year. The tradition has faded. I can keep bringing back the chocolate cake -- year after year -- but it won't mean a damn thing. Like anything else, you have to make a change when you realize that the flare is gone.

Maybe I've taken too long to realize it, but this chocolate cake isn't the only thing that has lost its touch. It's high time to make that change. "

Smith cackles to himself as the scene fades out.


Smith screams into the phone when he gets an answer.

Smith: "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

The voice on the other end cooly responds.

Chelsea: "And why do I suddenly owe you that, Sam?"

Smith: "Because I deserve a say in whether or not you keep a child that is mine."

Chelsea: "You got your say the first time I had an abortion, Sam. It was you that decided having a child would hinder your fucking law career.

I had every right to have this abortion -- I didn't want to bring a kid into the world with a monster like you."

Smith: "Go to hell."

With that, Smith hangs up the phone and hurls it across the room. He stands up and paces around the room, coming to the foot of his bed. He stares at his reflection from the mirror on the wall and sees his face growing a deep red color.

Suddenly, Smith rears back and smashes a fist into the mirror, cracking the glass into a bunch of small pieces. A cut forms on his right hand, as blood pools at his feet from the cut.

Smith continues to be transfixed with his reflection, which is now a distorted image of his face due to all the broken glass. Slowly, a smile slides across Smith's face. He liked what he saw -- it was time that the world saw just how much of a monster he really was.

As Sam smiled, his eyes darted down to his right hand and he spotted the cut. He muttered to himself.

Smith: "Weakness."

As suddenly as before, Smith bashed his fist into the mirror. Again. And again. And again. He looked back down at his fist, as little glass shards stuck out of his his knuckles, and smiled more than ever. He continued to mumble to himself.

Smith "'Monster' doesn't even begin to describe it."

Smith's descent into madness had begun long ago, but he was circling the drain -- he was deranged. The light glinted off of his teeth and his eyes glowed dark with rage, but he seemed happy. That was the scary part. He was a man that was happy to be alone, happy to be angry, and he was happy with what his life had become.

The good in Sam Smith had long since disappeared and been replaced with darkness. The man is evil, there is no doubt about it, but is there anything else left?
Lemme tell ya a story about a friend I had. He's one mean m'sucka and he's supr bad! He's a kung fu master with a tag team title, and for two years to WZCW that sucka was vital. Now it's comin' to the end, but there ain't no relaxin'!

So kick back and watch the tale of Action Saxton.

Signal Panic, Inc. presents
Action Saxton
"The End."

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee- Crunch.

The shrill alarm clock whose clamor pierced the morning air was silenced by a swift karate chop that shattered its casing and sent its two halves rocketing off the bedside table and onto the ground below. The chop was delivered by a hand attached to an arm belonging to one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions himself, Action Saxton. Really, who else would it be? Only one man has the power and technique to chop an alarm clock at fifty yards away while his finely chiseled features are still pressed deep into high-class feather pillow.

The Badass Brother groggily sat up, brushing the excess plastic and dust from his hand. He flexed, his muscles thrown into high definition by the sunlight streaming through the window. Outside, a woman with binoculars fell out of his tree with a loud thump. Turning to the wall, Action Saxton stared at his calendar. When he saw what day it was, he smiled.

There, written and circled in red ink, were the words "KINGDOM COME".

"Hell yeah, sucka," Saxton said to himself, reaching down and pulling on his kung-fu pants from their position on the floor. "Today is the day my boy Saboteur and I whoop those old-ass goofy-ass suckas Rush and Smith and end my career on a high note."

Suddenly, our hero's smooth morning ritual was interrupted by the not-so-smooth sounds of a telephone ringing off the hook. Quick as a flash of his own finishing maneuver, Action Saxton jumped out of bed and grabbed the receiver.

"Who the hell is calling at 7AM, sucka?" he barked. "I got a big-ass match I need to get ready for!"

"It's a travesty, Action Saxton!" came the voice of Vance Bateman, general manger. "You're still using a landline!"

"Damn, you're right!" the Badass Brother swore. He hung up and reached inside his pocket and pulled out a large, white blocky cell phone. He dialed Vance Bateman's number and after several rings, the GM answered.

"Is this any better, sucka?" Saxton asked.

"You'd better bet your bumping booty it is!" Bateman said. "Action Saxton, I have some very grave news. This news is so bad, if it were a wrestler it would make Armando Paradyse look competent!"

"Spit it out, sucka!" Saxton said in alarm. "Any news that bad has gotta be some bad news! And it ain't bad in the way Action Saxton is bad!"

"No one is bad in the way you are bad, and that is why I need you to get your bad self down to the stadium so you can help me make this bad news less bad!" Bateman said.

"I'm on my way, boss," Action Saxton said. "I'm on my way."

He hung up, threw his phone out of the window, and pulled on his snazzy and stylin' purple suit. After checking his profile in the full-length mirror and adjusting his jacket, he swung out of the window conveniently opened by the cell phone and landed in the driver's seat of his vintage white 1960 Cadillac Coupe De Ville, ready to hit the road.


"What's the trouble, double bubble?" Action Saxton yelled as he kicked the front door of Vance Bateman's office open, sending pieces of dark oak richocheting off of the opposite wall. Bateman looked up from the scantily-clad woman reclining on his desk.

"Saxton!" he said. "You're just in time. I was just finishing up some paperwork."

The paperwork waved. Action Saxton gave her an appraising look and a smooth smile.

"Anyway, back to my grave news," Bateman continued. "After doing a thorough investigation of the WZCW Roster, it's come to my attention that the men you will be facing at Kingdom come, Rush and Sam Smith, are Rombuloids."

"No!" Saxton gasped. "It's a disaster! It's a natural disaster! It's a goddamn Sharknado! It's- What the hell are Rombuloids?"

"I'm glad you asked," Bateman said. He turned towards the wall and pulled a diagram of a Rombuloid's basic anatomy from the ceiling. "Saxton, Rombuloids are creatures from another dimension, and they are all united by their sheer hatred for the great country we call America."

Action Saxton nodded. "It is unfortunate that we have two Rombuloids in our midst, sucka," he said. "Do you have any details of their evil plan? I mean, I been seein' how those suckas operate and they gotta have the evillest of plans."

"You better bet your bottom dollar," Vance said. "These Rombuloids have cooked up the most evil plan yet! According to an ancient law written on the back of the Declaration of Independence, if two people sing a new national anthem at a sporting event attended by over five-thousand people, that new anthem will be officially recognized as the national anthem of the United States of America!"

Action Saxton's blood ran cold. His hands balled into fists, and his fists began to shake. He glared at Vance Bateman.

"So you're tellin' me," he said, slowly, "that these Rombuloid suckas Smith and Rush are going to sing a new national anthem at Kingdom Come?"

"That's what it looks like," Bateman replied, solemnly.

"And even if this new anthem is embarassing or evil, it's gonna by recognized as our official new anthem and be sung by all the kids in the country?"

Bateman nodded. Action Saxton grabbed him by his lapels and shook him violently.

"Then by all that is good, right, and Action Saxton," he screamed in Bateman's face, manly tears pouring out of his eyes, "I will defeat those suckas! They gonna pay for even thinking about harming the kids! I'm gonna kill them deader than Christian Slater's career!"

And with that, Saxton released the general manager and threw him on top of his paperwork, who moaned loudly. The muscular man of mojo turned on his heel and strode out, the paperwork's eyes on his retreating back the whole while.

"There goes a man willing to do anything for his country," Bateman said, a single tear sliding down his wrinkled cheek.

Meanwhile, in the stadium, a large crowd had packed the stands. This crowd was made up of the short, the tall, the skinny, the fat, the men, the women, the black and the white, people of all types, from all walks of life, all different, yet all the same. They all looked at one another with excitement in their eyes and spoke with each other in anticipatory tones. You see, all of these people were here for one thing and one thing only: The biggest night in sports history, WZCW Kingdom Come.

"Will everyone please rise for the presentation of our National Anthem?" the pretty host of Kingdom Come said from her position in the middle of the ring. Obediently, the audience rose to their feet. "And now, here to play the national anthem and open the show, please welcome former WZCW Superstar, DK Wilto-"

"Not so fast!"

The crowd gasped as a new voice interrupted the pretty woman. A dramatic chord blared throughout the scene as the hulking form of Rush and the not-really-that-hulking form of Sam Smith dropped from the sky. Sam Smith tossed aside his microphone and snatched the one from the pretty host.

"Hello, puny Earthlings!" Sam Smith said into his microphone, sneering. "We, Sam Smith and Rush, are of the ancient alien race known as the Rombuloids, and we are here to introduce a new national anthem to you all in order to take over America, and the world!"

The crowd booed loudly. Sam Smith laughed.

"Boo us all you want, puny humans!" he shrieked. "We have learned that singing a new national anthem at an event broadcast live on national television and attended by an upwards of 5000 people will cause this to become your new official national anthem! For too long, wrestling, WZCW, and America have all been about entertainment. We are here to change that!"

The crowd booed even louder. Rush grunted and snarled.

"believe us when we say that our new national anthem is humiliating, shameful, and degrading to men, women, and children," Smith continued, "and you will all be forced to accept it! Once we have trampled your self-esteem, we will trample your country, and there is nothing you can do to stop us!"

"You've got that wrong, sucka!" roared Action Saxton's voice. The crowd burst into applause as the Badass Brother himself came tearing down the ramp and slid under the bottom rope. He looked from Smith to Rush and back again, and raised a microphone to his lips. "Suckas, if you want to take down America and ruin our fun, you gonna have to take down the Baddest Brother unlike any other, the slick-talkin', smooth-walkin', heat-packin', crack-a-lackin' Action Saxton! And let me tell you something, suckas," Action Saxton cocked an eyebrow. "Any woman can attest, I sure as hell ain't goin' down."

The Rombuloid calling himself Sam Smith laughed, airily. "That is all well and good, Saxton, but how can you hope to defeat us when there is one of you and two of us? After all, even a puny human being like yourself must know that two is greater than one!"

"He's not alone!"

The crowd cheered even louder and looked around for the source of the voice. Suddenly, everyone saw it at once - Saboteur was here, and he was using his katanas as a helicopter to fly to the ring!

"No!" Sam Smith screeched. "The Rombuloids will replace your national anthem with our own! We will destroy America!"

"Sucka," Saxton said, "you ain't destroyin' nothin' while we're around."

He turned to Saboteur, who had landed next to him. He nodded. Saboteur followed suit. A referee slid under the bottom rope and calledfor the bell.

The final battle had begun.


The final battle had ended. Humanity had defeated the Rombuloids. The crowd cheered as Action Saxton and Saboteur's music blared over the PA system and the duo posed on opposite turnbuckles. Battered and bruised, Smith and Rush rolled around in the ring in agony. The WZCW Tag Team Champions turned to each other and met in the ring, shaking hands and embracing to even louder cheers.

As their music faded, the host of Kingdom Come entered the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she said, "please rise for our national anthem."

The crowd rored as The Star Spangled Banner started to play. Fireworks, red, white, and blue exploded in the air in celebration. As the tag team champions saluted the large flag that had been hung from the ceiling, who should come striding down the ramp than the President of the United States himself, Barack Obama? Mr. President gingerly stepped into the ring and Saxton & Saboteur grabbed his legs and lifted him on their shoulders. The crowd erupted into chants of "USA!" as the president waved and bald eagles came soaring over the heads of the 90,000 gathered in the stadium. Apple pies were thrown to the audience, who chowed down immediately while voting against socialized healthcare and other benefits and shooting their firearms in the air. At the final notes of the song, Saxton and Saboteur threw President Obama into the air and caught him, gingerly setting him on his feet. Finally, Action Saxton grabbed a microphone.

"Sucka," he said to Saboteur, "it was an honor and a privilege teaming with your goofy ass."

"Beep," Saboteur replied.

"I can't think of a better way I would have wanted to go out, teaming with a man who is one of my best damn friends in the world and helping save America."


Action Saxton squinted at his tag team partner. "Sucka, are you feeling all right?"

"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep."

"Oh no!" Saxton gasped. "The Rombuloids must have replaced my tag team partner with a bomb when I wasn't looking in order to take me out! Not on my watch, suckas!"

He dived towards Saboteur, who stood in one place, beeping louder and louder and louder...


Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee- Crunch.

The shrill alarm clock whose clamor pierced the morning air was silenced by a swift karate chop that shattered its casing and sent its two halves rocketing off the bedside table and onto the ground below. The chop was delivered by a hand attached to an arm belonging to one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions himself, Action Saxton.

The Badass Brother groggily sat up, brushing the excess plastic and dust from his hand. He flexed, his muscles thrown into high definition by the sunlight streaming through the window. Turning to the wall, Action Saxton stared at his calendar. When he saw what day it was, he smiled.

There, written and circled in red ink, were the words "KINGDOM COME".

"Hell yeah, sucka," he said. "Time to lay the smackdown and go out on a high note."

His cell phone, an old Nokia model, started to ring. He picked it up from his bedside table and held it up to his face.

"Hello and thank you for calling the Boss of the Bad and the coolest cat in town, Action Saxton," he said. "What the hell can I do for you?"

At the sound of the voice on the other end, his chiseled features broke into a smile.

"Marce!" he exclaimed. "Sucka, am I glad to hear from you. You fly all right? Great. Yeah, I'm ready. You better believe I'm ready, sucka, I been ready ever since those suckas tried layin' their hands on me. I'm gonna go out their and whoop their asses six ways from Sunday and go out a champion."

He nodded, pulling on his kung fu pants.

"Sucka, you know I'm glad you and B are gonna be in the crowd for my final match. You better believe I'm gonna put on a show that will make you and that goofy-ass sucka Saboteur proud. I am the man without fear and the man without peer, the sucka with the most and the toast of the coast, the often-imitated and never-duplicated ass-kicking machine Action Saxton, and-"

He listened for a while and smiled again, warmly.

"I been waitin' a long time for this match. A lot of history in that ring and it's all gonna come out on the show. I ain't forgot what those suckas did at the Lottery and what they did all those weeks ago."

He pulled on a shirt and pressed the phone closer to his ear.

"Yeah, sucka, it's the end. Been a hell of a ride but sometimes a man's gotta step back and kick ass in his own ways. Hey, I'll talk to you before the show. See you in the stands, Marce, and you have a good time."

He hung up and stared out of the window at the sun rising in the sky. It had been a long road to get where he was, but all journeys must come to an end. If Action Saxton had his way - and you know he always does - it'd be an end people would remember for years to come, an end truly worthy of Action Saxton.

So watch out you jive-talkin' suckas, you swindlers and cheaters, out to corrupt the children and take out the world. Watch out, you sneak attackers and under-the-table-dealers. Watch out, you uncool and unhappy clowns who don't know how to get down. Watch out, everyone who ever underestimated the Kung Fu King. Watch out, everyone who fights only for their own gain. Watch out, you panhandlers and sidetalkers, you thieves and robbers, you dishonest disasters and men without a clue.

Wherever there is justice to be done and suckas to be slapped, in the darkest days and in the blackest night, wherever he is needed, wherever he is wanted, and whenever there is wrong to fight - Watch your ass, because Action Saxton is always gonna be there to make things right.

Can you dig it?
The dull sound of a roaring crowd and Truman Harrys voice can just barely be heard through layers and layers of concrete. WZCW fans from all over the world have traveled to Los Angeles, California, and it’s not to get their picture taken with the fake Michael Jackson on Hollywood Boulevard. Instead, 80,000 wrestling fans are packed into Dodgers Stadium for the biggest wrestling event in the known universe: Kingdom Come, and every one of them is in for a historic night. Tonight is just as much about the fans as it is the wrestlers of WZCW, and not a single person in the entire complex wants to go home with an ounce of disappointment. Nobody knows this better than two men planning to make their own piece of history tonight, and those two men are sitting in their dressing room, one sparring with the air, the other scribbling on a piece of paper.

Saxton: I’ll tell you, tonight might be my last match, but I’m feeling better than ever! My moves are tight, my mood is right, and I’m ready for the spotlight!

Saboteur: Uh-huh.

Saxton stops sparring and looks at his partner.

Saxton: Whatchu uh-huh’ing me for? This is going to be one of the biggest matches of our career, and you’re busy doodling? What’s up with that?

Saboteur: I’m not doodling, dood, I’m checking my bucket list.

Saxton: A bucket list? If you’re planning on doing another movie parody, you’re gonna have to find someone else to play Morgan Friedman; he and I haven’t talked to each other ever since he beat me out for the role of God in Bruce Almighty.

Saboteur: This isn’t another movie parody, this is my real bucket list! It’s full of things I’ve wanted to accomplish throughout my life, and this part in particular is the, “Tag Team with Saxton,” category.

Saxton: Oh well in that case, let me have a look at that bad boy!

Saboteur obliges Saxton’s wish and hands him the sheet of paper.

Saxton: Let’s see here, first off you have, “Adopt a loveable misfit and turn him into a lean, mean, fighting machine.”

Saboteur: Check.

Saxton: “Alter history through time travel.”

Saboteur: Check.

Saxton: Win the WZCW Tag-Team Titles.

Saboteur: Double check!

Saxton: Well it looks like we’ve done just about all we’ve set off to do in WZCW… except this box right here. “Save WZCW from evil forces?” What do you mean evil forces?

Saboteur: I mean bad guys that need to have their butts thrown out of WZCW.

Saxton: I’m not sure I’m following you.

Saboteur: Saxton, do you remember when we first teamed up? Before we ever became officially a tag team, before there were souvenir cereal spoons or towers that watch over the Wyoming sky like a glorious monument to the incredible feats of mankind, you and I were two men with the same mission: kick bad guy booty. We didn’t care about titles or money or glory: we cared about defending all that is right. It’s why we were able to beat the Apostles of Chaos so many times, it’s why I was able to beat Ty Burna and you were able to beat Armando Paradyse: because in the end, the heroes win, and that’s what we were: heroes.

Saxton: Now hold on, sucka, you BEST not be saying that we ain’t heroes no more. Heroes don’t need to be wearing capes and fighting sinister organizations headed by a delusional magician to help people. You and I are heroes to those people simply because we go out there and fight our asses off and never quit! You know, unless a really, really fat dude sits on one of us.

Saboteur: I know that, but it would still be nice if we were fighting an overwhelmingly evil team of bad guys with a name a subtle name like The Apostles of Chaos, The League of Evil, or Holocaust-Denying-Puppy-Killing-Pedophiles-R-Us. Maybe we can get Strikeforce to trade matches with us.

Saxton: Wait just one cotton candy eating minute! Sam Smith and Rush might not have some super evil sounding name, but let’s not forget that those boys are rotten to the core! These dudes think they know what we all about; they think they know what ails WZCW. They say it’s jokers like us that are making this once great company into a joke, that we’re causing a downfall of wrestling. Well riddle me this Saboteur, who are the two time WZCW Tag Team Champions that have sold out arenas from here to Shanghai going nuts every time we step through the curtain?

Saboteur: We are!

Saxton: And who’s the duo that can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag?

Saboteur: They are!

Saxton jumps up on a bench, puffs out his chest, and starts to preach.

Saxton: Damn right! You see, wrestling ain’t about the mask you wear or how you style your hair! What Rush and Smith don’t understand is that it’s about who’s the better man. When them and us go toe to toe you can see it high and low: we’re the men, they’re the boys; we walk tall while they play with their toys. That’s why tonight we’re gonna win and I’ll walk out of this stadium with a grin. Saxton and Saboteur are still the best, so let’s go put those troubles of yours to rest.

Saxton hops down from the bench as Saboteur springs to his feet, motivated by Saxton’s words.

Saboteur: I’m gonna miss your speeches.

Saxton: I’m gonna miss it all.

Saboteur and Saxton reach out for one last handshake.

Saboteur: It’s been good working with you, Saxton.

Saxton smirks before replying.

Saxton: Save it for after we win… you no good, unjive, spandex wearin’ motha’ sucka.

The handshake is pulled close as Saxton and Saboteur share a short embrace before they separate and walk out of their locker room. Their match isn’t going to be on for a while, but they know that’s the last private moment they’ll have tonight, and perhaps ever. Reporters and journalists will be tailing the duo (and every other wrestler for that matter) for the rest of the night for sound bytes, interviews, pictures, stories, anything they can put in the paper or on the web. After all, it’s Kingdom Come, and tonight is just as much about the fans as it is the wrestlers, and nobody knows that better than the WZCW Tag Team Champions: Saxton and Saboteur.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the notion that all life has descended from a common ancestor. The birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes that complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. As random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival. These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the results are not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature.

Natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations. Suppose a member of a species developed a functional advantage. Its offspring would inherit that advantage and pass it on to their offspring. The inferior members of the same species would gradually die out, leaving only the superior and advantageous members of the species. Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage that enables a species to compete better in the wild.

Similarly, natural selection eliminates inferior species gradually over time.


I have evolved throughout my time here in WZCW. I have retained the basis of who I am and what makes me a professional wrestling legend but I have evolved and adapted in order to survive.

Initially I was unknowingly weak. I feed off of the support from the loudest common denominator. The harder they cheered and chanted my name, the weaker I was. I walked directly behind the Dodo bird and was too blind to even see cliff I was cheered off of two years ago.

I proved to be stronger than death, but I needed to evolve.

I held onto what was beneficial to my rise and survival and dumped the inferior garbage. I developed a functional advantage when I aligned myself with the future of Professional Wrestling and another evolution survivor: Sam Smith.

Together we are the fittest of the fit and the strongest of the strong. We are fully evolved sitting at the top of the world and from out peak we will watch the majority of the world’s inhabitants die out.

Only the superior and advantageous species will be able to continue and thrive and move forward to continue to evolve. Your survival will be by our invitation only.

The wrestling world is weak. It is gradually dying because most of it’s inhabitants are weak. False idols like Action Saxton and Saboteur who murder and rape professional wrestling weekly and have yet to be held accountable for the poor and decayed state of this industry and punished for their deeds.

The weak who have been nursing off of the toxic tit of WZCW are dying and are being swallowed by the strong.

Sam Smith and I will continue to evolve as the rest of the world dies at our feet. We will lead those who are strong enough to evolve and survive into a new and superior generation. We will march forward until our offspring obtain the advantageous genetic mutation in order evolve past us and devour us.

It’s the circle of life and I for one would rather die in a future where professional wrestling has returned to its pure state after being lifted past it’s former glory than rot away in the filth that I am surrounded by today.

All creatures are not created equal.

Only the strong survive.

My name will survive eternity.
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