Kingdom Come V - I Quit/EA Title Match Discussion

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

This rivalry is as old as they come - the villain against the hero. Chris K.O, a man who proclaimed himself to be the "savior" of the people, the "White Knight" of WZCW, has walked to the ring with delusions of grandeur and attempting to convert the fans to his idealisms. However, the true hero of the people, a future Hall-of-Famer in Titus has grown tired of the fake symbol of hope, willing to do anything to shut him up and take him down. However, on the previous occasion, Chris was the victor and has grown stronger, capturing the Eurasian Championship in the process. Now, he ups the stakes and wants to devour Titus in an "I Quit" match so he can watch the hero submit to him, making him the one and the only savour of WZCW. But the heart of Titus should never be doubted as there is a reason the phrase "I heard legends of that man" was invented and knowing him, he'll be bringing the same "A" game that he brought to the dance at Kingdom Come II.​
Let's go Titus! *Clap clap clapclapclap*

I don't think I've ever hidden how fond I am of Titus. He is one of, if not my favourite WZCW superstar going. That being said he is against Chris K.O, the EurAsian Champ. Both men hugely successful, I think this eventually falls to experience. In the end, Titus needs to get his backside out there and fight for his life, the people & that title. I see him doing it, we all know that heroes dont quit.

Prediction - Titus wins, becomes new EurAsian Champion.
I'm going to be in the same boat as a lot of people here - I'd love Titus to win this match so he can finally beat the villain and capture a championship that he has yet to hold. I know Lee can do it but considering that Kermit brings it for the bigger matches, it'll be a tough contest for him. However, what I've noticed is that KO is either a hit or a miss character - there is no in-between. Whereas with Titus, its either he's good when he tries and he doesn't try, you can tell. So basically, although Kermit tries, he can do bad. Titus when he tries, he's always got at least a solid RP.

Prediction: Titus
I'm really excited about this match. I feel like this could be a real show stealer. Can I go ahead and put in a claim to write it now? :D

I have no idea who's going to win. Both of these guys can bring their A-game on the big stage. The sentimentalist in me is hoping for Titus, because, come on, this is totally a match where the good guy is supposed to win.
Not sure who will win, but I'm excited. I used the last two rounds to sacrifice quality so that I could set up what I want to do for this RP. Falk is right, Chris is a hit or miss kind of character, but if I do hit, I'm going to hit hard. Can't wait to see what one of the greats puts out. Should be a tremendous match!
Perhaps the most classically booked feud in the fed right now. Good vs Bad as pure as it comes, and I love this match up. Titus needs to win. The hero needs to win here...
I will be 100% behind Titus for this one. Kermit, you I know I love ya, but this really is a good-guy-wins kind of match and I want to see Titus get his heroic victory and a championship he's yet to hold. I'm really, really looking forward to this one.
Had it not been for Lee's absence earlier and the assigning of KO to another feud, this could have been one of the premier feuds in recent times in WZCW. Sparked by Titus' Definition of a Hero to take advantage of KO's ******* White Knight and driven on by an increasingly personal rivalry and trading of victories, we could have been heading into a mammoth finale.

I am not saying what we have now is bad, far from it. It just does not have that epic, climactic feeling that it could have had had everything fallen into place. That it didn't is literally no one's fault.

As for a winner, in purely kayfabe terms (which is normally what I base my predictions on), it is nearly impossible to look past the heroic Titus vanquishing the evil KO. However, in terms of RP quality, it is as clear as mud. If Kermit can drag up some of that early White Knight, frustration-fuelled material, then he is capable of beating anyone. Except maybe one of Lee's masterpieces.
I am not saying what we have now is bad, far from it. It just does not have that epic, climactic feeling that it could have had had everything fallen into place.
If I had a nickel...
This feud has had the most of a rasslin' buildup as I've seen in the fed

And that is perfectly fine with me. I gather that this was a feud before my time, and that Kermit got the upper hand. From what I've seen, both of these men at their best are damn near unbeatable, though I do find Kermit a little more consistent. Consistency won't be an issue, especially with someone like Titus, who seems to know exactly what to do for big pay per views.

Sorry, Kermit, I got Lee
Fascinating match, I'm a big fan of both of these guys actually. I've never known Lee to write a RP I didn't at least moderately enjoy and Kermit has been consistently brilliant since he joined.

I'm leaning towards Titus slightly based on personal preference, but this could certainly go either way.
I don't see how you can't pick Titus here. Not because I find him to be all that better than KO but because in an I Quit Match a face just doesn't lose. Unless they go with the cheap phone trick (which I doubt) Titus has to win here. Sorry to pile on Kermit my green buddy but logically Titus should go over.
Sexual Dynamite said:
I don't see how you can't pick Titus here. Not because I find him to be all that better than KO but because in an I Quit Match a face just doesn't lose. Unless they go with the cheap phone trick (which I doubt) Titus has to win here. Sorry to pile on Kermit my green buddy but logically Titus should go over.

If this was an angle-driven fed or a BT, then I agree 100%, but we're shoot-fighting in these here parts...
Solid RPs from both men. Interesting that both sort of went over their individual histories and how they came to get here. On the opposite end you have Titus wanting it to be about the title, and Chris making it about the moment and putting Titus down.

My thing is though, is Titus wishing the match to be about the belt at this juncture too little too late? I nearly forgot this was even about the Eurasian Title, but rather I remember the wicked feud they've had. I think Chris took the right mindset going in, this is personal, this is about Chris cementing his spot. Titus takes it as he wants another championship, and oh by the way facing an opponent he hates. The opponent seems to come secondary to Titus.

This isn't a knock on the RPs at hand, both were fantastic, but just as an outsider kayfabe perspective, I would say after those two promos that Chris was far more prepared for this match and willing to do what it takes than Titus is. If it were a straight booked angle, Titus would win and the end of the White Knight is complete.

Who wins? I'm leaning towards Chris K.O. at this point. I would not be surprised to see Titus win. It's quite close in my view.

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