Kingdom Come III - Alex Bowen vs. Justin Cooper - Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The Mayhem Championship is on the line with Alex Bowen defending his title against Battle Royale Winner Justin Cooper. Both men have been hanging around the Mayhem scene for quite some time, but yet have never face off individually for the title. Having seen off former champion, Chris Jones, will Bowen continue to reign superb over the division or will Cooper leave Kingdom Come with his first ever piece of gold around his waist?

Alex Bowen (c) vs. Justin Cooper

Deadline is Monday 28th March 23:59 EST
Alex Bowen is standing backstage at a Wzcw house show. He is in his usual attire of Jean shorts and a t-shirt, but this time it says something new. It's not a metal shirt, it's a Kingdom come shirt. He is all smiles as he has his belt around his waist and one his thumbs hooked behind it. His eye is bruised and his cheek looks a bit puffed out, but the Mayhem champ is leaning to the side talking on his phone while tapping his foot. Leon Kensworth walks into the area looking for someone, he looks over and notices Bowen talking on the phone. He hastily runs to the champ and taps him on his shoulder, Alex turns his head and with a smile closes the phone and begins to talk.

Alex- Well, well, well look who we have here! How the hell are you Leon?

Leon smiles back at the champ and looks down a bit as he expected to be insulted. Alex Bowen leans over and puts an arm around the backstage reporter and squeezes him trying to cheer him up. He lets him go with a pat on the side and takes a step back.

Leon- Thanks Mr. Bowen, but why are you in such a good mood?

Alex- I'm not really sure Leon, Maybe it has something to do with the large gold belt around my waist?

Alex leans back and points with two fingers at his title belt. With a large cheeky grin he turns the pointed fingers into thumbs up and laughs with Leon.

Alex- It's good times for the Mayhem champ, let me tell you that Leon. For the first time since 2008 I'll be stepping back into the biggest stage that WZCW has to offer, and By god does it feel good.

Leon- Well we know how you feel about being on top champ, But how does it feel knowing you stopped one of the biggest humps in your path this week? You are now responsible for Chris Jones leaving the Mayhem division, and not being on the biggest stage WZCW has to offer.

Alex looks at Leon with With a stiff jaw, He flairs his nostrils and looks at the camera with a strange look in his eyes. His bruised eye is wide open and he is breathing deeply.

Alex- I love how that pile of garbage thinks he is still gods gift to earth. Chris Jones, you are the lowest form of man. This is the hardcore division, but real men don't Do what you did.

The champion shakes his head in disgust, He puts his hand on his forehead and lets out a deep breath as he rubs his forehead.

Alex- You want to call yourself the savior of WZCW, well The savior of our world was a real man. Real men don't take the pussy way out and hit people in the balls Chris.

Leon looks on at the champ and shakes his head in agreement.

Leon- But champ what do you feel about the mayhem battle royal that was put in place to find a challenger for your Mayhem title at Kingdom come.

Alex- I loved it Leon, I'm always up for a challenge. I was looking forward to facing every man in that challenge, everyone would have brought their a game, and we would have had a hell of a match on our hands.

Leon- What do you mean Alex?

Alex- Well I don't mean we aren’t going to have a huge match at Kingdom come, that kind of came out wrong. I'm looking forward to facing Justin Cooper. I've proved once before that I can hang with him, but he has beat me in the past. I don't know what was wrong with me that match, but stuff happens. That's what makes this match so sweet, he will crap talk for days about how he's beaten me once before in the past. But really I've beaten him in the match that counted.

Alex points with authority to his name on the Mayhem title belt.

Alex- You can say all you want about that match Justin, but do you have this belt? We were both in two matches with Chris when he was champion. I don't see your name in the record books, but I see mine.

Leon- Very true champ, what do you think about his lifestyle? You know him being a former rapper and all, do you think a lot of people are putting him as the winner of this match just by name value only?

A large tanned man walks into the scene, He is wearing sunglasses and has a face full of energy. He is smiling at the champ as he looks at the shiner on his face. He pats him on the back and lifts up his sunglasses to stare at the camera.

Gordito- Leon I think anyone who is doing that is out of their mind. Our Mayhem champ here is doing a great job keeping this place true to it's roots. You got it all wrong in your head, baby, Bowen here is the new age. I for one am glad he is taking the trash out of this place one by one.

Leon- Gordito!? What are you doing here?

Gordito- Oh nothing, I was just backstage and seen the champ was being interviewed. Wanted to give him a pat on the back in the right direction.

Gordito extends his hand to the Mayhem champ with a large grin on his face. Alex looks down at it and back to the former Mayhem man, he extends his hand and grasps the large tan hand. They shake smiling grizzled smiles, all the while having a small battle of strength over who has the better grip. Gordito laughs as he lets the champs hand go.

Gordito- You got a good head on yourself kid, keep it up. Do us proud at Kingdom come, I wanna see Alex Bowen go places.

Alex looks at Gordito with a smile on his face and his friend nods. He walks out waving a small wave behind his head. He stops quickly and looks back at the Mayhem champ and yells back to him.

Gordito- Hey champ, You got a shot waiting for you back at the Pit anytime you want it!

Alex laughs at Gordito and gives him the thumbs up. Gordito flips his shades back down and walks down the hall. Alex keeps looking down the hall laughing, he then looks back at Leon and says.

Alex- I gotta agree with what Gordito has to say man. I was gonna rap to use your own tactics against you. But you seem to be doing such a great job of making an ass of yourself, that you've spared me from making myself look bad. But the next time you start rapping about me I'm gonna do the world a favor, and punch you in the throat before you try to be the next Drake. Your whole carrier is a sham, your raps are weak just like you man.

Leon looks taken back and makes a fist to his mouth to keep himself from laughing.

Alex- Look, you ain't from Detroit, I lived in Detroit for years. I know what real rapping is, you're probably in some all white gated community in South Carolina. You're the kid that put on earphones and listened to Eminem all the time right? Bumping Sing for the Moment, doesn't mean you're from 8 Mile bro.

Alex stops himself before he goes any farther. He looks at Leon who is almost in tears at this point and shakes his head. The Mayhem champ shifts his weight on one leg and clears his throat and looks to Leon for another question.

Alex- Yes chuckles?

Leon- Oh yes! The interview, I got lost in that mini roast you were doing of Justin. Here is another question for you Bowen, Of your opponents to date in the Mayhem division who did you think was the bigger threat?

Alex- I'm not trying to sound cocky, but being thrown into a division is kind of fun. This is my playground, I am the king of chaos, the hardcore Messiah. But Justin brings something that neither Former champs Ferbian or Chris Jones could, want. He is matching me in it right at this moment.

Leon looks at Alex With A puzzled look on his face and squints his eyes.

Leon- What would that be?

Alex- He needs this win, Without that he will go back down to the bowels of this company. Another man will take his place, and I'll still be reigning champ. I had the same want Leon, I had that same itch. To better myself, but Justin you're going about it all wrong. You can't just talk the talk, you have to walk with the big boys. In this place at the moment, I am the biggest of them all. Ty Burna, Winters, the Bia are nothing to you. Alex Bowen is your main focus at this time. Don't get a high head because you haven't even scratched the surface.

Alex reaches behind him and pulls off the snaps to his belt. He grabs the other side with his other hand. He throws it up on his shoulder. He points to the belt with a squint in his eye.

Alex- This was my biggest dream in this company. Each and every promotion I've been in, I've had a championship. But not this one, my first time In WZCW my brother Melinko took my dream away. Now I'm about to do that to you, at the grandest stage of them all.

Alex puts out his hand as if he is going over each fan, He looks into the imaginary crowd with wide eyes and nods.

Alex- That's the truth Justin, you're experience compared to mine is just a drop in the bucket compared to mine. In fact to be honest, just crossing out all the experience I'm talking about, I'm still better than you. I beat you and Chris for this title, not just Chris Jones. I beat Justin Cooper and Chris Jones for it. I proved that Chris was no longer a threat to this title, just like at Kingdom Come I'll prove it to you. I'll rub you from the existence of the Mayhem Division and WZCW.

Alex Looks at the camera with fire in his eyes, He is slowly shaking rocking back and forth in place. Mad sick thoughts run through his head as he takes on hand in his other and cracks his knuckles with force. Leon cringes at this noise.

Alex- I'm going to end this Justin, I'm sick of you guys thinking I'm just some hack who can't cut it in this company. I've never been babied, when you were still in your diaper... I was being beat. Beaten every day along with my whole family. You want to know what happens when I snap? Chris Jones Doesn’t know, Ferbian Dosen't know, Only you will know what it's like to see me snap. Because I'm close Justin, And I believe that you're going to push me over the edge. Kingdom come is a perfect time to take all that anger out. Atomic bombs will go off with less force than our next meeting.

Leon Kensworth looks at Alex's words taking them to heart. He stares at Alex Bowen with a blank face and drops both hands to his side. He blinks a few blinks and quickly turns his head from side to side looking for something. Alex is flexing his jaw and breathing heavily out of his nose. He slowly looks down at the floor and in a gravely voice he says this.

Alex- You will never no the pain I go through Justin.

Alex Looks back up at the camera and runs his hairs through his hair letting out a deep breath.

Alex- Each day it gets deeper and deeper. You can live your big rich Mega star life. But behind all the bodyguards I know you are just like me. But Justin you never will be me. I have a goal and a message to send to someone at Kingdom come. A person I loved very deeply has passed, She always was there for me. I will not let the person who helped save my life down. When I was close to ending it all, she was always there. I can't be at her funeral, but at Kingdom come my sendoff will be Me retaining my Mayhem title.

Leon looks to be almost in tears as the Mayhem champ looks up to the sky. He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a small slip of thick paper. His hands are trembling as he shows it to the camera. It reads Kingdom Come, it's a ticket!

Alex- This was hers, she was going to come see the show. She was going to be there for me like she was all the other times in the past. Rooting me on, like she always said “It's going to get better tomorrow”. Well Kingdom Come might not be tomorrow. But when that day comes it will be all better. Justin I just hope you know what you've gotten yourself into.

Alex reaches in his side pocket and brings out a lighter. Hands still shaking and almost in tears he lights it and puts the flames to the ticket. The smoke is different colored at first, but soon turns a small orange inferno. The chemicals in the paper put on a show with different colors of flame. Alex still looks at the ticket and drops it to the floor. The camera cuts off into a black screen with the words Kato, this world was to good for you and I love you below that.
The screen begins outside near a house which has been knocked down. The rumble is left, with some of the main structure still managing to survive. A broken photo frame is laying to the left, with the picture inside of a family. It is the only sign that someone lived in the house, with no furniture around. Suddenly a foot crushes what was left of the frame, squishing the photo at the same time. Slowly the shot moves up, going from head to toe. It reveals Justin Cooper, who has a piece of rumble in his hand. He begins to move it between his fingers. Watching as some of it falls to the ground. Slowly Cooper begins to walk forward going closer to the remaining structure of the house. He places a hand on one of the fallen walls.

How things can change so quickly. At one moment you’re at the top of the mountain, the next you’re down in the dumps. Left broken to be picked apart by the dogs. This house stood tall, mighty above everything else around here. Now it is left crumbling in its own pity. Just like Alex Bowen will be left in his own pity once Kingdom Come is over. After I beat multiple opponents in the Mayhem battle royal I became posed to take the spot as champion. From someone who was left floating by management, to the number one contender for a championship at Kingdom Come.

It was last week when I promised a victory, I made a vow to win. Yet I was left out in the cold by everyone. In the eyes of the people, I had no chance to win the match. But I showed everyone that Justin Cooper is not someone to be forgotten about. When I delivered the chair shot to the skull of Armando Paradyse, I heard the fans in the front row scream. I saw the tears of the children, the fear in the eyes of the women. And it will happen again at Kingdom Come; once again the chair connects to the skull. This isn’t some game Bowen; this isn’t something I will take for granted. I want this more than anything I have ever wanted in my life. To hold that title above my head would forever right my name into the history books.

Cooper walks around the cracked wall where his hand laid. He takes off his sun glasses, and looks directly at the camera.

These chances don’t come often, a shot at a championship. Alex do not think I’m going to let this slip by me once again. Unlike our past matches where we have faced off, this time it is just one on one. No excuses this time Alex. You will have nothing to say but I lost to a better wrestler, and finally a better champion. Just like I did with the contenders in the battle royal, I’ll be putting you in your place on Sunday.

This match is going to be a career defining moment for both of us. However it will be for different reasons. It will mark your second loss at the biggest event of the year, and my first title win. While your title run has seen you defeat former champion Chris Jones, when have you beat me?

With a smile on his face, Cooper takes a pause allowing time for the question to sink in.

It hasn’t happened has it Alex, you have never beaten Justin Cooper. Not once, not even in those dreams you have. I spoke about going to a place where I would do anything to win. You thought you saw that last week, think again. Nobody has seen what I can really do. You couldn’t imagine the things I have planned for our match. From the chairs, to the tables, to even the simple things like the ring posts. They will all play apart in your fall from grace.

I hope you understand what this match is going to be. Because if you don’t, may god have mercy on your soul. This isn’t going to be a walk in the park for you Alex. Rather something far from it. To even have a slim chance of winning this match, you will have to dig down into the depths of your soul. Drag out the evil which lay inside all of us. But I don’t think you can, you don’t have what it takes Alex. You need to reach down, find what destruction is left inside that beaten body of yours. And bring it up; let it unleash on me Alex. Because I want you to bring everything you have. Bring the weapons, bring everything!

Our match is going to be violent, involving weapons, but at the end of the day. When the people go home, only one image will be left in their minds. That will be me standing above your body, holding the Mayhem championship above my head. This dream you’re living, can only last so long. It reminds me of a story I once heard.

Once again Cooper pauses, remembering this story he once heard.

About a boy named is Peter, and he was a special boy. Just like you, he had dreams. His dream was to never grow up. To be able to play all his life, to run around with his friends. For a while this dream was coming true, Peter was able to play all day. Then as all dreams do, they end! Just like Peters dream ended, so will yours Alex. Your dream of being champion is coming to a finish and it is time for my dream to begin.

Cooper picks up the photo which was inside the broken frame. He shakes the dirt off, and then pulls a lighter from his pocket.

This Sunday Alex I wake you up from this dream you are having. You and this photo in my hand have something in common. I hold you in the palm of my hand, I control your fate. Dreams are funny things Alex, they come and go. Sometimes you achieve your dreams, and sometimes you fall on your face. This time Alex, you will be falling on your face. With the whole world watching, as Alex Bowen chokes in the biggest match of his career. But as they say Alex, there is always next year. Well who knows if there will be anything left of you for next year.

Your title reign has lasted a few weeks, I’m surprised at that. Come this Sunday just like this photo, your title reign is going to go up in flames!

With the photo in his right hand and the lighter in his left, Cooper sets it alight. He drops the photo to the ground, watching it burn. As it burns into ash, Cooper walks off out of the camera view. The final shot is off the ash left from the photo, which is blown away by gust of wind.
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