Kinect and Playstation Move, Shameless cash-ins???


King Of The Wasteland
As you all know Microsoft has their motion controlled device called Kinect, where the player uses their body to control their character on the screen, rather similar to the dance mat and eyetoy that Sony created on the PS2.





And Sony has created Playstation Move a device very similar to the Wii mote and functions in the same way.

Playstation Move


Wii Remote


My question is are these shameless cash-ins on motion control???

Nintendo started it, but had the idea from the get-go, their games incorporated motion control such as Wii Sports, No More Heroes etc as well.

When it became a hit it seems Sony and Microsoft wanted a piece of the motion control cake and developed Kinect and Move.

Now while Nintendo's games incorporated motion control in their games from the get go, Sony and Microsoft have to develop brand new games or redo existing games to incorporate their motion controllers.

Personally I think it's just a cash in because of the popularity of the Wii.

So what do you think.
Seems like a cash-in, but also to even out the playing field so each console may have a variety of options that others don't. Games, in other words.

But "eye" didn't know the Eyetoy was a hit big enough to make others copy. I thought they discontinued 'em.
I'm confused. What is a "shameless cash-in"? Are you insinuating that a company, whose sole existence revolves around making money, sees a lucrative market that can be tapped into, and is creating a product to sell to that market? The bastards!

Of course that's what they're doing. They're a business, they're job is to make money. Do you think they should just sit to the side and let Nintendo rake in all the money? Seriously, what's the point of this thread?
I'm confused. What is a "shameless cash-in"? Are you insinuating that a company, whose sole existence revolves around making money, sees a lucrative market that can be tapped into, and is creating a product to sell to that market? The bastards!

Of course that's what they're doing. They're a business, they're job is to make money. Do you think they should just sit to the side and let Nintendo rake in all the money? Seriously, what's the point of this thread?

Ok yes the various companies sole reason is to make money, but instead of say focusing on what they've got (good online modes and good exclusives) they decide to copy their rivals product, yes companies do that all the time but each company has to differentiate themselves and make themselves unique and say to the market 'We are exceptional in this field'
Sly hit it right on the money, and no they do NOT have to differentiate themselves, Sony and Microsoft are not worried bout The Big N calling foul, personally I think it's stupid, as I do enjoy my wii and alot of the motion control games, however PS3 and 360 weren't built around this idea, so I think it's just a bad idea, when their respective systems are doing just fine
I think it's sort of reminiscent to the recent splurge in 3D movies. It's a gimmick, Microsoft and Sony know how much potential sales they lose to Nintendo because of the allure of having something in your hand, waving your arms a round and having more of a semblance to reality. So sure it's a cash grab, but aren't most things?
I'd like to point out lightning does not neccessarily strike twice.

Just because something works for Nintendo doesn't mean it will work for Sony and Microsoft. If Kinect and Move turn out to be flops thats a lot of money that could have been spent elsewhere.
Firstly I want to say this is quite a poorly executed thread. Your complaint is that both Sony and Microsoft have seen that Motion control is popular so are relasing games and controllers for it?

That's a problem how? I think Move is a great idea, it is finally removing the kiddie factor that the motion control on the Wii had and will be better for Wii users as new developers will say hang on a moment and develop more "adult" games. Plus motion movement is hardly something new, we saw it on a Kirby game on the GBA, we even saw the Power Glove attempt to do it in the 80's, Nintendo are just rehashing a gimmick from the 80s they had so why shouldn't other companies take the gamble?

The Games industry is all about copying good ideas from each other, games going from 2D to 3D, games going from a D-pad and two buttons to four buttons, analogue sticks, rumble packs, memory cards, save data, hard disk drives, HD, heck even internet connection. What is your problem with that?
Sony and Microsoft are obviously looking for ways to make money as any good businesses should do. They see the lucrative market of the motion control games and made their own spin on it. I see no problem why they shouldn't do this. New innovations in the gaming world are always copied by other companies in one form or another. This is just the latest in that trend. The only way it would be shameless is if they called it the Playstation Wii.
It is a cash in, I think the question here are people going to use these new devices for XBox 360 and PlayStation 3? There has been a huge demand for Nintendo Wii over the past few years. I'm not sure if Nintendo is #1 this year like it was years before though. This is a new way for Microsoft and Sony to make money so obviously they are going to do it. I'm sure that Nintendo and others will incorporate 3D into their games if they haven't already. As a consumer I don't see the need myself for a motion control device on a PlayStation 3 or XBox 360.

I play Nintendo Wii for the motion control games, but I prefer the original controller for the other games. It will probably appeal to a lot of people to use motion control to play games like Madden, Halo, Final Fantasy, or other games, but I don't think a motion controller is necessary for every game out there. The same can be said about HD and 3D, but there is a huge demand for those products.

So yes its a cash in, but I wouldn't call it shameless since every company is doing it, and they have been doing it for years now.
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I don't like the idea but it's somewhat obvious that they have moved to capitalise on Nintendo's advantage. I certainly don't think Kinect will work well or be as successful as they would like and while Move could work as the mainstream alternative to the Wii, I don't intend on getting it.

I think the price bracket is a big problem for me. Kinect is likely to be £140? Thats a crazy amount of money.
I thought that Motion controllers etc. were only popular with kids and not mature gamers. Everybody my own age that owns a console says they hate the Wii, and the majority of people who bought one had sold theirs on months ago.

And i stand here at work, and watch the ads for Kinect, and low and behold, it's nothing but little kids jumping around like mental patients, and literally the only adult using it is one using a soddin' fitness programme.

So why have Sony and Microsoft gone all out with this stuff? With some games it'll obviously be pretty cool, i.e. MGS Rising where most of it involves using a sword, but am i really going to want to have to simulate driving when playing something like GTA or GT5? I mean i don't even use two hands to play Mario Kart for god sake!

So i don't honestly see where this idea that 'motion controllers' are going to be so amazingly lucrative, actually comes from.They probably will make a shit load, but they probably won't make a penny out of me, unless theirs a game i want where motion control is mandatory.
Accusing Sony or Microsoft of "cashing in" on Motion Control is like accusing Samsung, Vizio, and Sharp etc on cashing in on the television.

Wii is a success because of being the first to focus on motion control, you can't blame PS Move or Kinect for trying to take some of the market for themselves.

What I do wonder about the Kinect and Move if it will be a case of "too little, too late". Both systems are very early in their life span, but both Kinect and Move need to show consumers how it is different and better than the Wii. Both platforms provide plenty of software that appears to be exciting and will be enjoyable to play, but in order for the Move and Kinect to be really successful, they need to break new ground and not walk the path that Nintendo has already created with the Wii.

One thing that should be good with the introduction of Sony's and Microsoft's addition into motion control is that the Wii no longer will have the monopoly, which in turn, will hopefully force Nintendo to be more selective regarding which games they put onto store shelves.

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