King Barrett: ""I Would Really Like To Go Into The Tag Team Division"


According to a recent interview given with The Sun, KOTR Wade Barrett has expressed a strong desire to be part of WWE's tag team division.

"I would really like to go into the tag division. It isn't something I've done very much in the past. Pretty much consistently since I've been with WWE since 2010 I've been the bad guy singles wrestler so I would like to do something a little different. I've always feel like I play off people well and I was hoping the run with Stardust might last a little bit longer. But going back, I know there's a few guys that are kind of in the doldrums at the moment career-wise so maybe pairing up with someone new and trying to go in a completely different direction to what I've done before is the next step for me. The guys in that division have done a really good job in the last year or so. New Day especially, they've really spearheaded it in my opinion, so I'd love to be a part of it in some way, shape or form."

It's true that Barrett hasn't had much to do with tag team wrestling in WWE, aside from the odd tag team bout every once in a while, and it could be a fresh idea for him, a way to possibly invigorate him for later on down the line for a return into the singles ranks. As of right now, I just don't see much of a future for him as a singles wrestler right now: I've less than zero interest to see him get a 6th reign with the Intercontinental Championship since arguably no other wrestler in the last 20 years has gotten less out of being Intercontinental Champion, moving him to go after the United States Championship holds a similar level of disinterest I've just had all the interest in Barrett as a mid-card champion crushed out of me through atrocious booking of him as IC champ and, as a result, there's absolutely no feasible way he could be a contender for the WWE WHC at this point.

I'd say the most likely choice, at least in the minds of a lot of people in these forums, would be to team him up with Sheamus. It's been suggested a lot in the past by having them, possibly aligning with Paige, to form some sort of alliance of British wrestlers. Barrett & Sheamus would make a formidable tag team; a couple of big, strong bruiser Brits could be fun to watch. The problem is that Sheamus is Mr. MITB and that means he's all but guaranteed to be WWE WHC; it's not as strong of a guarantee as it once was and interest in Sheamus as being WWE WHC doesn't strike me as being all that high among fans. At any rate, until the MITB briefcase is out of the way, I don't see it.

I would suggest Neville as he & Barrett bring a combination of power and athleticism to the table, but it looks like they're in the midst of a feud right now and doesn't look too likely.

IF Barrett made a transition from singles to tag team wrestler, who would you like to see as his partner?
Wade Barrett ( as a heel ) tagging with a rejuvenated Axle. Both men need to refresh their current careers and maybe winning the tag team titles as Axle and Barrett could do that. Both are good/great on the mic and would gel together nicely.
It's an interesting comment, for sure. I doubt that the WWE is going to let him dictate what he wants to do, especially in an interview that is not on their site, meaning it isn't worked. That being said, there are a few interesting options.

- Neville: It was teased at one point, and they could make a nice British Bulldogs-esque team.
- Axle and Sandow: The WWE has made a few groups of three lately, and this might be a nice combination.
- Bo Dallas: I'd probably put him in a mask to start, and then unveil him later on after they have some traction.
- Adam Rose: See Bo Dallas.

Here's the thing, though, the WWE could put him with anyone, really, but if they don't get behind them, it'll just be two mid card guys theatre together because there is nothing else.
It's sad that Barrett feels that way, but I guess he's realised it's not happening for him as a top guy, so now it's about staying employed and relevant as long as possible.

The ideal guy to team him with is probably Neville all told - making them the "new Bulldogs" in a sense would work well, putting them with Sheamus in an Anglo/Irish group would be interesting.

What I'd love to see however - is Barrett & SAMOA JOE - they'd be a great "odd couple" tag team but one based on pure aggression. Both guys have no-nonsense, smash mouth styles and they could be the dominant team they tried to make The Ascension. Joe and Balor winning the Dusty Classic gives an interesting way in - Balor and Joe can "make their debut on RAW" against Barrett and Stardust only to have Joe and Barrett both turn on their partners... Balor and Cody are a natural fit and so are Joe and Barrett. They can feud for a while as the Dudz carry and then Joe and Barrett are a legit team who could dethrone the Dudz.

An interesting alternative is James Storm. Barrett is somewhat similar to Bobby Roode in style and attitude, so they too could be a natural fit.
Barrett hasn't had much success in his singles career. That lack of success can be attributed to numerous injuries rather than inability to be a good singles wrestler.

He should bring back the Bad News Barrett gimmick, which had so much potential. What if he came out to CM Punk's music in Chicago. WWE could even accidentally "leak out" a false report to the dirt sheets. MAJOR SPOILER - CM PUNK SET TO RETURN TO WWE TONIGHT!!! People would be going crazy but then... "I'm afraid I've got some bad news!!!" That would generate heat never before heard.
Love to see him with Cesaro to be honest. Both are tall and rangy and with Barrett being King of the Ring, and Cesaro the King of Swing, I'm sure they could do something with that.

Cesero has proven he's a good tag team wrestler but haven't seen much of Barrett in the tag team division. Given the right gimmick no reason they can't do well.
I like Cesaro as a top option. Those guys could work really well together. Lot of directions they could go in as well.

I'll go a little into left-field and say Chris Jericho could be a decent partner for Wade, were he to come back for an extended run. They could play it off as Jericho, as a 10 time IC champ, kind of "mentoring" the 6 time champion in order to get him back on track. Of course I would have it all culminate in an eventual IC title match with a heel Jericho defending against a face Barrett, this being his "final test". In a sense, this could help Barrett two-fold if they were able to get over or to the level of Tag Champs during their run.
Love to see him with Cesaro to be honest. Both are tall and rangy and with Barrett being King of the Ring, and Cesaro the King of Swing, I'm sure they could do something with that.

Cesero has proven he's a good tag team wrestler but haven't seen much of Barrett in the tag team division. Given the right gimmick no reason they can't do well.

I ought to corroborate with you on this. They both are pretty good in the ring and Barrett is quite underrated in the mic. He can be the mouth piece and they can be a very crucial part of this Tag Team Revolution. But all these seems unlikely as WWE creative apparently have any interest in either Cesaro or Barrett. But certainly they'll make a good European Tag Team!

Barrett needs a partner, eh? How about that ol' Rosebud, Adam Rose? We can repackage them as Bad News, Inc. Adam with his new "Party Pooper" gimmick and Barrett's BNB would be a hit and a good fit together.
Cesaro was the first name that popped into my head. If feels so simple to say that they're both European, so obviously they mesh, but hell, this is the WWE, we've seen worse.

Barrett and Cesaro could work for several reasons. Both are in limbo right now. Both have been incredibly over with crowds. Both work a similar, punch you in the face, style. Barrett was over on the mic and Cesaro got over on ring work, so that combination makes sense too. And in terms of them uniting, face or heel, it could be common interest to be tag team champions, assuming they go after a face team, like the Dudleys.

Though Neville works a completely different style, which is more suited for a face, he's probably interchangeable with Cesaro in the WWE's eyes in terms of being compatible with Barrett.

Outside shout out to Bo Dallas for a BO-lieve in Bad News gimmick team, but I like my teams to really feel like teams, and Dallas doesn't fit with Barrett.
First, I'm not going to include Cesaro in my picks. I fell like a third random tag team would spell doom for the guy.

For Barrett, there's some interesting possibilities. If he were to explore the tag division, I'd like to see the following hypotheticals;

Neville has been brought up several times in the thread. I like it, but are we talking heel, or face? Also, are we assuming that the only thing these two have in common is being European, so tag team them? I've grown tired of this trope in a heel context, but as babyfaces, the team might work.

Please not Sheamus, and I don't say that as a slight. I actually enjoy watching Barrett vs Sheamus, and I'd begrudge them as a tag team for not fighting each other.

My favorite possibilty requires some circumstance. I don't know if it's possible to salvage Barrett's credibility as a singles competitor, but if so, I'd love to see the King have a placeholder tag team partner. Indulge in Barrett dominating the opposing team and using his tag team partner as fodder (think Mizdow, but with more abuse). Recruit a partner who is prone to taking a beating, but specializes in giving His Lordship the hot tag. In such case, anyone could fill in. Brad Maddox, Jack Swagger, or my favorite in this context/play off of the King gimmick, "Prince Pretty" Tyler Breeze".

He should bring back the Bad News Barrett gimmick, which had so much potential. What if he came out to CM Punk's music in Chicago. WWE could even accidentally "leak out" a false report to the dirt sheets. MAJOR SPOILER - CM PUNK SET TO RETURN TO WWE TONIGHT!!! People would be going crazy but then... "I'm afraid I've got some bad news!!!" That would generate heat never before heard.

I've always liked this idea, and I can't understand for the life of me why WWE doesn't go for it. Even Stephanie dropped a CM Punk reference in Chicago last year, why the hell can't Barrett? Why can't Barrett enter the Rumble to Daniel Bryan's tune? 'Bad News' has legit potential, and I can't help but assume Creative is lazy or legitimately uncreative.

Fuck you, Dunn.
I would like that. Barrett isn't doing much now and putting him in a tag team could make him relevant again. There is a lot going in the midcard and main event picture and I can't see how Barrett can fit in right now by himself.

And hopefully he drops the stupid king gimmick, which hasn't gotten anyone over since the 80s, except for King Booker.
I always said that the perfect way to get BNB over is for him to be #30 in the Rumble and upset everyone... this year Bryan AND Cena will be out and everyone (well for Bryan) will be hoping to see him... This year it'd be great to see Bad News return at that time - No Cena, No Bryan... just Barrett with his "You were expecting John Cena or Daniel Bryan? Well I'm afraid...."

Even if he's not going to Mania, that would set him up nicely - especially if it transpired he DID steal their place... when Cena returns it'd be fun to see he and Barrett again - it's been a while and they did some great work off of each other back in the day.
I always said that the perfect way to get BNB over is for him to be #30 in the Rumble and upset everyone... this year Bryan AND Cena will be out and everyone (well for Bryan) will be hoping to see him... This year it'd be great to see Bad News return at that time - No Cena, No Bryan... just Barrett with his "You were expecting John Cena or Daniel Bryan? Well I'm afraid...."

Even if he's not going to Mania, that would set him up nicely - especially if it transpired he DID steal their place... when Cena returns it'd be fun to see he and Barrett again - it's been a while and they did some great work off of each other back in the day.

Cena should be back for the Rumble, he's due back before Christmas. I know this because he's advertised for the house show I'm going to on the 30th of December. Yea really excited for it, it's only the 4th house show in a row he's headlined. Wish to God they could elevate someone else.

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