King of the Ring 2009 - Will It Happen, and Who Will Win It?

I agree, they should keep the King of the Ring as a building point for a career like they have done with bret, austin and triple h.

Unfortunately last year's efforts with Regal (yes i know a suspention was involved) reminded me of what they did when they let Billy Gunn win it and then do absolutely nothing with him!

So i have to be honest and say that i am not going to look forward to it so that hopefully they will do something quite big and suprising.

The one i see WWE doing for some strange reason is letting Cena win it or something silly and totally make the tournament pointless.
I am looking forward to it. I think the winner of the King of The Ring should get a title shot (at least a mid card title shot) at Night of Champions. I think that sounds pretty awesome.
the past couple of King of the Ring tournaments have been pointless lately, when Booker T won a couple years back against Bobby Lashley, that was like a 6 out of 10 stars for me, and last years with Regal winning it, was like a 2 out of 10, they have SUCKED lately, wwe needs to put the big guys back in it, and some mid-cards and 2 or 3 smaller guys, like this

Randy Orton
Triple H
John Cena
Big Show
Chavo Guerrero
Evan Bourne
Kofi Kingston
CM Punk
Mark Henry
Shelton Benjamin
Cody Rhodes (help orton)
Ted Dibease (help orton)
I don't think main event guys should be involved at all, at least not based on what the KOTR has been like in the past. It should be a display of the mid-carders and a way to give them a real chance, against other mid-carders, and not just a squash against Kane or anything like that.

If I had to pick 12-guys (theoretically 4 per brand), it would be:

1. William Regal
Although he did nothing with it, he can add the "repeat" aspect. He should lose in the first round though.
2. CM Punk
If he ever plans on becoming World Champion again, he's going to have to boost his resume. I can see him winning this.
3. Jack Swagger
Swagger should be a finalist, although if he gets drafted off of ECW, he should win it next year or the year after (assuming it becomes annual)
4. Christian
Give him some exposure, although he doesn't need it with the older generation, or TNA watchers. Perhaps have him lose to Swagger.
5. and 6. John Morrison and the Miz
I want the break up of Miz and Morrison, even though they're immensely popular. In my opinion, Miz is holding Morrison back. A good first round match would be Miz vs Morrison. Maybe a loss at 'Mania to the Colons would be a good feud starter, with Morrison blaming Miz of course.
7. Kozlov
Possibly the winner. He has nothing to do with Wrestlemania but if WWE is able to build up his credibility, he should be able to have a prominent role in the next one.
8. MVP
It'll give him something to do.
9. Kennedy
He needs to prove himself after being injured for the majority of his short career.
10. Santino
Immediate loser in the first round, but can be used to put over Kozlov with an immediate loss.
11. The Brian Kendrick
He'll help put over a face, maybe Punk
12. Dolph Ziggler
It'll make him relevant.

The tournament should definitely last more than one night, and should come to an end at a PPV. They should make it a launching pad, and if they go a route where they want actual A-listers, than Orton should win.
i think that the king of the ring should go back to the bigger bracket, with like 16 or even 32 superstars, another change they should make is that they should have the first 2 rounds over the course of a few weeks on the shows: Smackdown, Raw and ECW and then have a special 3-hour Raw or even go back to the Pay-Per-View. the contestents i see participating are: (for 32 person baracket)
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
John Cena
Kofi Kingston
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Shawn Michaels
Ted DeBiase
Cody Rhodes
Santino Marrella

Big Show
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Mr. Kennedy

Evan Bourne
Jack Swagger
John Morrison
Ricky Ortiz
The Miz
Tommy Dreamer

I also think that the tournament should have somewhat of a MITB Stipulation
I agree with the above poster. Make the KOTR relevant again by having last a few shows. Increase the bracket to 32 superstars and have the first two rounds of the bracket take place on Raw, SD, and ECW. Then either have the final 8 battle on a 3 hour Raw. And I believe a upper mid carder or a mid carder who needs to be propelled should win the KOTR. Someone like Punk, Morrison, Benjamin, MVP, or Swagger should win it.
I agree that it should be used to push some young talent into the forefront. It should be someone like Kennedy, Christian, Evan Bourne, Kofi, or Punk to win it and get the push into the title picture like they deserve.
i have to say i really like the idea of one night tournaments. it can add the prestige to whoever wins it by putting them over as someone who has huge stamina and is a performer who can "step up" to beat three guys in one night. you can add another dimension to that by having one of the guys they beat have had a bye somewhere, it would be great to push and underdog like say, evan bourne for example. have him beat kofi in the first round and make it an epic showdown then say the winner of morrison v. miz where the loser has laid down for the winner. then have the final be against an established heel like jericho where bourne gets a roll up out of nowhere. he's crowned but there are still questions. you have a feud against jericho already set up and you can easily branch whoever you put into that situation to other things
What should happen is that feuds between main-event guys should continue at this tournament, with Edge facing Cena or someone else in the semi-finals and get beaten and being screwed on the final against someone like Swagger, Bourne, Punk or Benjamin.

They would continue main-event feuds but at the same time push the new guys to the top...

I have to disagree. The entire spirit of KotR is springboarding new guys to the top. By involving top guys in any way you're doing the opposite by taking the spotlight off the up and comers. Now I wouldn't have a huge problem with including one or two top guys but their only purpose should be to job CLEANLY to the up and comer that would eventually win it all. But really, is Cena going to lose cleanly to someone like Morrison? Will MVP pin Hunter fairly after a hard fought match? I doubt it.

KotR is prestigious enough on it's own as long as it follows a few basic principles. It needs talented wrestlers, great matches and the person who wins it needs to actually be pushed to that next level. That's it. It's not a complex science. See: Kurt Angle. He was at the IC level. He won KotR. He was main eventing a PPV two months later and he was winning the WWE title four months later. After he lost the title he was still seen as a guy that could win it at any time.

Pick someone and push them. No main event talent thrown in needed.
I said this a couple of months ago, Matt Hardy should win this tournament if they wont to make him a legit heel like he was (sort of except he will be upper mid now) before. Think about it, you have him win and then he can say he is better than everyone else. Right away you have a good feud. Anyone could walk out and say there better. For example you could have CM punk come out loose several times before finally beating Matt Hardy. Not only making Matt Hardy look good but making CM Punk the under dog like a hero. This is the best way to start a lower mid card feud IMO.

Or you could even start a tag team here with the KOTR. Matt Hardy saying he is the best and so on then another heel comes out and says he is better. They have a match and then BAM they suddenly like each other and go on a terror streak, much like Rated RKO.

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